P6/5 Week ending Friday 25th February


Maths was a continuation of work on halving, quartering and percentages.

In language new spelling words went out. The class also wrote their narrative pieces they planned last week. AS and NB excelled.

In PE we extended our learning on hockey, focusing on dribbling and keeping the ball close to the stick. AS, SU, SD, EY  and SJR excelled.

For IDL today we went back to looking at the Tudors.


In language today we split into four groups and wrote plays. Two groups re-wrote the scene from “Macbeth” with the witches. The other two groups adapted the story of “Anne Frank” and “Little Red Riding Hood”. MDs excelled in his writing.

We were able to perform most of these plays at the end of the day. SU was an amazing wolf! CB, SHP, MM, AD, EY, DW, KH and AS all excelled in drama.

For maths we split into two groups, one of which EY lead, going back over previous work on directions. The other group looked at Roman numerals.

Coding with Mrs B was great fun, as always.

For IDL today we continued work on the Tudors, with partners researching famous people from the time, and started writing biographies about them.



Reading activity: Continued work on summarising the previous book, focussing on the quality of the summary and assessment.

Maths: work on giving directions

The class went to Scotmid with Mrs D today to continue their work on promoting a net zero environment.

With Ms T the class did a book survey because it is national book week next week.

In maths one group looked at fractions while another group worked on practising their tables.


Maths: went back to working on algebra and equations, which we will briefly continue with on Friday. AD, CB, AS, DW, MxD, JH (whose maths is brilliant!) and SJR excelled in this.

Language today was a reading comprehension about the Tudors. Nearly the whole class found this very interesting, and the timeline very useful. MM,SU, EY, AD, CB, AS and MxD excelled in this.

Mark worked with the class on a health activity on the school values, that these can be a transferable skill that the children could practise at home.

Some of the class did an art activity of drawing winter trees. SU and MM excelled in this.

Continuing our work on the Tudors the class started to make timelines in Publisher, including when they were born. AD, DW and MxD excelled in this.



Maths: worked on timelines, and briefly looked at scale.

PE: tennis activities. Also continued refining the rules of our class game: “Ball Tig”





This week in P5

For spelling this week we wrote our words three times to help to get them in our heads. We also picked our own choice of technique to help us practise our words, such as backward writing, pyramid writing etc.

In Reading this week we created questions for someone to answer on our group texts. Here are some of the examples of questions we came up with:

Erin P – What is Harmony’s teddy’s name, and why is he called this?

Olivia – Why is Harmony wanting a pet so badly?

Giullia – Did Gran get mad at Loz for buying her new shoes?

Chloe – If Harmony had a pet, what would she call it?

Gracie – Why did Elfie not like a bath?

Ryley – If you had to pick put of your favourite pets, which one would you pick and why?

Sophie G – Were Elfie’s parents bad people?

Sophie C – Did Elfie have any siblings, and if she did, what were their names?

Iona – Why is she called Elfie?

Lewis R – How did Nisba fall and hurt her arm?

Daniel – How did Loz fall down a hole?

In Numeracy this week we have completed a Division Assessment to see what we have learned and improved on since we started our Division topic. There have been some big improvements since the first assessment we did, which has made Mrs Hillan very happy!

In Digital learning this week we continued our work on coding, discussed internet safety and read a story around this. Here are some comments from the class:

Sophie C – We learned how to code using buttons.

Lewis R – We used buttons to control the helicopters.

Chloe – I enjoyed when we coded a bird to eat a slug!

Erin P – When we read the story it was telling us not to post bad things online.

Giullia – We learned not to do things that people we don’t know ask us to do online.

Sophie C – We learned not to take pictures of other people without their permission.


In Writing this week we used our plans from the last time, based on either of the two picture choices. We have come up with some super story ideas. We checked over our work as we wrote and once we were finished, and used the assessment grid to help with this. Here are some of our finished pieces:

Next week we will be doing our Narrative assessment piece, so this week we spent some time planning for this. Mrs Hillan gave us two pictures that we could choose to write about, or we also had the option of creating another map to base our story around.

In PE this week we have continued playing dodgeball, working on our team playing skills, throwing and catching skills, as well as dodging!

Next week is the celebration of World Book Day on Thursday and we will be doing activities all week around this. A reminder that we have a competition to design a mural that could be recreated in our library. Here are some ideas for inspiration:

It would be great if as many of us as possible could enter this!

P6/5 Week ending Friday 18th February







Reading activity: new reading books out to all. Worked on summarising the previous book.

Maths: work on giving directions

Science: classification of living things. We learned that fish are cold blooded.


Maths: gone back to looking at the relationship between fractions, percentages and decimals. We will continue to work on this.

Language today was working on predicting the new reading books.

Mark worked with the class on a health activity on individuals perceived themselves and were perceived by others.

Science was again looking at classification of animals, and we will continue to look at some of the characteristics that help to classify.

Mrs D continued the work on the BP net zero challenge



Maths: one small group continued their work on place value while the majority of the class worked on the addition of mixed whole number and fractions.

Spelling, as usual.

Music: listened to a piece of music and discussed what it sounded like. It was “The Storm” from Britten’s opera “Peter Grimes”. The class thought it reminded them of lots of very relevant things, such as Disney’s “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”

PE: tennis activities, during which SU, SJR, SD and MM were able to lead the learning with one of the activities. Also refining the rules of our class game: “Ball Tig”





P6/5 Week ending Friday 11th February


Extended writing on writers craft, continuing the narrative theme. The class created a story about “Sumo Joe”. The focus was on adverbs, similes and metaphors. EY was proud of their written work.

Maths was spent working on factors. JH excelled in this.

PE was spent working on hockey skills.

We also did a reading comprehension activity on the start of “Macbeth”.


In Maths we continued work on factors and some of the class worked on prime numbers.

Literacy was spent bumping up narrative from the previous day as well as activities that will relate to world book day.

Today is internet safety day, and so we spent some time looking at how to keep ourselves safe online.

The class also really enjoyed coding with Mrs B



Maths was spent working on angles. EY and MxD excelled.

Ms T worked with the class on some mental health activities.

The class were finishing their pocket garden designs  with Mrs D.


Amazing lesson on angles and directions.

More health activities on celebrating differences and getting to know more personal details about their class mates which generated great discussion. And in the afternoon even more mental health activities with Mark


Friday: Spelling, as usual.

PE: hand/eye coordination activities, also encouraging team work. Also creating our own class game: “Ball Tig”


Ice-cream van!

SU and KH birthdays




This Week in P5…..

This week in P5 we have continued our coding activities in Digital Learning. Here are some quotes from the children explaining what they were doing:

Summer – We were coding things to make them race.

Sophie C – We got to play this game called ‘Up in the air’ and we got to code the planes to go up in the sky and go around in circles.

Ariah – We were using the keys on the keyboard instead of tapping the screen.



In Numeracy we had a focus on Multiples, Factors and Primes. We learned that:

-Multiples are really just extended times tables.

-Factors are numbers that divide exactly into another number.

-Prime numbers are special numbers, greater than 1, that have exactly two factors, themselves and 1.

We used online videos and games to learn about these, including BBC Bitesize and Topmarks – both of which we can access at home too!


In Spelling this week we wrote out our spelling words and then circled the vowels in each word in one colour and then the consonants in each word in another colour.

In Reading we discussed our predictions from last week, looked at the comments Mrs Hillan made, and created new predictions for the next part of our stories, trying to see if we could improve on last week’s. If we can show we have made improvements, our pieces may go up on our Bump It Up wall.

In Writing this week, we used pictures for inspiration. We discussed the pictures and possible adventures/stories that could come from this. We noted down some good ideas and vocabulary that we could possibly use. After this, we each created our own plans for our stories and thought about a title for our piece. We will write our stories next time.

Here are the pictures we looked at and then some of our ideas:

Erin R – A girl will find a dying alien in a UFO. She will get a magic bike that will take her into space.

Kayleigh – A little girl will go for a walk and she will see a tiger who will put her into a house which is on fire.

Chloe – A little girl goes into the woods and finds a shape-shifter that can turn into lots of things, including a tiger.

Ariah – A girl goes a walk in the woods and finds someone who is trapped in a house. She tries to save the person, but can’t because there is a tiger guarding it.


This week is Internet Safety Week, so we have been discussing staying safe online, creating posters to encourage this, looking at potential dangers online and discussing scenarios we might come across.

Remember we are off on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th February and we will be back on Wednesday 16th. Have a lovely long weekend!!

Safer Internet Day 2022

We are focusing on internet safety this week in school.


There are lots of resources available from the saferinternetday.org.uk website

1) Learn more and get involved – Safer Internet Day 2022

2) Conversation Starters

3) Family Activities

4) Family Online Safety Plan

5) Organisations and Resources for Parents and Carers


P6/5 Week starting Monday 31st January  


Extended writing on writers craft, continuing the narrative theme. The class watched the first part of a short animation called “Trapdoor”, and then finished writing the story themselves. The focus was on adjectives, similes and metaphors. KH was proud of their written work.

Maths was spent continuing work on percentages. SS, LM, LH and ShP excelled in this.

PE was spent working on tennis skills. MM, MxD, ShP and EY excelled in this.

We also started a KWL grid to support our learning on vertebrates and invertebrates.


In Maths we were still working on percentages, with two groups using calculators. A third group started to revise place value.

Literacy was spent bumping up narrative from the previous day, continuing to focus on adjectives, similes, metaphors and speech marks. Two groups did this by writing up their work into a word document. MDs lead the learning on this, showing the class how to make a Folder in Teams. To link with this work in the afternoon, we continued “Macbeth”, with drama and a descriptive writing passage about the battle and the witches, still focussing on adjectives, similes, metaphors and speech marks.



Maths was spent working on angles. EY and MxD excelled.

Some people spent time during literacy today bumping up the “Breakfast Time” work from the previous day, especially speech marks.

The class were also putting up fences around the bug hotel with Mrs Dobbie.


In maths today one group used calculators to help their understanding of fractions, division, decimals and percentages. Another group worked on their understanding of place value while the third group worked on ways to simplify percentages.

With Mrs D  the class started designing their Mars Rovers and did French days of the week and months of the year.



Spelling, as usual.

PE: activities to support awareness of space. LI “Using appropriate movement skills I can often move about shared space without anyone bumping into me.”

Maths: review of all the work we have done so far this year, looking at learning intentions and how we can transfer the skills and use them in real life.

During the assembly LM, who had also won the star award, confidently and dramatically read their great story to the whole school.

During friendship time SU, EY and SD elected to teach each other science facts! Also LH shared an activity with some friends.




An Update from P5

This week in P5 we have continued with our digital learning. We learned more in coding so that we were able to make several items move on a screen at one time. We were very engaged in this and excited to see how many items we could get moving at once.

Chloe – I liked when we could make our own code because I figured out you could make your own background and I made a house.

Gracie – I liked how we could move all the characters around, it was fun!

Lewis R – I liked the coding because it was fun that you could make your own background.

Giullia – It was really fun how we could tell the little characters what to do. It was really interesting!

Kayleigh – I really liked moving the characters around.

Ariah – I liked how you could make the characters move and decorate the background.

Sophie C – It was really cool how we got to move the characters around and we got to choose where they went. We could also change the background.

Matthew – I liked that we could multiply the characters and could change the characters to get different colours.

Sophie G – It was how we could customise our own background.

In Numeracy we worked on dividing by 9 and 7 in one group and then linking division and multiplication and dividing 3 digit numbers in the other groups. It is still apparent that for many of us, we need to learn our tables as we don’t all know these yet. Mrs Hillan has given us times table and division charts home on a few occasions so that we have these at home to practise. Mrs Hillan encourages us to do this when we can!


In Literacy we have made predictions on the next part of our stories. This week, some of our groups were asked to try and find evidence from our text to support our thinking.

In spelling this week we made wordsearches using our spelling words and we also practised them with a partner using Spelling Tennis:

In Writing this week, we used our maps we created last week to write our own adventure stories. We had to remember to include a problem and resolution.


In topic we have started creating some Celtic families. In our groups we created a family which contained at least 2 adults and some children. We started drawing these family members and recorded some information about them below their pictures. We decided on family names and had to make sure that they were dressed appropriately for Celtic times. We will continue these next week, ready for our class display.

P6/5 Week starting Monday 24th January

P6/5 Week starting Monday 24th January



Literacy focus on spelling Scottish words. Also extended writing on adventure stories. KH was proud of their written work.

Maths was spent looking at mathematical patterns.

Art focus was on looking at the work of Charles Rennie Macintosh.



In Maths most of the class continued their work on percentages, with a small group engaging in more challenging material. Another continued their work reviewing what they have done so far.

The class also finished their extended writing pieces and continued with their personal projects.

We also filmed the maths video that the class had previously written the script for.

DW was proud of their knowledge of the geography of South America.



Maths was a continuation of yesterday’s work on percentages.

In literacy today the class got their new spelling words and continued their work on Macbeth, creating drama about the battle scene, the three witches, Banquo and Macbeth. SJR proud of their ever developing reading. SS was proud of their spelling work.

The class were also making their own pocket garden with Mrs Dobbie!


Digital Day all day! Great fun! 100% of the class said they really enjoyed it.

There were three different activities: stop frame animation, keyboard skills and coding. AD, LM, EC, SD, ShP, DW, CB, AS, EY, JH and MM excelled in animation. The following people also excelled in coding: AS, AD, MM, SS, SU and KH. Finally the following excelled in their keyboard skills: LH, MxD, MM, EY, LM, SoP, EC, MDs, ShP, KH, DW and SU.


Spelling, as usual.

Maths, looking at various activities relating to fractions and percentages, including net based.

PE: activities based on basketball, including space awareness, team-work development, shooting and dribbling. The greatest thing today was that SU was able to lead the learning and introduced the class to a passing practise activity.


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