Teamwork across the year groups!

Dean and Harry were working together to complete a puzzle. They were very methodical: looking for all the corners and edges first and then helping each other to find the correct pieces. It was often tricky but they persevered and managed to complete it. Mrs Duke was very impressed. Great work, team – high five!

Woodlands topic

Primary 4 are continuing to learn all about the Woodlands. We have already been out in the playground and on the field identifying trees by looking at leaves and flowers. We have learned to categorise creatures into vertebrates and invertebrates and this week focused on minibeasts and life cycles.

We are also almost finished our cooperative group challenge to design and make a tree house from recycled materials. These will be ready for our next Sharing the Learning in June.

Having learnt about halves and quarters last week in numeracy, we continued our learning about fractions finding out about thirds. We also had to place fractions on a number line – this was tricky till we asked would you rather have half of your favourite pizza – sharing with 2 friends, or a tenth – sharing with 10 !

We are looking forward to “Rookie Rockstars” next week!

P4 Sharing our Learning

Primary 4 had a great afternoon yesterday when we shared our learning about Active Numeracy with lots of visitors. We began by playing a  game to build up our quick recall of tables facts. We explained the activities and set about showing our visitors the many ways we learn about numeracy. We had Top Trumps games, snakes and ladders, race against time, computers using the interactive resources and Education City, and even Money Board games we designed and made ourselves!

Family members who came along all joined in and some even took part in our tables game at the end! Primary 4 were impressed! We had lots of positive comments and are looking forward to our next Sharing the Learning about our Woodlands topic. Thank you to everyone who was able to come along and participate!


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