Deans 5Oth Celebrations in Primary 2/1

What a fantastic morning we had in Primary 2/1 celebrating our 50th birthday. Many thanks to all the parents and carers who came along and joined in with all the fun activities in our classroom. It was so busy and lovely to see so many friendly faces.

Our focus was on how we learn in the present day. We had a number of literacy based activities to take part in and we were able to explain all of our learning to our visitors and show them how it’s done!

After break we even had a visit from the ice cream van, it was the perfect way to end such a fun day!


What’s on…

Week beginning 11th November 2019

Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

Lunchtime Multi-sports club

3.30-4.30pm Football After School club P4-7

3.15-4.15pm Tae Kwon do After school club

3.15-4pm Choir After school club



Planet Soccer Lunchtime club

9-10am P1/2 Learning Breakfast



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club

3.30-4.30pm Football After School club P1-3



Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P4 Futsal



Fitness Friday breakfast club – p1-3


Primary 7 Transition

Primary 7 had their first transition of the year on Wednesday 6th November. We experienced high school life by attending different classes such as Art and Design, CDT, English, Geography and Science. The class are all looking forward to our next visit.

This week in P3/4

It has been a busy week. Deans Primary celebrated its 50th birthday this week!

Our class was asked to focus on the 1980s for this weeks celebrations. The children really enjoyed taking a step back in time to explore this wonderful decade.

The children were paired up and given one year each to research online. The children were then able to design a poster showcasing all the different events from that particular year. We joined all of the posters together to create a timeline of the 80s.

In maths we explored counting time in years. We used terms such as, decade and century to calculate years of the past, future and present on an empty number line.

We also had a visit from fireman Steel just in time for bonfire night. He gave us some great tips on how to be safe during this particular event. The children also got to try on his hat and jacket.



Then of course we had Deans birthday celebrations. P3/4 were amazing hosts to all the wonderful guest we had visiting our classroom. We hope you all enjoyed our 80s themed activities. After the celebrations we all got to go to the ice cream van and pick a well earned treat.





Thank you to all of the parents and visitors that came along to celebrate with us during this wonderful occasion.


Celebrations in P3

Our school celebrated it’s 50th birthday today.  Classes had been given a decade to focus on for the birthday celebrations.  We have been learning all about the 1990’s.  We learned about the channel tunnel which opened in 1994.  We had a team working challenge – to create a map to help us recognise where the channel tunnel is.

On Tuesday, we were learning about keeping safe on bonfire night.  We made posters to remind us, and we had a visit from firefighter Steel.  He talked to us about how to keep ourselves and others safe.  We even had a chance to try on his helmet – it was very heavy.  Thank you Mr Steel for coming into our class to see us.

Today we had a very busy classroom with lots visitors joining in our activities.  As the first Harry Potter book was published in 1997, we were making magical Harry Potter wands.
We also made our own versions of Mr Potato Head from the original Toy Story film which was also released in 1996.
We used some cardboard tubes, some fabric and a train set for problem solving.  Our aim was to set up the train tracks through the ‘tunnel’.
We also set up a mini class museum with some items from the 1990’s.

We all enjoyed our visit to the ice-cream van after break time  – it was great!
Thank you to everyone who came along to support us today.  We had a lovely time.


P5 have a Learning Breakfast and Birthday Celebrations in the Same Week!

Learning Breakfast


  • Keris –We enjoyed the breakfast.
  • Bella – The croissants and pancakes were really good.


There were various activities. Through playing online games we learnt about internet safety and European facts. We acted out the digestive process, which is something we have learnt about in science. Games included matching the capital cities to their European countries and a flag quiz. Lewis and his mum were very engrossed in a jigsaw that was a map of Europe! Our craft activity was creating map collages.

  • Lacey – Making the European Flag Collages was fun!
  • Lewis – I enjoyed watching my 3-year-old brother do a flag collage even though he used the wrong colours!

The digestive system experiment was popular.

  • Mohamad – My mum thought it was funny!
  • Liam – My mum’s favourite part was squeezing the poo out of the intestines!

School Birthday Celebrations

Thank you to all the visitors who helped us to celebrate Dean’s 50th birthday.

Each class concentrated on a different decade and ours was the 1970s.


We played games that had been invented in the 1970s – including practising on a space-hopper. In the style of Andy Warhol we created Pop Art pictures, organised significant dates on a timeline and some of us even wore 1970s dress!

  • Bella – My mum enjoyed the Pop Art.
  • Emma – The Spirograph that Bella let us use was great fun!
  • Mason – The Pop Art was really cool!
  • Georgie – The Space Hopper was fun!
  • Monika – I enjoyed the 1970s dancing.
  • Lewis – I enjoyed dressing up as a mini Miss Stanway (we both had a similar costume.)
  • Bella – Miss Stanway was a skilled roller skater!
  • Emma- I liked drawing the roller skates.

Afterwards we all enjoyed our slushi or ice-cream!


Birthday Celebrations in P2!

We’ve had a very busy day in Primary 2 today! We started off with the excitement of our new classroom layout which has given us a large library space and play area!

To celebrate our 50th Birthday, we all came to school wearing denim, embracing the fashion of the 1990’s!

We had such a fun morning with all of our visitors. We made Mr Potato Heads, designed a new outfit for the Spice Girls and even had the chance to make magical Harry Potter wands! 

We finished the day off enjoying our Slush Puppies and Ice Cream Cones!

Primary 2 would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate our school’s birthday today!


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