Happy Halloween from P6 !

We watched a creepy film and enjoyed extra friendship time. But we have been working hard all week too! We wrote spooky stories and practised the ‘Timewarp’ dance. Miss Dufton was very good!


Also we have now moved on to a new writing genre – exposition. This is a form of persuasive writing.


We completed our research about how WW2 started.

Outdoor Learning

During our Green Gym session we planted seeds that will bloom next year. They are bee-friendly.


This had a halloween theme. Here is a terrific piece from Piotr:

P6’s Week


In order to help understand a text in more detail we have been designing our own questions before reading, during reading and after reading.

Oscar – I liked doing questioning – it was different.

We read Gorilla by Anthony Browne.

Bella – The story was interesting. The gorilla fit the dad’s clothes perfectly.

Anton – I enjoyed questioning.


We have continued with our topic on TIME.

Grace – I feel I am improving.

Debbie – I am getting better at am and pm.

Fraser – I enjoyed learning about time.

Amy – I feel I am improving.


Kyle – I like doing the WW2 topic. I learnt how it started – it was because Hitler wanted to make Gerany great again.

Naavah – I enjoyed the WW2 topic.


With Mrs Dobbie we learnt the French alphabet.


Our new topic is ‘Celebrating Difference.’

We learnt about a boy called Theo who was visually impaired.

Kyle – Even though he was blind he wanted to be treated like everyone else.


Piotr – I enjoyed P.E. because we played some games first and then we played football if we wanted to.

Hope – I enjoyed playing games.


What have P6 been up to this week?

Green Gym

We are trying to improve our school grounds.

Anton – We made a pond.


Bailey – We watched the Spiderwick Chronicles Movie and Bella was scared.

This was part of our listening and talking learning.

Hope – We compared the book to the movie.

Alexis – The movie has more detail.

Bella – Some of the things in the movie are not in the book.


I enjoyed basketball and think I am getting better.


Bella – I am improving.

Bella showed her fantastic recount to Mrs Stewart this week.

Visit from Josh

We met a Guinness World Record Breaker this Week.

Bailey – I was surprised how far he rode his bike in a week.

Grace – He brought his bike in.

Josh – I was surprised he kept going after his accident.

Eco Learning with Mrs Dobbie

Emily – We interviewed the dinner ladies!

Anton – We were talking to them about food waste. Vegetable curry was most unpopular.

Emily – Moving forward we will be looking at other waste in the lunch hall.


What have P6 been up to this week?


We have started a new topic – TIME.

Bailey – I enjoyed the funny time song and can use quarter past.

Bella – I feel I now know how to tell the time.

Alexis – I am better at telling the time.

Some of us practised converting 12 hour times to 24 hour times.


This week when writing a recount we wrote one together as a class.

Emily – This was fun. I enjoyed putting all of our ideas together.

Bailey – I have improved my handwriting and showed it to Mrs Stewart.


During our talking and listening learning we discussed some thunks. Thunks are questions with no correct or incorrect answers.

  1. If I read a magazine in a shop without paying for it would that be stealing?
  2. If pigs ruled the world what changes would we see?


Kyle – I enjoyed basketball. I am better at shooting.

Health – Headstrong

We had another visit from Mark this week.

Bailey – He explained that sometimes it is O.K. to be scared and asked us to think about how we could deal with things we are scared of.


A Short Week in P6!

Health – Headstrong

We have been learning about how to approach things we find tricky in a positive way.

Hope – I enjoyed headstrong.

Katie – Mark is funny.


We continued to read our class novel and predicted how the different characters would respond to events in the story.


We discussed negative numbers and practised ordering them from smallest to largest.

Ourdoor Learning

Emily – We made posters and learnt how important it was to avoid putting waste in the bin and about the need to recycle plastic.

Weekly Post from P6


This week we had a visit from Mark who works for Headspace. Over the next few weeks he will be helping us to talk about mental health. We had great fun in his session!

Outdoor Learning

We had another visit from Green Gym and learnt about animals, their habitats and what they eat. We also thought about how we could improve the school grounds in order to encourage more wildlife.


Our basketball skills continue to improve and we have voted to play football after we have finished our basketball learning.

Numeracy – Decimals

We timed ourselves doing different things using stopwatches. We learnt how to time to the nearest hundredth of a second.

Literacy – Writing

This week we wrote a recount about a special event-outdoor learning! We then peer assessed our work. Our recount writing skill has really improved!

Literacy – Reading

We have continued with ‘The Spiderwick Chronicles ‘ and enjoyed using role-play to predict how the characters might react when they meet one of the strange creatures in the book.

P6 Weekly Post


This week we have been completing various activities.

Sequence of Events

This week in literacy we have been practising our spelling using various strategies. We have continued to read our class novel and learnt how to predict before, during and after reading.

Emily – I was proud of the detail I put into my writing.

This week we wrote a recount of a special event.

In numeracy we all feel much more confident about using decimals.

During PE we were fantastic at basketball.

Joel – We had ‘Green Gym’. We built obstacles outside for other people in class. We practised the skills of teamwork and communication. In ours we had to collect balls during the course.

In health we started our new Jigsaw unit, ‘Being Me in My World.’ We discussed our achievements and goals for the year.

Personal Statement

We hope we have a fun week next week!

Title – P6s’ Week


kaiden – Welcome to the BLOG and the best class ever. Here is what P6 have been doing this week.

Sequence of Events

In literacy we have been learning how to write a recount. A recount is a retelling of events in the past so we have decided to write our BLOG in this way. There are four sections : Title, Orientation, Sequence of Events and Personal Comment.

In maths we have had a focus week learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

Debbie – I liked drawing an animal made of shapes. It was a cat made from circles, ovals, rectangles and squares.

Bailey – This week in Basketball I enjoyed the game where someone tries to knock the ball out of the court.

Kyle – I enjoyed playing small games. I liked it.

Jaxson – I enjoyed drawing my shoe. I was proud of it.

Emily – We had a secret compliment challenge. We were given a secret person at random. Then all week we gave them compliments. We had to guess who our secret person was at the end of the week.

Kyle – I feel great when I get compliments.

Emily – I enjoyed designing a graffiti brick.

We were able to design a graffiti brick when we were caught using positive and encouraging language.

Personal Statement

Emily – We had a great week.

Grace – I hope we have a good week next week.


What have P6 Been Up To This Week?


We have been learning about place value this week.

Alexis – I am proud of my maths.


This week we practised our prediction skills. Based on evidence from the text so far we acted out what we thought might happen next in our class novel.

We also developed our ability to ask open-ended questions when interviewing a character.

Finally in writing this week we discovered the different sections to writing a recount and made paper chains representing these different parts which are:



Sequence of Events

Personal Comment


We have been learning to play basketball.

Emily – I was surprised that I like basketball.

Bella – I am getting better at dribbling.

Kyle – I enjoyed playing the basketball version of piggy in the middle.

Jaxson – I enjoyed the dribbling game when you had to protect your ball and keep possession.


Emily – I am proud of my silhouette drawing. It turned out better than I thought.

We included information about what is important to us in our silhouette drawing.

P6 – New Year – New Start!

We have had a fantastic start to our new school year!

Bella – It was great seeing friends again.

We enjoyed friendship time today. What a treat!


Jaxson – We enjoyed going on the trim track!

We have been playing various icebreaker games in order to help us get to know our new class mates.

Emily-I liked the memory game when we had to remember each other’s hobbies.

Joel – I liked the, ‘Me Too’ game with string .

Hope – This game showed us how we are all connected as a class.

We have learnt about self-esteem and in future lessons will be focusing on how to make ourselves more confident and happy.


Lily-Elen-It was a good idea to make a birthday card for everyone in the class to open when it is their birthday.

Bailey-I enjoyed the art activity where we designed a poster showing our talents and personality.

Mrs Dobbie

Mrs Dobbie will take the class on a Tuesday morning for outdoor learning. Please remember to wear suitable clothes.

Alexis – I enjoyed French with Mrs Dobbie.


This week we wrote a letter to Miss Stanway sharing our holiday news. We also started reading our class novel – The Spiderwick Chronicles.


Our first maths activity involved dealing with numbers connected to us e.g. rounding our house number to the nearest 10.



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