Latest News From Primary One

We have had such a busy week in Primary 1. We have had another visit from the dragon and celebrated World Book Day.

Our star award winner from last week was Layla. Well done and keep up the good work Layla!

We have read Jack and the Beanstalk and have been taking part in lots of activities centered around the story. This weeks smart start included bean counting, escape the giant (subtraction activity) and matching dots patterns on beans to numbered flower pots. Some pictures below.

We have also been planting bean seeds (hopefully we will all have small beanstalks to take home) and will be recording their growth and learning about the life cycle of  beans and other plants.

We have been using our imaginative writing skills. Our first writing task was to think about what we would do if we found a magic bean. Some pictures of our thoughts and ideas.

In our second piece of writing we had to think about why we would climb a beanstalk and what we might find at the top.

We also had a another visit from the dragon. So so exciting! He is really pleased with our progress so far and left a present. Castle booklets for everyone to write plans, thoughts and ideas in. Our first entry was about how we felt when we knew the dragon had visited our classroom.

In maths we have been looking at different ways to display information and we thought it would be a good idea to make a graph about out favourite flavour of jelly beans. Blueberry was the clear winner.

Lastly a big thank you to the children who took part in our World Book Day competition- Emily, Louie, Sophie and Connor. A fantastic effort! We all enjoyed sharing our favourite stories with our favourite toys and each other.

More updates from Primary I and the dragon next week. Have a lovely weekend.







An exciting week in Fairyland for Primary 1/2

It has been an exciting week in Primary 1/2 as we continue to build Fairyland in our classroom and have had exciting deliveries from our friendly dragon.

On Monday we had an unexpected delivery after lunch. A bag of compost, some seeds and a selection of plant pots!! We knew straight away that we needed to plant the seeds to grow our own mini beanstalks in the classroom. We learned all about how to care for our seeds to nurture them into proper beanstalks. We learned that all plants need water, sunlight, soil and the right temperature to grow. We have been very diligent when watering our plants every day and have been filling in a special bean diary to observe and record any growth.


Jordon was happy  to add the castles at the top of our beanstalks.

Nathaniel felt excited to plant his very own beanstalk.

The dragon also delivered a little pot of beans with all of our sounds written on them. We think he wants to help us get better at spelling, we have been having lots of fun spelling fairyland words with the beans.

Belle was practising her common words with the beans.

Euan had a go at writing speedy Gonzalez because he was watching it at home.

We were so excited to come into class and see that Jack’s beanstalk had appeared in our home corner. We worked so hard on creating different leaves and are very proud of how fantastic and realistic it looks. We think the dragon will be very happy with it and Elkie thinks it looks good.

On Tuesday we had yet another exciting delivery, Castle booklets and a trail of green glitter EVERYWHERE! He’s one messy dragon!! We couldn’t wait to get started writing in them. Mrs Stevenson even let us use the fancy pens.


On Wednesday we continued to practise our writing skills with a special focus on ‘listening carefully to the sounds in each word to help us spell independently. We thought about what magical things we would like to happen to us if we got our hands on some magic beans.

Georgia thought she would get a mansion for her family.

Ashley wanted her magic to make everyone in our school happy.

Erica’s magic beans would turn into an aeroplane to take her to the candy shop!

We decorated castles and wrote our magical ideas onto a special bean. Mrs Stevenson put them on display in the classroom and once again we are so proud of our learning.

It really has been a week of exciting deliveries, on Thursday yet more magic beans appeared. This time they were colourful ones, this got us talking about our favourite flavours of jelly beans! We decided to conduct a survey of our favourite flavours and then display the information on a class bar graph. It was really interesting to see all of our choices on the wall and we were able to answer questions like, what was the most and least popular flavour. Then we had a go at making our own bar graphs! This dragon really is helping us learn so much.

On Thursday we also had the added excitement of World Book Day. We thoroughly enjoyed wearing our comfy pyjamas, bringing our favourite soft toy and of course sharing our most favourite stories throughout the day. We enjoyed our library time with P5/6 and sharing our most favourite stories.

Archie brought in Goodnight Tractor because he likes the pages.

Robyn brought in The Stinky Sprouts and the Station Mouse because she likes them and they are very good.

We are very much looking forward to our Sharing the Learning event next Tuesday   (10th March) 2pm to 3pm and hope you can all make it.



A Busy Week for Primary 3

Primary 3 have been working with Mrs Smith on designing and constructing models while cooperating in a group. This is part of our Technology and will eventually link to our next class topic. The children had the challenge to build a tower from the materials provided – marshmallows and spaghetti, which you will see from our photographs. Our challenge worked to an extent, but unfortunately the spaghetti broke easily! Thankfully each group did manage to build something. This week the children will try using wooden sticks and marshmallows to see if that makes a difference.

Primary 3 have been continuing to work on Time in our Numeracy and Maths. We have looked at recording times on clocks as well as saying times one/two hours before and after a given time. We have been finding Time tricky, but if we continue to practise at home as well as in school, this should help us!


For World Book Day this week, we have taken part in a number of activities. The theme for this year is ‘Share a Million Stories’. We have been sharing some of the stories we enjoy most, and have picked out quotes that we like best from these. We have also listened to short parts of a number of stories which we have really enjoyed. The children have created mini book covers, book bubbles on why we share stories, posters to advertise our favourite books and made book marks. We will use some of these to display in our library area in class. Hopefully next week we can share some pictures of us in our pyjamas with our teddies and favourite stories.

Primary 7

This week we have been focusing on reading and writing in all areas of the curriculum. For our topic we have been taking notes on different subjects so we can write a piece for our holiday brochures.

We have been researching the question “Is it important for a child to have a healthy breakfast?”. From the research we have make a list of what the scientist are saying about this subject and also looked at what our own opinion is. We are preparing to debate this in class.

We have been working well in groups this week taking responsibility for different roles.

In maths we have once again been looking at negative numbers only this time we have been learning to multiply and divide with them. It gets complicated when a double negative is a positive.

Jack asked a good question while working on his maths. “When will we use negative numbers?” After discussion we came up with a few ideas.

  1. Working in a bank or building society and dealing with accounts that are overdrawn.
  2. Thermometers have negative numbers so any type of scientist/nurse/doctor who works with temperature will work with negative numbers.
  3. People who work in catering and need to have a knowledge of food storage temperatures.
  4. Maths teachers.
  5. Architects and surveyors who deal with elevations.

Another busy week for P3/4!


We continued with our block of athletics. This week the children were learning about throwing for height and distances. To warm ourselves up we played a game of human skittles. This allowed the children to understand the different kind of throws that are needed in different situations. It also gave the children an opportunity to revise their jumping skills as the balls were rolling towards them.


This week the children continued exploring money. The learning this week focused on subtraction from a total amount, this also links in with what we are learning in our numeracy work. This will help the children to deepen their understanding of how money works when we start with an amount and then we purchase something we end up with less. Maybe the children can use this knowledge when spending their pocket money!


P3/4 and P3 came together this week to rehearse the final run through of their t.v adverts. The children were given the opportunity to expand their skills in listening and talking, collaboration and leadership within this lesson. After, the children then performed their adverts to the class. These performances were recorded and played back to them the following day. The children all done an amazing job convincing their audience why people should visit Glasgow.

Sharing The Learning

P3/4 and I would like to say thank you again to all of the parents/carers that joined us on Tuesday afternoon for our sharing the learning session. The children really enjoyed having you all there. The focus of this lesson was exploring persuasive language and looking at how we can do this in an advertisement. The children and parent/carers were as to create a poster convincing tourists to swap the high temperatures and to spend some time in our beautiful country. The end results of this tasks were fantastic, so a massive well done from me! There was some great taglines using persuasive language and the pictures were detailed and bright of some of the amazing landmarks that this country has to offer.

Another great week P3/4! See you all again on Monday!


P6/7 Class

What a fantastic week we’ve had!  We have been demonstrating our school values throughout the week.

For Literacy, we learnt to  practise our comprehension skills by visualising the text.  We also got our new reading books.  We start our Guided reading sessions next week.


We were learning to decompose sequences.  This meant that we had to create a series of instructions for coding a robot.

We have also been researching information about different types of eco-friendly technology.

In numeracy, we learnt to divide decimals by 10 and 100 and 1000.

IDL- We learnt how the Incas lived in their time and how their civilization died.

What’s on this week…

Week beginning 3rd March 2020

Mon –

Nursery Stay and Play sessions

P1 and P2 multi-sports lunch club

P4-7 Football club 3.15pm

P5-7 art club 3.15pm

P5-7 Choir 3.15pm



PEEP sessions @ 9.10am and 2pm

NYCOS working with p4

Ukulele lunch club

Basketball lunch club

P3/4 Sharing the Learning

Planet soccer nursery session

Netball club at 3.15pm

Home learning club 3.15pm



P4 trip to Edinburgh

Scripture Union lunch club

Planet soccer nursery session

P1-3 football club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm

Numeracy club 3.15pm



World Book Day!

P4 Futsal session

Zumba club 3.15pm

Cookery club 3.15pm

Lego club 3.15pm

Football tournament 3.15pm at DCHS



Fitness Friday Breakfast club (p1-3)

P5/6 Class assembly

Handball P3-5 12.30pm

Primary 2


We started learning about money this week.

Skye – “We were putting the coins in the right order”

Darby – “We tried figuring out which coins were behind each box.”


We collaborated in teams to use technology to research interesting facts about Stirling Castle and turn these into notes.

Lexie – “We were learning to find the important parts of a sentence.”

Sophia – “We researched facts about Stirling Castle.”


We started creating a gymnastics sequence involving jumps, rolls and balances.

Mia – “We were doing different kinds of balances and rolls.”

Brendan – “We used collaboration to do different balances to create a sequence.”


We have been investigating which materials are bendy and which are not bendy.

Charlie – “We had to pass a ball and say different materials.”

Ethan – “We went around the classroom to see what was bendy and what was not bendy.”


We looked at different jobs people did around a castle.

Isla – “I applied to be a Marshal because it looked fun!”

Levente – “I wanted to be a Watchman because I like swords.”

Exciting News from Primary 1

We have had the most exciting week in Primary 1! It all began last Friday at assembly. The children who took part in the STEM challenge were all given a certificate and a winner from each class was chosen. Our winner was Elizabeth who created a super model of the Loch Ness Monster. Well done Elizabeth!

Our star award winner for doing extra reading practice at home was Maddison. Well done Maddison! keep up the great work.

On Monday afternoon we came back from lunch to find something very strange on our carpet.

It was a trail of glitter leading into our library. The trail ended beside a cushion and there on the cushion was a scroll!

We excitedly opened the scroll and read it.

The letter was from a dragon. The dragon was very sad and needed our help. He explained that Fairyland was disappearing, he had no castle to protect and all of the other characters had no  where to live because people were not reading fairytales anymore. The dragon had already visited our classroom and thought it would make an excellent fairyland from himself  and his friends to live in. Our challenge is to rebuild and read lots of fairytales. The children are so so excited. The first things they wanted to do was build a castle for the dragon to protect. They did this by drawing castles,  making them from wooden blocks, cubes and lego.

We have written letters to Mrs Stewart asking for her permission to decorate and change our classroom.

We have read Jack and the Beanstalk and have started building a beanstalk(pictures in next weeks blog) We have worked collaboratively to retell the story in the correct order.

More adventures from Primary I next week. Have a lovely weekend.


P5 Have Another Busy Week!


Our hockey skills continue to develop. This week we practised dribbling, tackling and shooting before getting into games.

Mason – I have got better at using the reverse stick.

Lacey – I have got better at passing.


We continued to read our group novels and some of us practised using different strategies to work out the meaning of tricky words. One group applied the skills we had been learning about persuasive writing and produced road safety posters as one of the characters dashed out into the road without looking!

With Miss Taylor we designed characters in preparation for World Book Day.

Chloe – I designed a famous footballer.

Eva – I came up with the idea of the richest singer in the world.

Mason – A famous taekwondo athlete.

On Wednesday we learnt how to write an exposition. First we looked at an article that someone had written about why dogs make the best pets. Then with a partner we wrote our own persuasive piece. Some of us persuaded other people that Lewis Capaldi was the best singer and others that McDonalds was the best restaurant!

Lacey – I liked writing about Lewis Capaldi because he is funny and I love his music.


Using the laptops we were able to consolidate our learning about fractions by playing fraction games.

Lacey – I liked ‘math man.’

Eva – I enjoyed ‘Jelly Golf.’ It helped me get better at fractions.

Charlie – I liked matching fractions to pictures – it helped me understand them.

We learnt how to use various strategies such as our multiplication skills and fraction walls to compare and order fractions.


During our last lesson on ‘line’ we drew a landscape. First, we looked at a landscape called ‘Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh then we drew our own. We were impressed with the results!

Keris – I enjoyed the line art and using dark and light lines. It actually looked better than I thought it would!


This week we learnt about how cigarettes can have a negative effect on the human body. We had to answer multiple choice questions about smoking in groups.


We learnt about how WWII started and debated whether it actually could have been prevented. Keris suggested that if the countries talked to each other more it might have been stopped. In the future we decided that this was a good idea when we have any disagreements.

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