Primary Five are practising hard for their performance on the 19th December at the Howden Park Centre. Can’t wait!
Primary Five are practising hard for their performance on the 19th December at the Howden Park Centre. Can’t wait!
This week in Primary 5 we have been working hard!
In Numeracy we have been busy taking part in the Sumdog competition. We have been excited to see where we are in the leader board, and we have been trying our best to get better and better!! Here is what the children had to say about it:
Ariah – It was really fun and I got on the leader board in Junk Pile.
Ciaran – It was fun sharing the laptop with my friends. I like getting on the leader board!!
Erin R – I like playing Powerboat and right now I am top of the leader board in that game!
Caelan – I was playing Cannonball and I got second on the leader board out of the full school!
Holly – It was fun to see where we were on the leader board.
Lewis R – It was fun playing with my friends.
Sophie C – I liked playing Cannonball and I got third on the leader board!
Olivia – I enjoyed playing Sumdog and as I was playing, it turned out I was in fourth place.
Here we are trying to get super scores on the competition:
In Writing this week we have completed our Persuasive writing assessment. We had the topic of ‘Why Should We Look After the World?’. This brought about some good discussion on climate change, global warming, recycling (which linked to last week’s topic) and the extinction of animal species. Here we are showing off our work or busy at work:
In Spelling this week we did a task where we wrote out our words, but left a letter missing. Someone from our group had to fill in the missing letter. We could extend this next time by missing out more than one letter!
In Reading we have been enjoying our group readers and also our reading for enjoyment texts. We have tried to continue Stop, Drop and Read when we can, since we enjoyed it so much. We have also completed a comprehension task, which used our skills in answering questions, but also linked to our topic as it was about Planet Earth. Here are some facts we learned from this:
Lewis D – The Earth takes 24 hours to do a full spin on its axis.
Matthew – It takes the Earth 17 milliseconds to increase speed.
Caelan – The Sun is as far away from Earth as 150,000km!
Erin R – The lowest point on Earth is Challenger Deep.
In topic this week we completed a STEM task called Fizzy Moon. We needed to use paint, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. Here is what we had to do:
1: Fill up a small spray bottle with vinegar and set aside.
2: In a few separate cups, for every 1/2 tablespoon of paint, mix with a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda.
3: Draw a circle on a piece of black card.
4: Use the paint brushes to paint the Moon with shades of blue (the paint needed to be thick). Let the Moon dry and draw a few stars around it with a white crayon or marker.
5: Once the moon painting is completely dry, use the spray bottle to squirt vinegar onto it and watch it fizz.
This was great fun to do, but we weren’t so happy about our classroom stinking of vinegar!! Here are some photos of our STEM task:
Also in topic we have begun researching what we have learned from Space Explorations. We will have some facts to share on this next week hopefully!
Monday 22nd November
Maths: Word problems relating to long division. A small group (SD, AD, SU and MM) were working on decimals and fractions word problems. CB also lead the learning of a group that he was working with.
Literacy: Reciprocal reading – questioning. ShP and JH were proud of their work in this.
Writing: persuasive with one group lead by SB, with a smaller group with Miss T.
PE: activities relating to team sports. We also noted that in one of the activities people were practising transferable skills that could be used in rugby and even fencing (AS and MM), relating it to “Hamlet”.
Tuesday 23rd
Maths: long division of decimals. CB again excelled in this and is proud of the work he produced, as are JH and SHp. In another group SJR lead the learning, supported by MDr.
Literacy: one group continued their work on persuasive writing, with the learning lead by SB, who also identified the pronoun. LM, once again demonstrated his wide vocabulary, as well as his drama skills, when doing Hamlet.
ICT: continuing work on Teams and Education City, DW continuing to be very supportive.
Wednesday 24th
French with Mrs D
Maths: Fibonacci Sequence, and fractions and degrees
Literacy: self-assessing and “bumping up” work
Thursday 25th
Another hard working day of assessing, up-levelling and flling the literacy work we have done so far this year.
We also played games to help us practise and learn our times tables, decimals and fractions.
We have had a busy week in Primary 5 this week.
In Numeracy we have continued looking at Place Value and larger numbers in general.
We worked together on some number talks this week too. We looked at Friendly Numbers. We could see how if you worked out the answer to one question, then you could use this to easily answer a question with similar numbers involved.
In Literacy we have been practising our spelling words this week by creating some spelling rainbows and some partner work. We played Spelling Tennis this week, where we spelled out our words whilst passing the ball back and forth on each letter.
In Reading we have revisited our predicting skills this week. We used where we were in our group readers, to then make predictions of what we thought might happen next. Here are some of our predictions:
Chloe – Gran, Biff and Chip will make something to stop the builders of the motorway.
Lewis D – I thought that Superdog was going to save everyone he knew and around him.
Sophie C – I think the pig is going to be sad because he can’t make a web like the spider.
Jessica – I thought that there was going to be a thief and the dog will try to scare him.
Erin R – I predicted that dad was going to snap and that would make Jimi-Luke be alive again.
Caelan – Since the pig can’t make a web, he is going to try to get out of his pen and find lots of string to tie together.
In Writing we have continued our genre of Persuasive Writing. We wrote pieces this week about why recycling was important. Here are some of our thoughts and some of us working on our pieces:
Sophie C – I think recycling is very important for the environment.
Gracie – I think recycling makes everyone happy.
Kayleigh – I enjoyed writing about recycling so now everyone knows how to recycle.
Lewis R – Recycling helps the environment.
In topic we have been creating images of our Solar System as well as doing some research on the International Space Station. We will continue more research next week. Some of us worked with Mrs Hillan on creating a rocket for our display.
We are looking forward to more new learning next week!
Monday 15th
On Sunday AD laid a wreath at the local church for remembrance day.
In maths MM, AD, SD and SU continued to lead the learning on long division.
In PE MaD managed two and a half lengths on the bar and then SD did ten!
DW has made some excellent notes to support his learning about COP 26 and climate change.
SJR and SP are especially proud of the work they did in front of lots of other children from across the cluster in reciprocal reading.
Tuesday 16th
Maths: long division
Art: displays
Persuasive writing: Frank Lampard should be the manager of Rangers. CB excelled in this activity and was also able to be supported by his elder sibling, DB. MM and ShP (who whispered!) were also very supportive in this activity.
Summary: COP 26
Ms T also supported a group for their persuasive writing
ICT: we tried to log on as many people from the class onto GLOW, and AD was especially supportive
Wednesday 17th
We worked on pronouns and MM excelled in this.
JH shared his love of the ukulele with Mrs D
COP26: note taking. SB and MDr did exceptionally well.
Maths: continuation of work on tables and long division.
Thursday 18th
COP 26: What happened (summary) – stickers for KH, MiD
Whole class very excited about new drama activity: Shakespeare’s Hamlet!
Maths: angles – acute, obtuse and right and the corresponding number of degrees. NB and LH are especially proud of the maths work he did.
EY has been working with another member of the
Friday 19th
Literacy: the whole class are now really into Shakespeare, which we continued.
PE: rolls with SD and SU leading the learning. EC very proud of her achievements in this
Maths: Education City progressively more difficult levels
This week has been Scottish Book Week and Primary 5 have been very engaged in this.
We have been involved in various activities such as ‘Stop, Drop & Read’ where we would get a signal to stop what we were doing and start reading! Mrs Hillan brought her book too!
Gracie – It was fun to do!
Summer – It was a good opportunity to read our books.
Erin R – I liked that we had to drop everything, even writing, and just pick up our books.
Ciaran – It was quite good that we kind of got better at reading from this.
Iona – I found this a relaxing time to read.
Ryley – I found it relaxing how it was nice and peaceful, for everyone to just hear the voice inside their head.
We also had some time to discuss books we like and our thoughts on reading in general:
Olivia – This week has been fun because I like to read. I really like to continue my book at Stop, Drop and Read.
Kayleigh – I liked when we stopped what we were doing and just read.
Sophie G – I am reading ‘A series of unfortunate events’ and I’m really enjoying it!
Chloe – I’m reading a book called ‘Mr Nobody’s Eyes’ and it is by Michael Morpurgo.
Lewis D – I’m reading a book called ‘Mr Skip’. I like it!
Lewis R – I’m reading a book called ‘Cool’ by Michael Morpurgo.
Ariah – I’m reading ‘Awful Auntie’ by David Walliams and it is really good!
We had fun making ourselves into Professors of Hogwarts too! We had to give ourselves a name, say what we taught, which house we were part of and what our skills were. Here are some of our ideas:
We had lots of fun designing costumes for a book character, which we then recreated using recycled materials we had brought from home. Here are some of our designs in the making:
Here we are creating our costumes:
Here are some of our finished costumes!! We had lots of fun making these!
Another activity we have enjoyed this week, is watching Author’s Live, where we got to see some author’s talk about their stories.
In Numeracy we have continued looking at Place Value. We worked on testing a partner on their knowledge of this. We asked the types of questions Mrs Hillan has been asking us, such as “What is the value of the hundreds digit?” or “What value does the number 9 hold in this number?” etc.
In Writing we completed some persuasive pieces on Why Writing is Important. As we wrote, some of us read parts of our writing aloud. We also had an opportunity to peer assess each other’s work.
We are looking forward to more new learning next week!
Following the recent feedback I am going to try to increase the presence of P6/5 on the blog.
This week in maths we have done long division. During this lesson SD, AD, SU, DW and MM were leading the learning. Also KH and SJR did some awesome work on their chimney sums. We have also been working on decimals, probability, continuing our work on times tables and fractions.
In literacy we have been writing pieces of exposition work on windsurfing and other hobbies. Our reading work has focused on summarising. We have also been able to incorporate our work on climate change and COP 26 into literacy.
EC, KM, LM, SJR, AS, SU, DW and EY have all demonstrated a very good understanding of what COP 26 is about.
For STEM this week we have made and improved (bumped up) paper aeroplanes. KM made an especially good one that flew far and was the most stable (the success criteria). We also made wind turbines from cut out card.
Primary 4/3 have been working hard to maintain the Bug Hotel they started work on last year. Unfortunately, we believe that some children are continually playing on it and moving or removing some of the material. Can everyone please help by looking but not touching. Primary 4/3 are hoping that when it is set up properly that the everyone can use it for outdoor learning.
We have had another busy week in Primary 5.
In Numeracy we have continued looking at Place Value. Some of us were looking at numbers that contained hundreds and thousands and some of us were looking at numbers that contained tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands.
When some of us were finished, we offered peer support to anyone who was finding it tricky. We played some good Place Value games online too!
In Literacy we have been practising our spelling words with some silly sentences and some partner work. We wrote our spelling words on our partner’s back and they had to guess which word it was! It is important we practise these at home too.
In Reading we have started looking at the Reciprocal Reading strategy of Summarising. We looked at pieces together and discussed some key questions relating to each piece of text. These questions helped us to get the main ideas to then create a summary.
In Writing we have continued working on our new genre of Persuasive Writing. We wrote pieces this week about the importance of fundraising. This was relevant to us at the moment as Poppies are on sale for Remembrance Day and it will soon be Children in Need. Here are some of our pieces:
We are looking forward to more new learning next week!
We were learning all about rounds in our singing practice today.