Good Morning Primary 1/2

Good Morning Everybody – I hope you all have had a restful and relaxing weekend and are ready for another week of some fun home learning tasks.

This week you should be moving onto week 2 of your home learning packs, but like last week I will be posting additional activities here for you to try.

We would normally have our Big Monday morning check in, instead why don’t you tell an adult about how you are feeling today and what did you enjoy doing over your weekend. If you have any older relatives or friends could you share this with them over the phone? Or perhaps you could draw a picture of one thing you did over the weekend and write a sentence to explain your picture. This could be added to your purple jotters. Don’t forget all the writing targets… Can you share them with an adult?

Here are some ideas for activities today.


Choose one of the books from your pack. Is it Fiction or non-fiction. Can you tell an adult what the difference is? Once you have read your book, design an alternative front cover. Don’t forget to include the author, illustrator and the title of the book.

As an additional task, go on a book hunt around your house. Choose at least 10 books and sort them into fiction and non fiction. Can you explain to an adult why you have sorted each book into each category? Here is a little song for you to listen to, to help you remember the difference between fiction and non-fiction.

I am missing reading aloud to you all during our milk and story time.  I found this super website with a huge selection of some of our favourite read aloud books. If you copy the address below into the search bar you will be able to choose your favourite story and have it read aloud to you by an adult. Grab some milk or water and enjoy!


Don’t forget to get an adult to give you 5 daily calculations to solve using the tools we have been learning about in class. Remember don’t get tricked out by the symbol!

Here are my five for today.. complete them in your purple jotter..don’t forget to date your work!!

10 – 2 =               3 + 7 =                6 – 4  =

5 + 4 =                 6 – 0 =

One of the tasks in your home learning pack this week is all about shape. If you could complete the activity here is a little fun follow up task.

This time I am challenging you to go on a shape hunt around your house. What shapes can you find. Draw around objects, eg a DVD for a circle or a book for a rectangle etc. Cut them out and decorate them. Create your own shape picture or if you have a printer get an adult to print the sheet below for you to fill in. Add some colour to your pictures too.



Health and Wellbeing

This term we are learning all about keeping ourselves healthy.  Today I would like us to focus on household products, including medicines and how they can be harmful to us if not stored and used in the proper way.

To get started there is a game on Education city called Baby Jack, this will help you get an idea about which types of foods and medicines can be helpful or harmful – have a go and see how many you can get right. I will add this game to our Home learning section on the website.

Take a look at these 2 set of pictures below…

Sort the pictures of household items/ products into the rooms where they would be found, either kitchen or bathroom; then each pair takes, for instance, the kitchen pictures and sorts those into items safe for them to use/not safe for them to use.
Can you share with an adult reasons why some items are safe/unsafe for you to use.



I hope everybody has a great day and remember to spend some time outside seeing the sunshine has made an appearance at last. Speak with you all tomorrow.

PS.Who joined in with Joe and his workout this morning? Here is the link in case you missed it!



Primary One – Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning everyone and welcome to the first day of our learning week. I hope you all managed to get into your gardens or out for some exercise over the weekend. You should now be starting week 2’s activities. I have put a few links and additional tasks that you may like to try. Enjoy!

Activity 1- Reading comprehension

Have a listen to the story below and answer the questions. You can use your jotter to record your answers.

L.I. to demonstrate my understanding of an oral text

S.C. I can answer questions about the characters and settings

S.C. I can order the story

S.C. I can share what I have learned about the characters with others

  1. Can you re-tell the story in the correct order?
  2. Who are the main characters in the story?
  3. Draw a picture of your favourite character from the story. Label the character and think of words to describe them.
  4. Draw a picture of 2 of the settings in the story (e.g. country mouse’s house, the clock tower where town mouse lives.) Can you write a sentence describing the setting?
  5. Did you enjoy/not enjoy the story? give some reason for your answers

Activity 2 -Phonics ee and oo sounds. Continue to practice theses sounds (blend sounds to make words e.g. b-ee, h-oo-k, draw pictures to match the words, write sentences etc.) I have posted 2 codebreaker activities below. Remember to look for the number on the number line and then look underneath to find the sound. Once you have found all 3 sounds you can blend them to make a word. Enjoy!

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make one sound

S.C. I can blend oo and ee with other sounds to make words

Activity 3  – Numeracy Use the link below to challenge yourself. Have a go at double numbers, number bonds – make 10, addition within 10 and as a challenge missing numbers (+ and -) Enjoy!

L.I. to add and subtract numbers within 10

S.C. I can identify number bonds to 10

S.C. I can add 2 numbers to make 10

S.C. I can use subtraction to find a missing answer

Activity 3 – Art and Design. As the clocks sprung forward at the weekend and it is now official spring time it would be great to create some spring art. Below is a picture of a sunflower (you can draw any other kind of flower e.g a daffodil, tulip etc.) .You may need some help to draw the outline, then look around what could you recycle and use to make the petals/stem etc? I would love to put them up in the classroom so please keep them.

L.I. to use a range of media creatively

S.C. I can use different materials to create a sunflower or other spring flower

Have a great day. Keep safe!

Competition Time!!

Why don’t you create your very own ‘World’s Worst Child’ just like the ones in David Walliams’ book? Look at the documents below to help with your entry and send them into us via the school email:

Winner will receive vouchers to spend online! Closing date Friday 10th April.

The-Worlds-Worst-Children-Comp 1


PDF version:

The-Worlds-Worst-Children-Comp 1


P3 – Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some quality time with your family.

Here are some more activities that you can work on over the course of this week:


Writing -Think back to the Winter senses poem you created, as well as the Spring poster from last week – create your own SPRING senses poem. See the word mat below to help with ideas. Remember our 5 senses are what we would See, Hear, Touch, Taste and Smell.

IDL -Google the UNION JACK flag – see how the creation of the Union Jack was from different component flags. Union means ‘joined together’. Create your own flag which represents you and your family.


  • Numeracy: Try adding to a decade number:

58 + ? = 60

52 + ? = 60

47 + ? = 50

43 + ? = 50

29 + ? = 30

21 + ? = 30

76 + ? = 80

74 + ? = 80


*Now try and make some of your own sums and get someone at home to work them out then make some more for you.

Reading – Write a book review for a book you have read whilst being at home – you can use the format given in your pack or Google ‘Book Reviews’ for some other ideas.

Primary 2 – Monday 30th March

Good Morning Primary 2!

I hope you all had a happy, restful and healthy weekend. Please remember you should now be moving on to the ‘Week 2’ pack of learning in your folders. This week I will post additional learning activities here daily for you to have a go at again.

Remember Joe Wicks is hosting a daily P.E. class live at 9am every day on the following link. This can also be watched at a later time as they are saved to his YouTube channel;

David Walliams is also posting a free daily reading from one of his books! This can be found at the following link;


Today is a very simple task for health and wellbeing. Your task is to speak to someone in your house about how you are feeling. Lots of people are experiencing all different kinds of emotions at the moment and that’s okay. One of the best ways to understand our emotions is to speak about them. Have a chat with someone about how you are feeling and why you are feeling that way. If you are not feeling very positive, are there any small changes you could make that would maybe change how you feel? Do something that makes you happy today!


Each group has a new spelling sound and tricky words for this week. Please complete the tasks as detailed on the Home Learning sheet. In addition to those tasks, I have attached links to games for each group to play.

Green, Purple and Pink – ‘oi’

oi word attack

Yellow – ‘ue’

Blue – ‘th’


I’ll speak to you all tomorrow again!

Miss Borsbey



Primary 7 30.03.20

Medium Common Factors Common Multiples and Prime Numbers

Mild Common Factors Common Multiples and Prime Numbers

Metaphor and Simile – Activity Sheet

Metaphor and Simile – Matching Cards

Semi Colons Activity Sheet – Answers

Semi Colons Activity SheetT3-E-159-KS3-


Activity Sheet No 1 adaptation

Adaptation intro

Information Sheet otters

Runrig Listen to Music Activity Sheet

Spicy Common Factors Common Multiples and Prime Numbers

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