Mindfulness by Teegan

Today Primary 6/7 tried out some mindfulness with Mrs Moyes. Teegan enjoyed it so much that it inspired her to write her own mindfulness story. This is it:

Water Fall

Close your eyes, be very still and imagine that you are standing in crystal clear water at the top of a waterfall and you are leaning over the cliff that the water fall is on and the wind is holding your body up.

Imagine the wind blowing through your hair, breathe in the mountains fresh air; in through your nose and back out of your mouth (X3) repeat in your head.

“I am calm and gentle” now open your eyes and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth (X3)

Teegan is going to visit The Den tomorrow to read this to the children at mindfulness time, we know they will really enjoy it!

P1 Bookbug Event

Today we held our P1 Bookbug event. Thank you very much to all the parents and carers who made it along, and to all the primary 1 boys and girls who took part so enthusiastically. The children enjoyed a variety of literacy activities, including; making words with magnetic letters, reading stories with friends and grown ups, practising writing skills on whiteboards, looking at the books we will be getting in our Bookbug bags, and visiting the school library.

Reminder – we welcome your child to borrow books from our school library at any time, please just ask their teacher or pop a note in their book bag.

Families Connect

Today was our final Families Connect session. 8 weeks have flown by! Today we evaluated what we have covered across the sessions – feelings and emotions, the importance of praise, the importance of listening, book talk, reading beyond the page, the importance of counting and number talk. Everyone agreed the programme had been really worthwhile for them and everyone had enjoyed the experience. To celebrate we held a party in The Den, we had food, games and music and each child and their parent/carer was presented with a certificate.

We will miss getting together each week to learn new things alongside parents/carers and their children but we will hopefully be running the programme again in the new year – keep your eyes peeled for information about this, places are limited.

P1/2 Science

Today Primary 1/2 have been learning about materials in science with Mrs Moyes. We learned about 5 different materials – wood, glass, metal, plastic and paper. We looked around the classroom to find these different materials, then we went on an investigation round the school. Mrs Mrs pointed to different objects and we had to identify which material they were made of. We were really good at this! Next week in science we are going to do a material grouping activity with real-life items.

Families Connect

Today at our Families Connect group we looked ‘beyond the page’. We discussed different ways of telling stories using different things to give us ideas, such as, picture cards, magazine cuttings and signs in the community. We then looked at the cbeebies Storytime app and how we can use that to support learning with our children. Next week we will be taking part in numeracy activities.

Families Connect

The focus of today’s Families Connect session was ‘Book Talk’. We discussed how to make reading fun at home and then looked at different children’s books. We discussed which books the children would probably like best and why. When the children joined us we had snack together and then each adult read with their child, asking open questions as they went along. Each child was able to choose a book to take home with them. Aayan’s mum kindly brought us along some delicious cakes as it was Aayan’s birthday today! Happy birthday, Aayan!

Next time (25th October) we are going to be looking ‘beyond the page’ and making up stories using photo cards.


Den Activity

Today Mrs Moyes’ group worked very hard. We had to look through lots and lots of letters to find the letters which make up our names. We then stuck them onto paper. We challenged ourselves by also finding the letters to make our last names with a little support Mrs Moyes. We really enjoyed this activity!

P1/2 Science

Today P1/2 were being scientists exploring and experimenting with loud and quiet sounds. We walked all the way upstairs to the music room listening carefully to all the different sounds we could hear around the school. We heard chatting, the door squeaking, footsteps and people coughing. Upstairs we used lots of different instruments to make loud and quiet sounds.

Harrison – I loved making loud noises

Tyller J – My favourite sounds were the loud sounds

Ethan – I liked the quiet sounds


Families Connect

Yesterday our Families Connect group’s focus was on listening. The adults took part in some activities with one another before the children joined us. When the children arrived we all had snack together as usual and then we made ‘magic envelopes’. In the middle of the magic envelope the children drew pictures of one of their favourite things and then worked with the grown-ups to write clues about their favourite thing on the flaps of the envelope. We all got back together to try and guess what was inside each magic envelope. This was great fun!

Next week our focus is on books, we can’t wait!

Mindfulness in P1/2

Today, our mindfulness story was Pinnochio. We used our imaginations to pretend that we were a wooden puppet our bodies felt heavy and relaxed, we then became human again and were breathing deeply, enjoying the quiet mindfulness.

Elkie – I felt solid when I was a puppet and twinkly when I was a human

Kayleigh – I felt happy after mindfulness

Mark – I liked pretending I was a wooden puppet

After break we became puppets. We worked in pairs with one person pretending they were a puppet and the other was the master. Puppets had to copy their master’s actions.

Maison – This was good fun

Kullyn – I liked being the master because I was in charge.


We are looking to our mindfulness story next week – it is Mary Poppins!

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