Primary 7

This week we have been focusing on reading and writing in all areas of the curriculum. For our topic we have been taking notes on different subjects so we can write a piece for our holiday brochures.

We have been researching the question “Is it important for a child to have a healthy breakfast?”. From the research we have make a list of what the scientist are saying about this subject and also looked at what our own opinion is. We are preparing to debate this in class.

We have been working well in groups this week taking responsibility for different roles.

In maths we have once again been looking at negative numbers only this time we have been learning to multiply and divide with them. It gets complicated when a double negative is a positive.

Jack asked a good question while working on his maths. “When will we use negative numbers?” After discussion we came up with a few ideas.

  1. Working in a bank or building society and dealing with accounts that are overdrawn.
  2. Thermometers have negative numbers so any type of scientist/nurse/doctor who works with temperature will work with negative numbers.
  3. People who work in catering and need to have a knowledge of food storage temperatures.
  4. Maths teachers.
  5. Architects and surveyors who deal with elevations.

P6/7 Class

What a fantastic week we’ve had!  We have been demonstrating our school values throughout the week.

For Literacy, we learnt to  practise our comprehension skills by visualising the text.  We also got our new reading books.  We start our Guided reading sessions next week.


We were learning to decompose sequences.  This meant that we had to create a series of instructions for coding a robot.

We have also been researching information about different types of eco-friendly technology.

In numeracy, we learnt to divide decimals by 10 and 100 and 1000.

IDL- We learnt how the Incas lived in their time and how their civilization died.

Primary 7

Wednesday 19th February


In the morning we were working on our topic.We were finishing off our mind maps and our calendars .We call ourselves “Deans Travel Agents.”In P7 we use pathways to come up with learning intentions .

Maths pathways ~                                                                      I can carry out money calculations involving the four operations.

I can collect, organise and display data accurately on a verity of ways including the use of digital technologies. 

Reading pathways ~

I can organise my notes and present my information in different forms including mind-maps,                                                                       

Community Garden

P7 now have some seeds to plant (indoors) so when the weather improves we can get outside and plant them in the garden.

We are also Chitting potatoes we got from the RHET (Royal Highland Education Trust) and hopefully when the weather improves we can get them outside as well.  The potatoes are part of a competition, Super Sonic Spuds, to see which school involved can grow the heaviest crop.

Primary 7

Monday 10th February

Primary 7 started off their day with a 5 minute exercise routine by Joe Wicks.


Primary 7 have started to learn the properties  of shapes                                          “It was a bit difficult to start with but we got there” – Logan                                       Primary 7 also learned how to identify a complementary or a supplementary angle .


Primary 7 have been reading Charlotte’s web, we have been working on a worksheet where we had to find WOW words from Charlotte’s  web and find the dictionary definition.


Primary 7 continued the Circuits they have been working on : skipping, hurdles, step ups, zig zaging through cones and a shuttlecock. run. We also played line up tag.

Tuesday 11th February

Primary 7 started of their day with an 8 minute exercise routine again from Joe Wicks.


Primary 7 were learning to collect “like” terms and multiply terms in algebraic expressions. w x 4 = 4w             5g x 2g x g = 10g3                m x m = m2


Primary 7 collaborated with  Primary 4 to understand to reasons for the Hindu  festival of Holi.


Primary 7 continued with circuits: skipping, hurdles, step ups, zig zaging through cones and a shuttlecocks run. Hopefully this is helping to increase our fitness. After the holiday we are going to change some of our circuit activities.

Wednesday 12th February

Primary 7 started off their day with a few games of dodge ball


Primary 7 continued to learn solve calculations with “like” terms and multiply terms in algebraic expressions. P x P = P²    Y x 4 = 4Y     w x 9 = 9w

Thursday 13th February

Primary 7 started off their day with a 5 minute exercise from Joe Wicks. It is a good start to the morning and helps us with our work.


Today we were finding information for our holiday  brochure. We chose to find the information on

  • History
  • Food
  • Language
  • Religion
  • Money

We catagorised all the information using a mind-map so we are now ready to write it up, in our own words, for the brochure.

Thank you to Logan and Alannah for preparing this weeks Blog.




Primary 7


Wednesday 5th February

Today we went to Livingston Stadium for a careers day. We found out about the many different career paths in the NHS and some of the skills required to apply for the jobs. There were many stalls to visit. They  were allvery important.

David – All the stalls were really good and I never realised how important and how much effort was put in to each job


Lee – The event was very inspiring and interesting and overall a really good time.

Thursday 6th of February 

On Thursday morning we carried on with our learning of algebra and in the afternoon we practised for our assembly.

Friday 7th of February

Today we performed our  assembly and it went well.

Thank you to David and Lee for preparing this week’s blog.

P5 Enjoy Their Performance!


We have practised our visualisation skills. After reading a section of our class novel we looked for clues in the text and drew in detail the picture that was in our head.


We discussed the difference between short and long vowel sounds. Then we compared words such as hoping and hopping and biter and bitten. We learnt that if there is a long sounding vowel in the middle of the word then there will usually be 2 consonants after it e.g. dinner. Some of us found lots of examples when we went on a dictionary hunt looking for these types of words.


We used the laptops and played games to help us recall our table facts quickly.

Also we have started to learn about fractions.

This week some of us beat our previous score in BIG MATHS!


This week we learnt about how the dreams and goals of children in different cultures are sometimes different from our own.

We made dream spirals for these children:


After a recap of our work on using line last week we completed observational drawings of various objects. Afterwards we wandered round and looked at other people’s work and gave them feedback. We were particularly impressed with these: 

Don’t forget your fluffy, cuddly toy for next week’s observational drawing session!


This week was our last ‘Move to the Beat’ session and we invited some of the other children in the school to our last workshop.

Keris – I enjoyed it because all the little ones started dancing.

Chloe – The little ones started singing.

Georgie – I liked the drumming when we split into 2 groups.

Topic – Mary Queen of Scots

After reading through some more information about her life, we drew a comic strip representing the key points. These will be displayed in our classroom soon!


Look at who got the compliments this week!

Finally this week Keris would like to mention she has felt more confident at putting her hand up in class.

Well done Keris!

Primary 7


This week we have been learning to solve problems using maths operations. We have worked well on this but a majority of us feel that we need to spend some time learning our tables.

Mums and Dads  can you help with this.

We have also been learning to use a protractor and ruler accurately drawing triangles. We hope to get outside soon to investigate angles in the playground.


Our class novel at the moment is Charlotte’s Web. We are enjoying reading through the story and completing all the tasks.

Keeley “It’s interesting so far”

Brooke “I think it’s really enjoyable”

Ava “It’s a great story”

The class have been working hard preparing the assembly for next week. Hope to see you all there.


With Ms Taylor on a Tuesday we have started to write narrative stories. We will put examples on the blog when they are completed.


This week we have been organising an itinerary for the holiday we are planning.


With Mrs Lockhart on Wednesday we were doing a challenge to assess how much we have learned so far.

Congratulations to Nicole and Alannah for getting the star award for collaborating well in science.

Primary 7

Tuesday 21st January


We were learning to add and subtract negative numbers. We have been using a thermometer to support our learning using the rules for negative numbers




With Ms Taylor we were learning to structure a fact file about our favourite animal. We used a variety of resources  to find information, take notes and then create the fact file.


In P.E. we have been learning to recognise how to warm up and cool down effectively. It is all part of our keep fit regime.

We started with a warm up taken by Boyd, Jack and David.

and continued with our fitness activities.


Wednesday 22nd January

More negative numbers. Today the rule is, if the calculation is minus a negative number you add.

6 – (-4) = 6 + 4 = 10

Nicole “As long as you understand the process to use it is quite easy.”

Jack “It was quite hard but I’m going to keep trying.”


Friday 24th January

Today we were working on our topic. We were using a website to calculate the overall distance of our trip and how long it will take. There will be an investigation into the modes of transport we will be using to keep our carbon footprint to a minimum.



Primary 7’s busy week


We have been learning to add and subtract negative numbers by using money (Bank balances) and thermometers.


We have been carrying out the bleep test before we start our fitness activities this term. We will be working hard to improve our fitness over this term and will check our improvements by carrying out the bleep test again. We will let you know how we get on.

Our Classroom Environment

With our new floor we have changed the seating and theme of our classroom. We are bringing the outdoors indoors in preparation for our community garden project.


With Mrs Lockhart we are learning to recognize living and non living creatures  by using Mrs Nerg

M-movement                                                                            R-reproduction                                                                        S-stimulus                                                                                N-nutrition                                                                               E-excretion                                                                              R-respiration                                                                              G-growth

Mrs Dobbie would like to thank Charlie P for taking responsibility for the Blog this week.

Welcome back to Primary 7

Primary 7 are back and ready for some hard work. Already we have been working on rounding decimals. To help us understand we found a clip that explained significant numbers.


Deans Travel Agents

To work on our new topic the class have split into 6 different groups and are planning a budget holiday. each group has chosen a country such as:

  1. Mexico
  2. India
  3. Israel
  4. Indonesia
  5. Japan
  6. A tour of the famous football stadiums in Britain

There are many skill that will be covered during this topic and each group will keep you up to date on their progress.

Some of the Primary 7’s have been selected to work together to improve the playground. Along with Mrs Wood, Mrs Rosie and Mrs Stewart they have been searching through catalogues to get ideas and implement the new look playground.

This term Primary 7 will have gym on Mondays and Tuesdays. Can they all bring a complete change of gym kit, no jewelry and a pair of indoor shoes both for gym and the classroom. We are getting new flooring in our room and we want to keep it as clean as possible.





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