Families Connect

Today we were working on the importance of counting. After their cup of tea (and chocolate biscuits!) the adults tried out counting using the alphabet – we had to pretend we lived in a place called ‘Letter Land’ where numbers were replaced by letters. This was VERY confusing, but it helped us see how tricky it must be for our children to learn the value of numbers.

When the children joined us, we enjoyed snack together before playing a game called ‘Ten Nice Things’. We each had a box of 10 party bag items, we took turns rolling a dice and we were then able to steal that number of items from our partner’s box. We kept playing until one person had lost all of the items in their box. Throughout this game the adults asked their children a variety of questions, such as:

  • If I spin a two, will I win?
  • If you have six things, how many have I got?
  • If I have five things and I win three more, how many will I have altogether?
  • If I have six and give you three, how many will I have? How many will you have?
  • Who has the most/the fewest things?

We are positive everyone is going to have a lot of fun at home playing this game!

Next week our focus is on ‘Number Talk’

A llllllllovely week in Primary 1 and 2/1

It has been another quick week in P1 and P2/1. We are super excited by the arrival of some new friends including a new teacher called Mrs Anderson who is going to be working with us all on Wednesday afternoons. We are very happy to welcome her to our school. We had a little taster of some yoga as Mrs Anderson has special skills in yoga.

Lexie – I loved yoga even though it was my first time doing it!

Lennon – I really enjoyed the monkey poses.

Kyle – I enjoyed the lion pose.

We have been learning to ‘take away’ . Mia enjoyed using the numicon to support her learning. Kayleigh has been practising independently using a dice to make up her own take away calculations. She was able to remember to always put the big number first. Brendan thought that crossing out was a good strategy and helped him find the answer.

Writing this week.

We have been learning 2 new tricky words – want and went. We decided to write about what we wanted to be when we grew up. The children did a fantastic job and we hope they achieve their dream careers.

Lennon and Charlie explained that when you grow up up need a job to earn money. Here are some of our career dreams…..

Brendan – I want to be a police officer or a firefighter.

Chloe – I want to be a teacher to help my friends.

Scarlet- I want to be teacher.

Charlie-  I want to be fisherman so I can make fish fingers, I love fish fingers.

LLLLLLL ladybugs.

This week our new sound was the letter ‘l’. We made ladybugs to remind of the sound and shape of the letter.

Isla – I liked the task. I put 3 and 4 dots on and I knew that made 7 altogether.

Chloe – I liked the red shell on mine.

Destination Judo.

Today we were lucky enough to have Jake from Destination Judo come into school and give us a half hour judo taster session. We had to wear cool judo jackets and take off our gym shoes. It was great fun, we played lots of games with a partner and had to be really good listeners to play the games safely.

Mia – I liked playing the ‘get the bean bag’ game, it was fun being a starfish.

Sophie – I liked trying to push someone over onto their back, it was a turtle game and you had to protect the bean bag.

Lexie – I enjoyed getting to be the referee.

If you would like any further information about Destination Judo or to book a free introductory session call – 0131 467 9054. Classes are held on a Monday at Elim Church, Deans.


Monday and Tuesday are holidays for the children. Enjoy the short break and we will see you all back on Wednesday.



Hopping into a New Term

Welcome back to our final term in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2. What a busy and quick year it has been!

We have been learning about different signs of Spring.

A big thank you to Mrs Walker for displaying all our Spring time art. They look fantastic!

We explored different elements of line to create funky bunnies. We had to concentrate really hard and use our careful pencil skills to create a fantastic effect. We even designed some very cool sunglasses.

Lexie- We made Spring bunnies. I had fun putting on the glasses.

Aayan – I liked the way we made them, especially when we had to colour in and make the lines. It was tricky to cut out though!

Brendan – I like everyone’s bunny and I think they did a super job.


We went on a walk to look for different signs of Spring…….it really didn’t feel like Spring. The sky was grey and it was freezing cold!!

We found lots of plants and trees that have started to show buds. Some have pretty flowers already!


We used our senses to explore the different plants. Some smelled beautiful but some did not!!

We thought we had spotted baby sunflowers across the field, but then we realised that they were dandelions.  Even though they are weeds we still think they are a beautiful Spring colour.

Kayleigh- I saw lots of dandelions in the grass. They have another name but I’m not going to say it.

Roman- We found some acorns in the grass and took them for our loose parts.

We helped Mrs Dobbie and our Primary 7 buddies to plant trees. They are going to be the boundary for our community garden. It was fantastic fun and a great way to help the environment…….thank goodness the sun came out!

Sophie- I liked planting the mini trees.

Brendan- I liked digging the holes for the trees.

Ethan – We found lots of wiggly worms. GROSS!!


Charlie- I enjoyed planting the saplings, just like in Minecraft.

What a fantastic word, well done Charlie!!

What a great start to our new term!

Families Connect

Today at Families Connect we were taking part in ‘book talk’.

We had a variety of children’s books which we looked through and thought about questions we could ask our children about them – we discussed how it is not only important for children to be able to sound out and decode words, but also show understanding of what is happening – comprehension.

When the children joined us we had snack together and then each child was able to choose two books each to read with their adult. Throughout reading the story, each adult asked their child relevant questions about what was happening/going to happen next. Adults and children then thought up an activity related to their book – for example, the pair who read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ designed their own pairs of giant pants and those who read ‘Dragon Stew’ drew dragons!

Children were able to keep the two books they had chosen.

After the holidays we are going to be looking ‘beyond the page’ to encourage children to read a variety of texts on different devices.

There are monsters in Primary 1 and 1/2!!!!!

This week we have been busy learning all about shape. We have been sorting shapes in lots of different ways.

Finlay- It was cool. You had to match the shapes together.

We even used the shapes we knew and our amazing folding skills to create the most fantastic shape monsters!!!!

Charlie- It was really fun making the shape monsters. I added lots of sharp teeth , they were triangles and one big circle eye.

Lucy- Mine only has two teeth…….it is a baby monster.

Aayan- I got a fright the first time I saw them after Mrs Walker put them up. I think they look great though.

This week we have been focusing on the sound ‘z’. We really enjoyed making our zig-zag zebras.

Lexie- I really enjoyed making them and learning the sound ‘z’ because it is my favourite sound and starts my favourite place… the Zoo!!!!

Charlie- I am really proud of mine, I tried really hard.

Fatoumata- I like zebras……alot!

Arthur- I liked writing z with chalk in the playground. I liked how messy it was!

Lexie- I wrote ‘was’. I was really happy because  I remembered it wasn’t an o in the middle but a.

Sophie- I wrote ‘my’. It is a tricky trickster word. It sounds like it has an i ….but it doesn’t.

We really enjoyed drama this week. We used puppets to retell the story of the Rainbow fish. We had to be really careful to get it in the right order or it didn’t make sense.

Darby- I loved being the Rainbow fish. I really liked giving my scales away to all the other fish.

Levente- It was fun. It was like being in a movie!

We have had fun with our new dressing up materials. From super heroes to ballgowns. We have amazing imaginations.

Sophie- I love it… we pretended we were in Frozen.

Finlay- I liked being the Queen’s guard.

Lucy- They were a bit too long so we asked Mrs Cochrane to cut them up. That meant that more friends could play!

Lennon brought his fantastic truck in for ‘Show and Tell’ on Friday.  He showed us the recycle symbol on the side to remind us to reduce, reuse and recycle.  Lennon- I just love trucks!

We have been learning how to use tally marks in our data handling.

We tallied our favourite pets and discovered that the pet we liked the most was dogs. The least favourite was snakes. We had great fun interviewing our friends and counting up the tally marks.

We have VIP friends in primary 1 and 1/2. These are friends that are displaying our school values. Their friends share compliments about their friend and these are recorded on a special VIP certificate.

Finlay- I felt special. I got to go in the front of the line, make lots of class decisions. My chair was very cool!

Daniel- I loved hearing all the compliments…they made me happy.

Homework Stars-

Lexie has been working really hard on her numbers and created a fantastic Spring poem that she shared with the class. Well done Lexie!

Calvin and Harrison also made a spring acrostic poem and were super confident when reciting their poem to the class. Well done!

Georgia created these fantastic owls using recycled materials. We think they are very cute. Well done Georgia!

Families Connect

Today we got crafty at our Families Connect session! We were working on different types of praise, such as, genuine, without a sting in the tail, specific and focused on effort. Adults and children then worked together to create ‘Superstar Awards’ using a variety of craft materials. We had a great time celebrating positive things we have been doing recently.

Next week our focus is on the importance of listening.

Families Connect 2019!

Today was our first session of our Families Connect programme 2019! the adults enjoyed getting to know one another over a cup of tea and some biscuits (shh!) and the children enjoyed sharing snack, working with one another and their grown up, and getting to take home some goodies.

Today we were learning about and discussing feelings and how our bodies can show the way we are feeling. The children (and adults!) had great fun using magnifying glasses to investigate physical signs of feelings.

Next week we are going to be discussing and doing activities related to the importance of praise.

Fairtrade Fun

We have had another great week in primary 1 and 1/2.

We are really proud of our Fairtrade posters.  We included lots of detail including the Fairtrade symbol. We are getting really confident at spotting and sorting products that are Fairtrade.

Aayan and Arthur brought in Fairtrade wrappers to share with us and were able to talk about the logo and what it means. Harrison and Brendan brought in lots of examples to show on our Fairtrade wall. Well done boys!

Finlay- We worked really hard on them.

Elkie- I worked hard on my poster and I really like it.

Lucy- I liked drawing all the food especially the strawberries.

Charlie- I like my poster because I made myself buying a Fairtrade cookie.


We have even been making Fairtrade farmer faces from our loose parts. Lots of fun!!

Chloe- I liked the prickly things for his eyes. He is smiling because we are supporting Fairtrade.

Sophie – I drew a Fairtrade pineapple. It was really tricky especially the jaggy bits.

We have had a twit twooooooo  book week. We have been enjoying books about Owls. We have read Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and The Owl who was afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. We decided to write about things that we are afraid of……..mostly spiders! Darby and Sarah- Louise included lots of detail in their story.   We had a really good discussion about our school values and what made us feel safe in school. The boys and girls were able to share some lovely examples of what and who made them feel safe in school. We also drew some amazing owls, we think we could illustrate our own books!


Lucy- I liked the illustrations in the story book.

Roman- I liked using crazy colours for the owls . It made them really cool.

Maison- I think it was really fun to colour them in.

This week we have also been reading with our buddies. We were reading in the gym hall. We can read anywhere!!

Lexie-  I enjoyed sharing my story with my buddy.

Sophie- I liked reading my favorite book’ The Gruffalo’ with my buddy. It was fun reading in the hall but the floor was a bit cold.

Elkie- It was good to talk about the story with my buddy.

Joseph- My book was cool because it was funny and I could read the Title by myself.

We also took our buddies to our class to show off our amazing new toys and resources. We think the Primary 7’s enjoyed playing with them just as much as we do!

Aayan -enjoyed playing with his buddy and our new fire engine.

We have enjoyed playing Fire Fighters this week and unfortunately our house went on fire. Luckily we had lots of firefighters who knew what to do in this emergency and we had built our own firestation… PHEW!

We had a new teacher this week. Levente taught us how to say hello in polish         ‘dzien dobry’and to say some numbers. Well done Levente for leading the learning.

Levente- It was fun.

Homework Star of the Week- Skye

Well done Skye, what a lot of work and learning at home!!


Primary 1 and 1/2 Update!

We have had even more exciting new resources to explore in our classrooms. Kayleigh has used one of our amazing new writing logs to practise writing sentences and she has even included a describing word.

This week’s sound has been ‘d’ which has driven us dotty!! We hope you like our dotty d’s. We have had lots of fun building words and exploring the sound. We know we have to be careful not to be tricked with the sound b! We know that d has a tail just like a dddog.

The primary 2’s have been practising their dictation skills and writing sentences independently using d words. Well done Primary 2.

Scarlet  – I liked all the busy start jobs this week especially making d words with the play dough.

Ashley –  I liked practising writing my d’s on paper with a writing pencil.

Aayan – I liked my dotty d because it was really really spotty.



In numeracy we have been exploring number friends and counting in 10’s. We have had a great time using numicon to make 10 in different ways.

Lewis made the pattern 6 + 4 =10 using his numicon and Aaron was able to write all of the tens numbers up to 100. Wow! well done.

Daniel wowed Mrs Stevenson this week because he counted in 5’s all the way from 0 to 100.

Lexie – I liked counting in 10’s and making patterns with the numicon.

Aaron – I have enjoyed my  number work this week and found that counting in 10’s with the numicon is easy.


This week sees the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight. We have been exploring the symbol and learning all about where chocolate comes from. We read the story of Pablo the Fairtrade Super Banana and decided to create our own super hero bananas. Tadas thought it would be a good idea to include the Fairtrade  symbol in our class shop to help promote Fairtrade.

Aayan – I loved making my Super Banana, mine was a bit like Batman-  batbanana!!

We have been using our imagination in our role play areas. We have been performing fairy tales and using our voices to retell the story in a dramatic way and in the right order!

Sophie – I loved using the finger puppets to retell Little Red riding Hood. It’s one of my favourites.

Our Homework superstars this week are Harrison, Calvin and Sophie. They boys made fantastic mini beasts using recycled materials.  Sophie made her very own dot patterns and wrote the calculations to go with it. Well done everybody. Thank you to everybody who sent in pictures of your home learning, we thoroughly enjoy looking at them together.




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