Learning about Surrealism in P5


This week we looked at pieces of Surrealist artwork by various artists.

Cameron – It can be quite funny!

S – Surrealism is real but with a twist.

Then we designed our own pieces of surrealist art.

Anna – I enjoyed thinking about what I wanted to draw.

Grace – I drew an upside-down ice-cream.

Bailey – I drew the earth as a clock!

Robbie – I drew a pineapple with legs!


We have been practising different addition straategies which initially we found quite challenging.

Bella – I enjoyed the jump strategy.

In addition we have continued to practise our times tables.

Bailey – I enjoy practising tables using ‘Supermovers’ dance video.

Spelling/Outdoor Learning

We took our spelling word list outside and using chalk in the playground practised how to spell using different strategies.

Debbie – I used bubble writing!

Summer – I used word pyramids.

Sophie – I enjoyed the spellings.

We all thought Kyle did a great job using joined up handwriting to copy his spellings down.

Writing For a Purpose

Summer – I enjoyed writing thankyou cards!

Have a great holiday everybody! Stay Safe!


P5 Learn about numbers through time!


This week we learnt about historical number systems. We learnt about Egyptian and Roman numerals.

Bailey – I was surprised that the Egyptians used a frog to represent 1,000,000.

Some of us liked the number systems but some of us didn’t.

Robbie – It is way better.Much easier to do.

Lily-Elen – It is tricky. Our numbers are easier.


We learnt about the different types of triangles such as equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right-angled.


In our grammar lesson this week we learnt how adverbs can make our writing more interesting.

When writing we wrote another descriptive piece – this time all about ourselves.

Topic – Europe

We started our new topic and enjoyed the map work.

Sophie S – I didn’t know there were 7 continents

Jaxson – I enjoyed learning how to greet people in French.

Science – The Solar System

With a partner, we have started to research an area of the solar system that we are interested in. In our first session, we used non-fiction books and practised making notes from them.

Bella – I did not realise Neptune has 8 moons

Robbie – I was surprised Uranus has 15 moons.

Bailey – I didn’t know there was a dark side of the moon.

Hope – I found out there are three dwarf planets.

Primary 6/5 Learning

We have been using blocks and squares in our jotters to help our understanding of various times tables. We have also been looking at charts and diagrams and how these can be used to show data. In maths we have also been using chimney sums for addition, subtraction and multiplication, and found that this made it much easier. We have also been practising our addition and tables in Big Maths Beat That.

For language work we do silent reading every morning. We have also been doing SRAs to help with our reading comprehension. We have been practising our handwriting. We have been planning a piece of writing about ourselves, and have written similes about ourselves to describe ourselves.

For our topic work on the rainforest we have been drawing toucans.

P5 Get Descriptive !



This week we learnt about how to write a quality descriptive character profile. After reading some of our class novel, ‘George’s Secret Key to the Universe’, we chose one of the characters and created our own character profile.


This week we had a visit from Miss Taylor and practised writing descriptive pieces about animals.

We also discussed our baseline writing assessments at the start of the year and have decided that our 3 class targets are:

  1. use paragraphs to separate my ideas, events or facts
  2. use capital letters, full stops, question marks and an exclamation mark in sentences
  3. spell most common and tricky words correctly

Talking and Listening

Mrs Wallace treated us to a philosophy session this week!


As part of our learning about the place value of numbers, we practised adding numbers to number lines.

In our problem solving session this week, we learnt how to complete a logic puzzle using various strategies to succeed.


We extended our knowledge of 2D shapes and their properties.

Hope – I learnt the phrase ‘ quadrilateral.’

Lily-Elen – I learnt about 2D shapes that I did not know before.

Using string and our teamwork skills we created different 2D shapes.



We enjoyed playing on the trim track this week and getting some much-needed fresh air during P.E.

In order to improve our health and wellbeing we have continued to practise mindfulness techniques and yoga.

Art and Design – Rainbow Time

Having coloured in a separate part of a large rainbow we then used our teamwork skills to put it together.


In addition we examined Van Gogh’s starry night painting and discussed his use of line.

Anna – I learnt how to colour in using line when drawing my own landscape.

Outdoor Learning

We walked around down Deans South and learnt about leaves.

Bella – I found an acorn!


P5 Keep up the Good Work!

P5 have had another busy week.


We have continued to practise our understanding of place value. During numeracy lessons, we played games and practised adding and subtracting powers of ten. We are improving our ability to read and write 4, 5 and 6 digit numbers.

Bailey – I liked rolling the dice to make numbers and then adding and subtracting 10 and 100.

Colin – I am getting better at place value.

Alexis – I am proud of my maths.



After reading some of our class novel, ‘George’s Secret Key to the Universe’ we designed open-ended questions to interview a character from the book.

Debbie – I enjoyed designing the questions.

Speaking and Listening

Afterwards we took turns to role-play and during a hot-seating task in pairs one of us was the reporter asking the questions and another person was the character. Robbie was brave enough to try a class demonstration with Miss Stanway in front of the class! We also had some super demonstrations from Hope and Leo.


This week we wrote a fantasy story about a magic door. Summer used a great ‘wow’ word in her story – abandoned-which other people thought was such a good descriptive word they used it in their stories too!

Lily-Elen – I enjoyed handwriting practice.


Bailey – I enjoyed watching the space videos this week.


We have been learning how to use line effectively. This week we completed an expressive task. It was fun sketching people with hair made of spaghetti, nails or string. We even drew a hairy spider. Some of us showed our work to staff and other classes in school because we had used line so effectively.


We played games outside this week such as time bomb and fishes!

Alexis- I enjoyed the fish game – it gave me lots of exercise.

Outdoor Learning

We went outside to check on the trees we had planted last week. It had been quite a windy week and we were worried about them.

Sophia – We gave them canes to support them and watered them.

Aren’t we amazing? Showing our school values of nurture and support to the trees around us!

Competition Time

This week we had great fun drawing designs for the school walls.

Anna – I am really proud of my wall competition.

P 6/5 Friday 11th September

This week we have been doing chimney sums. When we were doing chimney sums we found That if you made sure that you put each number in its own square it was much easier.

For outdoor learning we went to Eiliburn park with Mrs Dobbie to look for hazards. We went to the lake and saw some swans. We also saw swan eggs.

We also did activities to help us with our literacy and spelling. For grammar we looked at adjectives, verbs, pronouns, proper nouns, common nouns and conjunctions (connectives).

P5 Enjoy the Great Outdoors!

Outdoor Learning

This week we have enjoyed various activities outside.

Sofia-I enjoyed the scaled model of the solar system that we made on the school field.

Bella-I enjoyed planting apple, plum and cherry trees outside with Mrs Dobbie.

Anna-I was excited about planting the trees because I like getting mucky.

Robbie – I was excited about the sun coming out because I knew it would help the trees to grow.

We also learnt about nouns and went outside on a ‘Noun Hunt.’


As part of our novel study (George’s Secret Key to the Universe by Stephen Hawking) and science studies (The Solar System) we practised using our engineering skills to design ‘Moon Buggies of the Future.’

Lily-Elen-I enjoyed designing the moon buggies.


We have continued to practise understanding place value of numbers.

We have learnt strategies to compare and order numbers and considered different ways of representing numbers.

Bailey – I challenged myself and worked with a partner to show different ways of representing a 7 digit number!


Primary 6/5 Blog

We have been practising the points of the compass by running around the playground – out door learning.

We have been using our art skills to create a drawing of a sunset.

We are going to make a movie! We watched  lego movie made by an eleven year old boy that inspierd us to make our own movie.

We are doing stuff on the rainforest. We have been looking at maps to find out where the rainforests are – they are around the centre earth near the equator, in an area called the tropics. They are located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

In drama we have been working on emotions and facial expressions with Mr Turner.

We have been using tally marks for each table for how they behave.

We have been doing Big Maths Beat That to help us with our maths.

We have also been using the commutative law of multiplication.


P5 Friday 26th June

Good Morning P5 and welcome to your last day!

schools out last day of school GIF (GIF Image)

Let’s get energized. Choose the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1

Or try some Street Dance Moves on this site:https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/street-dance-masterclass/zh2vpg8

Or why not just turn up your favourite tunes and dance your cares away!

As it is the last day I have suggested a few activities you might want to try. Just pick and choose what you would like to do today.

1.If you like listening to short stories her is one about a seagull: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/audio-stories-the-seagull/z6qd47h

2.Health-resilience alphabet T is for talk

3. Finish personal project / fashion show/ theme park challenges. You can share any work on TEAMS or you can email to the school if you prefer.

4. Look back at the BLOG and complete or try again any of the activities that you enjoyed.

5. Art activity-The Yo-Yo Mo show- Watch Mo who likes to doodle while listening to music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=44&v=vEh9vsB9OfE&feature=emb_logo then join in and grab some paper and pens when you are ready! Do whatever you feel like doing. If you do not like this video there are other shorter videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Nj0NQw_sM

6. Reflective Questions-Think about the following –Reflective questions set 4

7. Practise your learning using these online games https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/collections/primary-games/1

I am in a staff meeting at 10am and so am unable to be on TEAMS at that time. So just carry on with any of the activities above.

11:30 Class Video chat.

You have been a brilliant class this year P5. Enjoy your summer break! look after yourselves – I can’t wait to see you when you return as P6.

summer GIF (GIF Image)

Thursday 25th June

Good Morning! Let’s get energized. Here is the link to the Joe Wicks workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 or if you would like to try some Street Dance Moves try these videos on this site:https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/street-dance-masterclass/zh2vpg8

Sadly, I am not able to be on TEAMS much today because I am working in school so just work through the day’s activities and do the best you can. However, I will keep chat on in case you have any great ideas for what you would like to do on Friday-your last day!

Literacy – with David Walliams https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zqpx8hv

Think about the questions and watch the two videos.

Then scroll down and choose one of the three activities to complete.

Health –Resilience Alphabet-S is for senses

After Break

Personal Project-continue with your presentation. When you have finished remember you can email to the school email address. If you have finished your personal project continue with your theme park or fashion show work.

Health – Reflection – Reflection Questions set 3

After Lunch

Continue with your theme park or fashion show project.

If you have finished this why not choose your own lesson from this page there are lots of different ideas: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z63tt39/year-4-and-p5-lessons

Before you go.Do you like poetry?Watch this-https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/live-lessons/writing-and-performance-poetry-live-lesson/zrds92p

Or-if you like listening to short stories here is one about a crow and a peacock.https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/audio-stories-the-crow-and-the-peacock/zk3fhbk


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