Families Connect

Today at our Families Connect group we looked ‘beyond the page’. We discussed different ways of telling stories using different things to give us ideas, such as, picture cards, magazine cuttings and signs in the community. We then looked at the cbeebies Storytime app and how we can use that to support learning with our children. Next week we will be taking part in numeracy activities.

P1 and P2/1 having Fun

This week we have been learning all about the Fire Brigade and how they help our community.


Joseph and Lennon built their own model of a fire station.  Joseph said that the fire fighters were inside the station sliding down the pole getting ready to go to the house on fire.

Tadas, Elkie and Brendan made a building which was on fire. Brendan said that the fire fighters helped put out the fire but the building collapsed. They also built their own fire station.

Lennon designed and built his own fire hose to fight the flames.

Lewis and Aayan drew pictures of fire fighters in their special uniform. Lewis was most proud of the details on the helmet.

We have been learning how to contact the emergency services and also practising our addresses.

In gym this week we have been learning how to move around the gym in different ways. We were excellent at playing follow the leader and displaying all the different ways to move. Mark said ‘ I enjoyed doing bunny hops’. Ivy said ‘I like skipping and I enjoyed being the leader!’.

This week we have been writing about what we are going to dress up as for the School Halloween Disco. Here are some examples of our excellent work.

One of the main skills we have focused on this week during busy start is cutting. Ivy and Chloe had great fun holding their scissors properly and turning the paper to help them cut straight and wavy lines.

Nathaniel has been practising threading  to help his fine motor skills. We had to remember to go up and down and up and down in a pattern.

Jamielee and Rihanna have been practising writing tricky words. Jamielee said ‘ I to write on the big write board because it is cool’. Rihanna now feels confident when spelling some new tricky words.

Tyler and Scarlet have enjoyed playing snakes and ladders with each other. They took turns and practised their counting on skills when using a dice.

What a busy week it has been!

Families Connect

The focus of today’s Families Connect session was ‘Book Talk’. We discussed how to make reading fun at home and then looked at different children’s books. We discussed which books the children would probably like best and why. When the children joined us we had snack together and then each adult read with their child, asking open questions as they went along. Each child was able to choose a book to take home with them. Aayan’s mum kindly brought us along some delicious cakes as it was Aayan’s birthday today! Happy birthday, Aayan!

Next time (25th October) we are going to be looking ‘beyond the page’ and making up stories using photo cards.


Termly Reflections

The boys and girls have been reflecting on the highlights of their learning this term.

Tyler – ”All of it has been the best”

Lexie – “I enjoyed talking to the audience at the buddy assembly. I felt nervous but it was fun”

Kayleigh ” I have enjoyed PE especially the Jelly Bean game.

Sophie – “ I have enjoyed learning how to draw my mum and dad”

We all had fun learning our new sound p. We made popcorn p’s. Lexie thought they smelled ‘yummy’.

This week we went on an Autumn walk. Joseph enjoyed finding leaves using 4 of his 5 senses. We took leaves back to class and made some amazing line leaves. Charlie was very proud of his leaf drawing and explained that you had to look very hard to see the veins.




P1/2 Science

Today P1/2 were being scientists exploring and experimenting with loud and quiet sounds. We walked all the way upstairs to the music room listening carefully to all the different sounds we could hear around the school. We heard chatting, the door squeaking, footsteps and people coughing. Upstairs we used lots of different instruments to make loud and quiet sounds.

Harrison – I loved making loud noises

Tyller J – My favourite sounds were the loud sounds

Ethan – I liked the quiet sounds


Families Connect

Yesterday our Families Connect group’s focus was on listening. The adults took part in some activities with one another before the children joined us. When the children arrived we all had snack together as usual and then we made ‘magic envelopes’. In the middle of the magic envelope the children drew pictures of one of their favourite things and then worked with the grown-ups to write clues about their favourite thing on the flaps of the envelope. We all got back together to try and guess what was inside each magic envelope. This was great fun!

Next week our focus is on books, we can’t wait!

Mindfulness in P1/2

Today, our mindfulness story was Pinnochio. We used our imaginations to pretend that we were a wooden puppet our bodies felt heavy and relaxed, we then became human again and were breathing deeply, enjoying the quiet mindfulness.

Elkie – I felt solid when I was a puppet and twinkly when I was a human

Kayleigh – I felt happy after mindfulness

Mark – I liked pretending I was a wooden puppet

After break we became puppets. We worked in pairs with one person pretending they were a puppet and the other was the master. Puppets had to copy their master’s actions.

Maison – This was good fun

Kullyn – I liked being the master because I was in charge.


We are looking to our mindfulness story next week – it is Mary Poppins!

Families Connect

Today we had another great, fun-filled Families Connect session. This session’s focus was on the importance of praise. Parents discussed different types of praise, took part in a drawing activity (with their non-dominant hands!) and received various types of praise from their partner. We really enjoyed talking about what our children had been up to and the reasons they are superstars. Once the children joined us we made superstar awards together – with lots of sparkles and glue! We are already looking forward to next week’s session which is based on listening.

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