Writing – P5, P6/7 and P7

As always, only complete this when your class teacher asks you to!

This week we are going to use –


You have a choice of mild, spicy, hot activities:

Mild – look at the picture and continue the the story starter (you don’t have to copy it out !! )

Spicy – answer the Questions and look at the picture and continue the the story starter (you don’t have to copy it out !! )

Hot – complete all the actvities for The Port key.


Hav fun being creative and usuing your imagination! Miss Taylor.



Happiness is ….. (P3, P3/4 and P4 writing )

As always, please complete these tasks when your class teacher asks you to!

Following on from last week when you had the chance to make your lockdown movie for the Sky Academy competition, we are again going to look at interviews.

Firstly, look at my blog post from yesterday all about “Positivity…”

Positivity! (Health and Wellbeing for all pupils)

Can you write a poem called “Happiness is….” based on everything that has made  you happy in the past 9 weeks?

I have attached my own version – could you do yours and illustrate it too?

Happiness is poem

Then find someone at home – or on the phone – to interview about what has made them happy.  You can write this on your script sheet – and if you have time you could film it too!


Have fun and be happy!! (and if you like Disney – check this out!)



Primary One – Tuesday 26th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone! September - Back to School Stationery and Printables (With images ...

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather we had yesterday. I am enjoying my early morning dog walks, there is so much to see and hear. The birds are really enjoying the quiet skies and are singing all the time. I even met a fox this morning I think it was making its way back to its den for a sleep as foxes are nocturnal. Some tasks for you to complete today.

Activity 1 – Free Phonics Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...   th sound

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can write this letter

Yesterday I introduced you to the th sound.

Remember not to mix up the f and th sound!

th can be a quiet blue sound but it can also be a loud dark blue sound.

Watch the short clip below.

The loud, hard, dark blue th sound can usually be heard in our tricky words – the, them, then, that, this, these, those. Can you say thick then the can you hear the difference in the th sound makes? Practice saying these words, listen for the difference in the th sound.

thin      –        then            thumb     –    them            teeth        –    that

cloth      –       this             bath    –       these             thank      –     those

Choose 3  words with the loud hard th in them and write a sentence for each then complete the Word Building th from your pack. Challenge – Complete the th wordsearch.

Activity 2 – Reading Free Reading Clipart - Clip Art Pictures - Graphics - Illustrations

L.I. to find information from a text

S.C. I can use pictures in the book as a clue to help me recognise unfamiliar words

S.C. I can use words that I know in a sentence to help me predict what an unfamiliar  word could be

I hope you enjoyed reading and sharing Our Incredible Plant from Oxford Owls. I would like you to answer the questions below. You can answer them in sentences in your jotter or discuss them with someone in your house.

  1. How are we spoiling our planet?
  2. How do greenhouse gases get into the air?
  3. Write or discuss 2 things we can do to help?
  4. What gets rid of some of the gases from the air?

Create a poster displaying the things we can do to stop spoiling our planet. Take a picture of your poster and send it to the school via email. I would love to see them. Enjoy!

Activity 3 – Numeracy Curriculum clipart numeracy, Curriculum numeracy Transparent FREE ... Number Talks

L.I. to identify a pattern

S.C. I can show the steps I took to solve a problem

S.C. I can explain why I did it the way I did

S.C. I can check my answers and make sure my answer is correct

I have 2 number talks tasks for you today, the first one has dot and the second one has numerals.

Remember Number Talks are all about how you solve a task mentally. For this activity, don’t use anything to help you, just your brain!

Task 1

How many dots do you see and how do you see them? You can copy the pattern into you jotters and explain your thinking to someone in your home.

Task 2

What strategies did you use, can you explain how you worked out the answer?

9 + 1 =

9 + 3 =

9 + 5 =

9 + 7 =

Next I would like you to complete Doubles/near doubles, addition facts for 6 from your home learning pack. Remember knowing doubles and near doubles is a really useful strategy to use during number talks. A clip below that may be helpful. Enjoy!

Activity 4 – Art and Crafts

L.I, to use a range of media creatively

S.C. I can make a twig boat using recycled materials

How to make a twig boat

You don’t need very much to make a twig boat. Just some twigs, grass (or perhaps string/wool if you have any) a few fallen flowers and a leaf for the sail.

Step 1 – Collect some fallen twigs

Step 2 – Lay your grass or string down and then place the twigs on top

Step 3 – Tightly wrap the grass or string around the twigs, try to keep the twigs as flat as possible

Step 4- Take one extra twig and slot it into the bottom of your boat , this becomes your mast

Step 5 -Thread a leaf gently by poking the mast through it in 2 places- this will make your sail

Step 6 – Add a few tiny fallen flowers for decoration

Step 7 – Set it afloat in a bathtub, paddling pool etc.

Step 8 – Ask yourself the question – Does it float?

Have a great day. Tomorrow Mrs Stewart and Mrs Wallace will post some Wellbeing Wednesday activities. Enjoy!


P5 Tuesday 26th May

Good Morning everybody. Let’s get energized.Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything else you like.

Smart start –Newsround


Then write 3 sentences about what you have learnt.Extension – If you finish check out the rest of the Newsround website or catch up with any other work you need to finish.Chat will go back on about 9:55 to discuss learning.

Numeracy-LI To use historical number systems – SC I can complete calculations using Egyptian Number Systems

Check out the Ancient Egypt Powerpoint

Ancient Egypt differentiated worksheets (one star=spicy, two stars=spicier, 3 stars=spiciest.)  If you need help with any worksheets you can always use your research skills! Or use this document : Egyptian Numbers

Plenary-if you are interested watch this showing the history of numbers through time!

And only if you are interested : History of Maths Display Timeline

After Break


  1. Finish any unfinished work(this could include your talk/presentation from yesterday) or numeracy from this morning.

2.Storytime – Listen to David Walliams . The link is live at 11am.Why not lie back and rest your eyes when you listen? https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses-catch-up/ – choose which chapters you want to read.

Then – Literacy – Spelling

Continue to look at these exception words for P4 and P5 in the document. years-3-and-4-spelling-list. Continue where you left off last week. Read each one then practice the ‘Look, Cover, Write, and Check’ method. Keep going until you have another 8 words you found tricky. Just like last week choose some of the following methods in this document to practise spelling the words:useful spelling ideas. Remember you can return to this document whenever you want to practise your spelling.

Some people have finished practising their spellings using this document so you can try :Hot Hot Hot spelling word list and follow the same ideas as above.

After Lunch

Reinforce your Egyptian numbers through playing :

The Egyptian Number System

Health-Activity One-Resilience

Continue with our resilience alphabet – C is for choice

Health-Activity Two-Healthy Eating

Go to – http://fss-eatwellguide.scot/  scroll down and click on ‘Find Out More About A Balanced Diet Here First.’

When you are ready go back and click on ‘Get Started.’ Then drag the foods on the right into the correct places on the plate- the key for the different colours on the plate is at the bottom of the page. E.g. green is fruit and vegetables.

Extension – draw a plate on the page in your jotter and draw a healthy meal. This Powerpoint will help:The eatwell plate powerpoint

Before you go why not explore this WWF site . We have done some activities but it really is a great site!  https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/love-nature/forests?dm_i=38LF,118RN,3D1I49,3XV9F,1#making

Also if you are interested in Egypt you might enjoy this Horrible History video:

Positivity! (Health and Wellbeing for all pupils)

Last week was Mental Health Awareness week ! We all have mental  health in the same way we have our physical health – and both are important at this time!

Focussing on what is Positive right now – in our own lives and our own families is important – but what is Positivity?

Look at the Powerpoint below and have a think and a chat about what it means!


I love that Powerpoint – so much to think about !!

Why don’t you keep a Positivity Diary of your own – at the end of the day think of 3 things that have been the best bits and write them down!

Use this layout to give you ideas – or design your own!






Primary One – Monday 25th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

126 Best Monday images | Monday blessings, Monday greetings, Happy ...

I hope you are all well and had a good weekend. The weather hasn’t been great but I hope you still managed to get your daily exercise. Some tasks for you to complete.

Activity 1 – Phonics Free Phonics Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...th sound

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can write this sound

A new sound today! We are going to be focusing on the th sound.

Can you practice saying the th sound. Your tongue is flat and the air escapes between your tongue and top teeth. Your tongue will stick out slightly.  It is a quite blue sound that often gets mixed up the f sound.

Can you blend these sounds together to say these th words?

th – i – n     th – i – ck        th – i – n – k         th – u – m – b        th – r – o – w

p – a – th        b – a – th      t – ee – th              t – oo – th           c – l  – o – th

Write the words in your jotter and draw a picture to match each one. Then complete Handwriting Practice th sheet from your home learning pack.

Activity 2 – Reading reading clipart - Google Search | Owl classroom, Clip art, Owl theme

L.I. to read words and sentences

S.C. I can use pictures in the story as a clue to help me recognise unfamiliar words

S.C. I can use words that I know in a sentence to help predict what an unfamiliar word could be

Your new book is called Our Incredible Planet 

Remember you can find the book at www.oxfordowl.co.uk ,then  go to My Class Login (deansprimary1 then password – reading) , ebooks, age 5-6 then scroll down to Our Incredible World. It is a non-fiction book (the information is real!!) Enjoy sharing this book with someone at home, it has lots of interesting information in it. Complete Questions to read and answer (at the back).

Activity 3 –  Numeracy Numeracy Stock Photos And Images - 123RFNumber Talks

L.I. to add numbers together

S.C. I can show the steps I took to solve a problem

S.C. I can explain why I did it the way I did

S.C. I can check my answers and make sure my answer is correct

Remember number talks are all about how you solve a task mentally. For this activity, don’t use anything to help you, just use your brain!

4 + 6 =

7 + 4 =

4 + 8 =

4 + 9 =

Activity 4 – Numeracy Count Numeracy Stock Illustrations – 145 Count Numeracy Stock ...

L.I to sequence numbers

S.C. I can identify the largest/smallest number

S.C. I can order numbers from smallest to largest

S.C. I can order  numbers from largest to smallest

For this activity go to you Home Learning Pack and in numeracy part you will find Home Activity 7 Largest/smallest, ordering number. Complete this activity, you will need to make 3 sets of 0-20 numeral cards and follow the first activity instructions. Then move onto identifying largest and smallest numbers and lastly the ordering of numerals.

Activity 5 – Health and Wellbeing Pin en Graphics

Last week you completed “What I Want in a Friend Activity” have a think about all the things that friendship means to you, then have a listen to the song below (I am sure you will recognise it)

How does that make you feel listening to the song? Can you draw a picture of yourself and write all the super qualities that you have to offer to a friend around the picture of you, for example are you kind, are you a good listener? do you like to share?

Have an amazing day. I will post more activities tomorrow.

P5 Monday 25th May

Good morning – Let’ get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout: https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or anything that interests you.

Smart Start-Maths Online Games

times table practise:-https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/27284.html

Logic Puzzles-https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/students/Addle.asp




If you have time or any problems with these games go on Sumdog(maths). Chat will go on at about 10am.

Numeracy-Roman Numerals

Watch this video to as a reminder : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgG3iyV1UZg

Learning Activity-Choose:

1.Design own cards. Put Roman Numerals on one set. Then ordinary matching numbers on the other set. Then shuffle. Practise matching them up or play snap with someone in your house.

2.Spicy worksheet -Practise telling the time using Roman Numerals:RN telling time

3.Spicier worksheet –RN 24 hour -using am and pm and 24 hour clock.

4.Play the online games-




After Break-Reading – You’re a Bad Man, Mr Gum by Andy Stanton

I love this series of books! Go to this link -https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zknnf4j  and work through the activities. Take your time and just do what you can in the time available. Good Luck!

After Lunch

Listening and Talking

LI – To talk clearly and with expression about a topic. SC – I can present a 2 minute detailed solo talk on a topic or event that interests me.

You did such a great job with your writing activity with Miss Taylor last week I thought you might enjoy this. Your talk can be about absolutely anything. It could be an area of World War 2, a hobby that you have or even be about your pets. It would be a good idea to write notes in your jotter then practise giving your talk. You could self assess using 2 stars and a wish. If you are able to, and would like to, you can send a video to the school email and then they will be forwarded to me. I would love to see them. Good luck!


This was the site I introduced you to before-  https://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics

Click on lessons at the top and choose a different area of learning that interests you. (about 20 minutes).

Before you go if you like Harry Potter you will love this – https://artsandculture.google.com/project/harry-potter-a-history-of-magic

Primary One – Friday 22nd May 2020

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Friday Let's Do the Friday Happy Dance Just Put Your Oo ...

Hope you have all had a good week and enjoyed the beautiful sunny weather we has yesterday.  Some task for you to do today.

Activity 1 – Phonics     Free Phonics Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ... ch sound

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend the sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can spell words with this sound in it

Today I would like you to complete 2 sheets from your learning pack Code Breaker sh and ch. They look like this

Once you have cracked the codes choose 2 ch and sh words and use them to create an interesting sentence.

Activity 2 – Writing Writing Pencil Clipart 19 Pencil Writing Black And - Clip Art ...

L.I. to write sentences that tell the reader information

S.C. I can write facts about what I have been doing at home

S.C. I can use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

S.C. I can draw a picture to match my story.

I would like you to use your jotter to write as many sentences as you can describing what you have been doing while you have been at home. Some ideas – you may have been playing in a paddling pool, sleeping in your tent, playing exciting games with your family, bat watching, I would love to hear what you have been up. Enjoy!

Activity 3 Numeracy Number Clipart Numeracy - Literacy Clip Art , Free Transparent ...Number Talks

L.I. to add 3 numbers together

S.C. I can show the steps I have taken to solve a problem

S.C. I can explain why I did it the way I did

S.C. I can check my answers and make sure my answer is correct

Remember Number Talks are all about how you solve a task mentally. For this activity, don’t use anything to help you, just your brain! If you find it tricky ask try these 3 instead-

3 + 7 =

4 + 7 =

2 + 7 =

Maths – Measure Free Measurement Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...

L.I. to compare the height of objects

S.C. I can describe the height of  something using the words tallest/shortest

I would like you to complete sheet 8 Tallest/Shortest from your home learning pack. Remember last Friday we looked at longer and shorter so this week we are increasing our measure vocabulary to include tallest ans shortest. There is also a fun measuring activity on Educationcity (Your password is in you jotter). Go to pick a subject, click on numeracy, click on early with 2 stars (**), then activities and lastly select Classy Objects. Have fun!

Have a fantastic weekend. Stay safe and well and I will post more activities on Monday.

P5 Friday 22nd May

Good Morning!Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or any other work-out you want to do.

Smart Start – Quiet reading

Chat will go back on about 10:00 am.

Mrs Stewart would really appreciate it if you could complete this survey about how you are finding learning from home. Your views are important to us.Here is the link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZrs4PcouytMv6A2R0y6TENUOFlCMVkwOTQyUTc0UFE4R0E5OTc0T1RNTy4u

Free Write-Free Choice or you could watch this short video about to give you some ideas!:https://vimeo.com/visiblefictions

After Break

11am Live Chat – with Miss Stanway and Mrs Wallace


Yesterday we learnt about resilience. Today we move onto B is for balance read the document and complete the art activity.

Friendship Time

Before you gohttps://www.storyberries.com/storyberries-bedtime-radio/ this site has some great online books-a wide variety – all different ages!


Primary 1/2 21.5.20

Good Morning Everyone!

Welcome back to the blog and I hope you enjoyed all the ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ activities.  Remember to keep working through your packs of home learning and using any of these activities to supplement your learning.


This week we have been reading ‘The Toys Party’ through oxford owls ebooks. You can access the story through this website –  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

Our user name is   deans12 and the password is mrsstevenson

With the help of an adult access the story and have another read through focusing on any words you found challenging previously.

You can either choose one of the activities from the guided reading grid or you can complete the activity below.

Jumbled sentences

Read the sentences below, they are all jumbled up. Can you put them back into the correct order so that the sentence makes sense? Remember the capital letter will go at the start and the full stop at the end.

  1. wanted Kipper party. a
  2. toys. got He his
  3. put cornflakes. He in
  4. baked beans. in put He
  5. cross. was Mum 

I’ve included a link to a fun game  ‘Viking Full Circle‘ to help you practise reading and spelling CVC words. You can choose any phase you feel comfortable with.



Below is a game to help you revise the new sound /ch/  (the link is for ch despite it being labelled as /sh/ ). Remember the ch sound will go either at the start or the end of the word.

Digraph /ch/, Phonics game to practice the consonant digraph /ch/

I spy with my little eye……. 

How many ch words can you find in the picture below? Write down as many as you can, listen really carefully to each sound in the word to help you with your spelling.

/ch/ handwriting

Today let’s have a go at trying to write the /ch/ sound using a join between the c and the h. Below is a little example for you to have a look at to help you practise.

This is how the join should look. Don’t forget to..

  • Use a sharp pencil
  • Rest your letters on the line
  • Make sure your letters are the right size
  • Don’t lift your pencil off until you are finished

Don’t forget to self assess your work with ‘Green for Growth‘ and ‘Tickled Pink’.

Finally, I have added a game onto our home learning section of Educationcity called ‘Cheeping chicks‘ – have a go… can’t wait to see all your scores! Good Luck!


Daily Ten

Focus on ten less again. Below is the 100 square to help you.

  1. 60    2.  75      3.  40     4.  100    5. 21    6. 90    7. 49   8. 20   9.  50    10. 80

Number talks

I thought I would give you a number talk challenge like we do in class. All you have to do is say/write how you ‘see’ the dots. There is an example for you to follow if you feel unsure. Remember there are lots of different ways to see the dots. Remember to use the + and = in the correct place and check your totals.

Health and Well being/Art and Design

We have been focusing on what makes a good friend, and to have good friends we’ve got to be a good friend. Today I want you to think of the most important quality to you in a friend. Maybe it is being kind, thoughtful or funny. I thought we could make a friendship flower picture. Ask an adult to help you make the word you choose using sticky tape (you will have to double it up to make it sticky on both sides). Below are some examples… I think this would be a great activity to get you outdoors and searching for different pretty and colourful flowers/grasses and then create a beautiful picture.

I would love to see anything you create so don’t forget you can send pictures onto me at the school email address.


Story Time

I’m enjoying finding stories online for us to share. Today I thought we could watch and listen to ‘The Very Quiet Cricket’ by Eric Carle so grab some milk or your water bottle and enjoy!

If you listen carefully when you are next outside on your walk you might even hear some crickets, chirruping in the grass. What other sounds can you hear? What sense are you using?

You could even have a go at drawing your own cricket..here is a tutorial below to guide you.

Good luck with all your home learning activities today. Mrs Lockhart will be taking over the blog tomorrow and I will see you back here on Monday for another week of learning. Have a great weekend!

Mrs Stevenson

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