Chalk messages…

As we come to the end of a busy day of learning here is a nice idea for later-

If you have a garden space or area in front of where you stay, use chalk to draw or write positive message for  all  to see. Families going for walks may enjoy reading them and your neighbours may be inspired when they look out their windows!


Mini Spring Fair!

As you may be aware, P6/7 have been creating products and activity packs since the start of this term as part of their “Crafty” enterprise business. The products are completed and ready for sale and as our whole school Spring Fair has been cancelled, we have the opportunity to have a Mini  Spring fair instead!

The products shown below will be on sale on THURSDAY in school. There are a limited supply of products, however, so classes will be “drawn from the hat” to decide which classes come when.

Our products with micro eggs and cream egg would make ideal small Easter gifts and the card, activity and Easter bonnet packs are ideal for keeping busy and creative! 

Cream egg basket or Micro egg jar = £1.00

Card activity pack (contains 2 cards ) = 1.00

Easter activity pack (contains 4 items ) = £1.00

Make your own bonnet = £2.00

Guess the chick’s name (a raffle) = 50p

World Book Day – whole school competition!

World Book Day was an exciting event for us this week with almost all children and staff wearing their pyjamas to school, bringing a favourite book and a cuddly toy to snuggle up with! The WBD theme this year was “Share a story” so we had 3 different opportunities to have “time out with teddy” over the course of Thursday. 

We were thrilled to have over 60 children bring in stories in a box / pictures for our whole school competition! There has clearly been lots of thought and creativity gone into these, and we are especially pleased how many children were enthusiastic about it having been a family learning opportunity!

Our local Librarian is coming into school tomorrow to judge these and will have a difficult time choosing a winner from each class! The winners will be announced on Friday at assembly, and will receive a £10 Waterstones gift card!

All of the Reading Ambassadors leadership group would like to thank everyone for taking part and making it a successful day!


P1/2 helping with Story in a Box competition

On Friday morning P1/2 had a chat about the whole school competition for World Book Day – which is to create a Story / Scene in a box. This has to be brought in on Thursday 5th March as part of our World Book Day celebrations.

A favourite story in P1/2 is “The Rainbow Fish”. We read the story again, discussed the characters and then created our own individual rainbow fish with colourful designs- and each one had a silver shiny scale and a rainbow scale.

We also worked together to create a Story in a box scene using all the characters. We were pleased with our results !! We now all know what to do to take part in the whole school competition!



P6/7 getting “Crafty!” again

With the countdown to the Deans Primary Spring Fair on now (6 weeks on Friday!) P6/7 have started preparing resources for their Easter Craft packs  and creating products to sell. We also looked at ways of advertising.

One of our new products  to sell at the Fair, is a jar of chocolate micro eggs (mini eggs but smaller!) with a bunny or chick on top. These will sell at £1.00.

Someone who previously supported our Forky craft sales, heard about this new product and ordered 20!! Our first bulk order was completed on Thursday afternoon -hooray!


P3/4 Health and Wellbeing challenges!

As part of our whole school Health and Wellbeing  programme  “JIGSAW” , our theme for this block of time is “Dreams and Goals”.

P3/4 were given the challenge of designing their Dream Garden including each child creating a building/ area of their own choosing eg a games area, tree house, outside cafe etc.

Continuing the challenge this week, the class were asked to do a tour- appointing a spokesperson and writer – but were given only written instructions and only 10 minutes to discuss and prepare! This was a difficult and sometimes frustrating task, and afterwards we discussed how we deal with frustrations as part of developing our skills in collaborating and team work. Mrs Stewart went on the tours with the class and agreed that the designs were very creative and that it would be amazing if we could make the designs into real gardens!

The JIGSAW programme suggests a “SOLVE IT!” approach and we were able to incorporate this new learning in our Writing task on Thursday. The challenge then was to write about an Adventure in the Dream Garden! The groups had to again work closely, sharing ideas and creating a collaborative piece of writing.

We have since created a display of our new vocabulary alongside our finished Dream Gardens!                                          

P6/7 are developing their creative cake decorating skills.

On Thursday afternoon we had our second visit from Katy’s mum, who shares a local cake decorating and sweets business with her sister, called “M and S “.

Katy’s mum visited previously when we set up our class “Crafty!” business to discuss logos, branding , advertising and budgeting.

On this occasion, she returned to share some of the skills herself and her sister  use when decorating cakes, which are made to order.

Everyone in P 6/7 had 2 cupcakes to decorate and a huge range of icing, sweets, fudge and sprinkles of various kinds to decorate with. Most popular- and most challenging -was using the piping bags! For fun, we had an in-class design competition to encourage creativity.

The class and Miss Taylor would like to say thanks so much for the generosity shown, in providing all of the resources and sharing expertise!





Dream Garden Challenge in P6/7

Our theme across the school for health just now is “Dreams and Goals”.

Having linked this to our skills and strengths for our “Developing Young Workforce” activities, we then looked together at how working towards our future dreams and goals can start now!

Part of that involves taking care of our own physical and emotional health. This was the challenge –

“In your group of 4/5, design a Dream Garden which would promote Health and Wellbeing.” Everyone in the group had to design one main feature/ area and all had to work together to design and complete the layout.

Here are our results: 

P6/7 continue to develop Meta-Cognitive skills

This week P6/7 returned to “My World of Work” website to continue  identifying their skills through a section called “My Interests”. They also reviewed their “Animal Me”  from last week, looking particularly at the section of how to improve skills.

There was  then a whole class business meeting looking at the craft resources they had purchased and making a plan of how to use these. Also discussed at length was what Craft Packs would suit the different ages of children coming to the Spring Fayre, and  what prices may be charged  – depending on costs and profits.

It was agreed that Easter Cards, Easter Bunting, Easter Crafts and Easter Bonnets packs would all be made as part of their “Buy’n’Try” crafts. There are also options for some other goods which the “Crafty!” company would make as completed items, to sell.

We were able to identify that our skills of Collaborating, Leading, Feeling and Communicating are being developed through all of our activities!

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