P5 Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or maybe design your own 20 minute workout!

Smart Start – Free Write

Either carry on what you were writing about last time or start a new piece. This AMAZING video which is less than two minutes long might give you an idea about what to write for your own LOCKDOWN story!  https://vimeo.com/412262124

Chat will then go on about 10:05.

Science – If your hands could smell, you’d be an octopus!

Go to this link: https://ed.ted.com/on/hNfD82Pt

Watch the video and work through the different sections. You can choose whether or not you want to write your answers in your jotter.

Extension – google an octopus and draw one in your jotter!

(You may need to finish this learning activity after break!)

After Break

Numeracy – Online Division Games

You might want to watch this video before you try these two games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slez17loMvU



R.M.E. – LI To explore stories from different religions-SC I can listen to the Hindu story of Rama and Sita and explain why Diwali is celebrated.

Go to this link : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4dc47h -watch the video and work through the various activities.

Brainbreak https://www.dropbox.com/s/m53p7kn2a8qwjq1/03%20Staircase%20Relaxation%201.mp3?dl=0 Ten minutes of mindfulness -you could try and get parents to do it too!

Before you go– why not leave three happy notes for someone else to find in your house?

Something for the week-end:


With less planes and less light pollution resulting in clearer skies, the lockdown provides a great opportunity to stargaze. It’s easy, too. All you have to do is look up at night! What can you see? The moon, planets, constellations, a shooting star?  The National Trust has some great tips for stargazing.

Bird watching

Watch the birds from your garden or out of a window. Watch them fly and sing to each other. How many can you spot? Can you name the type of bird? Think about keeping a bird watching diary to keep track of the birds you’ve seen, where and when. Try not to not scare them off! Can you spot the birds on this Wildlife Watch activity sheet?

Primary One – Thursday 30th April 2020

Good Morning Everyone!


Hope you are all well and managing to keep busy.  A few tasks for you to try today. Enjoy!

Activity 1  – Science  Free Science Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

Everyday bbc bitesize are making available short science activities for you to try at home. The link below will take you to an Introduction to Materials. There is a short video and 2 activities for you to try.


Activity 2- Phonics   Phonics Sounds Clipart     w sound

L.I. to develop automatic sound letter recognition

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to say a word I recognise

In your spelling and phonics activities booklet you will find a w letter hunt page. Colour all the w sounds.

Complete the worksheet below using your jotter to draw the pictures. Can you write a sentence for each w word? e.g. When I look out of the window I can see a beautiful blossom tree.

Activity 3 -Phonics –  Help a Hedgehog

Below is a link to a fun phonics game. I would start at phase 2 before moving, keep trying to beat your score! Enjoy, challenge yourself!


Activity 4 – Reading Free Reading Clipart - Clip Art Pictures - Graphics - Illustrations

L.I. to read words and sentences

S.C. I can use the pictures in the story  to help me read unfamiliar words

S.C. I can use the other words in the sentence to help me find one that make sense.

S.C I can order the story

Time for a new book! Go to Oxford Owls and login as normal (username is deansprimary1 and password is reading) choose pages 5-6, then scroll down to Everyone got Wet

Enjoy sharing the story and complete the 2 fun activities – ordering the story and water sound words.

Activity 5 – Money Uk Money Clipart

L.I. to recognise and use a range of coins

S.C. I can sort and order coins according to their value

Please complete Coin Recognition and Ordering Coins sheets from your new pack, then have a go at the coin game below. Start with the sorting activity. Enjoy!


Activity 6 – Health and Wellbeing

Plan a meal with your family. Ask everyone what is their favourite thing to eat is then decide (with the help of an adult) what you could help them to make. Things to think about-

Washing your hands  before handling any food

Tie your hair back if it is long

Wash any fruit and vegetables before cooking

Keep some foods in the fridge

Take care with sharp objects – always ask an adult to help

Remember to help to clear away and wash the dishes!

Have a great day. More activities  on tomorrows  blog.

P5 Thursday 30th April

Good Morning!

Let’s get energized.This is the link for the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or you could wake up with Go Noodle.

Smart Start –https://www.morningchallenge.co.uk/april-30th The maths is quite tricky so you can use a calculator if you can’t work these out using jottings or formal methods. (There is often a calculator on a mobile phone.) Just do what you can on the page and write the answers in your book. Can you spot the deliberate mistake on the page?

Numeracy-LI TO divide-SC I can write write matching multiplication calculations for a division calculation.

Today we are going to consider even more carefully the link between multiplication and division. First watch : https://www.bbc.com/teach/class-clips-video/the-relationship-between-multiplication-and-division/zdqb47h

Spicy – multiplication and division facts

Spicier – Write the division and matching multiplication sum. To solve the problem you may need to do some extra working out-consider number lines for example. spicier division thursday

Hot Hot Hot – Write the division and matching multiplication sum. To solve the problem you may need to do some extra working out-consider number lines for example.Hot Hot Hot thursday division

Extension – division online games

http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2numeracy-division.html – choose from the various games and choose which number facts you want to practise.

After Break

Miss Taylor’s Fun Writing Challenge for this week. There are two choices. Here is the link to the page on the school BLOG. : https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/deansprimary/2020/04/28/rainbow-writing-challenges-p5-7/ or if you can’t find it from the link just scroll down – it was posted on April 28th.

If you have never seen the film here is the link to the song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSZxmZmBfnU

Have a brainbreak-try-https://www.dropbox.com/s/pupiyee9kij4dnj/04%20Body%20Scan%20Relaxation.mp3?dl=0

After Lunch

Firstly finish any other work from this week including topic work.

Topic WW2 -Entertainment during WW2

Look at this Powerpoint – Entertainment ww2 PowerPoint

There are lots of learning activities you can complete.These include designing your own radio show, researching a war film, researching WW2 games and toys and drawing war effort activities.  Choose the order in which you would like to complete the written activities. Take your time with your work. You might need to finish this another day. You do not have to complete them all today.

In case you cannot download the documents from the Powerpoint I will put them here: Activity Sheet Childrens Hour Show Activity Sheet Wartime FilmActivity Sheet Wartime Toys and Games

Afternoon break. –Turn the music up and dance to your favourite song.

Before you go if you need something to do tonight or this weekend why not dig out the family photograph albums? (If you have any.)Ask first and check out family photos. you might enjoy this- especially as you can’t visit friends or family in person.

Primary One – Wednesday 29th April 2020

                      Good Morning Everyone! Tuesday Clipart For Kids

Happy Wednesday! Hope you are all well and ready for another day of learning! You should now have received your 2 week learning pack. Enjoy!! A few additional task for you to complete.

Activity 1 – Phonics  Children Learning Pictures | Free download on ClipArtMag  w sound

L.I. to develop automatic sound letter recognition

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds I know to say a word I recognise

S.C. I can write this letter to spell words with this sound

In your phonics and spelling booklet you have a page similar to the one below. Please practice tracing the Ww letters in your booklet. Keep thinking about the 3 witches hats – down up down up!

Activity 2 –  Wishing Well

Log onto educationcity (you have your own password it is printed onto a label which has been stuck into your jotter in pack 1) then-

Click into subjects

Then click into literacy

Then choose Early **

Lastly scroll down to wishing well and click on it.

Enjoy playing the wishing well game!

Activity 3- ReadingFree Clip Art Children Reading Books | Clipart Panda - Free ...

L.I. to read words and sentences

S.C. I can re-tell a story in the correct order

I hope you have enjoyed reading The Ice Rink




Can you draw a picture and write a sentence about what happens in the story? Split your page into 3 and write at the top-

Beginning                                   Middle                                    End

Then use your book to help you decide the order of the story. Enjoy!

Activity 4- Numeracy Free Numbers Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

L.I To recognise numbers up to 20

S.C. I can listen to a number and then match it to the correct number

Again login into educationcity

Click into subjects

Then click into Numeracy Early **

Choose Jack in the Box


Activity 5 – Health and Wellbeing

The Definition of Mindfulness


What is mindfulness, and why is it important?

Mindfulness is about focusing on the present, and being aware of what is going on both inside and outside, in a non-judgmental way. It’s about noticing physical sensations and emotional responses, as well as your connection to other people and to your surroundings. (first discovers)

Mindfulness is a tool we promote in school as it has many benefits described below.

It helps to increase attention span

It helps you understand and regulate your emotions

It helps with stress management and general wellbeing

It helps you become more aware of your body and your senses

It helps to develop empathy and compassion for others.

A few activities for you try at home.


Have a great day. I will post more activities tomorrow.


P5 Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning!Choose a work-out Joe Wicks for example (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach) or Go Noodle.

Smart Start – Quiet Reading – chat will go on at 9:55.

Numeracy – LI To divide – SC I can use the grouping strategy.

Watch this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=linbjLi2K5s which also gives information about remainders.

Complete the learning activity: Choose a level. Try the grouping strategy or if you prefer use one of the other methods. If you do complete any working out do so in your jotter please!


spicy division


spicier division including remainders

After Break


LI To spell plurals. SC I can spell the plural of words ending in f and fe.

Look at the PowerPoint. Think about what you noticed when making these words plural (more than one). Spelling words ending in f and fe

Complete the Worksheet:Irregular Plural Nouns

(1 star -spicy, 2 stars – spicier, 3 stars – spiciest.) Answers are at the end and when it says circle the incorrect word you will need to write this word in your book.

Morning Brain break – Cosmic Kids yoga : Cosmic kids https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga

Spelling Extensions


  1. http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/spookySpellings/index.html click on 2 and drag the letters to spell the word.


3.http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/forestPhonics/index.html – Choose the phonics you would like to practise.


1.http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/lcwc/index.html click on 3 and 4 then work through the program

2. https://howtospell.co.uk/drop-the-e-exercise

3. http://www.ictgames.com/littleBirdSpelling/ click on 3 and 4




3.http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/lcwc/index.html click on 5 and 6 then work through the different parts of the game

Then if you have time go onto SUMDOG. (The spelling section. )

After Lunch

French-Watch the following clip: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zrpr87h

Check out the French Powerpoint :French Clothes PowerPoint

Learning Activity: Choose

  1. Design a poster showing what you have learnt about French clothes
  2. Draw and label clothes with French words. Use this worksheet to help you.(1 star=spicy, 2 stars = spicier and 3stars = spiciest.) Answers are at the back.French clothes activity sheet

Geography – Go to https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjdm6v4

Watch the videos and then complete EITHER activity 1 or 2. (If you are able to do both that is great!)

The worksheet you need for activity 2 is here –Geography worksheet

Before you go: If you have google earth on your computer you can take a virtual hike along the grand canyon: It takes a bit of getting used to! Remember with this you can go anywhere in the world!https://earth.google.com/web/@36.05767875,-112.14321948,2082.34814453a,0d,60y,-4.9786159h,83.81222441t,0r/data=CjASLhIgYWM3MWNmNzgyZWQ1MTFlOThiZTQ0NWEzN2RiYmYzMTEiCmdjc19pdGluXzE

Rainbow writing challenges P5 – 7

Please have a look at the RAINBOW FAMILY LEARNING SECTION for this week –

Somewhere over  the rainbow”- Music Education Partnership Group

You will know, and may be have been taking part in, the weekly “Clap for NHS” on a Thursday night at 8 o’clock. In many streets people have started to play instruments too, so the Music Education Partnership Group are challenging musicians to play the song “Somewhere over the rainbow” this Thursday.

The first choice for P5-7 writing is linked to this and instructions are below-

Somewhere over the rainbow writing for P5-7

The second choice is linked to the movie that the song came from-

Somewhere over the rainbow writing for P5-7 story

Mindfulness Quotes    (look at poster 5!)


P6/7 April 28, 2020

Victorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Higher AbilityVictorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Lower AbilityVictorious Vikings Fact Sheet –

Medium AbilityActivity Sheet Viking Timeline

Spicy- Questions and Answers – HA

Hot- Questions and Answers – MA

Mild- Questions and Answers -LA


Instruction  simplifying fractions

simplifying fractions ks2 simplifying fractions

Extra Spicy



Picasso inspired self portrait

Primary One – Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good Morning Everyone!
Library of free happy tuesday graphic black and white stock png ...
I hope you are all well and have received your new 2 week learning pack. Below are some extra tasks for you to work on.
Activity 1 – Phonics  oa-ai   
Free Phonics Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...
L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound
S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read and write words
S.C. I can match a picture to a word
For the activity below you will need a dice. Roll the dice, if for example you roll a 3 go to the 3 dice pattern look along the row, what oa or ai word can you find?  Carry on until you have found all six words then in your jotter copy the pictures and write the matching word underneath.
Activity 2 – Phonics – New sound! w
L.I. to develop automatic sound letter recognition
S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape
S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to say a word I recognise
Our new sound is w. W is a stretchy red sound. Try saying it, look at yourself in the mirror, can you see the shape your lips are making? Now try blending the following w words-
w-e-b   w-ee-d  w-i-n   w-i-n-d   w-e-t   w-e-n-t    w-a-g    w-a-g-o-n    s-w-i-m
s-w-ee-p       s-w-ee-t-s
In your pack is a “colouring  the letter w” sheet try to complete this page and write the correct w word under each picture.
Activity 3 – Reading Library of clip royalty free books png files ▻▻▻ Clipart Art 2019
L.I. to read words and sentences
S.C. I can unscramble a jumbled up sentence
I hope you have enjoyed reading The Ice Rink ebook from Oxford Owls and you completed the 2 activities. Today I would like you to unscramble a sentence (as we would normally do in class). I would kindly ask an adult to copy a sentence from the book. Cut up each word, mix the words up and then put the words back in the correct order. Remember to use the ebook to help! You can copy the sentence into your jotter and draw a picture to match.
Activity 4 – Numeracy Free Clipart Numbers at GetDrawings | Free download
L.I. to add and subtract numbers
S.C. I can use my number line to count on and back
S.C. I can talk about the strategies I use
Here are your daily 10. You can use your number line in you pack to support you.
1. 7 + 2=
2. 7 + 3=
3. 7 + 4=
Can you talk about the strategy you used to work out the answers?
4.  3 + 3=
5.  3 + 4=
6.  3 + 5=
Can you talk about the strategy you used to work out the answers?
7. 10 – 5=
8. 10 – 4=
9. 10-  3=
Can you talk about the strategy you used to work out the answers?
Activity 5 – Health and Wellbeing Kids Working Out Clipart
Remember to do your daily exercises. I have been trying Joe Wicks, it’s great! Why not draw a picture of yourself exercising?
Have a great day. Check out tomorrows blog for more activities!

P5 Tuesday 28th April

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.

Warm-up – Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or what about learning a Harry Potter Dance with Otis from Strictly ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btD_HCO1FT4

Smart start – Newsround – watch https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround

Write 3 sentences to show what you have learnt from the program.

Extension – Choose:

1.Check out the rest of the Newsround website.

2. Draw a picture to go with your sentences.

Literacy – WW2- Reading Comprehension – 

Read the information about the armed forces in World War II and answer the comprehension questions.  The spicy activity has one star – and answers are on page 4. The spicier text (2 stars) and questions are on the same document starting at page 5 and answers are on page 8.

Activity Sheet The Armed Forces in World War II Comprehension

After Break

Storytime – Listen to David Walliams . The link is live at 11am.Why not lie back and rest your eyes when you listen?https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/


LI To divide.

SC I can revise how to divide numbers using the repeated subtraction method.

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFeLPTMG6J8

Here is another repeated subtraction video that is set out slightly differently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ck5Vugtvi8

Division Using a Number Line Worksheets

Spicy – scroll down to the last page of the document (first calculation is 8 divided by 2)

Spicier – scroll down to page 2 of the document (first calculation is 18 divided b 3). The questions repeat themselves – don’t do them twice!

Spiciest – page 1 of document-but don’t do the second set of questions.

Extension – Sumdog maths.

After Lunch

Health – Teamwork

Go to the link : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbcthbkWatch the three videos in order. Join in with the moves on the first one if you want to.

Think about what you have learned about how to work as a team.How well do you feel you would fit into a team?

Learning Activity:Choose

  1. Design a poster showing the skills needed to work well in a team.
  2. Think about your strengths and how you can use them when working in a team. Complete the ’I am an amazing person’ activity sheet.I am an amazing person

Brainbreak: try some mindfulness  https://www.dropbox.com/s/1am97x1hb5rgfek/01%20Muscle%20Relaxation.mp3?dl=0


Use the Powerpoint which has information about two WW2 activities this afternoon- art and a video about a veteran soldier. PowerPoint armed forces

You might not finish everything this afternoon. Just do what you can! By the way if you can’t get the link for the video clip of the veteran to download this is it: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/freddie-hunn-the-boy-who-loved-poetry/zmnqxyc


Can you write a poem to describe the experience of a World War II soldier, pilot or sailor?

Can you make a model of a World War II tank, submarine or aeroplane?

Can you find out more about the women in the armed forces and the job they did?

Before you go:If you enjoy Beatrix potter this link lets you listen to the story of Peter Rabbit and Friends. https://stories.audible.com/pdp/B00IZMHQSE

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