Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

Primary 4/3 have been packing lots of exciting learning into this week.

On Monday in Green Gym, we were set the challenge of building a hibernacula, for an animal to use to hibernate in during the winter months. We had 15 minutes to find as many natural materials as possible to insulate our hibernacula.  We then filled up a pot of hot water which was to represent our animal, if after 15 minutes the pot was still hot our animal would have survived the winter!

Keeping on our topic of conservation, sustainability and helping the environment, we decided to write our persuasive piece of writing focused on why we should help save trees in our environment. This week we looked at using some more convincing and persuasive language to help reinforce our arguments.  Here are some examples of our work.

We have also been thinking about why we celebrate Remembrance day. The Primary 7’s have been selling Poppies all week so we decided to create our own poppy picture of Flanders Fields. We  used water colours to create a wash effect for the sky and used bright red and black for our poppies. In the fields we added grass using crayon. We are very proud of our efforts in this art task.

We hope you have enjoyed a little snapshot of our learning from this week.


This Week in P3


This week in writing, we have started learning about a new genre of writing. We are now studying exposition. This is when we persuade the reader by writing a one-sided argument. This week, we persuaded the reader that bonfire night is fun.

In reading this week, we have been developing our summarising skills. We have to describe the story in a few sentences. We have to include the most important details.


In numeracy, we were learning to partition numbers. This is when we spilt a number up into small number bonds. This will support us with our mental calculations.
Additionally, we have been learning to round to the nearest 10. When we are rounding to the nearest 10, we must look at the ones. If the ones are 0-4 we round down and if the ones 5-9, we round up.


In P.E., we continued to develop our skills for basketball. We were developing our bounce passes and chest passes. This supporter us when we played a game of basketball.

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

It’s been another busy week in Primary 4/3.

On Monday we checked on our bees nests and hedgehog homes, they are still intact, thankfully! We also took the opportunity to smash our clay flower bombs. We can’t wait until Spring to see all the wildflowers grow in the field and know that we have done a little to improve the biodiversity of our school grounds.

On Tuesday we worked on some fireworks inspired art. We investigated the work of Wassily Kandinsky and used one of his famous abstract pictures ‘Colour Study’ to help us complete our pictures. Here are some of the finished products. We think they look great.

Keeping to the theme of Bonfire Night we decided to write about why we should or shouldn’t ban fireworks. We discussed in depth reasons both for and against. We are getting good at using persuasive language and arguing for what we believe. Here are some examples of our writing.

We hope you have enjoyed reading a few of our learning highlights from this week.

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

In Green Gym this week we have been working on improving the biodiversity of our school though building nests for the Bees. During the colder months bees need a safe place to keep warm to help them survive. We have been learning about the important role that bees play in worldwide food production therefore we all need to do our bit to help save them. Whilst we had the tools out we also decided to make some hedgehog nests and some wild flower bombs to help encourage the growth of more flowering plants in our schools grounds.

This week we have been introduced to a new writing genre, ‘Exposition‘, this is where we have to argue one side of an issue. This week we thought it would be a great idea to focus our writing on arguments for reasons we should be making steps to save the bees!

We came up with some excellent reasons. Here are some of our  examples.

Ashley – If we didn’t have any bees we wouldn’t have any chocolate or pizzas!

Nathaniel – Bees can make our world more healthy.

Isla – Bees can pollinate other flowers and encourage biodiversity.

This week we have started learning how to play basketball in gym. We have started off by practising throwing, catching and bouncing the ball with a partner. We even had to try and catch the ball one handed, it was really tricky!

We hope you enjoyed reading our blog, we wish everyone a Happy and safe Halloween.

This Week in P3


This week, we have continued to practice our spelling daily. We have been completing rainbow writing, playing roll, read and write and quizzing our friends.

In reading this week, we have been focusing on our questioning skills. We have been using our skim reading skills to answer questions about our text. Then, we had to create our own questions to ask a friend.


In numeracy, we were looking at odd and even numbers. We had to look at ones column when were are identity if two, three or four digit numbers are odd or even. We also used a chant to help us identify odd and even numbers.


In topic this week, we were learning about hurricanes. Hurricanes are large, swirling storms. They produce winds of 74 mph or higher and they are formed over hot waters.

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights.

After having a well deserved rest we have returned to school this week raring to go!

Firstly, Mrs Dobbie and the rest of the staff at Deans would like to congratulate Brendan who won the sunflower competition back in September. Well done Brendan for growing such a super sunflower!!

This week we have been learning about the new reading skill of Summarising and we are looking forward to putting this into practise next week. This week we focused on using the skill of clarifying  to complete a Frayer Model to help us learn about the word and clarify the meaning of  Hibernation. Have a look at what we have been working on.

We were also lucky to have a session of Futsal this week. We practised our dribbling and defending skills through playing a game of ‘splat tig’.

We tried our hands at the skill of Zentangle. This means ‘calm doodling’ using a simple black and white repeated pattern. We used a pumpkin template to practise this technique.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about some of our learning this week.

This Week in P3



In reading this week, we continued to focus on our clarifying skills. We use our clarifying skills to help us find the meaning of words we don’t know yet. We read around the word to help us clarify the meaning. We can also think of words that sound similar.


In writing this week, we wrote our assessment piece of recount writing. We wrote a recount of our morning routine at school. We have to use the correct structure and use our core writing targets.




In numeracy this week, we were looking at number sequences. We were given a number sequence that had some missing numbers. We had to use our problem skills to solve rule of the sequence and fill in the missing numbers. There were different strategies that we could use to help us. Some of us used our fingers and some of us used a 100 square to calculate the missing numbers.




This week, we were looking at plastic pollution and the environmental impacts of plastics. We completed a reading comprehension task about plastic pollution. We had to use our skim reading skills to help us answer the questions.

We were also learning about how recycling can be one of the possible solutions to help reduce plastic pollution. We had to think things we could do in school to help protect the environment. In school, we can put paper or cardboard in blue recycling bin. Items such as laminating sheets and paper towels cannot be recycled, therefore, we must put them in the black waste bin.


Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

This week in Primary 4/3 we have been working hard on finishing off our topic of gymnastics in gym. We have been working on linking a series of movements together, including a balance, a pose and a jump into a roll. We have thoroughly enjoyed this topic in gym and are looking forward to learning some basketball skills after the October Holidays.


We also had a very exciting and a little soggy session of Green Gym this week. Alice was our teacher and she was teaching us all about bees and biodiversity. We learned all about how pollen spreads and how we can help save the bees by planting more flowers.

In our Victorians topic this week we have been exploring different methods of creating texture within a piece of art. We used, smudging, crumpling, tearing and shading to create a picture of a chimney sweep.

We hope you enjoyed a little snapshot of our week. We are very much looking forward to a little break during  next week. Happy Holidays!

Primary 4/3 Highlights

This week has been incredibly busy and jam packed with lots of interesting and challenging learning taking place in our classroom and beyond.

In maths, we have been focusing on identifying a fraction of a whole number. We have been using concrete materials to do this as well as using our knowledge of multiplication and division. It was tricky to get our heads around but once we practised everyday we are becoming more confident at applying these skills.

In numeracy, we are continuing to work on using place value to help us with addition calculations.

We are still working on the writing genre, Recount. This week we wrote a recount featuring our Best Birthday Ever! We are experts at this genre now and becoming very skilled at using the self assessment placemats to help us identify what went well and what we can do next time to improve. Here are some examples of our wonderful work.

We have been exploring the concept of perspective in Art and Design. Seeing Autumn has finally begun we decided to draw an Autumn Scene, including a pumpkin patch. We worked step by step to create an element of depth to our pictures. We are very proud of the final result.

We hope you enjoyed this little snapshot of our week.


This Week in P3


In writing this week, we continued to develop our recount writing skills. We created a small shop and as a class, we discussed the steps we carry out when in the shops. This helps us visualise our shopping routine when writing the recount piece. We were trying to ‘Bump Up’ our writing by adding adjectives to give the reader more information.

We were also practicing our tricky words this week. We were using our rainbow writing. This is where we have to say, cover, write and check each words.



In maths this week, we continued to develop our fractions knowledge. We were building on our knowledge from last week to look at converting fractions such as eighths and sixths into halves, thirds and quarters.



This week, we started our new topic Extreme Earth. We were learning about the layers of the Earth. We came up with a chant and dance to help us remember that the layers of the Earth are inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. We also learned about the key features of a volcano. To support this, we watched the live footage of the volcano eruption in La Palma.

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