P6/5 Week Ending Friday 14th January

P6/5 Week starting Monday 10th January



Maths – All groups were looking at fractions today; one group were sorting various activities and games into degrees of difficulty. We looked at the forward plan to help us discuss the learning intentions for these activities and decided most them were covered by “to sort and compare fractions”.

Literacy – reading groups have new reading books so we all looked at the skill of prediction.

PE – we all looked at possible activities for the coming term and decided to focus on tennis, rugby and continue football.

To help us with our understanding of vertebrates and  invertebrates, and our artistic skills, we drew skeletons.


Maths: continuing work on fractions in our groups, looking at denominators and numerators.

Literacy: continued work on prediction (the rest of the book). Progressed from making notes to writing this up in sentences (some in paragraphs) into jotters. We also did an extended writing piece – a narrative story of each child’s own choice.

Mrs D STEM activities in the afternoon. Fractions


Maths –  Fractions, with one group focusing on simple fractions of a number, the rest on equivalent fractions. A small group were also able to work on percentages and how they relate to fractions.

Literacy – generating questions (and corresponding answers) about their group reading books, which will feed into a reading comprehension activity. We also peer assessed the narrative writing from the previous day.

In the afternoon we used our drama skills to further our understanding of “Macbeth” and what a medieval battle might have sounded like.

We also continued working on our skeletons. We extended this activity today by getting some people to label the different bones while some people  drew examples of other animal’s skeletons.





In maths some continued their work on fractions of a whole number, while another group worked on related word problems.

In literacy some were creating questions about the text they were reading, while others had to catch up on their reading.

In the afternoon the class continued their work on “Macbeth” and practised their drawing skills by creating an image of the three witches.


Assembly, when LH got the star award for sensibly supporting others.

Maths: how to make a loop game, and using these to practice maths including decimals and fractions.

PE: throwing and catching, relating to racket and ball skills



P6 Wish you a Merry Christmas

Bailey – We have had a great week doing lots of Christmas activities and arts and crafts.

Emily – Today we are looking forward to watching Goodnight Mr Tom.

This is part of our WW2 topic.

Last week we picked 3 children – BT,IH and PJ to represent us in Deans’ Got Talent.

They did a brilliant job and we were really proud of them.

Finally, we all want to wish you :


See you next year!

P6/5 17th December

Monday 13th

Maths: we went back to look at measure, comparing centimetres and meters, and using these skills on classroom objects.

Personal projects: we started researching these by reading about them on the internet, books and making notes. SD, SU, AS, EY, MaD, CB, ShP, SS, KH, EC, SJR, JH and AD are all very excited about these.

STEM: for today’s challenge the class went outside to find maths in nature. We were able to identify symmetry in leaves, tessellation in tree bark and Fibonacci sequences, and spirals, in the pollen of a daisy, a pine cone and a snail’s shell.

Tuesday 14th

Maths: continue work on measure, measuring each other’s heights accurately, ensuring the meter rules were the right way round. One group continued work on converting meters to centimetres while another group worked on fractions. KM and SU exceeded in the conversion of decimals. SJR did exceptionally well with her fractions.

Personal Projects: we continued our background reading and research and worked on our note taking. EY excelled in this activity today.

STEM: our project for today was “Dancing Salt”. We used sound vibrations to make it dance. The louder the sound the more it danced.

Wednesday 15th

Maths: continuing work on measure, including estimating and decimals. MM and SU were very accurate in their estimations.

Literacy: we have been reviewing the spelling we have done so far this year.

History: the whole class are really into history, so we made a timeline of all the historical events that we could think of and discussed these. From these we identified what topics the class had already done and the next one they want to do: Tudors.

Silent disco: GREAT FUN!!!!

Thursday 16th

Maths: continuing work on measure and decimals, the class found the work that we have done so far very supportive and were able to complete today’s activity much more easily. SD completed the activity especially quickly. One group continued their work on fractions, looking at equivalent fractions

Literacy/History: lead by the class’s new found interest in history they were provided with sets history reference books that split history into nine different periods. They loved reading these and sharing the facts they learned with each other. They also re-enforced their learning from Wednesday of a history timeline by putting the sets in chronological order.

STEM: the whole class really bought into today’s activity which was to make igloos out of marshmallows.

Friday 17th

Pyjama day!

PE: mat work

Maths: practiced instant recall of addition, including decimals

Literacy: ensured that the Mr Topley publisher documents were “bumped up” and ready to print for display.

Spent time looking at the learning intentions for all the individual pieces of work on display.





What have P6 been up to this week?

Silent Disco

We had a great time during our silent disco.

Christmas Lunch

Emily – It was cool.

We got to wear our Christmas jumpers.

Miss Stanway – The macaroni cheese was delicious.

We have also been working hard too!

STEM Challenges

All week we have been completing STEM activities.

K-I liked building an igloo with marshmallows and cocktail sticks.


We made a Christmas card based on a picture of the Grinch.

Debbie – I liked using the pastels.

Emily – I gave mine to someone in P7 and she said it was really cool.

Hope – Making the Christmas cards was fun.


After watching the younger children perform their nativity (which was a recording) we chose to either draw a picture of the nativity scene or research Christmas traditions from around the world.

Bailey – I enjoyed the drawing.


Debbie – I liked researching about Paralympians

Cameron – My Paralympian has 37 medals altogether. They are a swimmer.

Hope – We learnt they are proud, hard-working and resilient.

Emily – We researched Sam Kinghorn who was paralyzed at the age of 14 in an accident. She is a racer.


Hope – We practised passing and this week learnt that you had to pass to the side or backwards.


We have continued to read our group novels and practised our reciprocal reading strategies.


P6/5 Friday 10th December

Monday 6th

Maths: continuing our work on algebra this morning we looked at function machines. MM and SU continued their work on word problems. ShP was again pleased with the work he produced.

Literacy: summarising group reading books. MiD was especially pleased with the neatness of the presentation of his work. We finished reading “Macbeth” as a class.

PE: Continuing activities based on balancing, we focused this week on tightrope walking – only about six inches above the ground! AS showed her previous experience gained from doing bar work in gymnastics and MM also excelled.

Tuesday 7th

Literacy: made notes on “Macbeth” and re-wrote these as a summary. SD, DW, KH, SP excelled in their summary, and especially AS, who has really trimmed the fat off her writing.

Maths: continuing our work on algebra this morning we looked at using symbols instead of numbers and the functions. SJR excelled, and did two sets of work. MM, SD and SU continued their work on word problems.

Wednesday 8th

Out-door learning and Tuckshop with Mrs D

Maths: practicing instant recall of tables using BMBT, working on the application of tables to problems on Ed. City, with the children able to choose an activity appropriate to themselves. EY significantly improved her score in BMBT.

Literacy: continuing work on “Macbeth”.

Thursday 9th

Maths: created beautiful posters demonstrating the wonderful maths we have been doing this year. SU, MM, AS and EY all excelled. In fact the whole class excelled in this activity.

Literacy: spelling assessment. Again the whole class were extremely pleased as the great emphasis we have put on spelling recently has paid off and everyone  has progressed really well. We also continued work on “Macbeth”. ShP was especially proud of the fact that he was able to incorporate his learning in this into the next activity:

Art: creating drawings of myths and legends from around the world. AD, SoP, JH, EC, AS and SB were especially proud of the work they did.

Friday 10th

PE: football, star of the match was MxD.

Maths: algebra using letters instead of symbols and briefly looking at equivalence, which MxD showed a good understanding.

Literacy: looked at some of the best examples of persuasive writing, CB, SB, AD, DW and EY excelled in this.



P6 Digital Day

P6 had fun during their Digital Day today.  They experienced creating short stop frame animations, trying block coding and improving their keyboard skills.  They have also practised uploading files to their class teams page.

To see more  digital learning, take a look at our Twitter page @MrsBuntinICT


What have P6 Been up to This Week?


We discussed why people bully and strategies to deal with bullying.

As part of this learning we role-played different situations.

Maths and Numeracy

In number talks we consolidated our addition skills.

On Tuesday we played an addition and subtraction loop game.

Jaxson and Naavah came first! They won 5 raffle tickets each.

We also experimented with chance and probability in a dice rolling experiment.



After reading the next section of our group novel we designed our own book cover.

Bella – I drew a spaceship with a dog inside barking. There was an alien in it. The alien said ‘shut up dog!’

Digital Learning Day

On Thursday we were able to practise various skills.

Hope – I enjoyed the scratch coding activity. I learnt how to put blocks together to make things move.

Bella – I enjoyed practising my typing skills. I scored over 100 point and had 5 stars.

Emily – I was proud of my typing – I got lots of ‘Well Dones. We learnt how to type without looking at the keys.’


We have started to present our WW2 research in a PowerPoint! These are going to look great!


Bella – It was my first time playing and I thought I was good at passing and catching.


P6 Weekly Update – Maths Champions!!


This week we worked hard practising all of our maths and numeracy skills in a Sumdog Competition against classes in schools across West Lothian. We were able to score individually and as a whole class.

Jaxson – At one point I was in 2nd place!

On the first day of the competition we were in first place and received a certificate in recognition of all our hard work. It is a PDF document and if you click here : sumdog certificate hopefully you can see it.

Eventually when the competition finished we came fourth and Mrs Stewart gave the class ten minutes extra play as a reward. (Extra coffee for Miss Stanway!)Some of us had even been on Sumdog at home in order to help the whole class.

We alo worked on the concept of chance and probability which is the likelihood of something happening. These are some of the words we used:

Alexis : impossible  Cameron : even chance

We came up with fun examples:

Hope – It is impossible that I can fly (without equipment).

Lily E – In a set of 10 cards with the numbers 1-10 it is impossible that a 12 will be picked.

Jaxson – It is an even chance when flipping a coin that it will land on heads.

We also used more mathematical examples using numbers such as 1 in 6 and 1 in 8.

Loop Games

In our loop game this week we had to add decimals. You have to go around the room and find clues and work with your partner to complete the puzzle!

There are raffle tickets to be won for first,second and third place but we get help too if we need it!

Some of us won prizes for our work on addition this term.

Emily – I was surprised how well I did!

Alexis – I was proud of my addition score!


Writing – We produced some great persuasive pieces about why we should save the planet.

We had our last online lesson with Mrs Cochrane and practised our summarising skills.

In group reading we consolidated our prediction skills.


We finished our WW2 timeline. Here is Callum and Emily organising their group’s dates.

This is just a part of the completed timeline!

Cameron – I enjoyed doing the WW2 timeline.

Outdoor Learning

We practised our teamwork skills and built dens!

Robbie had injured his thumb so he took the photos!

P.E. – Rugby

Piotr – I enjoyed playing rugby and improved my passing and catching skills.

Jaxson – I Was proud because I could spin the ball when throwing it.

Hope – I could spin the ball.

P6/5 Week Ending Friday 26th November

Monday 22nd November

Maths: Word problems relating to long division. A small group (SD, AD, SU and MM) were working on decimals and fractions word problems. CB also lead the learning of a group that he was working with.

Literacy: Reciprocal reading – questioning. ShP and JH were proud of their work in this.

Writing: persuasive with one group lead by SB, with a smaller group with Miss T.

PE: activities relating to team sports. We also noted that in one of the activities people were practising transferable skills that could be used in rugby and even fencing (AS and MM), relating it to “Hamlet”.

Tuesday 23rd

Maths: long division of decimals. CB again excelled in this and is proud of the work he produced, as are JH and SHp. In another group SJR lead the learning, supported by MDr.

Literacy: one group continued their work on persuasive writing, with the learning lead by SB, who also identified the pronoun. LM, once again demonstrated his wide vocabulary, as well as his drama skills, when doing Hamlet.

ICT: continuing work on Teams and Education City, DW continuing to be very supportive.

Wednesday 24th

French with Mrs D

Maths: Fibonacci Sequence, and fractions and degrees

Literacy: self-assessing and “bumping up” work

Thursday 25th

Another hard working day of assessing, up-levelling and flling the literacy work we have done so far this year.

We also played games to help us practise and learn our times tables, decimals and fractions.

What have P6 been up to this Week?


We practised adding multiples of 10 and 100.


In reading we continued to read our group novels and we practised various comprehension skills.

Persuasive writing 

Alexis – I enjoyed this week. We wrote about never giving up on your dreams.


Jaxson – I enjoyed painting Monet’s Japanese Bridge.

Lily-E – I was proud of the poppy field I created with pens and pencils.

Participation Friday

We started to design the rocks we are going to paint and hide in the community to make people happy. Soon we will also be selling these in school as part of an enterprise project for other people to hide and make people smile!

Bailey – My rock says : You’re the best.

Amy – Mine says : Be Happy.


Emily – I researched fashion in WW2. I was surprised how different it was. They didn’t have much fabric.

Kyle – I found out that Hitler wanted to be a priest when he was younger!

Bailey – I am researching transport in WW2. I found out about a famous German battleship.

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