Mindfulness by Teegan

Today Primary 6/7 tried out some mindfulness with Mrs Moyes. Teegan enjoyed it so much that it inspired her to write her own mindfulness story. This is it:

Water Fall

Close your eyes, be very still and imagine that you are standing in crystal clear water at the top of a waterfall and you are leaning over the cliff that the water fall is on and the wind is holding your body up.

Imagine the wind blowing through your hair, breathe in the mountains fresh air; in through your nose and back out of your mouth (X3) repeat in your head.

“I am calm and gentle” now open your eyes and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth (X3)

Teegan is going to visit The Den tomorrow to read this to the children at mindfulness time, we know they will really enjoy it!

In PE this week we have been doing different ways of travelling. Also in PE we have been learning how to dribble and shoot.

Also this week we have been learning about apostrophes.

Today we had our photos taken.

Secondary School !

Primary 7 have been given letters today with information regarding choice of Secondary schools for next year! Hopefully they have brought them home to you!

Also given out today were  letters and permission forms for this week’s visit on Friday morning, to DCHS, as part of our transition programme. These need to be returned by Wednesday please.

We are learning about Remembrance day and the work of the organisation Poppyscotland this week. Poppies will be on sale to the whole school each day.



High School science and Halloween!

Primary 7 were excited to meet some of the staff from DCHS last week when they came for a visit and the class did experiments about filtration.

The Halloween disco proved as popular as ever with lots of fabulous costumes and even scarier dance moves!

P7 made their P1 Buddy classes Autumn collage pictures labelled with key aspects of an Autumn day and events at this time of the year. They worked together collaboratively in their table groups and were delighted when they had a great response from P1 classes!

This week we began SSNA testing in reading and numeracy. Whilst creating a quiet environment, with half testing and half completed ; the children used our large selection of topic books to find out about key spelling words for their topic of WW2.

Thursday was the last of our swimming sessions and everyone enjoyed the chance to have a more relaxed session.

We have been discussing the 4 part lesson model and how we can use “steps to success “- beginning with a walk down the stairs ! We have an inspirational verse on the wall that reminds us that there is no easy or quick  way to be successful – you have to do the hard climb


A good week

We have been enjoying our topic on World War 2. We were making a story on evacuation in World War 2 about a boy and a girl. P6/7s have also been “Toasting not Roasting”!

We have been learning to join up their letters. Some of us have been putting joined up writing into our story writing.

We have been doing PowerPoints about World War 2.

We have been using Hitler’s age for maths:

1945 – 1889 = 56

1945 – 56 = 1889

1889 + 56 = 1945

56 + 1889 = 1945

Buddy assembly preparation well underway

Primary 7 were pleased to meet with their buddies to help make posters of what the P1 pupils enjoyed doing. A pupil said “It’s fun helping them to learn.” Another pupil said “Buddy lunch helped us to get to know our buddies better.”

P7 enjoyed listening to a talking tree! The tree told them facts about an oak tree. They then learned how to draw a tree.

For RME they watched a short movie about the prophet Mohammad as part of learning about Islam.

Drawing portraits of partners in step by step process was challenging and amusing!

As part of our novel study we worked together to design voting posters and leaflets. Some of “our policies” were to ban computer games, ban swearing, free lip kits to voters, free vouchers to voters and even nap time for staff and pupils!!!

A final wee reminder – 

Photo permission forms to be returned( a third of the class haven’t brought them in – despite second letters being given)

Swimming permission forms to be returned.

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