Fitness Friday!

We are excited to announce the start of Fitness Friday at Breakfast Club from tomorrow!  Children attending breakfast club, after registering with breakfast club staff and having a snack can attend the fun, fitness session in the hall run by Dynamo Fitness.  This club will be a great opportunity to start the day in an active way.  Look out for Family Fun Fitness Friday coming soon.

What’s on this week…

Week beginning 2nd September 2019


3.30-4.30pm Football After School club P4-7


9-11am – Triple P session

P5 Swimming assessments AM

Planet Soccer lunchtime club


3.30-4.30pm Football After School club P1-3


1.30 pm ‘Railway Children’ theatre performance for whole school


8.15-8.45am Fitness Friday session for breakfast club

Values Day

We have been working all week on our school values.  The focus this week has been on the  value RESPECT.  We are designing a Respect mascot and we have made up actions to the song R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

We had lots of visitors in school Friday for our Values Day.  It was great having so many parents and carers visiting our class.

We had lots of fun activities including a values snakes and ladders game, a compliments game, dominoes and design the mascot.  We were also challenging ourselves to log onto Educationcity on the laptops.



P4 have had a great start to the new school year! We are looking forward to getting active in PE – our PE days are a Monday and a Thursday, please make sure children have gym kits on these days.

Welcome to Primary 3

We have had a very busy start to our new school year.  We have been learning all about our P3 class and our new friends.  We have been playing some getting to know you games.  We have drawn pictures of ourselves looking great in our new school uniforms.

This term, PE  will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays – shorts, tee-shirts and no earrings on PE days please.

Welcome Back!

It has been great to see all of our pupils back after the summer, looking smart and ready to take on new challenges! We have lots of exciting things planned this year and can’t wait to work with our pupils and wider school community.

Here’s a look at what’s on next week…

Week beginning 27th August :

Tuesday –

9-11am – Triple P session

6pm – Parent Council

 Thursday –

9-10am P5/6 Learning Breakfast (see newsletter for further info!)

 Friday –

8.45am – 10am Values Day (see newsletter for further info!)

Fun Day

We have had a fantastic time at the fun day.   First we had a games challenge in our class.  We were working with a partner and had lots of games to try.

Then we went to Zumba outside and we enjoyed beating with the drum sticks best.

Then we moved inside to the inflatable assault course.  It was great fun, but very tiring.

What’s on this week… 

Week beginning 24th June:  

Monday –  

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm 

P7 Leavers Assembly @ 2.15pm 


Tuesday – 

Whole school Fun Day! 


Wednesday –  

P4-7 Sports Day 9.15am- 10.30am 

P1-3 Sports Day 1.30pm- 2.45pm 

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm 


Thursday –  

P7 Leaver’s Celebration – 4.45pm at Hot Flame Buffet followed by cinema. Collection outside Vue cinema at 8pm. 


Friday –  

Last day of term! 





Primary 4

We are now in our second last week of Primary 4. Everyone has now met their teachers for next year and are looking forward to starting primary 5 next session. We are hoping to have another chance to meet with the new teachers next week so the pupils can get to know them better and ask any questions they might have.

Next week will be a very busy week with P7 Leaver’s assembly, Fun day and Sport’s day. I would like to take this opportunity to thank P4 for being such a great class to work with and also all parents/ carers for their help and support.

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