Hot- april-fools-days-reading comprehension
Hi everyone! You can now access P6/7 daily tasks here too.
Reading Poem_ At the end of the day
It was another busy and successful week in Primary 6/7.
Literacy- we learnt how to make character profile, began our literature circles and we learnt how to proofread text.
Numeracy- We have been learning to divide decimals.
Expressive art- We create patterns inspired by Inca art. We use water colour as our medium. We also enjoyed performing in front of an audience as we engaged in drama lessons.
IDL- We have written scripts and created presentations about Mach Picchu in preparation for our upcoming assembly.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
What a fantastic week we’ve had! We have been demonstrating our school values throughout the week.
For Literacy, we learnt to practise our comprehension skills by visualising the text. We also got our new reading books. We start our Guided reading sessions next week.
We were learning to decompose sequences. This meant that we had to create a series of instructions for coding a robot.
In numeracy, we learnt to divide decimals by 10 and 100 and 1000.
IDL- We learnt how the Incas lived in their time and how their civilization died.
This week we have been doing decimals as a way of helping us with our understanding of decimals, their addition and times tables.
We have also been visiting the nursery where we had lots of fun. It brought back lots of memories.
In P5/6 pupils we have been sharing our learning with our parents. We have been using loop games, cubes and PowerPoints.
We are very excited at the possibility of working in collaboration with the publisher DC Thomson on a project about climate change, and possibly incorporating some of their characters, including a boy who sits on a bucket!
This week we have also started to draft to letter to the BBC to seek permission to use a video clip from their excellent program “Climate Change – The Facts”.
We also managed to incorporate this subject into our maths lessons as we had to measure the capacity of different buckets.