
CW- We’ve been learning how to do a Discussion text.

LS- We’ve been learning about abbreviated words, which are words that have been shortened.

EH- We have been revising on Subtraction.

For PE, we played rounders. (KP)

DB- We also learnt to read Advertisements.

CC- We’ve been learning Time intervals.

Lastly, we have been practicing out Christmas Poem.


We have been learning to use apostrophes for possession.  We practiced our debating skills (about deforestation).   CW

We learned of the features of a Discussion text.  We now that in the introduction we do not write our opinion we only talk about what the issue.  MG

For Numeracy, we have been revising on all the four operations and we were working out Time intervals. CE and AF

We have also been practicing our Christmas Poem. TN

Hello everyone! Here is an update on what we have been learning this week.

IDL- We have been learning about they types of animals living in the Amazon Rainforest.  We then creates a Diorama to show all the things we learnt so far.  We had to include the following information;

  • Food chain
  • Labels of animals and the layers.
  • Habitats each animal lives in
  • Individual animal’s diet
  • Information sheet/ Poster.

We have been learning different strategies to subtract three digit numbers.

In Literacy, we have been uplevelling our persuasive text by using various vocabulary (we have not used before).  We also used higher level connectives.


It has been another great week!  The P7/6 class have been working extra hard at learning division strategies and they have been busy writing an expository text.  They have been learning about the history and significance of Remembrance day as well.

The children have been heavily involved in organising Children in Need activities and it has been a successful venture.  For IDL, they have been working in groups research 3 different types of animals from the Amazon.  They have been learning about the different diet, habitat as well as food chain.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


We have had a successful learning week!

For Literacy, we learnt to use emotive language and rhetorical questions in our persuasive writing.

We have been working so hard at developing our comprehension skills.  We have been learning to use clues in the text to make inference.  We also used our skimming and scanning skills to find answers to comprehension questions.


We have been learning about the inverse relationship of multiplication and division. We are also developing our skills in short division.


We are developing our understanding of discrimination and prejudice.




We had a lovely week, full of fun learning.

Literacy- We learnt to take notes, spell contacted words and we learned how to make inferences.

Numeracy and Maths

We have been learning to multiply numbers multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.

We also practiced the column multiplication strategy.  Some of us are now able to multiply up to  4 digit number by 1 digit and a few of can multiply 2 digit by 2 digit numbers.


We  have been exploring the importance of Black history.


We explored what discrimination means and how it affects emotions/ self esteem.

Have a great October break everyone!


LD- I found out that some tribes in the Amazon lose their traditions due to other tribes taking over their village.

KT- We learned about angles.  I enjoyed going outside and looking for angles.

LS- I learned to round decimals to whole numbers.

GH- I have been practicing my number bonds.

AF- I learned to that to summarise text, I must only write about the main events.

MN- I really enjoyed learning to create ‘cartoon art’.  I had to make sure I followed the step by step instructions.


For HWB-  The children created a list of activities which promote their positive outlook.

P7/6 Class

This week;

CE- I learnt that to quickly multiply numbers ending in zero, I must multiply the non zero numbers first then add the remaining in the end.

AF- If you are estimating the answer a question, you have to do rounding first.



LD-  I learnt that homophones are words that sound the same but have different meaning.

FS- I now know that the word they’re refers to a contracted group of  words ‘ they are’.

Outdoor learning

CW- we went outside to pick up leaves, grass and sticks.  Then we made them into artwork.



This week we have learnt to:

  • MG- I learnt to use compensation strategy for addition and subtraction.
  • KS- I can now round numbers to the nearest 1000.
  • LR- I learnt to round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.
  • CC- To round numbers, you must find your indicator number first.
  • CE- this week we edited our descriptive text.
  • AF- We learnt to use connectives in our writing.
  • MN- I really enjoyed learning to draw a Toucan and use colour.

Have lovely long weekend from all of us in P7/6

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