P6/5 Friday 12th November

Following the recent feedback I am going to try to increase the presence of P6/5 on the blog.

This week in maths we have done long division. During this lesson SD, AD, SU, DW and MM were leading the learning. Also KH and SJR did some awesome work on their chimney sums. We have also been working on decimals, probability, continuing our work on times tables and fractions.

In literacy we have been writing pieces of exposition work on windsurfing and other hobbies. Our reading work has focused on summarising. We have also been able to incorporate our work on climate change and COP 26 into literacy.

EC, KM, LM, SJR, AS, SU, DW and EY have all demonstrated a very good understanding of what COP 26 is about.

For STEM this week we have made and improved (bumped up) paper aeroplanes. KM made an especially good one that flew far and was the most stable (the success criteria). We also made wind turbines from cut out card.

What Have P6 Been Up To This Week?


We continued to practise our summarising skills in group reading.

In addition we had an online lesson with Mrs Cochrane who helped us practise all of our recipricol reading skills.


We continued to practise our addition skills. Also as part of our learning for Angles week we drew a treasure map and used the compass and angles to describe where the treasure was.


We practised our computer progamming skills using coding skills. It was great fun!


This week we learnt about air raid shelters. We practised diving under our desks when the siren went off and discussed how terrifying that must have been in real life during WW2.

Bella – I enjoyed this.

On Thursday we paid tribute to those that had lost their lives in conflict by taking part in a 2 minute silence.

Bailey – We made a poster about Remberance Day.

Leo – We made poppies.

Hope – We then put all the poppies together on green backing paper to make Flanders Fields.


As part of our work with Mrs Dobbie we are learning about waste.

Kyle-Jaxson and I painted bins.

Bailey-This is so people know which bins to use for recycling.

Health and Wellbeing

Emily – We made posters to represent what Health and Wellbing means at our school.

Prirmary 4/3’s Bug Hotel

Primary 4/3 have been working hard to maintain the Bug Hotel they started work on last year. Unfortunately, we believe that some children are continually playing on it and moving or removing some of the material. Can everyone please help by looking but not touching. Primary 4/3 are hoping that when it is set up properly that the everyone can use it for outdoor learning.

Weekly Update From Primary One

Welcome to our Blog – Toys 'n' Wood

I hope you have all had a good week. Some highlights the children wanted to share with you.


This week the children had to persuade the reader that we need chairs. To make the point and have some fun the children came into class on Wednesday morning and all the chairs were taped up!

There was a lot of discussion about what was going on. I explained what was going on and we carried out a little experiment. The children had to walk around writing and then think how different their handwriting looked when they were not sitting focusing.


In the end the children came up with lots of reasons why we need chairs such as, we would get sore legs and a sore back from standing, our work wouldn’t be as neat, we wouldn’t be able to concentrate as much etc. Some great finished pieces of work.

Non-Fiction Reading The 10 things you can do to help save hedgehogs - Country Life

As part of our Autumn topic we have been learning about hedgehogs. To find out more information about them we have been searching through a non-fiction book. The children really enjoyed learning about the hoglets and hibernation. Some pictures below of the book as well as their artwork ( we used forks to create their spikes!)

Maths – Symmetry

This week we have been focusing on symmetry. The children having been looking at objects that have lines of symmetry  and making symmetrical paintings. Some great examples below-



Some pictures of the children independently carrying out numeracy tasks to challenge themselves.


It was great to speak to all of you who made parent’s evening (telephone calls of course!)  Have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with more highlights.

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

Primary 4/3 have been packing lots of exciting learning into this week.

On Monday in Green Gym, we were set the challenge of building a hibernacula, for an animal to use to hibernate in during the winter months. We had 15 minutes to find as many natural materials as possible to insulate our hibernacula.  We then filled up a pot of hot water which was to represent our animal, if after 15 minutes the pot was still hot our animal would have survived the winter!

Keeping on our topic of conservation, sustainability and helping the environment, we decided to write our persuasive piece of writing focused on why we should help save trees in our environment. This week we looked at using some more convincing and persuasive language to help reinforce our arguments.  Here are some examples of our work.

We have also been thinking about why we celebrate Remembrance day. The Primary 7’s have been selling Poppies all week so we decided to create our own poppy picture of Flanders Fields. We  used water colours to create a wash effect for the sky and used bright red and black for our poppies. In the fields we added grass using crayon. We are very proud of our efforts in this art task.

We hope you have enjoyed a little snapshot of our learning from this week.


This Week in Primary 5

We have had another busy week in Primary 5.

In Numeracy we have continued looking at Place Value. Some of us were looking at numbers that contained hundreds and thousands and some of us were looking at numbers that contained tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands.

When some of us were finished, we offered peer support to anyone who was finding it tricky. We played some good Place Value games online too!


In Literacy we have been practising our spelling words with some silly sentences and some partner work. We wrote our spelling words on our partner’s back and they had to guess which word it was! It is important we practise these at home too.


In Reading we have started looking at the Reciprocal Reading strategy of Summarising. We looked at pieces together and discussed some key questions relating to each piece of text. These questions helped us to get the main ideas to then create a summary.


In Writing we have continued working on our new genre of Persuasive Writing. We wrote pieces this week about the importance of fundraising. This was relevant to us at the moment as Poppies are on sale for Remembrance Day and it will soon be Children in Need. Here are some of our pieces:

We are looking forward to more new learning next week!

This Week in P3


This week in writing, we have started learning about a new genre of writing. We are now studying exposition. This is when we persuade the reader by writing a one-sided argument. This week, we persuaded the reader that bonfire night is fun.

In reading this week, we have been developing our summarising skills. We have to describe the story in a few sentences. We have to include the most important details.


In numeracy, we were learning to partition numbers. This is when we spilt a number up into small number bonds. This will support us with our mental calculations.
Additionally, we have been learning to round to the nearest 10. When we are rounding to the nearest 10, we must look at the ones. If the ones are 0-4 we round down and if the ones 5-9, we round up.


In P.E., we continued to develop our skills for basketball. We were developing our bounce passes and chest passes. This supporter us when we played a game of basketball.

P4 Class 05.11.21

Another great week had by all!

We enjoyed writing questions and predictions about our new books.  We learnt to use different types of conjunctions and we wrote a persuasive text regarding the importance of bees.

For numeracy, we continued finding the missing numbers and we began learning how to use written subtraction with borrowing.  In Maths, we revised on our knowledge of tessellation.

For Health and Well being, we played Futsal and began our journey to understanding our dreams and goals.

We have really enjoyed creating algorithms during our digital technology class with Mrs Buntin.

Have a happy weekend everyone!

What have P6 been up to this week?


We have been learning how to summarise.

Hope – Only pick out key points.

Debbie – Write in your own words and put events in order.


Hope – I enjoyed planning the persuasive writing. You need to include facts.

Lily-Elen – You need to use persuasive language.


We have been adding numbers which bridge ten or a hundred using mental methods.

Amy – We can use partitioning.

Joel – We can count on.

Emily – When adding several numbers we look for ways to make it easier such as making number bonds to 10.


Kyle – I liked playing football outside this week .

Bailey – My team won!

Topic – WW2

This week we organised events on a timeline.

Bailey – I didn’t know Hitler went to jail. He wrote a book called ‘My Struggle.'(Mein Kampf).

Lily-Elen – My Grandad told me they had to put guards outside his prison cell.

Bella – Germany invaded Poland.

Kyle – I loved playing Mallets Mallet.

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