What’s on…

Week beginning 29th April:

Monday –

P4-7 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Tuesday –

Nursery-P1  Transition drop in @ 10.45am and 2.45pm

Wednesday –

Scripture Union Lunch club

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Hockey After School Club 3.15-4.15pm

Thursday –

Destination Judo Sessions

Families connect @1pm

Basketball After School club 3.15-4.15pm

Friday –

P7 Transition Parent/Carers Coffee Morning 9.30-10.30am

Futsal P4

P5 Class Assembly @11.15am

What’s on…

Week beginning 1st April:

Monday –

P7’s at Easter Code 9.30am

P4-7 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm


Tuesday –

P3, P3/4 and P4 Trip

Let’s cook @ 1.30pm


Wednesday –

IEP meetings

Soundstories groups AM

Scripture Union Lunch club

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm


Thursday –

IEP meetings

P5 Trip

Families connect @1pm


Friday –

Easter Assembly (pupils only)

Last day of term.

What’s on this week…

Week beginning 25th March:

Monday –

P4-7 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Tuesday –

Let’s cook @ 1.30pm


Wednesday –

Soundstories groups AM

PEEP sessions

Scripture Union Lunch club

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Parent/ Carer consultations 5-7.30pm


Thursday –

Families connect @1pm

Parent/ Carer consultations  4-6.30pm


Friday –

Whole school assembly – pupils only

What’s on…

Week beginning 18th March:

Monday –

P4-7 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Tuesday –

Let’s cook @ 1.30pm


Wednesday –

Soundstories groups AM

P5 Basketball event

PEEP sessions

Scripture Union Lunch club

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm


Thursday –

Families connect @1pm

Choir After School Club 3.15-4pm

Friday –

First Aid family learning session

P3/4 Values Assembly @ 11.15am (school pupils only)

P7 Enhanced transition group visit



What is on this week…

Week beginning 11th March:

Monday –

P4-7 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Tuesday –

Let’s cook @ 1.30pm


Wednesday –

Soundstories groups AM

PEEP sessions

Author visit Nursery-p3

Scripture Union Lunch club

P5/6 Sharing the Learning @ 2.30pm

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Thursday –

Families connect @1pm

Choir After School Club 3.15-4pm

Friday –

P3 Values Assembly @ 11.15am (school pupils only)

What is on this week…

Week beginning 4th March:

Monday –

P4-7 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Tuesday –

Let’s cook @ 1.30pm

Wednesday –

Soundstories groups AM

PEEP sessions

Police visit p5-7 PM

P1-3 Football After School club 3.30-4.30pm

Thursday –

World Book Day

Nursery Parent Forum @ 2.45pm

Friday –

P2 Assembly @ 11.15am

Bedclothes and Books Day! – wear pyjamas and bring in your favourite book!


There is a letter in your child’s book bag about our Families Connect programme, please read this and get in touch by Friday if you would like to take part.

Sessions will run on the following dates from 1pm-3pm

  • Thursday 14th March
  • Thursday 21st March
  • Thursday 28th March
  • Thursday 4th April
  • Thursday 25th April
  • Thursday 2nd May
  • Thursday 9th May
  • Thursday 16th May

We would love to invite parents, grandparents, aunties or uncles to take part in this with their child. Childcare will be provided for any younger siblings of participants.

Sessions will focus on health and wellbeing, literacy and numeracy. The first hour of each session will consist of parents/carers enjoying a cup of tea and looking through resources, the children will join us for the second hour where we will have a snack and carry out the activity. You will then get to take the resources home with you to enjoy again and again.

Parents and carers who took part in the last session have said:

“I feel happier to interact with school”

“I enjoyed every minute”

“Families Connect has been really good and I feel others would benefit from it”

“Very helpful with bringing emotions and school subjects together and doing it at home”

“I think my friends would enjoy doing all the activities”


We look forward to hearing from you!

What’s on…

Week beginning 11th February 2019



3.30-4.30pm – Football Afterschool club p4-7


Sound stories workshops 9.30am

3.30-4.30pm – Football After school club p1-3

PEEP sessions


Funky fitness lunchtime club

3.15-4pm Multisports Club


Break for holiday weekend!

What’s on…

Week beginning 4th February 2019


P1 health checks

2pm – Visit from Commonwealth gymnast

3.30-4.30pm – Football Afterschool club p4-7


3.30-4.30pm – Football After school club p1-3

PEEP sessions


AM Scottish Opera workshop p5-7

Funk fitness lunchtime club

2.15pm Scottish Opera Performance

3.15-4pm Multisports Club


P2 Sharing the Learning




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