P2 Christmas Crafts

Primary 2 have had a fun filled, Christmassy week so far. We have made some lovely chalk pastel Christmas trees where we were learning to blend colours. Our maths lesson was also Christmas themed as we had to add and subtract sums inside mosaic tiles and colour in our answers to create a picture. We also had our P2 Christmas party today and we played lots and lots of games!!

Tomorrow we are going to read “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” and then write a persuasive piece of writing to convince him that Christmas is actually great!

On Friday we are going to create our very own Christmas jumpers and then it will be our Christmas service. Everyone is so excited!!!!


Brilliant Baking

As a special end of term treat  P5/6 took part in some baking today. Everyone worked well in their groups, weighing and measuring out all the ingredients. The pupils enjoyed the experience – especially getting to eat them after all their hard work!



Electrifying Electricity!

In science, P3/4 have enjoyed learning all about electricity. We learned about how to keep safe with electricity in our homes and school. The children designed a battery operated toy that could light up or make a noise. We also learned about conductors and insulators and the flow of electrons through wires. We used our knowledge to design and make circuits which could light up and spin a motor!

Nearly Christmas!

We had fun selling all these stress balls and Christmas crackers at the fayre.

This week we did a lot of maths and we looked at Bob Ross, which we might do in the future.

Primary 6/7 have been doing a new thing with “Around the World” when we use it to practise our mental maths.


What’s on…

Week beginning 17th December:

Monday –

Nursery Parties

Choir visit Leonard Cheshire Centre @ 2pm


Tuesday –

P4’s and P5’s Party @1.30pm


Wednesday –

P2’s and P3’s Party @1.30pm


Thursday –

Garden Gang Party @12.40pm

P1 Party @1.30pm

P6 and P7 Christmas Treat


Friday –

11.15am Christmas Assembly (pupils only)






Primary 4

Primary 4 have been quite excited all week and have come to school every day with tales of what their “Elf” has been up to at home. They are looking forward to their Christmas party next week and tomorrow we will create the party plan for P4.

Today was our last session with Karen from NYCoS. The pupils gave their best effort in singing and joined in with the musical games with gusto and enthusiasm.

In maths this week we have been working on subtraction with exchanging/ borrowing. We have used the multi link cubes to help pupils visualise how this happens before we will move onto the written format next week. Pupils initially found this quite challenging but are now growing in confidence.

Last week we had written letters to invite a visitor into class to share their knowledge of Malawi. Our visitor came on Tuesday and pupils had prepared lots of relevant question to find out more about the country. We learnt lots of useful information and saw some great photographs of the area.

Today we created some fantastic Winter tree collage pictures which will make an excellent display outside class. Next week will also be the final week of our topic comparing Scotland and Malawi so we will be reviewing what we have learnt so far before completing it.

The Festivities have begun……


This has been a busy and exciting few weeks.  It has been great fun rehearsing with our other friends in Primary 2 and 3. We are so proud of our show and hope you will be able to come and watch us perform.

Our first performance will take place on Thursday 13th Dec at 2.15pm and our second performance will be on Friday 14th Dec at 9.30am.


Today the ladies in the kitchen made our special Christmas lunch. It was delicious and there was even Christmas music to create a special festive atmosphere.

Lexie liked the turkey but wasn’t so keen on the sprouts. Elkie was impressed that there was a special treat of a little chocolate reindeer from the kitchen staff…Primary 1 and 2/1 say a great BIG thank you for such a lovely lunch. Tyler is already looking forward to next year!


We have been scientists this month. We have been learning how to take care of our teeth. The big science question was… Why are sugary drinks so bad for our teeth?  We conducted an experiment using eggs and made predictions  about what might happen to the shell on the egg when it is left in a sugary drink and also when left in water.

Lennon predicted that the shell would melt in the sugary drink. Scarlet said it might break in half. Kullyn thought the egg might turn black. Elkie said the egg would change colour.

Aayan predicted that the egg would stay the same in the water. Finlay said it would get mashed. Kayden thought it might break and Lexie thought it wouldn’t crack.

Primary 1 tried cola and water and primary 2/1 tried Irn Bru and water. We then shared our results.

The eggs in the water hadn’t changed at all but the results of the eggs in the sugary drinks was pretty yucky. The eggs in cola and Irn Bru changed colour and began to crack and after giving them a good brush they began to crumble. This made us think about the effects of sugar on our teeth. We decided sugar is nice for a little treat now and again but only if we remember to brush our teeth after.

Don’t forget….next week is another exciting and festive week with  our class parties. Dust off your dancing shoes! Remember to keep opening the windows of our school Kindness Advent Calendar.


What’s on…

Week beginning 10th December:

Monday –

Bubblegum and Fluff show – P6’s


Wednesday –

Nursery Nativity AM and PM

School Christmas Lunch

Choir After school club @ 3.15-4pm


Thursday –

P4 NYCOS workshop

P1-3 Nativity @ 2.15pm


Friday –

P1-3 Nativity @ 9.30am

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