Outdoor Learning

All my classes (Mrs Dobbie) have been outside this week in the lovely sunshine. Primary 1’s have been measuring in the playground using non-standard units – hands and feet. Primary 2 looking at the signs of spring. Primaries 5, 6/5 and 7/6 were outside finding the volume of 3D shapes. Primary 7 were learning to recognise and understand the importance of biodiversity.

Today we have received 210 trees from the Woodland Trust. All classes will be out next week planting them on the field and around the school. Can all children please come dressed appropriately for all weathers.


P5’s Weekly Update

P5 spent a lot of time outside this week!

We have been out for PE this week and have also had outdoor learning.

Lily-Ellen – We looked at the fruit trees we had planted to see how they were getting on.

Sofia – I enjoyed measuring outside in order to work out the volume of different objects.


We went outside to use chalk and drew different dinosaurs.

Alexis – I was proud of how my dinosaur turned out.


We have been learning how to use the short division method to divide larger numbers – we also call it the bus stop method!

Sara – We use this method for larger numbers.

Today we used the laptops and practised our division facts.


We have learnt how to summarise a text and although it was difficult at first we have improved our ability to do this.

We learnt how to write an explanation text this week. This genre is going to be our new focus over the next few weeks.

Science – Floating and Sinking

Bella – It was fun and interesting to see if things float or sink. We learnt that upthrust was the force pushing thing up in water.

Enjoy your week-end everybody!

P5 Have Another Busy Week


We are learning about division and have learnt various strategies.

Bailey – We are improving our division skills using strategies such as grouping and sharing. I prefer using the sharing strategy.

Anna – I feel my recall of tables is better due to my division work. Division was tricky at first but learning the different strategies has helped.

Oscar – Dividing by zero was tricky at first!

Outdoor Learning

Sara – I enjoyed the challenge when we had to describe a plant to a partner and they had to guess what it was.

Sofia – I liked the rocks game.

Hope – I won the rocks game!


We have been practising our summarising skills. After reading an extract from Harry Potter we highlighted the important parts then acted in role as reporters summarising these key events.

Bailey – Our 60 second reading challenges have been fun and interesting.


Hope – I enjoyed scoring 2 goals at football!

Anna – I feel fitter.



P5 Enjoy Being Back!

This week was great because we finally got to see our friends! On Friday it was comic relief and we were able to wear fun hats or be creative with our hair while raising money for a good cause.

We have also been busy too. We have been taking advantage of the great weather and had PE outside. It was great fun playing games. We also enjoyed playing family fortunes. It was a hoot!

Outdoor Learning

Summer – I enjoyed the outdoor learning with Mrs Fletcher.

Bailey – We looked for signs of Spring.

Sofia – Then we used chalk to draw symmetrical pictures.

                                            STEM CHALLENGE 

We were only allowed one piece of paper and glue and scissors and the challenge was to make the longest paper chain! We worked with our partners and when evaluating our work afterwards decided that it was best to cut thin pieces of paper and make sure that all team members were involved so that the chain could be put together quickly.


In number talks we have been practising using mental strategies to multiply 2 digit numbers.

Sophie S – I know more about using partitioning.


We have been practising our data handling skills. We completed a class survey and produced a tally chart, frequency chart and bar graph.


We have continued to practise our spelling and handwriting. We wrote another information report this week and in reading we have practised answering questions about a text.


As part of our topic on Scotland we learnt about some Scottish inventions including the flushing toilet. Then we were asked to think of a problem and design an invention to solve that problem.

We had some fantastic ideas such as a machine to clean the house (Bella), a dog-napping prevention lead (Anna), an anti racism machine that altered DNA (Sofia) and a toy that helped people with depression(Callum).

Alexis – I enjoyed the invention designs!


P5 Monday 11th January Afternoon Work

Apologies for the problems this morning. Here are the afternoon activities.


  • Spelling

Find the words for your group:

Punctuation Group –Frys Common Words

1 can’t

2 matter

3 square

4 syllables

5 perhaps

6 bill

7 felt

8 suddenly

9 test

10 direction

11 centre

12 farmers

13 ready

14 anything

15 divided

Full Stops – Frys Common Words

1 listen

2 wind

3 rock

4 space

5 covered

6 fast

7 several

8 hold

9 himself


11 five

12 step

13 morning

14 passed

15 vowel

Finger Spaces/Capital letters – Fry’s Common Words

1 high

2 every

3 near

4 add

5 food

6 between

7 own

8 below

9 country

10 plant

11 last

12 school

13 father

14 keep

15 tree

  1. Use the pyramid strategy to write out each word.
  2. Use each word in a sentence.
  • Health

1 Try some animal yoga using this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XpqNAWnfTo

Any problems down loading this link create your own 5 minute fitness workout.

  1. Our new health topic is ‘Dreams and Goals.’ If there is someone in the house that you can chat to talk about what your dreams and goals might be.
  2. Draw and label a picture to represent what your future dreams and goals are. Write a sentence to explain what you have drawn.

Well done. You have finished your first day of online learning. Have a good evening!

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the new term.  Most pupils are working from home for now.

P1-P4/3 will receive learning experiences shared through Seesaw, which children have access to using the Seesaw App.  Children are encouraged over the next two weeks to work through the activities in their pack, take photographs of their learning and share on Seesaw.

P4-P7 will use Microsoft 0365 Team, which can be accessed through their Glow account. Information for parents on how their child uses Teams is available on the following link: bit.ly/wlglowguide

Nursery children should continue to access our Nursery Blog where there will be daily updates with lots of exciting learning activities. Nursery parents/carers can also collect a PEEP Learning at home pack from the school office.

If your child has any difficulty accessing Teams, please contact the school where we will be happy to help you.

P5 Wish You a Merry Christmas!

We have really enjoyed our last week before Christmas.

The silent disco was a highlight!

Sophie S – I enjoyed going outside for the disco.

Anna – Miss Stanway had the best dance moves!

Bella – I enjoyed the sweets!

Kyle – I enjoyed listening to music.

Alexis – I enjoyed dancing with friends.

Bailey – I liked, ‘I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.’

Other Christmas Activities

Colin – I enjoyed filming the Christmas poem.

Sophie P – I enjoyed watching the Christmas film.

We created some Christmas optical art.

We also completed some Christmas ‘scratchy’ art.


In maths we practised making 3D shapes from nets.

We also predicted whether or not a triangular prism could be made from different arrangements of nets.

Bailey – I enjoyed making the shapes.


Using K’nex we built dinosaurs!

Personal Achievement

Jaxson has achieved his red belt in taekwondo !Well done!


P5 Act Up!


This week we listened to the story of the birth of Jesus Christ and then in small groups acted out the story.

                                                We used props to represent the baby Jesus and practised using our voice, facial expression and body language to represent how the different characters were feeling.

                                                Can you guess who was the sheep in this scene, who was the angel and who was the proud father?

Going Digital

As well as acting out the Christmas story we completed a scene of the Nativity using stop frame animation. We did this with Mrs Buntin.

Alexis – I enjoyed this.

Colin – We learnt how to move the figures a little bit each time.

Jaxson – Then we took 50 million photographs.

Anna – Then you put the photographs together to make a video and narrators record a message over it.

Christmas Lunch

One highlight of the week this week was the Christmas lunch.

Bella- My favourite part of lunch was macaroni cheese and ice-cream!

Jaxson – It was nice to see Joy.

Sophie S – I liked the Christmas music at lunch.


This week we practised formal methods of subtraction using columns.

Lily-Elen – I am more confident at subtraction.


This week we kept running for 5 minutes during P.E.

Piotr – I enjoyed the 5 minute run!

Jaxson – I was proud of everyone for running for 5 minutes.

Hope – I enjoyed football and am more confident at tackling.

Art / Music

Bailey – I enjoyed looking closely at paintings.

This was part of our work with ‘Limelight Music.’ We then went on to listen to a piece of music and draw a picture depending on how we felt about the music. Everyone interpreted the music in a different way.

Topic – Europe

Cameron – I enjoyed playing the online games.

Sara – I didn’t know Russia was so big.

Anna – I learnt that in Lithuania they make beads out of tree sap when it is hard.


P5 Get Drumming



In group reading we practised answering questions about texts.

Bailey – My reading is improving – I can read more challenging texts.

Kyle – I enjoyed my dinosaur book this week.

Writing                                                                                                                                                                                                         During our persuasive writing work we had a debate. Some children thought children should help at home, such as Bailey, and some children thought they shouldn’t, such as Anna.   Each of them came up with a list of arguments which were written on the board by Miss Taylor.

This scaffolding then helped us set out our own piece of writing.

                                Bailey – I liked having an argument!

Alexis – I am getting better at using full stops.


We continued to practise subtraction strategies this week and we continue to gain in confidence.

Anna – I am better at subtraction!


This week we continued to practise our drumming skills and keeping in time to the beat using objects like pencils to make a sound.

                                                                Jaxson – I enjoy everything about the music.


Bailey – I liked painting the baubles!

Topic – Europe

We learnt about some of the Christmas traditions in Spain. They eat turkey but stuff it with mushrooms!


Cameron – I liked running like a speeding train during our run this week!

Colin – I am getting better at football. I scored a goal past Miss Stanway.

Miss Stanway – I was devastated!

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