Budding Engineers!

We had a visit from Mr Leckie, a civil engineer from Aecom, who came to present certificates and prizes to some of our pupils for their innovative entries in the ‘Imagineers’ competition. The pupils had to come up with an invention that could help solve a problem in the world – our winners included ‘ The helping hand’ which is a robot that distributes medicine in remote or war torn areas, the ‘Plastic Picker’ which trawls the bottom of the ocean removing and recycling plastic and the ‘Automatic Claw 31000’ which scans and sorts rubbish to promote recycling. Well done everyone!!

Final PE Session for our P7s

Last week the P7s had their final PE session. The decision was left up to the class as to what they wanted to do and they chose football. The weather was beautiful so we took the equipment out onto the field. We started with 5v5 games and then increased the challenge by inviting the P6/7s to join us. A great time was had by all!

P6 meet Nursery Buddies

Primary 6 have been enjoying getting to know their nursery buddies. These will be the children that P6 will work with and support when they move onto P7 and P1.

Primary 6 have spent some time in the nursery itself, as well as having time outside in the playground with their buddies.

Maycee said “I played with my buddy outside with the basketball. We had a nice time together!”

Robbie commented “I drew a picture for my buddy. She is adorable.”

Emma said “My buddy and I played with the doll house in the nursery. It was lots of fun.”

Jessica said “I liked it when I played tig with my buddy.”

Rebecca commented “My buddy is really cute and nice! Me and her played in the house with the baby dolls and we also played outside together.”

P6 Sharing the Learning

P6 invited parents/carers in to share in their learning with them. They gave presentations on what they have learned so far on The Rainforest. The children made up these presentations in their groups, thinking of what they wanted to say and also adding in some good questions for their audience.

Afterwards P6 shared pieces of drama that they had written the scripts for. The children enjoyed acting these out in front of their audience.

P6 did a great job and we hope everyone who came along enjoyed sharing our learning with us! Thank you again for supporting us!

Fractions Fun outside!

Primary 6 enjoyed enhancing their fractions knowledge in the outdoors. A quiz was set up around the playground area that contained various fractions related questions and each question came with a clue. Once all questions were answered and all clues collected, we then had to use the clues to work out the secret message at the end. The children worked well in their pairs and enjoyed taking Maths outdoors.

Sophie said “I liked having to find all of the hidden clues.”

Corey commented “I liked the challenge afterwards to figure out the secret message!”

Jessica said “I learned that I’m good at team work.”

P6 do Judo

Primary 6 enjoyed taking part in a Judo session last week. We learned some new skills as well as having lots of fun!

Louie said “I liked bringing my partner to the floor!”

Emma commented “I learned that you have to be very careful and observant when doing Judo.”

Hopefully the session has inspired some of our children to take Judo up as a hobby.

Primary 6/7

We also managed to get out into the sun for a short period of time for some healthy exercise on the Trim-Trak.

As this is a Blog I am updating above my last entry. I will clarify this later.

Today we had a visit from some science teachers for Deans Community High School, who did some experiments with us.

Hello and welcome to our Blog! We will try to update this as regularly as possible.


PE week beginning 7th April

In PE this week Primary 6 were rounding up their learning about athletics. They discussed what skills they had learned and linked them to the significant aspects of learning on our PE wall and then put this learning into practice. They warmed up with a game of ‘Taxis’ which also tested their maths skills before working in teams to complete shuttle runs – this tested their stamina. They then discussed the different types of throwing events and had a go at the discus. Firstly, they focused on their technique with a partner and when they had mastered that they tried throwing it as far as they could. It was great to be learning outside in the sunshine!

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