P5 Weekly Blog Post


We enjoyed the sunny weather this week and played rounders on the field.

Jaxson – I am getting better at hitting the ball.

Hope – I am getting better at catching.

Miss Stanway – I nearly caught Jaxson out but the ball bounced out of my hands!


We practised using effective verbs in order to improve our writing. We used a thesaurus to improve our vocabulary.


We learnt how to write fractions and decimals as percentages.

We have also continued to practise our x12 tables.

Bailey – I enjoyed the Sumdog maths competition and learning about when we use percentages in real life.


During coding practice we used our programming skills to solve various challenges.


This week we learnt about puberty and the changes that happen to our bodies. We have a worry box in class so if we have a question we can post it in the box so that the class can discuss it.


Our new topic is inheritance and reproduction.

Bailey – I enjoyed learning about how wolves have evolved into dogs.


This Week in P5


We learnt about similes. These are figures of speech containing the word like or as. They are used to compare two things.


During our work on decimals this week we learnt how to write tenths and hundredths as decimals and practised comparing and ordering them.


We observed rocks and learnt about different types of soil.


This week we have learnt about how babies are made and how characteristics are passed on from parents / grandparents to children.


This week we practised throwing and catching skills on the school field. Afterwards we played a large game of rounders.

P5’s Weekly Update


This week we practised learning our x8 tables using various strategies including active dance using this link:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-the-8-times-table-with-filbert-fox/z4mrhbk .

We continued to learn about fractions and this week focused on comparing and ordering fractions. The class is taking part in a fractions competition using Sumdog and some of us have even been practising at home!

Next week we are going to learn about converting decimals to fractions.


We continued our novels in group reading and in order to show understanding of what we had read we illustrated a key event and explained why what we had drawn was important.

During our discussions about adventure stories we read through an extract and discussed why the vocabulary used was effective.

Outdoor Learning

This week we wrote nature poems on the playground.


As part of our topic on dinosaurs we continued to organise our notes into a presentation. Kiera and Sophie P gave an informative and lively talk to the class. Lily-Elen’s group also  spoke confidently in front of the whole class. We gave them peer assessment using two stars and a wish. Well done!


Our topic is Earth’s Materials. This week we learnt how soil is made. Kyle acted out the story of Roger the Rock becoming Simon the Soil in front of the whole class. He was brilliant!

P5’s Weekly Blog


This week we focused on adventure narrative and read through an adventure text extract. Then we discussed techniques used by the author to build tension.

Group Reading

Writing linked to reading-

Alexis – I feel I am getting better at writing a letter to a character.


We have continued to practise recalling our times tables quickly and we are really improving.

During our work on fractions we learnt about different strategies that could be used to work out equivalent or matching fractions.

Using the laptops we were able to consolidate our learning by playing online fraction games.

Outdoor Learning

Colin – This week we filled up the wheelbarrow with compost then put it into planters – I felt like I was doing a real job and was tired afterwards!

Bella – I enjoyed planting the sunflower seeds.


We went outside to draw trees and focused on using line and shading to make them more life-like.


We learnt that all rocks can be sorted into three types : metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. In addition we discussed what some of the uses for rocks are.

Cameron – I learnt how diamonds are made.

Class Novel

Bailey – I am really enjoying Dino Egg by Charlie James. It’s really funny!


P5’s Weekly Post

This week we have been very busy!



We have been learning to compare our personal experiences with a text. In addition we hunted for ‘wow’ words in our group novels and used dictionaries to find the meaning of these words. As an extra challenge we then had to use the words in a new sentence.


We watched a video about how bears hibernate, made notes and then turned these notes into an explanation text.


We have been learning to find fractions of quantities using division strategies. It was tricky at first but we are improving with practise.


Sophie – I enjoyed creating an abstract piece where the colour and line represented a feeling.

Lily-Elen – I enjoyed the observational drawing. We drew a classroom wall!


Our new topic is ‘Earth’s Materials.’ After completing a brainstorm which included what we knew and what we would like to find out we learnt about the layers of the earth. These are the crust, core and the mantle.


We continued to research our chosen dinosaur.


Hope – I am better at dribbling in football.

Bella – I am better at tackling.

This week we also learnt about how to stay SMART online.


Bailey – I enjoyed listening to the concert.

This was an RSNO production which involved listening to a reading of Gaspard the Fox which was accompanied by an orchestra.



P5’s Weekly Update !


This week we started a new topic – fractions.

Bailey – I enjoyed this!

We focused on finding fractions of shapes and learnt vocabulary such as numerator (the number on the top of the fraction) and denominator (the number on the bottom of the fraction.)

We learnt how to draw and label fractions of shapes including mixed numbers when the fraction includes a whole number.


This week we have focused on predicting during our reading sessions and we wrote detailed pieces explaining what we thought would happen next based on evidence from the text.

We pretended to be one of the characters in the novel and wrote some super diary entries this week.

In addition we also worked hard to create some excellent explanation texts. Bailey suggested we wrote about the process of mummification. So we watched a video first, made notes, and then turned these notes into an explanation text with our writing partners.

In spelling one of the strategies we used this week was writing out the words in bubble writing which we did outside in chalk.


We had  a brilliant workshop with RSNO National School’s Concert Programme.

Bailey – I learnt that you could use music to help tell a story.

Next week we will be watching a concert with this company. We can’t wait!


This week we discussed what friendship meant to us. We discussed how sometimes we can have issues with friends and discussed what strategies we can use to help us deal with these.

As a warm up to the lesson we acted out either a positive or negative mime connected to friendship.



P5’s Weekly Blog Post

We have had another great week this week.


Our new topic is, ‘Dinosaurs.’

Bailey – I enjoyed learning about the different theories about how the dinosaurs died.

Jaxson – I enjoyed drawing a dinosaur as part of my research.

Kyle – I enjoyed researching about the Spinosaurus. I learnt it goes in water at times.


We have been learning about floating and sinking.

Sofia – I am proud of the boat that I designed that held 100g!


Sophie – I am proud of my short division skills.


Bailey – I feel my reading comprehension skills have improved and I can answer a variety of different types of questions.

P5’s Weekly Update

P5 spent a lot of time outside this week!

We have been out for PE this week and have also had outdoor learning.

Lily-Ellen – We looked at the fruit trees we had planted to see how they were getting on.

Sofia – I enjoyed measuring outside in order to work out the volume of different objects.


We went outside to use chalk and drew different dinosaurs.

Alexis – I was proud of how my dinosaur turned out.


We have been learning how to use the short division method to divide larger numbers – we also call it the bus stop method!

Sara – We use this method for larger numbers.

Today we used the laptops and practised our division facts.


We have learnt how to summarise a text and although it was difficult at first we have improved our ability to do this.

We learnt how to write an explanation text this week. This genre is going to be our new focus over the next few weeks.

Science – Floating and Sinking

Bella – It was fun and interesting to see if things float or sink. We learnt that upthrust was the force pushing thing up in water.

Enjoy your week-end everybody!

P5 Have Another Busy Week


We are learning about division and have learnt various strategies.

Bailey – We are improving our division skills using strategies such as grouping and sharing. I prefer using the sharing strategy.

Anna – I feel my recall of tables is better due to my division work. Division was tricky at first but learning the different strategies has helped.

Oscar – Dividing by zero was tricky at first!

Outdoor Learning

Sara – I enjoyed the challenge when we had to describe a plant to a partner and they had to guess what it was.

Sofia – I liked the rocks game.

Hope – I won the rocks game!


We have been practising our summarising skills. After reading an extract from Harry Potter we highlighted the important parts then acted in role as reporters summarising these key events.

Bailey – Our 60 second reading challenges have been fun and interesting.


Hope – I enjoyed scoring 2 goals at football!

Anna – I feel fitter.



P5 Enjoy Being Back!

This week was great because we finally got to see our friends! On Friday it was comic relief and we were able to wear fun hats or be creative with our hair while raising money for a good cause.

We have also been busy too. We have been taking advantage of the great weather and had PE outside. It was great fun playing games. We also enjoyed playing family fortunes. It was a hoot!

Outdoor Learning

Summer – I enjoyed the outdoor learning with Mrs Fletcher.

Bailey – We looked for signs of Spring.

Sofia – Then we used chalk to draw symmetrical pictures.

                                            STEM CHALLENGE 

We were only allowed one piece of paper and glue and scissors and the challenge was to make the longest paper chain! We worked with our partners and when evaluating our work afterwards decided that it was best to cut thin pieces of paper and make sure that all team members were involved so that the chain could be put together quickly.


In number talks we have been practising using mental strategies to multiply 2 digit numbers.

Sophie S – I know more about using partitioning.


We have been practising our data handling skills. We completed a class survey and produced a tally chart, frequency chart and bar graph.


We have continued to practise our spelling and handwriting. We wrote another information report this week and in reading we have practised answering questions about a text.


As part of our topic on Scotland we learnt about some Scottish inventions including the flushing toilet. Then we were asked to think of a problem and design an invention to solve that problem.

We had some fantastic ideas such as a machine to clean the house (Bella), a dog-napping prevention lead (Anna), an anti racism machine that altered DNA (Sofia) and a toy that helped people with depression(Callum).

Alexis – I enjoyed the invention designs!


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