P4 Class 17/06/2022

What a wonderful week we’ve had!

We had a great time making a Father’s Day poem, card and  trophy.

We have been revising on our multiplication and division strategies as well as our understanding of time.

We read facts about Tigers and we wrote a procedure text.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

P4 Class 10.06.2022

We had a great time at the Edinburgh Castle.  We truly made the Deans community proud because everyone brought their responsible and respectful hats on.

This week, we have been working on procedural writing and we have been revising on Numeracy and Maths topics that we have covered over this session.

We also met our new teachers for next session which has been an exciting time for all of us!

Primary 3 Toy Sale

Dear Parents/Carers

Primary 3 are having a sale of toys, jigsaws, games and books to raise money for plants to put in the planters at the shops in Deans. The sale will be this Friday, the 10th of June from11:15am -11:45am in the Primary 3 classroom.

You are very welcome to come to school from 11:15 and join your child at the sale. This then gives you the opportunity to attend the coffee morning at 11:45 in the hall to meet The Support Squad (Parent Council).

Much appreciated

Primary 3

P4 Class 27/05/2022

I enjoyed practicing my division skills.  SLW

I enjoyed researching  and writing  about The Great Wall of China. KH

This week, I really liked fiding facts about the Eiffel Tower and then write a report about it.  AS

I liked learning how to convert kg and g. SA

We learnt about animal adaptation.  We created our own unique creature with features that allow them to survive in the environment they live in.



P4 Class May 5, 2022

This week we have been learning to calculate money problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication strategies.

We used mental strategies to calculate change up to £10.

We also learnt about different classification of animals  and used our comprehension skills to take notes of facts about different Arctic and Antarctic animals.

We wrote an information report about Edinburgh castle as well.

P4 Class May 13, 2022

What a magnificent week we had!

We learnt to calculate the area of  shape, learnt to convert units of measure and we practiced our multiplication and division strategies for mental maths.

In literacy, we read and researched facts about polar bear adaptations, we also used the internet to find facts about king Arthur’s Seat.  We used the Padlet to type up and discuss our Reciprocal Reading tasks.

For HWB, we discussed  gender stereotypes and for Art we had a guided drawing lesson on how to draw a realistic polar bear

P4 Class May 6, 2022

I really liked block coding because I am getting better at it. SLW

I learnt to make notes and learnt interesting facts about polar bears.  I now know that they have transparent fur.  LJS

I know how to use meter stick to measure perimeter in shapes. SA

In Health and Well- being, I learnt the parts of the male and female organs.  SLW

In numeracy, we calculated the total and change from £20.  We also used multiplication and division strategies to work out money problems.





I liked using the Padlet to write our questions, clarifications and summary about our Novel. TN

In writing, I enjoyed writing facts about the bees.  MM

I learnt that when we measure an area, we must write the unit of measure e.g. cm2, km2 and m2.  LM

This week we wrote an information report about bees.  We used our note taking skills and comprehension skills to find facts about them.


P4 Class 22.04.22

We have been learning to calculate change up £20.00 DN

We’ve been learning to measure items using millimetre, centimetre, metre and kilometre.

We started our Reciprocal reading roles and we have been reading aloud with expression.

For HWB, we learnt that babies get some characteristics from their parents and sometimes there are characteristics that are unique to them.

We learnt to change a singular words to plural form by adding ies.

Happy Easter from P4 Class

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We made portraits of people we love using the style of an artist known as Romero Britto.  We then wrote a description of them using lots of adjectives and similes.

We have been practicing our ability to add tone and expression in our reading as well as answering questions around what we have read.

All week, we have been revising on all numeracy and maths topics which we have covered throughout term 2. Overall, we have enjoyed our week!


Have a happy Easter everyone!

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