The Festivities have begun……


This has been a busy and exciting few weeks.  It has been great fun rehearsing with our other friends in Primary 2 and 3. We are so proud of our show and hope you will be able to come and watch us perform.

Our first performance will take place on Thursday 13th Dec at 2.15pm and our second performance will be on Friday 14th Dec at 9.30am.


Today the ladies in the kitchen made our special Christmas lunch. It was delicious and there was even Christmas music to create a special festive atmosphere.

Lexie liked the turkey but wasn’t so keen on the sprouts. Elkie was impressed that there was a special treat of a little chocolate reindeer from the kitchen staff…Primary 1 and 2/1 say a great BIG thank you for such a lovely lunch. Tyler is already looking forward to next year!


We have been scientists this month. We have been learning how to take care of our teeth. The big science question was… Why are sugary drinks so bad for our teeth?  We conducted an experiment using eggs and made predictions  about what might happen to the shell on the egg when it is left in a sugary drink and also when left in water.

Lennon predicted that the shell would melt in the sugary drink. Scarlet said it might break in half. Kullyn thought the egg might turn black. Elkie said the egg would change colour.

Aayan predicted that the egg would stay the same in the water. Finlay said it would get mashed. Kayden thought it might break and Lexie thought it wouldn’t crack.

Primary 1 tried cola and water and primary 2/1 tried Irn Bru and water. We then shared our results.

The eggs in the water hadn’t changed at all but the results of the eggs in the sugary drinks was pretty yucky. The eggs in cola and Irn Bru changed colour and began to crack and after giving them a good brush they began to crumble. This made us think about the effects of sugar on our teeth. We decided sugar is nice for a little treat now and again but only if we remember to brush our teeth after.

Don’t forget….next week is another exciting and festive week with  our class parties. Dust off your dancing shoes! Remember to keep opening the windows of our school Kindness Advent Calendar.


It’s Snowing!

Today we made snow in The Den! We measured 2 cups of baking powder and half a cup of white conditioner and slowly mixed them together. This made lovely, cold pretend snow. Most of us enjoyed touching it and we even made mini snowmen. Mrs Moyes then added some precious stones to the snow for us to find, we then chose to play together, adding vehicles and figures to the snow, we really enjoyed this imaginative play with one another.


P1/2 PE

Today in PE with Mrs Moyes we tried out some yoga moves. The gym hall was being used by the nurses giving the flu vaccinations so we went along to The Den.

We stretched our bodies to start off with then did some yoga using Cosmic Yoga on the SmartBoard. We listened to a story called Squish the Fish and did yoga moves along to it.

Joseph – We had fun together

Calvin – Yoga was really, really good

Lewis – I liked the surf board pose

Daniel – The shark pose was my favourite

We would all like to try yoga again soon!

P1 Bookbug Event

Today we held our P1 Bookbug event. Thank you very much to all the parents and carers who made it along, and to all the primary 1 boys and girls who took part so enthusiastically. The children enjoyed a variety of literacy activities, including; making words with magnetic letters, reading stories with friends and grown ups, practising writing skills on whiteboards, looking at the books we will be getting in our Bookbug bags, and visiting the school library.

Reminder – we welcome your child to borrow books from our school library at any time, please just ask their teacher or pop a note in their book bag.

Families Connect

Today was our final Families Connect session. 8 weeks have flown by! Today we evaluated what we have covered across the sessions – feelings and emotions, the importance of praise, the importance of listening, book talk, reading beyond the page, the importance of counting and number talk. Everyone agreed the programme had been really worthwhile for them and everyone had enjoyed the experience. To celebrate we held a party in The Den, we had food, games and music and each child and their parent/carer was presented with a certificate.

We will miss getting together each week to learn new things alongside parents/carers and their children but we will hopefully be running the programme again in the new year – keep your eyes peeled for information about this, places are limited.

Always Time for a Rhyme.

We have been enjoying exploring rhyming words this week. We read lots of stories with rhyme and had fun predicting what word would come next using our awesome rhyming skills.

Kullyn confidently made a set of ‘at’ rhyming words during busy start and was able to explain why they rhymed – they all had the same end sound.

Charlie kindly brought a rhyming book to share with the class. It was called ‘A Commotion in the Ocean’. He was able to explain it was a Julia Donaldson book and that she was also an author we had read before. Next week the children have requested that we read more Julia Donaldson books. We made a floor book to display all our ideas. We are even going to try to write to Julia and see if we get a reply. We are SO excited.

As Sunday was Remembrance Day we researched why we wear poppies on this day. We couldn’t believe that they used to be made by just 2 people and all by hand!! We had a go at making our own poppies. We are glad we don’t have to make millions by hand, it would take a VERY long time!


We have been having a go at being Authors. We are learning what makes a sentence and we are trying to use the target stamps to help us when we write. This week we wrote about things which we have lost and our feelings.

We have been using formative assessment techniques to help us improve our writing. This week we learned all about ‘Tickled Pink’ and ‘Green For Growth’.  Finlay and Lucy were able to look at their Green For Growths and correct them to turn them into Tickled Pinks. Well done to both of you!

During purposeful play, Aaron spent a lot of time practising his letter t formation.  He didn’t give up and look at this amazing work… We are so proud, Aaron.

As part of our new data handling and analysis topic we have introduced different ways of gathering and displaying information. We have started to answer a ‘Question of the Week’ and look forward to learning more next week.




P1 Bookbug Event!

Bookbug will once again be gifting a Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag to every P1 child in Scotland during Book Week Scotland, 19-25 November.  This Bookbug Bag will help to create a lasting link between reading at school and at home. This bag also allows your child to take part in the The Bookbug Picture Book Prize. They can use the voting slip to vote for their favourite book from the bag, encouraging their love of reading by celebrating their choices.

We would like to invite you to our P1 Bookbug event on Tuesday 20th November from 1:30-2:30pm. This will provide an opportunity for you to take part in and enjoy activities linked to the family bag with your child and also to explore the school library.

P1/2 Science

Today Primary 1/2 have been learning about materials in science with Mrs Moyes. We learned about 5 different materials – wood, glass, metal, plastic and paper. We looked around the classroom to find these different materials, then we went on an investigation round the school. Mrs Mrs pointed to different objects and we had to identify which material they were made of. We were really good at this! Next week in science we are going to do a material grouping activity with real-life items.

A Tttt..terrific Week in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2

We have been learning a totally tremendous new sound. We made ‘t’ tigers using our cutting and gluing skills.  Skye really enjoyed making the tigers and felt she did a good job! Well done Skye!!

We practised forming ‘t’ using the rhyme ‘Down the tower, out the tower and across the tower’ we even did some ‘t’ graffiti                                                      Roman – It was fun to lie on our tummies and write as many as we could.

As part of our ‘People Who Help Us in our Community’ topic we were learning about emergency vehicles.  We used our collage skills to make Police cars and Fire engines.

Daniel- It was fun making my fire engine.

Lennon – I made a pattern with yellow and blue squares. I think I made a great police car.

This week has been all about lucky number 7. We read the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.                                                                                                  Roman was able to confidently retell the story including lots of details.

We used the formation rhyme ‘Across the sky and down from heaven, that’s the way to make a 7’  Keep practising at home…..we keep getting our 7’s back to front. OOps!

We had a challenge to make a 7 in a team using only our bodies. Charlie was able to lead the learning and his group successfully completed the challenge.

We also discovered that there are seven colours in the rainbow and also seven days in the week.  Chloe was able to name all seven colours in order!!

We learned all about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot.  We know a lot about the reason we celebrate Bonfire Night.                                                                    Scarlet explained to the class that they were trying to kill the King.

Kayden- They had 34 barrels of gun powder.

Daniel- They hid it in the basement.

Lexie- The guards wanted Guy Fawkes to tell the truth but he didn’t for three days. We have been displaying our learning through play.                                  These are some of the ways we chose to show what we know.

Lexie drew a bonfire.                               Tadas made the basement and barrel.

Mason made a bonfire collage.             Kullyn practised writing the word firework.

Charlie made some chalk fireworks.





We have been learning…….

What a Spooky Spidery week! We have been busy in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2.

We read the story of  Aaaaaaaaaaargh Spider! We decided to make some spider webs. We used our cutting skills and glued the art straws down onto paper. Lexie said ‘ It was easy to do and I’m proud of my work’.

Later in the week we read the story of Robert the Bruce and the Spider. Chloe explained, we learned it was ever so important not to give up just like the spider in the story.  Kayleigh said  ‘We made spider webs by putting a painted marble in a tray  and rolling it backwards and forwards then putting it in some glitter’.

Charlie – We used our fingers to print some spooky spiders then drew 8 legs on the spiders because we learned that spiders have 8 legs. We also learned the amazing fact that they have LOTS of eyes!!

Sarah Louise – This is a picture of us sharing our home learning with our friends. We went on an Autumn scavenger hunt  to find lots of Autumn natural materials. It was really tricky to find acorns!!

And of course this week was Halloween. We worked hard using our cutting skills to make pumpkins.

Joseph – We used white paper to make the eye balls and then added on the pupils. We drew all the different parts by ourselves.  My pumpkin is called Lewis!

In numeracy we have been learning all about the number 6.  The rhyme says ‘ down we go and make a loop, number 6 makes a hoop’. We found it tricky to give it a curvy back, we need to keep practising and not give up like the spider in the story!

In literacy we have begun to learn vowels. We learned the story of Inky’s Vowel House.  This week we focused on the sound a and we decorated the a’s with ants and a leaf and used the rhyme,

‘Around the apple and down the leaf’

We did a great job at practising in the classroom.







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