CHOIR After school club

Choir will begin again this week- but this year as an after school club- for anyone in P5 – 7. We will be meeting on a Wednesday from 3.15 – 4.00. There has already been a positive response and many of our previous choir members are returning. Our first task will be to choose our selection of songs for WL Council Christmas choirs  and to get our voices warmed up and ready with a few favourites first of all!



Secondary School !

Primary 7 have been given letters today with information regarding choice of Secondary schools for next year! Hopefully they have brought them home to you!

Also given out today were  letters and permission forms for this week’s visit on Friday morning, to DCHS, as part of our transition programme. These need to be returned by Wednesday please.

We are learning about Remembrance day and the work of the organisation Poppyscotland this week. Poppies will be on sale to the whole school each day.



High School science and Halloween!

Primary 7 were excited to meet some of the staff from DCHS last week when they came for a visit and the class did experiments about filtration.

The Halloween disco proved as popular as ever with lots of fabulous costumes and even scarier dance moves!

P7 made their P1 Buddy classes Autumn collage pictures labelled with key aspects of an Autumn day and events at this time of the year. They worked together collaboratively in their table groups and were delighted when they had a great response from P1 classes!

This week we began SSNA testing in reading and numeracy. Whilst creating a quiet environment, with half testing and half completed ; the children used our large selection of topic books to find out about key spelling words for their topic of WW2.

Thursday was the last of our swimming sessions and everyone enjoyed the chance to have a more relaxed session.

We have been discussing the 4 part lesson model and how we can use “steps to success “- beginning with a walk down the stairs ! We have an inspirational verse on the wall that reminds us that there is no easy or quick  way to be successful – you have to do the hard climb


P5/6 Topic

This week we have been learning about what made The Titanic such a special ship and why it was better than any other ship made before it. We then used these fact to create a poster advert to persuade people to buy a ticket for the ship. We had lots of great discussion about the ‘tricks’ advertisers use to convince us we need to buy something.

In literacy we wrote diary entries as if we were  passengers on board the ship. Our passengers were having lots of fun using the facilities on board – swimming and playing squash!

Reminder – it is our Sharing the Learning afternoon on Wednesday 7th November at 2.15. Please come along so we can share all of the wonderful learning that has been taking place in our class.

P3 Sharing the Learning

Thank you to all the parents, friends and family members who came along to support the children with their learning this week.

We had a lot of activities to try including making seagulls, making wax resist ladybirds, using comic life on the laptops, trying stop frame animation, playing games and making Empire State Building pictures.

We showed our stop frame animation of the peach travelling over the Atlantic Ocean.  If you haven’t seen it, you can click on the link and watch it here.

peach stop frame animation web





We have been learning…….

What a Spooky Spidery week! We have been busy in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2.

We read the story of  Aaaaaaaaaaargh Spider! We decided to make some spider webs. We used our cutting skills and glued the art straws down onto paper. Lexie said ‘ It was easy to do and I’m proud of my work’.

Later in the week we read the story of Robert the Bruce and the Spider. Chloe explained, we learned it was ever so important not to give up just like the spider in the story.  Kayleigh said  ‘We made spider webs by putting a painted marble in a tray  and rolling it backwards and forwards then putting it in some glitter’.

Charlie – We used our fingers to print some spooky spiders then drew 8 legs on the spiders because we learned that spiders have 8 legs. We also learned the amazing fact that they have LOTS of eyes!!

Sarah Louise – This is a picture of us sharing our home learning with our friends. We went on an Autumn scavenger hunt  to find lots of Autumn natural materials. It was really tricky to find acorns!!

And of course this week was Halloween. We worked hard using our cutting skills to make pumpkins.

Joseph – We used white paper to make the eye balls and then added on the pupils. We drew all the different parts by ourselves.  My pumpkin is called Lewis!

In numeracy we have been learning all about the number 6.  The rhyme says ‘ down we go and make a loop, number 6 makes a hoop’. We found it tricky to give it a curvy back, we need to keep practising and not give up like the spider in the story!

In literacy we have begun to learn vowels. We learned the story of Inky’s Vowel House.  This week we focused on the sound a and we decorated the a’s with ants and a leaf and used the rhyme,

‘Around the apple and down the leaf’

We did a great job at practising in the classroom.







What’s on next week…


Week beginning 5th November:

Monday –

Football After School Club


Tuesday –

Nursery sponsored walk

Let’s cook session @1.30pm


Wednesday –

PEEP sessions

Scripture Union lunch club

Football After school club

Choir After school club


Thursday –

Pupil Photographs (p1-7)

Youth choir working with p3/4 and p4


Friday –

Dress down day – tombola donations for Christmas Fayre

Futsal – P4

P2 values assembly (pupils only)

Primary 4

Primary 4 had been looking forward to attending the handball festival which took place on Wednesday. Our P4 pupils were a credit to our school and participated with great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. We could see a real difference in their ability to pass the ball confidently and at speed. Pupils also showed more tactical awareness and were able to intercept and find a space when trying to get the ball. Well done to the P4’s from both P4 and P3/4!

Our class will be holding a “Sharing the learning” afternoon soon, the details will be given on your child’s homework sheet. If you are available it would be lovely if you could come along and listen to the pupils talking about their learning.

In the run up to Christmas you may be having a clear out of toys. We would really appreciate it if you could send in any pre loved teddy bears which are in good condition.

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