P65 Week Ending Friday 10th June


Green gym first thing. Continued to make bird box.

One group working on place value in maths and estimating, another on long division and another reviewing the four functions.

In P.E. we practised our athletics skills, focussing on hurdles and relay races.

New spelling words out.

Finishing off lots of little art activities in the afternoon.


Marble jar full! Fun day. Morning spent doing educational (but fun) activities. What was really cool was that one small group elected to do challenging maths with support! We watched a movie in the afternoon.


The class spent their time with Mrs D looking at what resources we could buy for the garden .

The live link with Chinese students to continue topic work was excellent, teaching conversations and days and months.

For literacy we did a spelling.

Meet the teacher with Mr P in the afternoon.



Literacy: writing about “How to make a sandwich”. We spent a lot of time on this.

Meet the teacher with Mr P in the afternoon.


Maths: times tables and decimals

Literacy: spelling as usual


Friendship time



Primary 3 Toy Sale

Dear Parents/Carers

Primary 3 are having a sale of toys, jigsaws, games and books to raise money for plants to put in the planters at the shops in Deans. The sale will be this Friday, the 10th of June from11:15am -11:45am in the Primary 3 classroom.

You are very welcome to come to school from 11:15 and join your child at the sale. This then gives you the opportunity to attend the coffee morning at 11:45 in the hall to meet The Support Squad (Parent Council).

Much appreciated

Primary 3

P65 Week Ending Friday 3rd June


Green gym first thing.

Jigsaw between break and lunch.

In P.E. we practised our rugby skills, focussing on always passing the ball backwards.

New spelling words out.

Maths: Quick decimal and tables practice.


Literacy: Reading comprehension this week was to draw a book cover for a favourite book, with a quality blurb. Spelling as usual.

Maths: very active measuring perimeters lesson in the playground.

In the afternoon we got lots of construction kits out and investigated creating wheeled vehicle.


The class spent their time with Mrs D looking at the pond that had been vandalized.

For literacy we did a spelling assessment.

The live link with Chinese students to continue topic work was excellent, teaching conversations and food.

Coding with Mrs B.



Literacy: writing about the Millennium Falcon being built in Wales. We spent a lot of time on this.

Careers fayre in the afternoon.


P65 Week Ending Friday 27th May


Literacy: Spelling as usual.

Maths: one group worked on revision while another group worked on subtraction of money.

In health today the class split into P5s and P6s and we worked from the Jigsaw program.

We also did coding with Mrs B.

To support our learning on China this afternoon we made paper dragons.



The class spent their time with Mrs D working on their French.

For maths the class continued their work on assessment.

For literacy we did spelling as usual.

The live link with Chinese students to continue topic work was excellent, teaching conversations and family members.

As an art activity relating to China we drew dragons in the afternoon.



Literacy: spelling.

Maths: one group looked at equivalent fractions and another group continued their work on subtraction using money.

Art related to China was the addition of cherry blossom to the trees we started the previous week. We also finished off the drawings of dragons and a health activity for Ms T.

The health activity on “when normal changes” today was lead by Mark.


Maths: one group continued their work on addition and decimals, moving on from money to measure. Another group looked at qualifying recent maths activities into the four functions, place value etc.

Literacy: Spelling and an excellent talking and listening activity inspired by SU’s socks! Which lead onto AD’s crocs!


Friendship time




P65 Week Ending Friday 20th May


Language today we continued our work on Shakespeare’s Richard III. Some children took on his role in a hot seat drama activity, and we then all asked him questions. We also got new spelling words.

In maths today we continued work on sequences of number, negative number and related this to temperature.

In P.E. we practised our skills for landing on mats from jumps.

The class also split in two to continue the health work from Jigsaw.

We also spent some time practising our Chinese.


Literacy: Spelling as usual.

Maths: we all worked on money, one group on addition, another on division and the third on related word problems.

In health today the class split into P5s and P6s and we worked from the Jigsaw program.

We also did coding with Mrs B.

To support our learning on China this afternoon we made paper dragons.



The class spent their time with Mrs D working on their area and other gardening.

For maths the class continued their work on temperature.

For literacy we did spelling as usual, and related the maths work to reading comprehension.

After lunch we made the most of the good weather and went out to the TrimTrak. Some of the children from this class took the opportunity to play with the smaller children in their playground.

The live link with Chinese students to continue topic work was excellent, teaching how to write Chinese characters and how to identify the radicals that help make their meanings clearer.

At the end of the day we finished the dragons we had started on Tuesday.



Literacy was a reading comprehension activity on the same Chinese story as the previous week, and how this created designs for willow pattern china. And spelling.

Maths was looking at planning activities and areas of study for the rest of the year.

We did an additional activity looking at the football match of the previous night and the importance of being good sports.

The health activity on “what is normal” today was lead by Mark.

For another health activity today we looked at the jobs of the people coming to the careers afternoon next month.


Maths: times tables and decimals

Literacy: spelling as usual

Went out to playground with infants.


Friendship time




This week in Primary 5

This week in P5 we have continued our digital learning. Our learning intentions this week were to write a code and to use a variable. For to be successful in this we had to write a block code which included a variable, a random and a click event. We then had to post a link to our Teams page once we had achieved this.


In Spelling we had the choice of which written spelling task we wanted to do today. Here are some photos of our finished tasks:

We continue practising our fluency and phrasing when we read in our groups. It is important that we all work harder on using expression consistently.

In Writing this week, we used our notes from last week to create Information Reports on a chosen animal. We had to ensure we had sub-headings this week as well as write in the present tense.

In Numeracy we returned to our Money topic this week. We looked at rounding amounts of money and in the other we looked at change from £1 and £2. We also did some interactive games where we had to add amounts of money. We were doing this against the clock! We discussed using our knowledge of friendly numbers to help with this.

In topic we completed an end of topic assessment for our Space topic and began some research for our Dinosaurs topic!

As of next week we are going to start having all our information and learning on Twitter instead of the Blog! Please follow: @MrsHillanP5

A Short Week in P5

This is just a short week for us this week with us having the Monday holiday and Thursday is an Inservice day for staff.

In Writing this week we worked on our note taking skills to create notes for our next Information report. This week we chose the theme of Animals. Mrs Hillan showed an example someone had written about a Shark and then together we took notes on Mrs Hillan’s choice of a Lion. We then went off on our own to individually take notes on a chosen animal, ready to write about this next week. We had the opportunity to use a laptop if we needed to.

In Numeracy we did our final data and data analysis work. Next week we will go back to looking at money.

In Reading, we continued our class novel. We revisited our reciprocal reading strategy of Questioning and created some open and closed questions for characters in the story.

In topic, we did our final Space presentations about the final planets in our solar system. Our class Space Encyclopedia is going to look amazing!!!

We also introduced our new topic of Dinosaurs!!!! We are excited to learn more about this!

We look forward to working on some new things next week!

P6/5 Week ending Friday 29th April



Maths: Times tables activities

New spelling words given out.

Writing today was the start of our block on information reports: one group wrote about our school while the other wrote about dogs.

Green Gym with Alice was great fun as usual.

In P.E. today we started activities related to athletics.



In language today one group focussed on writing another information piece, this time about the school. The other group started making notes about their chosen topic on China, ready to write up their piece next week.

For maths we continued to look money. One group worked on simple division, another group on subtraction and the final group worked with the class teacher on partitioning to help multiplication.

Coding with Mrs B was great fun, as always.

We finished off our writing about our future jobs for health.


With Mrs D today the class planted hedges and fixed up the bug hotel.

Maths: assessment on angles and compass points.

Language today was reading comprehension with the children creating questions about their books. We also used this to introduce the idea of referencing sources by referring to page numbers. As another language activity, and ICT, we used HotPotatoes to create jumbled texts from our reading books.

We also continued our research on China.

As part of our health activities the class continued their research into possible future jobs and career paths.

For technology today we used big building bricks in small groups to make bridges.


Maths: we used a Sumdog challenge to improve our skills with number patterns.

Language today was note taking for our Chinese project as well as spelling.

As part of our health program Mark worked with the class on mental health.

We also looked at the topic work we have covered this year.

A group of P5 children were lucky enough to participate in a sports day with other schools from the area.


Maths: continued work on number patterns, individually differentiated.

PE: went on the TrimTrak.


Health: reviewed our work on future jobs.


Reading: identified individual current abilities and next steps.





An update from P5

We have had a fun and busy week in P5 this week.

In Green Gym we were given various activities to choose from such as making bandanas using cloth and bit of leaves, grass etc. We used stones and rocks to rub the grass etc inside the cloth and then the colour rubbed off on to the cloth. We also got to build dens, make bird feeders and create little decorations using nails, wood and leaves etc.

In Digital learning we started off the lesson by discussing hardware and software and the differences between these.

Examples of hardware – phone, ipad, laptop, smartboard, computer, console.

Examples of software – apps, wifi, glow, games etc.

We also coded Hungry Snake, where we had to put eggs around the place for the snake to find, but if he touched a rotten egg then the snake had to disappear!


In Numeracy we finished off our data analysis work from last week. In one group we looked at interpreting data from a database and graphs and in the other group we looked at using tally charts to gain information.

In Reading we continued to work on clarifying unknown words in a text. We used our group texts this week and found some really interesting words!

Examples of words we clarified:

hazy, mangy, oblige, contraption, sorrow, particular, wistful, adamant.

We are working hard to do the final work on our Space topic. We have worked in groups again to research the last planets ready to present these and include these in our class encyclopedia.

In Writing this week we picked a different job role to write about. We had to start by making some notes on the job we wanted to write about. Mrs Hillan showed us an example for a nurse. We were given the opportunity to use laptops to research any information we weren’t sure of that we wanted to include.

In spelling this week we created word searches using our words. We also picked from a variety of our strategies such as spelling tennis, back writing and noughts and crosses.

In PE this week we had our second session of badminton skills where we practised different serves. We also went on to have a go at some short games.

Remember it is a holiday on Monday! Enjoy the long weekend!

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