Sharing shed -library added!

Our Reading Ambassadors group would like to add a book swop shop to our Sharing Shed area at the front of the school.

As we are in the run up to Christmas, this may be an ideal time for a tidy out of any books which children may have outgrown – just in time for Santa to bring some new ones!

Please bring any books into school and put them in the labelled boxes in the cloakroom areas throughout the school. These will then be collected and added to the area outside, and you can  then  help yourself to a book!

Limited Edition Christmas Forkies!

P6/7 “Crafty!” Company are making Limited Edition Christmas Forkies!

These will be for sale FOR ONE DAY ONLY – this THURSDAY, 5th December!

These cost £1.00 with part of the profits going to Childline.

Each class will be allocated 2 Forkies – everyone who has their £1 can put their name “in the hat” to win. 2 names will be chosen and given packs at the time and the other names and monies will be kept, and Forkie packs made up in the next week.

What’s on this week…

Week beginning 2nd December 2019

Mon –

Breakfast club fitness fun – p4-7

Lunchtime Multi-sports club

3.30-4.30pm Football After School club P4-7

3.15-4.15pm Tae Kwon do After school club

3.15-4pm Choir After school club



Planet Soccer Lunchtime club



Dad’s drop in session meet in Hub

Scripture Union lunch club

3.30-4.30pm Football After School club P1-3

3.15-4.15pm Lego Club



Move to the Beat workshops P5 and P5/6

P4 Futsal

3.15-4.15pm Lego Club



Fitness Friday breakfast club – p1-3


Latest News From Primary One

We have had another extremely busy week in Primary One. The children would like to share some of their learning with you.

Literacy – Reading

In addition to daily reading the children have been carrying out a number of reading skills activities such as, unscrambling jumbled sentences from their reading books. This supports and encouraged them to read individual words, sequence sentences as well as track and count words. We have also had daily tricky word challenges to help recognize, read and write words.

As you can see from the above pictures Mark and Oliver have extended their learning in a fun way by playing word and picture dominoes.

Literacy – Writing

The children have been writing winter poems. In order to focus their thoughts and ideas about winter we decided to use our 5 senses. The children described what they would see, hear, smell, feel and taste during the winter season. A lot of work has gone into the poems and the children are very proud of them. Here are a few examples.

Health and Wellbeing

As a follow on from last week and in keeping with our school values we have been focusing on inclusion and how to recognize when someone is being excluded through bullying. We looked at pictures of children and decided you can’t tell a bully by the way they look, you can only tell by their unkind actions. Children can find the term bullying a difficult concept to understand so we decide that there are 3 key features-

It doesn’t happen once: it goes on over time and happens again and again.

It is deliberate: hurting someone on purpose, not accidentally.

It is unfair: the person doing the bullying is stronger, bigger or there are more that one of them.

The most important message is to tell an adult, no one should ever feel excluded! The children made posters to demonstrate their understanding.


We have been working on adding numbers within 10. This weeks challenge was slightly different, the children had the answer (1-10 written on a large sheet of paper) and had to work collaboratively to place the addition sum(e.g. 4+5) next to the correct answer. There was lots of super discussion and competition to finish first!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and if you can make it to our Book Bug event tomorrow (29/11/21) at 11.50am it would be great to see you.

What have P5 been learning this week?


This week we learnt that racism was unacceptable. In order to raise awareness of racism we made  ribbons.


Reading – Metalinguistics

We used various strategies to work out the meaning of tricky words in our group reading books.


We chose a character from our novels and created an informal letter in which they wrote to another character in the book.

Talking and Listening – Philosophy

We designed the following thunk to debate and discuss:

What do you prefer gaming or reading?

In groups we expressed our FEELINGS and then shared with the whole class. There were some very interesting ideas and the class was split in two – approximately half in each group.

Liam – I like gaming because the game never ends.

Monika – I like reading so I can imagine things in my head.

In the photo above we are listening to each other’s views and considering how to respond.


We revised the names and properties of common 2d shapes using mathematical language such as curved, straight, regular and parallel. In groups we used our skills of COLLABORATION to create 2d shapes using string.

We learnt about the properties of 3d shapes and then went onto use pipe cleaners  to build different shapes. The pipe cleaners were the edges of the 3d shapes.

Topic – Europe

We listened to the tale of the Pied Piper which comes from the German town of Hamelin. Then in groups we acted out the story using our role-play skills. It was great fun. Afterwards we discussed who had met the agreed success criteria and given the audience a good performance.

Her are our freeze frames. Can you guess which character we were?

Josh went on a shape hunt around school and found 3d shapes that we had been learning about.




Another great week in P3/4


Our week started with gymnastics. This week we continued exploring the sequence of movement using our bodies and working as part of a team. In their groups they were asked to compose a routine that would include skills such as; rolls, jumps and balances while travelling around their area. They were all fantastic!


P3/4 started creating a plan this week to help them with their creative writing. First the children focused on their main character (Vikings), there were some great imaginative ideas here. We also used our laptops to research clothing, weapons and hair styles. The children had to first draw the character after this they then began to describe the character in more detail.

Next we explored the type of setting the characters were going to be going ‘a viking’. We looked at images of some Viking villages, stormy seas and longboats to help us to develop some great adjectives for our story when we come to write it.

Health and Wellbeing

This week the children were learning about family conflict as part of our celebrating difference focus in Deans at the moment. The children discussed issues that may cause conflict, and were suggesting ways in which this could be resolved. We referred to the ‘solve it together’ technique. We also made the word family with our bodies, each small group were given a letter to shape and form this. Some great examples of our collaborative learning below.

A Busy Week in Primary 2/1

It’s been another busy week in Primary 2/1. We have been busy learning our songs and actions for the Christmas Nativity Performance. We are looking forward to sharing it with all our friends and family.

In numeracy this week we have had a big focus on using the symbols = and + in number stories. We have been investigating all the different ways to make 10. We are becoming more confident adding groups together mentally and using strategies such as counters and drawing pictures to help us. We made a ladybird display in our classroom to help us remember all the different ways to add up to ten.


The boys and girls had lots of good ideas on how our display should look.


Here are some examples of how we like to learn in Primary 2/1.

In Health and Wellbeing this week we are still celebrating differences. Through this we have been looking at the topic of bullying. We shared our ideas on what we thought bullying would look like and how it might make us feel.  We discussed what we could do or who we could talk to if we thought bullying was happening in our school. We had a go a drawing some pictures to illustrate a bullying situation and we were able to talk about our pictures and describe what was happening in each. We are becoming so confident when discussing our work and are trying extra hard to add lots of important details into our drawings.


We are looking forward to welcoming friends and families tomorrow for our Book Bug Launch in the hall.

Celebrating Differences

This week in Health and Wellbeing we have had a focus on celebrating our similarities and differences.  We started off by having a discussion about what makes us special. Here are some of examples that the children contributed to the discussion.

Elkie – ‘I love my guinea pigs’.

Euan ‘I have been to Lego land’.

Erica ‘ I love underwater creatures’.

Belle ‘I love coming to school and learning’.

Next we teamed up with Primary 1 to play a game of ‘Switch’. We had to listen to a statement, for example, ‘I have a little brother’ and stand up if it applied to us. We then had to find a friend who was also standing to switch places with. It was lots of fun and made us realise we have lots of similarities with our friends.

We then played a game of spot the difference. We examined 2 pictures and had to explain what was different and what was the same in each. It was harder than it looked!

In the last activity we had to work with a partner and find three similarities between us and draw them onto a picture. Most of us noticed that we were all wearing a similar uniform and some of us even had the same hair colour.

We are looking forward to what next week’s  Health and Wellbeing lesson will involve!







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