What have P6 been up to this week?

Green Gym

We are trying to improve our school grounds.

Anton – We made a pond.


Bailey – We watched the Spiderwick Chronicles Movie and Bella was scared.

This was part of our listening and talking learning.

Hope – We compared the book to the movie.

Alexis – The movie has more detail.

Bella – Some of the things in the movie are not in the book.


I enjoyed basketball and think I am getting better.


Bella – I am improving.

Bella showed her fantastic recount to Mrs Stewart this week.

Visit from Josh

We met a Guinness World Record Breaker this Week.

Bailey – I was surprised how far he rode his bike in a week.

Grace – He brought his bike in.

Josh – I was surprised he kept going after his accident.

Eco Learning with Mrs Dobbie

Emily – We interviewed the dinner ladies!

Anton – We were talking to them about food waste. Vegetable curry was most unpopular.

Emily – Moving forward we will be looking at other waste in the lunch hall.


Weekly Update From Primary One

Some of this weeks fantastic highlights!

Health and Wellbeing – PE

This term in PE we have been learning to travel safely in different ways and directions. We have also been developing balance and ball skills. Some pictures below of the children practicing-



Children have been introduced to basic conversational French. Most can say the colours of the rainbow and introduce themselves in French. On Wednesday we had a special visitor named Cammonbear who encouraged the children to introduce themselves and play some simple games in French. The children absolutely loved having him in the classroom and learned lots from him.

Literacy – Writing

This week the children have written about what they enjoy doing with their buddies. As I have mentioned previously the children love spending time with them . We had a circle time to get ideas before they started to write. Ideas included – writing with them in our class writing area,  reading in the library, playing in the playground. Some examples below-

Tricky words

A big thank you to all parents who have been helping their child/children learn tricky words from their word walls. It can be challenging however, we continue to practise them daily. The children enjoy challenging themselves to write and read them.



The children are exploring number and are working hard to develop their skills in a number of ways. Some pictures they wanted to share with you-

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday. I look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 19th October!


Weekly Update From Primary One

Some highlights from our busy week.

On Tuesday afternoon, the buddies came to help with their reading and to read them a story from our school library. The Primary ones love when their buddies come and really enjoyed showing them their reading books and exploring the library.


Our sound this week is “p” the quiet pink lips sound. The children took the pictures below independently to demonstrate how they are learning.



This week the children have been writing about what makes them feel happy. We had a check in to enable them to share and discuss their thoughts. The children came up with some super suggestions such as, playing with my friends, being with my family, playing on my skateboard, going to the beach etc. Some great examples below-



We have been exploring all about the number 6. How to write it, to gather a collection of 6 objects and how to make it. Some super examples below-



Have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with more updates from Primary one.

Weekly Update From P1

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and the beautiful warm weather we had. This weeks blog is a little shorter than normal as we have only been in school for the last 2 days.

Literacy -Writing

This week the children have been writing about their morning rountine. They were encouraged to include the word “I” and use a word mat and pictures. They did really well and were so proud of themselves. A few examples below-


The children have enjoyed counting collections and using dot patterns to find different ways to make 5.

During strutured play, many of the children  chose to practice their writing and numeracy skills. Very impressive!










Have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with an update from Primary One.

Weekly Update From Primary One

Some highlights below from our busy learning week.

Literacy – Writing

This week as part of our recount genre the children drew detailed pictures and completed the sentence “At the shops I ……………..” We had lots of super ideas such as buying toys, clothes, notepads, food etc. Some examples below-


Phonics – s sound

Our sound of the week is s. It is a blue sound because when making the sound you feel it at the tip of your tongue . The children re-created the sound by writing, sorting and painting. They have also used the sound to play bingo and a word matching game . Some great pictures below.

Numeracy- Number 5

We have had a big focus on number 5 this week. The children used 5 frames to demonstrate different ways of making 5.

Maths – Shape

We have also had a big 3D shape sort. The children worked together in groups to sorts all the 3D shapes that they could find in the classroom. They had great fun learning about the shapes and making models.

Play in Primary One

The children firstly turned our construction area into a Mcdonalds and then into a building site! Some super imaginative ideas.

Have a lovely long weekend.

p6/5 blog

this week we started with learning the areas of a compass and left and right, we didn’t all know them and that’s why we did it. After break Mr Topley came in and told us about his years in the army while he was telling us about the army we took notes and after we wrote the notes and then wrote the notes into paragraphs and some of us got the chance to go onto word and write it down. After that we finished the day off with P.E. and we climbed up ladders and done monkey bars.

On Tuesday we started talking about our topic myths and legends that carried on after break we done a summary on our books that we have read already and wrote it into our literacy jotter. Some of us fixed the library by moving the bookshelves and sorting the books into fiction and non-fiction. after that we done a summery on our books which we took notes and turned it into paragraph’s we had also did math on number lines.

On Wednesday we had Mrs Dobbie. We got dirty and it was extremely messy and we carried on after break for a little bit. We then we had continued our summary’s. After lunch we got our free writing jotters after we had a look at our math wall and looking where to put our displays. We  continued with our summary and reading them out. We then put up some stuff on the walls in the classroom.

On Thursday we started with logging into our glow some people were not able to log in so

Weekly Update From Primary One

A few highlights from our very busy week.


This week we have been focusing on the c sound. The children have been learning to recognise the sound, as well as read and write it. We have been playing c bingo and sorting pictures according to their initial sound. Some pictures below-





We have also continued our recount writing genre. This week the children had to recall one thing that they like to do at school. They came up with lots of suggestions including painting, drawing, writing sounds, playing in the home corner etc. Below some pictures of their writing and detailed pictures-


Numeracy and Maths

We are continuing to develop number sense and the children have enjoyed taking part in lots of different number games. They have also been exploring the properties of 2D shapes. The buddies supported the children in the making of shape rockets with their names on them.




In primary one, we also understand that play is very important to a child’s development. Play encourages and develops language skills, emotions, creativity and social skills. The children have had great fun this week turning our home corner into an Italian restaurant with real pasta and sauces. Some great pictures of them sharing, turn-taking and role-playing.



I hope you enjoyed this weeks blog. Have lovely weekend everyone!


p6/5 blog

At the start of the week we did we did bottle organization ect after that we did writing about Mr Topley’s years in the army he was really good at explaining it and it was really exiting. Then we started tiling for math with 3 dimensional shapes it is really fun to tile we also got to colour them in we were not able to make design in our tiles but we could make patterns with the tiles with the colours. We did a sway for parents about how our class thinks.

We started literacy on the loch ness monster that we were then going to put it in our jotters. Later in the week we also got a chance to change our library books and a couple of people chose Anne Frank books plenty of people chose non fiction the rest chose fiction books. We did 3 dimensional shapes the class did math sheets this carried on till after break.

Weekly Update From P1

We have finished our P1 class charter. We read Elmer stories to help us think about our school values and how we can demonstrate them to each other.


This week we have started learning sounds. The first sound we have focused on is “m”. The children have been learning to recognise it, say it, write/make it and identify if the m sound is at the beginning or end of a word. Well done to everyone one for trying really hard!




The children are continuing to learn all about numbers and this week they have been learning about numbers 2,3 and 4. They have been working hard on number formation, creating groups and explaining different ways to make numbers.


Maths – Shape

For the next 2 weeks the whole school are focusing on shape. In Primary one  we have been exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We began with a shape sort (how many sides, how many corners? etc.) The buddies very kindly helped the Primary ones make shape monsters using 2D shapes. Some very impressive pictures below-


The children have also been making shape patterns in the playground.


I hope you have enjoyed this weeks blog. I will be back next week with an update. Have a lovely weekend.

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