P4 have had a great start to the new school year! We are looking forward to getting active in PE – our PE days are a Monday and a Thursday, please make sure children have gym kits on these days.

A Sunny Week in P3

This week Primary 3 have been enjoying learning in the sunshine.

Sophie S – We watched the P1 and P1/2 assembly

Sara – We have been learning about internet safety and not to give out our personal information

Emily C – We are learning about our planet in our vertical learning groups

Emily – We had S.T.A.R (stop time and read) outside in the sunshine

Anna – In science we are learning about living, non-living and never-lived things

Bailey – I liked learning about the heart and lungs

Kara – We did story massage


We are looking forward to a restful Monday holiday before another busy, short week!

Families Connect Final Session

Today was our last Families Connect get-together and we celebrated in style!

We went to Innoflate together and had a great time bouncing around, we’re not sure who had more fun, the children or the adults!

Can you spot Sarah hiding in the ball pit?



















Back at school we had a special visitor waiting for us – Gary Locke, the Hearts coach and ex-professional footballer! This was very exciting! Gary spent some time with us and then visited a few of the classes, he gave some great advice about becoming a professional footballer – his top tip was to listen to teachers and stick in at school.

Families Connect

Today at Families Connect we were discussing Number Talk. We learned some numbers in Welsh – this showed us how confusing learning numbers can be for our children. We tried out some games related to numbers – we had to sort buses into ‘teen’ and ‘ty’ garages and then we were given a busy street scene where we had to find lots of hidden numbers; similar to ‘Where’s Wally?’

When the children joined us, we enjoyed snack together and then played the games. Some of us challenged ourselves by timing how long it took us to put all the buses in the garages and find all the numbers in the scene. We were all careful to pronounce the number names clearly, as sometimes children can confuse ‘teen’ and ‘ty’ numbers.

Next week is our last week of Families Connect. We will be sad for Families Connect to end but we are really looking forward to a group trip to Innoflate to celebrate the completion of our programme!

Families Connect

Today we were working on the importance of counting. After their cup of tea (and chocolate biscuits!) the adults tried out counting using the alphabet – we had to pretend we lived in a place called ‘Letter Land’ where numbers were replaced by letters. This was VERY confusing, but it helped us see how tricky it must be for our children to learn the value of numbers.

When the children joined us, we enjoyed snack together before playing a game called ‘Ten Nice Things’. We each had a box of 10 party bag items, we took turns rolling a dice and we were then able to steal that number of items from our partner’s box. We kept playing until one person had lost all of the items in their box. Throughout this game the adults asked their children a variety of questions, such as:

  • If I spin a two, will I win?
  • If you have six things, how many have I got?
  • If I have five things and I win three more, how many will I have altogether?
  • If I have six and give you three, how many will I have? How many will you have?
  • Who has the most/the fewest things?

We are positive everyone is going to have a lot of fun at home playing this game!

Next week our focus is on ‘Number Talk’

Families Connect

Today at Families Connect we were taking part in ‘book talk’.

We had a variety of children’s books which we looked through and thought about questions we could ask our children about them – we discussed how it is not only important for children to be able to sound out and decode words, but also show understanding of what is happening – comprehension.

When the children joined us we had snack together and then each child was able to choose two books each to read with their adult. Throughout reading the story, each adult asked their child relevant questions about what was happening/going to happen next. Adults and children then thought up an activity related to their book – for example, the pair who read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ designed their own pairs of giant pants and those who read ‘Dragon Stew’ drew dragons!

Children were able to keep the two books they had chosen.

After the holidays we are going to be looking ‘beyond the page’ to encourage children to read a variety of texts on different devices.

Family Learning

On Friday we held our first aid family learning course. Parents and children learned what to do if they found somebody unconscious, how to put them in the recovery position, how to give CPR and how to bandage a casualty who is bleeding from a wound. Alan from The Lowport Centre was a great teacher and taught everyone a special mnemonic checklist to follow upon finding somebody unconscious:

Danger – check for danger at the scene

Response – is the person able to respond? Are they conscious?

Shout – shout for help

Airway – is their airway clear?

Breathing – are they breathing?

CPR – if they are unconscious and not breathing, begin CPR

All parents and children involved thought this was a valuable learning experience, although they hope to never have to put their new skills to the test!

Families Connect

Today we got crafty at our Families Connect session! We were working on different types of praise, such as, genuine, without a sting in the tail, specific and focused on effort. Adults and children then worked together to create ‘Superstar Awards’ using a variety of craft materials. We had a great time celebrating positive things we have been doing recently.

Next week our focus is on the importance of listening.

Families Connect 2019!

Today was our first session of our Families Connect programme 2019! the adults enjoyed getting to know one another over a cup of tea and some biscuits (shh!) and the children enjoyed sharing snack, working with one another and their grown up, and getting to take home some goodies.

Today we were learning about and discussing feelings and how our bodies can show the way we are feeling. The children (and adults!) had great fun using magnifying glasses to investigate physical signs of feelings.

Next week we are going to be discussing and doing activities related to the importance of praise.

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