P5 Act Up!


This week we listened to the story of the birth of Jesus Christ and then in small groups acted out the story.

                                                We used props to represent the baby Jesus and practised using our voice, facial expression and body language to represent how the different characters were feeling.

                                                Can you guess who was the sheep in this scene, who was the angel and who was the proud father?

Going Digital

As well as acting out the Christmas story we completed a scene of the Nativity using stop frame animation. We did this with Mrs Buntin.

Alexis – I enjoyed this.

Colin – We learnt how to move the figures a little bit each time.

Jaxson – Then we took 50 million photographs.

Anna – Then you put the photographs together to make a video and narrators record a message over it.

Christmas Lunch

One highlight of the week this week was the Christmas lunch.

Bella- My favourite part of lunch was macaroni cheese and ice-cream!

Jaxson – It was nice to see Joy.

Sophie S – I liked the Christmas music at lunch.


This week we practised formal methods of subtraction using columns.

Lily-Elen – I am more confident at subtraction.


This week we kept running for 5 minutes during P.E.

Piotr – I enjoyed the 5 minute run!

Jaxson – I was proud of everyone for running for 5 minutes.

Hope – I enjoyed football and am more confident at tackling.

Art / Music

Bailey – I enjoyed looking closely at paintings.

This was part of our work with ‘Limelight Music.’ We then went on to listen to a piece of music and draw a picture depending on how we felt about the music. Everyone interpreted the music in a different way.

Topic – Europe

Cameron – I enjoyed playing the online games.

Sara – I didn’t know Russia was so big.

Anna – I learnt that in Lithuania they make beads out of tree sap when it is hard.


P5 Get Drumming



In group reading we practised answering questions about texts.

Bailey – My reading is improving – I can read more challenging texts.

Kyle – I enjoyed my dinosaur book this week.

Writing                                                                                                                                                                                                         During our persuasive writing work we had a debate. Some children thought children should help at home, such as Bailey, and some children thought they shouldn’t, such as Anna.   Each of them came up with a list of arguments which were written on the board by Miss Taylor.

This scaffolding then helped us set out our own piece of writing.

                                Bailey – I liked having an argument!

Alexis – I am getting better at using full stops.


We continued to practise subtraction strategies this week and we continue to gain in confidence.

Anna – I am better at subtraction!


This week we continued to practise our drumming skills and keeping in time to the beat using objects like pencils to make a sound.

                                                                Jaxson – I enjoy everything about the music.


Bailey – I liked painting the baubles!

Topic – Europe

We learnt about some of the Christmas traditions in Spain. They eat turkey but stuff it with mushrooms!


Cameron – I liked running like a speeding train during our run this week!

Colin – I am getting better at football. I scored a goal past Miss Stanway.

Miss Stanway – I was devastated!

P5 Have Fun!

P5 have had a fun week this week.

Christmas Card Competition

Mrs Stewart set the class a task of designing a Christmas card. Miss Stanway had a difficult job of picking a winning one because the standard was so high! This card will be sent out to a community group.

Summer – My card was a Christmas tree with a snowy window!


Bella – Football is fun.

We love seeing Bella buzzing around enthusiastically like a rocket on the football pitch in her bobble hat although Oscar being successfully tackled by a large plant pot this week was a sight to behold!

Topic – Europe

This week we learnt about the Seville Fair that usually happens every year in Spain.

Colin – we designed a persuasive poster to encourage people to go to the fair.

Our success criteria for designing a good poster included detailed pictures of an appropriate size, colourful font and a persuasive slogan. Cameron knew it was important to make sure important information such as when and where it took place was included.

We listened to some flamenco music and many of the children were keen to have a go at being flamenco dancers.

Bailey enjoyed being a bull and Leo volunteered to be a matador with a swirling cape. This led to an interesting conversation about animal cruelty.


We started our music sessions with ‘Limelight’ and have been practising using our body as a percussion instrument!


This week we have learnt different strategies for mental subtraction such as counting up to and we have used number lines to support our thinking.

Look out for our numeracy video coming soon!


After reading this week, we practised writing a summary of what we have read. It is important to only include key information and make sure the facts are in the correct order. As we found this tricky, we agreed that it is a skill we need to practise.

Look out for our spelling strategy video coming out soon!

Compliment box

Jaxson was chosen this week and the class had several compliments to give him because he is so supportive and kind.


Some people brought in homework to share with the class, which was a very high standard. Well done everybody!

P6/5 Week


In Maths we have been doing a little bit of the 4X table and division. We have been doing some recording for ”Share The Learning” for parents so far we have done the comutitive law of multiplcation with cubes.


Going back to the recording in literacy during the recording we asked questions about our reading books Charlottes Web, Tom Gates, Fantastic Funny Frightening books.


Every Monday at 10:00 We do Chinese with real Chinese in China and learn their launguge

P5 Have a Blether


Book Week

This week it was Book Week Scotland so we had a ‘blether’ about what are favourite books were.

Lily-Elen – I like Jaqueline Wilson.


We wrote some terrific stories this week using the main character in our reading book. Colin and his partner wrote a great opener that we agreed would make us want to read on.


This week we practised our visualisation skills and drew scenes from stories in our reading books.


This week we practised adding multiples of 10 and discussed different strategies.


This week we walked around the school on a shape hunt and discussed why certain shapes such as cuboids were used to make things.


As part of our work on shape we used clay to sculpt imaginary creatures using tools to create various effects.  Alexis – I made a Unibug.          Sophie P – I made a dog that had a turtle shell and a unicorn.


During P.E. we have been practising running without stopping for four minutes. We are much fitter now!

We have also discussed what makes us happy. Most of us said it was our family and surprisingly when given a list of different things most of us said tablets/IPads are the least important when it comes to happiness. We learnt about how some children living in different circumstances would be happier if they were able to go to school more and have larger houses with running water.

P5 Remember

Remembrance Day

This week we celebrated Remembrance Day or  Poppy Day . We had a two minute silence on Wednesday to remember armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. We also watched a video by Rev. Nelu who talked about what it meant.

This Weeks Learning


On Monday we continued to read our novels in group reading in order to improve our fluency and decoding skills. We practised answering questions about the text with our reading partner on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday we discussed our novels in detail in order to practise our talking and listening skills while being encouraged to back up our ideas with evidence from the text. Finally, on Thursday we wrote a persuasive piece connected to the novel.


Hope – We learnt how to add several numbers using different strategies.

Anna – We can look for numbers that make 10.

M – Then we can look for numbers that make 11 and 9.

Then if we add these together it makes a multiple of 10.

Debbie – It was tricky at first!

We did find it difficult. However, practise makes perfect so we had another go and we feel more confident now.

Maths – Shape

We continued to practise discussing the properties of 3d shapes and this week using pipe cleaners, to represent the edges of a shape, built our own 3d shapes.

Science – Micro-organisms

Bailey – I learnt that some microbes are harmful but some can be helpful. There are three types – bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Jaxson – I enjoyed designing my microbes poster showing how they can help us.


We learnt about the difference between direct and indirect bullying and continued to discuss ways of dealing with conflict.


A Week in P5

We continued to develop our persuasive writing techniques.
In addition we practised using various openers to create interesting sentences.
In group reading we read our texts, discussed them and practised using different techniques to work out the meaning of unknown words in order to improve our vocabulary.
We also discussed what made a good story and then with our partner wrote down what we thought would happen next in our novels. Some of us wrote great beginnings that would make the reader want to read on. Some of us applied what we had learnt about openers earlier in the week and used them in our stories. Also some of used some descriptive adjectives and powerful verbs!
Bailey – I am enjoying the class novel.
Sophie Smith – I am proud of my spelling.
We all feel we have improved our addition skills.
Hope – I learnt strategies to help solve problems.
We practised using the art of collage to decorate flags of various European countries.
Bailey – I enjoyed making the flags. I learnt that each country has a different flag.
This week we learnt that spreading rumours and name-calling is unacceptable and we discussed different strategies that we could use to deal with this.
Grace – I also enjoyed completing my racism ribbon from last week.
This was linked into our learning about shape and we drew worlds where everything was made up of geometric shapes.

Double Trouble in P5


This week we continued to improve our addition skills.

We feel we have improved our ability to double a number but adding near doubles was trickier!


We revised 2D shape and learnt about the properties of 3D shapes.


In group reading we used inference skills to answer questions about the texts. We discussed in detail how we felt about the books with our partners. On Thursday we pretended to be one of the characters from the stories and wrote a letter to another character in the book.


Hope – I enjoyed clapping out syllables when spelling and writing sentences for each word.

Grace – I enjoyed putting the spelling words into alphabetical order.

Christmas comes early!

Colin – I enjoyed designing a Christmas Card and spreading some Christmas joy!


I enjoyed the number game!


We continued our ‘Celebrating Difference’ theme and learnt about how people are discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. Then we went on to design ribbons to raise awareness of racism and to help stop it.

P6/5 Week

Primary 6/5 have been learning about Bloom’s Taxonomy in literacy writing. We have also been testing our peers on questions about the book “Wonder” as that is the book we have been reading in class. We have looked at higher and lower order questions,, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

P5 keep up the good work!

Although it has been a short week we have still been busy learning about lots of things!


We practised joining up our handwriting and learnt about how to punctuate direct speech.


We continued to practise adding and this week used the compensation strategy.


We started a new topic – shape – and learnt how to use shape when writing different words.

Topic – Europe

Bailey – I enjoyed acting out the Pied Piper of Hamelin, a story from Germany.

Grace – I enjoyed the capital cities quiz.

Extra Play

Before we broke up for the holidays our class earnt the most pegs so we had 10minutes extra play this week!

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