Primary 7


This week we have been learning to solve problems using maths operations. We have worked well on this but a majority of us feel that we need to spend some time learning our tables.

Mums and Dads  can you help with this.

We have also been learning to use a protractor and ruler accurately drawing triangles. We hope to get outside soon to investigate angles in the playground.


Our class novel at the moment is Charlotte’s Web. We are enjoying reading through the story and completing all the tasks.

Keeley “It’s interesting so far”

Brooke “I think it’s really enjoyable”

Ava “It’s a great story”

The class have been working hard preparing the assembly for next week. Hope to see you all there.


With Ms Taylor on a Tuesday we have started to write narrative stories. We will put examples on the blog when they are completed.


This week we have been organising an itinerary for the holiday we are planning.


With Mrs Lockhart on Wednesday we were doing a challenge to assess how much we have learned so far.

Congratulations to Nicole and Alannah for getting the star award for collaborating well in science.

Primary 2 this week

This week we have been learning about Scottish words for body parts. We created a life size picture of Katie Morag and labelled her body using Scottish words.

We have also been learning more about telling the time. We have started learning about quarter past and quarter to.

Brendan – “I enjoy working in pairs during maths.”

Mia – “I find it tricky but I’m going to keep trying and never give up!”

This week we went to the school library to explore all of the different books.

Sarah-Louise – “The library has so many interesting books for us to choose.”

Calvin – “I had fun reading all of the different books.”

In Science we went on a material hunt around the classroom to find different textures.

Lucy – “The carpet is rough.”

Charlie – “Some things were soft, like the library rug.”

Sophie – “The plants are a bit jaggy.”

Ethan – “The tables are smooth.”


Our P.E. days are now a Monday and a Tuesday. Please ensure all children have a suitable P.E. kit on these days. Thank you.

Primary 2/1 Weekly News

First of all thank you to all the parents and carers who attended last Friday’s Scottish assembly. We very much value all of your support.

Let’s start off our blog this week with a Homework Superstar. This wonderful model of Edinburgh Castle has been created with such attention to detail that all of Primary 2/1 think it deserves pride of place at the start of our blog. There are so many wonderful details which reflect all of our fabulous learning, from stained glass windows, the Scottish Thistle to Mons Meg the famous cannon! I think you will all agree that it is simply fantastic!

We have had an incredibly busy week in Primary 2/1 with all of our continued learning surrounding Scotland and our little friend Hamish. This week we got our thinking caps on and wanted to send Hamish off on another adventure. We all used our imaginations to think of places in the world that Hamish might like to visit.

Robyn wanted Hamish to visit Disneyland.

Ethan wanted him to visit the cinema to see Toy story.

Kayden wanted him to visit Legoland.

Here are some examples of our wonderful work. We are really getting to grips with writing extended sentences using full stops, capital letters and finger spaces and also being able to sound out the trickier words all by ourselves.

We have been working on a few new sounds, h, g and v. The boys and girls are all very eager to lead our learning when we are focusing on a new sound. We take it in turns to stand up beside the smart board and sound out each letter to help each other blend them together to make a word.

In maths we have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past. Mrs Stevenson set us a challenge to make our own clocks to use. We worked together to position each numeral in the right place and to arrange the minute and hour hand correctly. We then had to change the hands to reflect the time which was called out.

Euan was happy with this activity because he took turns with his team mates, everyone having a go at writing the numbers and changing the time.

We then had a go at playing a whole class Time bingo game, it got quite competitive in the end, but it helped us to read the time with more accuracy and speed!

Robyn loved this game because everyone took turns.

This week we have also been busy applying our artistic skills. Lennon articulately shared the story behind the Thistle becoming Scotland’s national emblem. We had a go at creating our own thistles using chalk and a picture on the smart board as a stimulus. The end result looks fantastic and they are now proudly displayed on our classroom wall.

Elkie said that she loved her thistle once she had made it.

Ashley commented that she loved hers too and felt proud of her work.

Keeping with the same theme, we tried our hand at weaving to create a mini kilt effect. It was super tricky and really required us to use our fine motor skills and concentration. We really enjoyed the challenge and found that it was actually not that difficult. Some of us even created a pattern with the colours.

Sai found this task very very hard, but in the end he did a great job! Well done Sai!

Lastly, we have enjoyed joining in with  Primary 1 this week to take part in some Health and Wellbeing and some emotional literacy. We have been discussing ‘Success’ and what it looks and feels like. We all happily shared our own successes with each other and talked about how we can reflect this in the classroom. One of the main messages that came across was that we should never give up! We watched the story of Robert the Bruce and the spider who kept trying to build her web, it took her 7 attempts! It really made us think about when we find something tricky we should keep going and see it as a challenge! We then moved on to learn the Fischy Music song ‘Encouragement’ we enjoyed singing along and performing the actions. We were able to suggest ways in which we can support or encourage our own friends in the classroom.



Update from Primary One

We have had another great week full of fun and learning. It began last Friday when we were invited to share our PE slot with P5/6. They have been learning gymnastics and were keen to support the primary ones by demonstrating and encouraging them to try out different apparatus. Some pictures below of children moving across the climbing frame using only their upper strength.

Health and Wellbeing

We are continuing to explore the theme of dreams and goals. We joined Primary 1/2 to  discuss how it feels to achieve something that we have been working towards.

Archie felt successful when “I got a star award at assembly”

Amee felt proud  and successful when she “got her dancing trophy” for completing a routine.

This led onto our emotional literacy lesson which focused around 2 songs “We all need encouragement” and “Build Up”. The children had some really good ideas how to encourage each other.

Connor would say “You can do it”

Vrishti would say “You can do it and I can help you”

Sophie would say “keep going and don’t be afraid”

Summer would say “It’s okay don’t worry”

Mark would say “Keep on trying”

They also had some kind build ups (compliments) for each other.

Louie said to Sophie “you know the day of the week”

Layla said to Connor “Your so good at building lego”

Emotional literacy links to our school values of being supportive, inclusive and respecting one another.

We have to follow Hamish McHaggis on his adventures and enjoyed reading about his trip to the Isle of Skye. We have been weaving using 4 different colours to create a pattern.

We have been finding out facts about Highland cows from books and the internet. Some of the children created a short fact file.

We also used chalks (and finger rubbings to create texture) to draw our very own Highland cows.

We have also been using our writing skills to create a postcard to send to Nessie describing ourselves and what we like to do

We are trying to become more independent when writing. Some children are now using a word bank when writing sentences. They are very proud of this achievement and it is a skill which we will be developing.

Numeracy and Maths

In numeracy we have had a number of lead learners. Some children have been teaching others to play the ten frame loop game, others have been leading our number talks. They lead by asking their peers what they see? and how do they see it?

In Maths we have been studying time- days of the week, months of the year, ordering of our school day and o’clock time.

Hope you have enjoyed the post. Have a lovely weekend.








Making Shortbread in Primary 3!

As part of our writing lesson we created recipes for making shortbread. This also linked nicely with our ‘Wee Tour of Scotland’ topic. On Wednesday the children in P3 were very lucky to get to make shortbread with Mrs Wood.

We started off by talking about the equipment we would need and checking we had it all, then we did the same for the ingredients. The pupils were very focused and engaged in the discussion. Mrs Wood picked 3 helpers to help her make the shortbread and the other children had the job of supporting these children to ensure they did everything correctly. We had to use our communication skills, our numeracy skills for adding and taking away as well as telling the time for the cooking time. We also used our maths skills for measuring out the ingredients.

After the shortbread had been made and was put in the oven, Mrs Wood selected some more helpers to help her clean and tidy up. Afterwards, once we had taken the shortbread out and left it to cool, we all enjoyed eating a bit!

Here are some comments from the class:

Kayleigh says “It was fun!”

Olivia said “If you want to make shortbread you use butter, sugar and flour.”

Ryley said the dough was “Really sticky!”

“I washed the dishes and then cleaned all the bubbles out” said Kullyn

“When I was tidying up it was very sticky!” commented Summer


The children gave the shortbread a big thumbs up!!!!!


Primary One Science Club

This week in science club we wanted to have a go at making our own play dough.

This was a messy business indeed. Mrs Stevenson scoured her cupboards and finally came up with the right ingredients.

Did you know that there is science behind all of the ingredients in your cupboards?  In this play dough recipe the dry ingredients, salt and flour are physically combined to create a mixture. When the liquid ingredients, water, cream of tartar and vegetable oil  are combined with the dry ingredients they create a solution. We are getting very good at using our scientific vocabulary!

Thankfully all of our mixing and creating solutions, worked and we were able to go home with a little bag of our very own play dough.


What’s on…

Week beginning 27th January 2020

Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5 and 6 Tae Kwon do club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P1 science club 3.15pm



PEEP sessions

NYCOS working with p4

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

P3 and P4 home learning club 3.15pm



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Sewing club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P4 Futsal session

Big Bedtime Read Launch in Nursery

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm



P5 Miss Stanway’s class assembly 9.30am

Fitness Friday breakfast club p1-3

Primary 7

Tuesday 21st January


We were learning to add and subtract negative numbers. We have been using a thermometer to support our learning using the rules for negative numbers




With Ms Taylor we were learning to structure a fact file about our favourite animal. We used a variety of resources  to find information, take notes and then create the fact file.


In P.E. we have been learning to recognise how to warm up and cool down effectively. It is all part of our keep fit regime.

We started with a warm up taken by Boyd, Jack and David.

and continued with our fitness activities.


Wednesday 22nd January

More negative numbers. Today the rule is, if the calculation is minus a negative number you add.

6 – (-4) = 6 + 4 = 10

Nicole “As long as you understand the process to use it is quite easy.”

Jack “It was quite hard but I’m going to keep trying.”


Friday 24th January

Today we were working on our topic. We were using a website to calculate the overall distance of our trip and how long it will take. There will be an investigation into the modes of transport we will be using to keep our carbon footprint to a minimum.



P6/7 continue to develop Meta-Cognitive skills

This week P6/7 returned to “My World of Work” website to continue  identifying their skills through a section called “My Interests”. They also reviewed their “Animal Me”  from last week, looking particularly at the section of how to improve skills.

There was  then a whole class business meeting looking at the craft resources they had purchased and making a plan of how to use these. Also discussed at length was what Craft Packs would suit the different ages of children coming to the Spring Fayre, and  what prices may be charged  – depending on costs and profits.

It was agreed that Easter Cards, Easter Bunting, Easter Crafts and Easter Bonnets packs would all be made as part of their “Buy’n’Try” crafts. There are also options for some other goods which the “Crafty!” company would make as completed items, to sell.

We were able to identify that our skills of Collaborating, Leading, Feeling and Communicating are being developed through all of our activities!

This Week In P3/4

We started off our week with Money Monday. We revisted our prior knowledge in this numeracy topic and used our concrete materials (coins) to show different ways of making an amount. The children were fantastic at showing and explaining what different coins they had used to show a total amount.

In PE we continued with our Athletics. This week we put our running skills that we learned about last week to the test. This week we focused on running over objects. the children worked in teams to complete and obstacle rely. The first team to all be seated won the race. Tiring work!

P3 and 3/4 worked together this week to explore another of our wonderful Scottish cities. This week we stopped of in Stirling. The children were asked to research facts about this city and encourage tourism by creating a leaflet full of information and facts about this historical city.

We discussed Robert Burns this week and listened to ‘To a mouse’. After we designed our own kilts using our knowledge of tartan ,colours and patterns.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy your haggis, neeps and tatties!

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