Primary One – Wednesday 1st April 2020

Good Morning everyone I hope you are all safe and well. Remember it’s April fools day don’t get caught out! A few extra activities for you to try-

Activity 1 – Reading for enjoyment

All children are now familiar with Oxford Reading Tree books and know the main characters – Biff, Chip, Kipper, Floppy, Mum and Dad. You can access Oxfords free ebook library at . 

I hope you enjoy reading the adventures that the children get themselves into. Perhaps the children could try to identify tricky words, attempt to sound out words or talk about the sequence of the story. Enjoy!

Activity 2-  Phonics – oo and ee sounds

I have posted 2 reading cards which included words with the ee and oo sound in them. Children could copy them into their jotters and practice reading them, or the sentence could be written on a piece of paper and each word cut out  individually, so that the children can put the sentence back together in the correct order.

L.I. to understand that two letters can make 1 sound

S.C. I can blend oo and ee sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can create a sentence by putting the words in the correct order.

Activity 3 – Continue to practice your daily 5 (adding and subtracting numbers within 10 mentally) also today try skip counting in 2’s, 10’s and as a challenge in 5’s, it maybe a good idea to have a 100 square so that the children can see the pattern. There are a number of printable 100 squares on online, below is a link to one that maybe useful. If you don’t have access to a printer you can have fun making one.

L.I. to explore numbers within 10 and in some cases beyond 10

S.C. I can add 2 collections or numbers together

S.C. I can take a smaller number away from a bigger number (use concrete materials to support e.g. toys, pens etc.)

S.C. I can skip count in 2’s, 10’s and 5’s

Activity 4 – Make an Easter Card

At the moment it is difficult for us to get to the shops to buy cards etc. so it maybe a nice idea to make some Easter cards and send  to people in your family that you won’t be able to meet up with. Handmade cards are always very special! I have put a few ideas below but be as creative as you can! Please send pictures to the school email so that we can all enjoy them.


Have a great day, stay safe!






Primary One – Tuesday 31st March 2020

Good morning everyone and welcome to the last day in March,  when we wake up tomorrow it will be April 1st, the 4th month. It is also April fools day, I wonder if anyone will be caught out?  I hope you are working through your activity pack and enjoying sharing your learning. Some extra activities for you to try. As Easter is fast approaching I thought it would be a good idea to read the Easter Story (we would have been spending this week in class focusing on Easter) and think about why we celebrate Easter and why celebrate with Easter eggs? The link below will take you to the Beginner’s Bible  – The Story of Easter. Enjoy!

Activity 1-

Activity 2 –

I hope you enjoyed making your spring flower pictures yesterday and have been asked to set an Easter competition. Below is a link to some stem challenges. I think the Eggy Toothpick Towers maybe a good one to try.

egg toothpick towers

Please send pictures of your challenges and any other work to

Activity 3 –  Numeracy Combining two numbers

L.I. to combine 2 sets

S.C. I can add 2 sets of objects or numbers together to find a total

I have posted some activities from a useful resource called White Rose Maths. Have a go, you can use toys or objects you already have around the house.


Have a great day!


Primary One – Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning everyone and welcome to the first day of our learning week. I hope you all managed to get into your gardens or out for some exercise over the weekend. You should now be starting week 2’s activities. I have put a few links and additional tasks that you may like to try. Enjoy!

Activity 1- Reading comprehension

Have a listen to the story below and answer the questions. You can use your jotter to record your answers.

L.I. to demonstrate my understanding of an oral text

S.C. I can answer questions about the characters and settings

S.C. I can order the story

S.C. I can share what I have learned about the characters with others

  1. Can you re-tell the story in the correct order?
  2. Who are the main characters in the story?
  3. Draw a picture of your favourite character from the story. Label the character and think of words to describe them.
  4. Draw a picture of 2 of the settings in the story (e.g. country mouse’s house, the clock tower where town mouse lives.) Can you write a sentence describing the setting?
  5. Did you enjoy/not enjoy the story? give some reason for your answers

Activity 2 -Phonics ee and oo sounds. Continue to practice theses sounds (blend sounds to make words e.g. b-ee, h-oo-k, draw pictures to match the words, write sentences etc.) I have posted 2 codebreaker activities below. Remember to look for the number on the number line and then look underneath to find the sound. Once you have found all 3 sounds you can blend them to make a word. Enjoy!

L.I. to understand that 2 letters can make one sound

S.C. I can blend oo and ee with other sounds to make words

Activity 3  – Numeracy Use the link below to challenge yourself. Have a go at double numbers, number bonds – make 10, addition within 10 and as a challenge missing numbers (+ and -) Enjoy!

L.I. to add and subtract numbers within 10

S.C. I can identify number bonds to 10

S.C. I can add 2 numbers to make 10

S.C. I can use subtraction to find a missing answer

Activity 3 – Art and Design. As the clocks sprung forward at the weekend and it is now official spring time it would be great to create some spring art. Below is a picture of a sunflower (you can draw any other kind of flower e.g a daffodil, tulip etc.) .You may need some help to draw the outline, then look around what could you recycle and use to make the petals/stem etc? I would love to put them up in the classroom so please keep them.

L.I. to use a range of media creatively

S.C. I can use different materials to create a sunflower or other spring flower

Have a great day. Keep safe!

Primary One News

Good morning everyone,happy Friday! Hope you are all safe and well. I have a few links which will take you to activities. Enjoy!

From Mrs Anderson a link to her blog page (hints and tips for yoga)

Health and Wellbeing – Jigsaw is one of the tools we use in class to teach Health and Wellbeing. A bit of background information below-

How would children benefit if they could be aware of their thoughts and feelings as they happen, in the present moment, on purpose with no judgement?

This is what mindfulness means. It can be learnt, and techniques to develop it taught. It also needs to be practised. We believe mindfulness is a vital tool for life: not only does it support the regulation of emotion and build emotional resilience but also enhances focus and concentration; both helping to optimise learning.

Mindful children can more readily choose their responses to situations rather than react while caught up in the thought-flows and emotions.

In Jigsaw PSHE, mindfulness is developed through the ‘Calm Me’ time in each piece (lesson). This consists of breathing techniques, awareness exercises and visualisations – all tried, tested and very enjoyable activities for children and teachers alike.

Observing your thoughts and feelings, on purpose, in the present moment with no judgement… What a gift!

Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning.

Jigsaw have kindly given permission to us to offer Jigsaw learning opportunities for you to try at home. Please try out some of the activities.       no password required


Continue with ee and oo activities.

Rhyming words – How many words can you make that rhyme with sit, hen, mat, pan (you can use your jotter)

L.I. to create rhyming word families

S.C. I can change the first sound in a word to make a new word

Have a lovely weekend keep safe!





News for Primary One

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and keeping yourselves busy. I have noticed that children have been making and sticking rainbows in their windows and chalking them on pavements. A rainbow has always been the sign of hope and children have been doing this to spread a little happiness at this difficult time.  Click on the word rainbow below it will take you to a link, you can print the rainbow,  colour it and put it in your window or draw one yourself. You can find lots of pictures online to help with the colours.


Activity One Literacy  – I hope you all had a go at our new ee sound yesterday. Please continue to practice it. I would not normally introduce 2 sounds so quickly however, there are activities I can post to support both sounds. Give it a go, challenge yourself. New sound is oo. oo is the sound the ghost makes. He lives in the top right window of Inky’s vowel house and makes this sound because the light won’t go on.



L.I. To understand that two letters make can make 1 sound

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can write this sound by joining two letters

S.C. I can spell words with this sound

Practice saying the sound and blending it with others (as I said yesterday it maybe useful to have individual alphabet letters and ee and oo sounds on pieces of paper or card). Try to make the words – m-oo-n, b-oo-t, h-oo-t, f-oo-t, c-oo-k, h-oo-k, b-oo-k, l-oo-p, h-oo-d, f-oo-d, b-oo-m etc. You can write them, make up your own bingo game, draw a picture to match each word whatever helps you to recognize them. Good luck!

Activity 2 Numeracy – Continue to practice counting collections, extend the number in your collection. Are you estimations becoming more accurate? To support counting on and back it maybe a good idea to create your own number line. We use lots of different kinds of number lines in the classroom, it can be 0-10, 0-20, 0-30 or however may you feel comfortable with.

L.I. To add and subtract numbers

S.C. I can recognize numbers on a number line

S.C. I can say the number that is one more and one less

Practice saying the number that is one more and one less e.g. point to 11 ask the question what number is one more?, what number would be one less? extend by asking what would be 2 more, 3 less etc. Can you write the sum to match the action e.g. 11+1 =12

Activity 3 – Yoga. We all know how important it is to relax our body and mind try this 30 day Yoga Mindfulness Challenge. Start today!!

Hope you all have a great day, keep safe



Primary One Update

Good morning everyone I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying working through week one’s activities. I am going to post some new activities for you to try. The children will need some support and guidance and I am grateful for your continued help at this time.

Activity One – new sound ee

Some useful background information. The children are familiar with Inky’s vowel house.

The ee sound comes from the poor donkey in the first window who has a sore throat. He can only say “ee”. The learning intention and success criteria for this lesson and similar to others in the vowel house  –

L.I. – to understand that two letters can make 1 sound.

S.C. I can say the sound to match the letter shape

S.C. I can blend this sound with other sounds to read words

S.C. I can spell words with this sound.

It would be a good idea to have the ee sound written on separate pieces of card or paper and individual sounds on other pieces of paper or card. The children can practice saying the ee sound and blending it with others to make words e.g. b ee, f ee t,  s ee d, m ee t, n ee d etc. It may help to write the words or make a little snap or bingo game to help reinforce that 2 letters can make 1 sound and that sounds can be blended with others to create words. Once they have become more confident recognizing and using words with the ee sound they could go on to use them in a sentence (another good way to check understanding).

Activity Two

Count a collection of objects to 10 or 20. Use this knowledge to estimate the number of objects in a larger group. Then count and check.

Continue to practice doubles and near doubles (yesterdays post) use your jotter to support your thinking if you need to.

Activity Three – What can you do in 1 minute?

Have a great day and stay safe!


Primary One update.

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all safe and well. I was in school yesterday and took a picture of the Three Little Pigs display (it’s a work in progress, hopefully we will get to finish it at some point). Last week the children worked with primary 7 buddies to create the 3 pigs houses. The children worked well together displaying good communication and problem solving skills.

I hope you have began some of the week one activities from your pack and are enjoying this new temporary way of learning. Just a few extra activities for your to try.

Teach your family the Days of the week song.

You could ask your child questions such as what day was it yesterday, what day will it be tomorrow? Also learn the months of the year song.

You could make a yearly calendar detailing family birthdays and special occasions. It would also be helpful to look at one month of the year and be able to identify e.g. the first Monday in March is the 2nd, what date is the third Friday? etc.

In the class we have been working on double numbers e.g. 3+3 etc. to extend our learning children have been trying to use this knowledge to answer near double questions e.g. we know 3+3 =6 so the answer to  3+4 must be one more. Have a go, challenge yourself with double and near double numbers to 10.

Primary One Update

Morning everyone, hope you and your family are all well. Most children have now got a pack which has 3 weeks learning inside. If you don’t have one you can collect one from school (they are at the front door on a table). I will keep in touch with you through the blog so please check it regularly.

Keep safe.

Latest Exciting News from Primary one

Our start award winner from last week was Viktor, he received his reward for displaying our school values by making everyone feel included.

We have had another visit from the dragon! We came back from lunch on Monday to find a trail of green glitter leading to 3 bears sitting beside 3 bowls of porridge.

From the clues we guessed that the dragon wanted us to read Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We have had great fun reading and carrying out activities around the story. We created a story map using pictures to tell the story and we have completed 2 pieces of writing. The first one was a wanted poster. The children had to describe Goldilocks and where she was last seen. The second was a letter from Goldilocks saying sorry to the bears for going into their cottage without permission and causing damage. Some pictures below.

We are also creating an interesting wall display. Pictures in next weeks blog.  Great news our bean plants now have little shoots. This week we have explored the life cycle of the bean plant and are early tracking their progress!

A group of children worked really hard to sequence the story. They communicate, collaborated and problem solved (all skills from Developing the Young Workforce). They were very proud of the results.

We are continuing to look at different ways of displaying information. This week we created a pictogram using our eye colour  and a bar graph of animals in the zoo. The children can now identify just by looking at the graphs what is the most/least  popular and some can say how much more popular one is than another.

Almost all children are now leading some part of learning, and some are feeling confident enough to support others. See below.

Some of our highlights as described by the children.

Vrishti – “I enjoyed writing  the sorry letter to the bears”

Mark – “Number talks so that I can challenge myself”

Sophie “writing facts about Goldilocks for the wanted poster”

Archie – “writing sentences”

Louie – “using the big number line to count on and back”

Summer – ” learning our new l sound”

Connor ” reading fairytales”

We hope you can make it to our sharing the learning tomorrow. I will post pictures next week incase you are unable to come.

Have a lovely weekend.


Latest News From Primary One

We have had such a busy week in Primary 1. We have had another visit from the dragon and celebrated World Book Day.

Our star award winner from last week was Layla. Well done and keep up the good work Layla!

We have read Jack and the Beanstalk and have been taking part in lots of activities centered around the story. This weeks smart start included bean counting, escape the giant (subtraction activity) and matching dots patterns on beans to numbered flower pots. Some pictures below.

We have also been planting bean seeds (hopefully we will all have small beanstalks to take home) and will be recording their growth and learning about the life cycle of  beans and other plants.

We have been using our imaginative writing skills. Our first writing task was to think about what we would do if we found a magic bean. Some pictures of our thoughts and ideas.

In our second piece of writing we had to think about why we would climb a beanstalk and what we might find at the top.

We also had a another visit from the dragon. So so exciting! He is really pleased with our progress so far and left a present. Castle booklets for everyone to write plans, thoughts and ideas in. Our first entry was about how we felt when we knew the dragon had visited our classroom.

In maths we have been looking at different ways to display information and we thought it would be a good idea to make a graph about out favourite flavour of jelly beans. Blueberry was the clear winner.

Lastly a big thank you to the children who took part in our World Book Day competition- Emily, Louie, Sophie and Connor. A fantastic effort! We all enjoyed sharing our favourite stories with our favourite toys and each other.

More updates from Primary I and the dragon next week. Have a lovely weekend.







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