Primary 2/1 Weekly Update.

There has been a big buzz in Primary 2/1 with the start of Advent this week, with lots of chatter about  Elf on the Shelf and Christmas decorating. We are looking forward to adding some festive cheer to our classroom next week.

This week we got all festive in our writing lessons. We wrote about what we would do if we were an ‘Elf’. The children came up with some wonderfully imaginative and naughty ideas.

Erica – I would wrap toilet roll around the toilet.

Nathaniel – I would throw things down the stairs.

Tyller – I would throw books at people.

Kayden – I would sit on top of the tree and watch everybody.

We also had a go at writing sentences all by ourselves. Mrs Stevenson put a picture of a cat in a Christmas stocking on the smartboard and our aim was to come up with a sentence which we could have a go at writing independently. We are getting really confident at using the sounds we know to help us spell words. We were all able to use /ck/ to sound out tricky words like stuck, sock and lick. We have started to use targets in our writing to help us focus on what we need to do be successful and to improve our writing. At the moment we are focusing on remembering to use a full stop, finger spaces and to use our very best handwriting.

In numeracy we have started to think about using mental strategies to help us in our number work. We have started a ‘Daily 5’ challenge on the smartboard, here we have to answer some addition calculations using our knowledge of number families within 10.

In Health and Wellbeing we are still investigating and celebrating differences. We have been enjoying starting our lessons with ‘calm me’ time, where we clear our minds and imagine we are in a calm and safe place to help us relax. Here are some of the examples of our ‘calm me’ places.

Nathaniel – At home in my cozy and warm bed.

Euan – On a beach listening to the waves crashing on the shore.

Elkie – At home stroking my guinea pigs.

We are finding that when we start off our lesson like this we are relaxed and ready to listen and learn. Elkie and Belle both described their feelings afterwards as calm and happy.

Last week we had a discussion about bullying and this week our focus was on what advice we would give someone who was being bullied. The children gave lots of sensible ideas and we finished off our lesson by drawing a detailed picture and describing 2 things we would do if we knew of someone getting bullied.

Lennon said that he would tell his friends to share the problem. Tadas said that he would say ‘Stop’ to the bully. Jordon suggested that he would say that he was going to tell an adult about what was happening. Take a look at some of our wonderful pictures.



As you can see we are getting more confident with adding important details to our work and talking about what is happening in our pictures.

For the past two weeks, we have been working on a STEM challenge. We have been reading the bible story, Noah’s Ark and discussing our favourite parts and which animals we would save if we had the chance to. Mrs Stevenson set us the challenge of designing our very own Noah’s Ark. We thought carefully about which materials we would use, especially materials which would be waterproof or not. Then we had to think about materials which may float or sink. There definitely was a lot to consider in our designs. Luckily, we had lots of junk modelling materials in our class which we could use to help us construct our arks. We spent one afternoon building our arks and choosing appropriate materials. It was pretty tricky and we had to solve quite a few design problems in the process. One problem which kept cropping up was what type of glue would work best. Thankfully in the end we were ready to make some predictions about whether our ark would float or sink and then test out our arks. Here are some of our predictions…

Here we are ready to test out our arks.

It was great fun testing out our arks, unfortunately not all of them floated. It led us onto a great discussion about what we would do differently next time to ensure our ark floated.


We are looking forward to next week and our Nativity performance. We hope that all of our friends and families can come and enjoy some super festive singing with us.


Update from P2

We have had another busy week in P2! We have started our nativity rehearsals on the stage and are having a lot of fun practicing our best singing voices! With a few weeks to go it is all staring to come together!

In maths this week we looked at volume and what this means. We experimented with different containers to see which would hold the most water and which holds the least. We had a great time measuring out different volumes of water and recording this in our books.

In writing, we have been looking at rhyming words. Some of us found this challenging to begin with so we split into teams and worked together to come up with rhymes for the words Mrs Anderson was writing on the board. Both Mrs Anderson and Miss Borsbey’s team scored 8 points each! On Thursday, we split into teams again and took our learning outside. We played a game which involved running to different areas of the playground if we heard a rhyming word.

Jigsaw Jo came to visit us again and this week she was helping us learn about the differences between people in our class. We spoke about things such as appearance, age, likes and dislikes. We collaborated in pairs to create our very own difference shields which we then shared with the class.

In P.E., we used our safe jumping skills in a different context – we learnt how to hurdle! We started off with small hurdles which then got bigger and bigger every round! It was really tricky by the end as the hurdles were up to some of our waists but we challenged ourselves and came up with different strategies of how to jump over them. Look how shocked Team 1 were when they saw how big the last one was!

Our cosy reading area has been updated this week. We now have books featuring winter stories, measurement and feelings.

The children all sat down last week as a class with a budget and decided on new books to fill our reading area. The majority of the class voted to buy books from the “Little People, Big Dreams” collection, which is a collection of books each focusing on the life of a historical figure/celebrity. The books tell the story of each person’s life and how they became famous, but are worded in such a way that are great for children to read. The books look wonderful in our bookshelf and we can’t wait to start reading them.

A Busy Week in Primary 2/1

It’s been another busy week in Primary 2/1. We have been busy learning our songs and actions for the Christmas Nativity Performance. We are looking forward to sharing it with all our friends and family.

In numeracy this week we have had a big focus on using the symbols = and + in number stories. We have been investigating all the different ways to make 10. We are becoming more confident adding groups together mentally and using strategies such as counters and drawing pictures to help us. We made a ladybird display in our classroom to help us remember all the different ways to add up to ten.


The boys and girls had lots of good ideas on how our display should look.


Here are some examples of how we like to learn in Primary 2/1.

In Health and Wellbeing this week we are still celebrating differences. Through this we have been looking at the topic of bullying. We shared our ideas on what we thought bullying would look like and how it might make us feel.  We discussed what we could do or who we could talk to if we thought bullying was happening in our school. We had a go a drawing some pictures to illustrate a bullying situation and we were able to talk about our pictures and describe what was happening in each. We are becoming so confident when discussing our work and are trying extra hard to add lots of important details into our drawings.


We are looking forward to welcoming friends and families tomorrow for our Book Bug Launch in the hall.

Celebrating Differences

This week in Health and Wellbeing we have had a focus on celebrating our similarities and differences.  We started off by having a discussion about what makes us special. Here are some of examples that the children contributed to the discussion.

Elkie – ‘I love my guinea pigs’.

Euan ‘I have been to Lego land’.

Erica ‘ I love underwater creatures’.

Belle ‘I love coming to school and learning’.

Next we teamed up with Primary 1 to play a game of ‘Switch’. We had to listen to a statement, for example, ‘I have a little brother’ and stand up if it applied to us. We then had to find a friend who was also standing to switch places with. It was lots of fun and made us realise we have lots of similarities with our friends.

We then played a game of spot the difference. We examined 2 pictures and had to explain what was different and what was the same in each. It was harder than it looked!

In the last activity we had to work with a partner and find three similarities between us and draw them onto a picture. Most of us noticed that we were all wearing a similar uniform and some of us even had the same hair colour.

We are looking forward to what next week’s  Health and Wellbeing lesson will involve!







What have P2 been up to this week?

We have had a busy week again in P2!

In maths, we have been learning how to use scales to see what objects were lighter and heavier than each other. It was super tricky because if an item was really heavy it tipped the whole scale! We had to try our best to find a nice balance and record these findings in our workbooks.

In P.E. we learned how to turn our static long jump into a moving long jump. We worked in teams to practise the new skill and then split into pairs. We gave our partner feedback including their strengths when jumping and how they could improve next time. We had to look out for things including bending our knees, taking off on one foot and landing on two feet. We had so much fun!

During topic this week, we investigated how the dinosaurs became extinct. After a whole class discussion about the different possibilities, most of us agreed that it was most likely an asteroid that killed them. We took the information we learned and created dramas to show the extinction. Creating the dramas was hard work – it involved us communicating, collaborating and some of us even had the chance to be leaders. We performed each drama for our quality audience to watch and received peer feedback at the end. Miss Borsbey and Mrs Oliphant thought every group was absolutely fantastic!

On Wednesday, we met our new classmate Jigsaw Jo! Over the next few weeks, she is going to help us learn about the similarities and differences between people. We loved introducing ourselves to Jigsaw Jo and all had a chance to tell her our name and age. After the introductions, we had a discussion about what everyone in the class likes and dislikes. We began to notice that people like and dislike similar things regardless of their gender. With Jigsaw Jo’s help, we paired up and completed a shield writing all of the similarities between us. Some similarities were:

We both like pizza, we both like chicken, we both have a dog, we both like climbing trees, we both have blonde hair, and we both hate broccoli.

We can’t wait to see what fun activities Jigsaw Jo has for us next week!

This week in P2

We have had a great week in class. In numeracy, we learnt about place value with numbers up to 20. We used five wise and pair wise ten frames to help us work out the tens and units.

We have also been practising counting in 5s and we are getting great at it!

In topic, we worked as one big team to create a timeline of the Dinosaurs. We found it tricky to spell all of the different words but we challenged ourselves and did a great job!

Our baby Dinosaurs hatched! We were so excited to see what kind of Dinosaur they were!

We have also started reading a new class novel called “The Witches”. Getting comfy in the reading area to read the next chapter is something we all look forward to. Ask us how to spot a witch and see if we can remember!

Primary 2/1 Learning Breakfast.

On Tuesday we held our Learning Breakfast and what a success it was! It was lovely to open up our classroom to all of our parents and carers to share and demonstrate the super learning which takes place on a daily basis.

We started off our morning in the dinner hall with the most delicious breakfast of pancakes, croissants and fruit, all made by our talented dinner ladies – Thank you so much for feeding us all!

It is safe to say the Primary 2/1 pupils gave the breakfast a big thumbs up!

After we had filled our tummies we went back to the classroom to share some of our Numeracy Learning.  We were able to share what we were learning, how we were learning and why. It was great to be able to demonstrate our addition skills, counting and sequencing in tens and all the ways we can use Numicon.


A great big thank you to all the parents and carers who attended on Tuesday. Thank you for your continued support of our school.

Birthday Celebrations in P2!

We’ve had a very busy day in Primary 2 today! We started off with the excitement of our new classroom layout which has given us a large library space and play area!

To celebrate our 50th Birthday, we all came to school wearing denim, embracing the fashion of the 1990’s!

We had such a fun morning with all of our visitors. We made Mr Potato Heads, designed a new outfit for the Spice Girls and even had the chance to make magical Harry Potter wands! 

We finished the day off enjoying our Slush Puppies and Ice Cream Cones!

Primary 2 would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate our school’s birthday today!


Primary 2/1 Update!

It has been an exciting week so far in Primary 2/1 as we prepare to celebrate our schools’ 50th Birthday on Friday! We have been talking about birthdays and what they mean to us. We talked about what month our birthdays are in and we even got to celebrate Miss Swanson’s special birthday on Monday!!

This week we have been learning all about why we celebrate Bonfire Night. We learned about Guy Fawkes and his plans to blow up parliament. We shared all of our plans for the evening and even designed a special poster to raise awareness of how to keep ourselves safe. We were lucky enough to have a special visit from Fire Officer Steel who did a fabulous job of explaining all about his job and he also gave us some hints and tips on how to stay safe from fire.

Seeing it was bonfire night we wanted to explore lots of different media to create some fantastic art for our classroom.

We used salt, paint and PVA glue to design a firework picture.  It was tricky to create an explosion picture but the end result looked great.

We also cut up cotton buds and dipped them in various colours of paint and glued them onto a black background to create more firework explosion pictures. This was extremely tricky but it also       helps us to develop our fine motor skills too!

At the end of the day we went into the playground to create a whole class piece of art. We used a massive sheet of black paper and covered it in stripes of glue. We had such fun then throwing handfuls of glitter over the glue. Here is our finished product….

Homework superstars this week – Alfie and Archie with their fantastic 3D firework models . The boys were confidently able to share to the class how they went about building their models and which 3D shapes they used! Well done!


This week’s sound focus has been on the vowel ‘a’. We learned all about Inky’s vowel house and how this is a black tunnel sound coming from the back of our mouths. We did lots of fun activities to help us practise recognising and writing our new sound.



In numeracy we are practising counting in steps of 10 and 5. We have been using the 100 square to identify patterns and help us to count both forwards and backwards. Keep practising at home!

We are very much looking forward to opening up our classroom on Friday morning to showcase all of our super learning in the year 2019.

This week in Primary 2!

On Tuesday we had our learning breakfast. We had so much fun spending the morning with our families showing them what we have been learning in class!

This week in P.E. we learnt what an over arm throw is and how to use one of these when throwing a javelin! We had to make sure we were holding the javelin in the correct place and that our feet were in the right position. We had a competition to see who could throw their javelin the furthest!

For topic this week, we were learning all about Halloween. We learnt about the history of Halloween and why we celebrate it. We even made some spooky decorations for our classroom whilst practising our fantastic scissor skills!

In numeracy, we began looking at numbers to 100. We had to challenge ourselves to fill in lots of missing numbers on hundred squares and number lines. We also had many number puzzles to do, including number jigsaws and hundred square Tetris!


During writing, we were focusing on adjectives whilst also remembering to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We managed to write some super spooky Halloween stories using our fantastic imaginations!

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