Primary 3 – Monday 15th June


Good morning everyone! Hope you are well and had an enjoyable weekend.

Let’s start off with some fun exercise today:



Remember to keep tuning in to Joe Wicks daily too!!!


For a Number Talk today, let’s think about adding any single digit to a multiple of 10 e.g 60+5=65

See how many you can come up with in 2 mins.

We have looked at doubling numbers, let’s look at halving numbers.

This video shows you Doubling and Halving so you can see the link between them. Have a bit of paper and a pencil ready to try some out along with the man on the video:


Now try these tasks. They start off fairly easy and become more difficult. Just do what you can do!

halving worksheets for Mon 15th June


Next try some of the games from the link below:



Reading – Continue to read as often as you can! Remember you can access books like the Oxford Reading Tree ones from:

If you click the Pink icon at the top right that says ‘My Class Login’ and enter Primary 3 Deans as the username and Mrs Hillan as the password then you can access these if you haven’t set up your own account.


Find a cooking book in the house or online and read the ingredients needed to make something.  Write down any words you found tricky and look them up. Copy the recipe down or write it in your own words. Ask someone at home if you can try making what you have found.

Find a food leaflet in the house or simply look in your cupboards or a receipt from a recent food shop –  read some of the items. Make a list of the food in alphabetical order.


Spelling – You have a list of spelling words included in your pack – remember to practise these regularly and use the spelling task cards to help! You can find the cards here if you have misplaced yours – – any problems accessing these email the school and I will help!

Try these games to help you learn and spell new tricky words:


Think back to our work on SIMILIES –  A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things. The simile is usually in a phrase that begins with the words “as” or “like.” – for example: As big as an elephant. A METAPHOR is another thing we use in Literacy. I would like you to look at the video on this link, then the explanation underneath before writing 3 of your own METAPHORS (you can also find ideas online if you are stuck!). Once you have done this, there is a quiz at the bottom you can try all about METAPHORS and SIMILIES:


Write a Letter: You can pick whether to write a letter to yourself reflecting on the past year and looking into the future or write a thank-you note to someone who has helped you throughout the year at school – pupil support assistants, parent volunteers, office staff, even other students.



Continue with your Personal Project. Here is what I posted last week to remind you:

As we don’t have long until the end of term, we thought instead of starting a new topic together that you could do a mini project of your own to work on until the Summer holidays. You can pick an animal, a sport, a hobby, a type of car, a singer/group you like – anything like that, to do your own research project on. Start off using the mind map below to record what you know already about your chosen topic, then collect as many facts, information, and pictures as you can. Remember to make your facts interesting and fun! If you can print pictures that would be great, but it would also be amazing to see of your own drawings, models and creations! We can use this to share with each other when we are back to school after the Summer!



There are two Developing Young Workforce tasks here, you can choose to do one or both!

DYW task 1 – Design a Theme Park

DYW task 2 – Organise a Fashion Show



Fruit and vegetables printing: Look at the work of the artist: Lynn Flavell. How does she represent fruit and vegetables? Can you create a piece of artwork in the style of Lynn Flavell:


 Tomorrow we have our virtual Sports Day – please remember to tune in and take part!!!

Enjoy the rest of your day!!

Mrs Hillan

Primary 3 – Tuesday 9th June


Hello everybody! Remember to keep working through your new packs of learning.


Watch Newsround – note down any key things you have found out today to share with someone at home.

Have a check in with everyone at home – ask how everyone is and how they are feeling today. Share how you are and how you are feeling too.


Today we are going to have a look at some ALLITERATIONAlliteration is when words start with the same sound: For example, Sammy the slippery snake came sliding. Alliteration is used in both written and spoken English. You can find examples in poetry, advertising and events commentary. It is often used in newspaper headlines to grab the reader’s attention.

I would like you to have a look around your house, online, or wherever you can to see where you can find examples of alliteration in BOOK TITLES (Stuart Reid uses loads of these in is books, so he might be a good one to research!), NEWSPAPER HEADLINES etc. Make a list of as many you can find. Here’s a couple of examples for you, I know you will have heard of a few of these book titles:


Can you create your own Book Title or Newspaper Headline (maybe connected to what is happening in our lives just now!) using ALLITERATION. Create a Book Cover or Newspaper Cover with your Title and some images.

Remember to complete the writing task that Miss Taylor posts on our Blog this week!



Let’s start with this – Write the numbers 20 – 50 in words and digits.

We are going to continue to look at Number pairs with two digit numbers to make the next multiple of 10 – eg 52+___ = 60. Try the task attached below:

Add to next multiple of 10 – for Tues 9th June

Play on The Mental Maths Train Game -practise adding and subtracting and if you fancy a challenge, try the multiplication!



As we don’t have long until the end of term, we thought instead of starting a new topic together that you could do a mini project of your own to work on until the Summer holidays. You can pick an animal, a sport, a hobby, a type of car, a singer/group you like – anything like that, to do your own research project on. Start off using the mind map below to record what you know already about your chosen topic, then collect as many facts, information, and pictures as you can. Remember to make your facts interesting and fun! If you can print pictures that would be great, but it would also be amazing to see of your own drawings, models and creations! We can use this to share with each other when we are back to school after the Summer!



We are going to revisit our numbers in French. This task looks at the numbers up to 100.

Use the link below, read the instructions carefully and work your way through the activities and games:



We have been looking at healthy eating and now we are moving on to learning about sleep. It is another important part of keeping healthy.

Watch the powerpoint then complete the worksheet to go with it. We will learn more about sleep next week.

P.3 short vers -sleep-cycles-powerpoint- – TUES 9th JUNE

p.3 sleep worksheet – TUES 9th JUNE



Practise your acting skills and using your voice to portray different characters with the script attached below, based around the event in history of The Great Fire of London (links nicely with our IDL topic). Ask your family to get involved taking on some of the roles – have fun!!!!!



 Hope you enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday with your family tomorrow – Remember to look on here for the activities for this week! Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday posting some more great activities for you.

Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your week!!

Mrs Hillan

Primary 3 – Monday 8th June

Good morning everyone! Hope you are well and had an enjoyable weekend.

Let’s start off with this today:


Remember to keep tuning in to Joe Wicks daily too!!!



For a Number Talk today, let’s think about what we already know for number bonds to 10 – we have number pairs that make 10 – eg 3+7, 4+6. With this in mind, see how many number pairs you can make for 20 – eg 13+7.

If you want to challenge yourself, see which pairs you can make for 30 or even 40!

Next we are going to look at Number pairs with one or two digit numbers to make the next multiple of 10 – eg 22+___ = 30. Try the task attached below:

add to next multiple of 10 – for Mon 8th June

Next try the game attached below:

Mulitple of Ten Game Instructions – For Mon 8th June

Mulitple of Ten Game Red and Blue Cards – For Mon 8th June



Reading – Continue to read as often as you can! Remember you can access books like the Oxford Reading Tree ones from:

If you click the Pink icon at the top right that says ‘My Class Login’ and enter Primary 3 Deans as the username and Mrs Hillan as the password then you can access these if you haven’t set up your own account.


Watch this video clip on caring for the environment, take some notes on the key points as you watch:


See if you can find any other interesting facts on caring for the environment that you can read.

Choose one thing you could do to help the environment in school and/or at home. Make a poster to encourage people to do it! Think about the classroom and the school as a whole as well as at home. Remember to include a catchy title/slogan, facts/information and pictures.


Spelling – You have a list of spelling words included in your pack – remember to practise these regularly and use the spelling task cards to help! You can find the cards here if you have misplaced yours – – any problems accessing these email the school and I will help!

You could also try these games to help you learn and spell new tricky words:


Think back to our work on SIMILIES –  A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things. The simile is usually in a phrase that begins with the words “as” or “like.” – for example:

As big as an elephant

As cunning as a fox

Soar like an eagle

Have eyes like a hawk

Complete the task below, which has some sentence starters for similies that you might use to compare yourself to something:

SIMILE Task – for 8th June



Mr Turner and I had planned to discuss the referendum on independence for Scotland and the resulting ‘No’ vote with you all, but we obviously now cannot. Someone at home might be able to help explain this, and how people in the country were asked to decide if Scotland should stay in the United Kingdom or not. Since all of this we have now had Brexit, which I’m sure you have heard something about! Have a search online or ask someone at home so you can maybe get a better understanding of this. Try to note down in your own words (or with the help of an adult), what you think BREXIT means.

Assessment: Ask someone at home to test you on all your knowledge of our Great Britain topic. If you can, write down the questions and answers.



We have all had to spend a lot of time at home just now. Compare your house to a cottage for example. Can you make a model of your house and a cottage? Use whatever materials you have at home. There’s an example of a homemade house below:

Thank you for continuing to work hard, I miss you all very much!

Mrs Hillan

Primary 3 – Tuesday 2nd June


Hello everyone! Hope you are all well and making sure to have lots of fun in the sun in between your tasks. Remember to check your packs for more tasks.



Our weather has been mixed over the past wee while with some gorgeous sunny weather to some rubbish cold and wet weather! Here’s hoping the nice weather stays around for a good while longer!!! Write a weather report. See how many adjectives (describing words) you can use!

Do a bit of research and then write a set of clear instructions on how a rainbow is made – remember to include some lovely pictures!


Try this website for some different ways to help with your spelling – Spelling City:


Writing – remember to complete Miss Taylor’s writing task that will be posted on the blog at some point this week.



Choose a number between 10 and 20. How many different ways can this number be partitioned? Do bigger numbers have more ways they can be partitioned? Try some out!

Here is an example of partitioning to remind you:


14 could be partitioned as:

10 and 4

11 and 3

12 and 2 etc


You could also have a look at this PowerPoint for larger numbers:




Use maps and atlases to identify Ireland and more specifically, Northern Ireland.

Watch some video clips of Gaelic football and Irish dancing. Why not try out some Irish dancing!!

Find out about any Irish legends – note down the key information you find.

Find out about London and look at images of famous buildings such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament.  Pick one of these to do a detailed drawing of. Record keys facts around about your drawing.

Research a city in Great Britain and an area of the countryside – Make a list of the two to compare them – what is the same and what is different?



Find an object in your house or outside in your garden – draw it carefully, showing attention to detail. Why not try shading it in to show the lighter and darker parts of it. This video clip might help with this:




We are going to have another look at Family today, with a focus on Siblings. Use the link below:

Work your way through the activities and games. Once you have finished, and completed the test at the end, write 3-5 sentences about who you have in your family using the website and what you have learned to help you.


Enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday with your families tomorrow! Remember the link to the activities will be on here.  Mrs Lockhart & Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday as usual.

Take care,

Mrs Hillan


Primary 3 – Monday 1st June


Good morning Primary 3! Hope you are all well and had a fun weekend. I can’t believe that is us now in June already!! Remember to look at what you have in your packs to complete. Below are some other tasks you could try too.


We are going to continue to look at Doubling Numbers today. Have a look at these videos, see if you can work along with the lady in the first video and try some of your own examples too using the techniques she uses:

Pick your own numbers to partition like the examples in the second clip:





Continue to read as often as you can! Remember you can access books like the Oxford Reading Tree ones from:

If you click the Pink icon at the top right that says ‘My Class Login’ and enter Primary 3 Deans as the username and Mrs Hillan as the password then you can access these if you haven’t set up your own account.


Spelling – You have a list of spelling words included in your pack – remember to practise these regularly and use the spelling task cards to help! You can find the cards here if you have misplaced yours – – any problems accessing these email the school and I will help!

You could also try these games to help you learn and spell new tricky words:


Write a ‘thank you’ letter to the people who collect your rubbish and recycling.

-What could you include in your letter? Can you think of any questions you could ask about recycling or where the rubbish goes? Perhaps you could leave this letter for them the next time they collect your bins – remember to tell them what a good job they are doing and thank them for all their hard work during this difficult time.



Let’s continue our healthy eating work.

  1. Complete the Healthy Eating I Spy sheet by circling all the healthy foods.
  2. Then complete your ideal healthy lunch box using the worksheet provided.
  3. Finally you could set up a healthy eating challenge – lay out a selection of small portions of healthy foods for people in your family to taste (make sure they cover their eyes) and see which ones they guess correctly.

I spy – week beg 1st June

Healthy Eating Lunch Activity – week beg 1st June



Look at some images of Scotland such as the Grampian Mountains, Loch Ness, thistles etc. Symbols such as thistles are used to represent countries. Find out about different animal species found in Scotland – draw some of these giving some information on each below or around them.

Research the mysterious Loch Ness Monster and write a newspaper report after a ‘sighting’.


Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine! Remember to wear sun cream!!!!

Mrs Hillan

Primary 3 – Tuesday 26th May

Good morning everyone!

Let’s wake ourselves up with this – I think you’ll love it!!:



We are going to look at Doubling Numbers today – this links nicely with your two times table that you have already been practising. Have a look at these videos, this first one is quite straight forward:

The second video looks at trickier numbers, but uses a method we are used to using which is PARTITIONING and we use this often in our number talks. This shows you how easy it is to double (or times by 2) bigger numbers:


Try doubling some numbers yourself or perhaps ask someone at home to give you some numbers to try!

Then give this task a go:

Doubling Dominoes – Tues 26th May



Listen to Newsround and discuss what has been happening in the world this week. What new things have you found out?

Create your own news report on what has been happening in your day to day life just now. Why not try dressing up like a news reporter and present your report to your family or get them involved in presenting it!

Remember to look on the Blog for this week’s writing task from Miss Taylor when she posts it.



Research Holyrood Palace – create a mind map or spider diagram to write down as many facts as you can about it. You can use the template below if you wish, or create your own:

Blank Mind Map for Tues 26th May IDL

What are the connections between Holyrood Palace and The Royal Family (Monarchy) past and present? Research this and add this information on the back of your mind map or create a new one.



We will continue looking at Family in French.

Use the link below and select ‘Family’ then ‘family members’

Next click on ‘full tutorial’ (all activities)

Work your way through these activities and games.

When you have finished, complete the test as the end of this lesson. Then draw a portrait of you and all of your family members. Label each family member and who they are to you, in French.



Health & Wellbeing

Watch the powerpoint on healthy or unhealthy choices. Then, if you can, print up the game board and play with an adult or another family member. Finally, there is a healthy eating colour sheet, just choose the food group you want to complete.

t-t-29225-healthy-or-unhealthy-sorting-powerpoint-_ver_5 (1)

Healthy Eating and Living Board Game

Healthy Eating Colouring Sheets


Hope you all enjoy the tasks from Wellbeing Wednesday! Mrs Morrison & Mrs Lockhart will be posting for you on Thursday and Friday.

Enjoy the rest of your week and take care,

Mrs Hillan




Primary 3 – Monday 25th May


Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of learning. Remember you can now pick up your new pack from school if you haven’t done so already! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!



Reading – Listen to the stories:

-Write down 2 things you liked about each story and 1 thing you might change and why.

-Create a bookmark with animal facts on it.

-Remember you can access books like the Oxford Reading Tree ones from:

If you click the Pink icon at the top right that says ‘My Class Login’ and enter Primary 3 Deans as the username and Mrs Hillan as the password then you can access these if you haven’t set up your own account.


Spelling – You have a list of spelling words included in your pack – remember to practise these regularly and use the spelling task cards to help! You can find the cards here if you have misplaced yours – – any problems accessing these email the school and I will help!

You could also try these games to help you learn and spell new tricky words:


Writing/Art- Create a fact file about your favourite animal. Research an animal of your choice and explore the vocabulary required to describe them. Draw a detailed picture of them when you are finished.



-Select a number between 50 and 100. Make a poster showing how many different ways to make this number using addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

-Complete the task below which tests your knowledge of the 2, 5, and 10 times tables:




Think back to our Scotland topic and all the fantastic facts we found out. I would like you to research Scottish traditions and customs such as wearing kilts and playing bagpipes, and the symbol of the Thistle. Create a mini poster or leaflet to include as much information as possible – remember to include pictures as well as your facts!



Write a song about staying safe at home and why it is important. Put some music to your song by either using instruments you have at home or by making some – for example rice in a bottle makes a good shaker! If you are able to, please record your song and email it into school – I would LOVE to hear it!! There is some good ideas on creating homemade instruments in the video clip below, and I’m sure you could find some more!


Hope you have fun and have a great day!

Mrs Hillan


Primary 3 – Tuesday 19th May

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. I am missing you all very much! You can now pick up your new pack of learning from school.



Can you read fiction, non- fiction and poems about animals? Note down any adjectives (describing words) in the books used to describe the animal – eg furry, fierce, huge.


We are going to look at SIMILES –  A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things. The simile is usually in a phrase that begins with the words “as” or “like.” This is different from a metaphor, which is also a comparison but one says something is something else, for example:

As big as an elephant

As cunning as a fox

Soar like an eagle

Have eyes like a hawk

Can you find other examples of SIMILES connected to animals, either online (this link might be useful –, or by asking someone at home? Write these down. Then add any others that you can think of or have perhaps made up.

You then might want to try this quiz for a bit of fun!

Lastly, write a set of questions about animals you would like to find out about, for example:

“What type of food does a Giraffe eat?”


Writing – Remember to do this week’s writing task set by Miss Taylor – this will be on the Blog at some point this week. It is based around a competition for SKY this week!!


Numeracy –

Play on Number Fact Families: – find the addition and subtraction fact families for numbers up to 20, 50 or 100.

Keep practising your 2, 5 & 10 times tables – ask someone at home to test you regularly.

Write out each of these tables without looking at anything to help you!

Here are some Times Tables Songs you may wish to listen to just to remind you of each of the tables again:







We have been looking at numbers, days of the week and months of the year in French. Now I would like us to take a look at ‘My Family’ – ‘Ma Famille’


Try this activity where you match the family members in French to those in English:

Ma Famille matching sheet



Look at maps of the UK and begin to identify the countries within it – all the countries we have been researching. Use the map below to correctly place Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales:

Blank map of UK

Colour in the map so it is really eye-catching – your one will be much brighter than the example below, but it was the only one I could find that didn’t include the names of the countries!!!


Can you write a brief summary of any experiences of the countries in the UK you have had. To give you an idea of what I’m looking for, in my summary I might say:

‘I have visited a number of places in England, my favourites so far being Newcastle, Cheshire and Liverpool. I got to see many exciting things in these places and I saw some famous landmarks such as The Angel of the North in Newcastle and the famous Cavern Club in Liverpool where The Beatles first played. I loved the shopping on my visits to Cheshire Oaks shopping outlets in Cheshire.

I have visited Wales as a young girl and enjoyed visiting castles there. We took a family holiday to the Butlins resort in Wales too. I have an auntie who lived in the capital city of Wales, which is Cardiff.

I have never been to Northern Ireland yet but I would love to visit, especially since one of my best friends – Mrs Stevenson, is from here! I would love to visit the Titanic Museum in Belfast!

I have visited many parts of Scotland – our home country, over the years. I have had many shopping experiences in places like Glasgow, Stirling and Edinburgh. I have enjoyed trips to places such as The Glasgow Science Centre, Edinburgh Castle, Aberdeen Promenade and The Royal Mile. Some of my favourite places to visit in Scotland are South Queensferry, Pitlochry, Oban, Anstruther, and Loch Lomond. There are so many amazing places to visit in Scotland and I can’t wait to get back out there when Lockdown is over!!!’


Finally, Mrs Anderson has a little competition for you all:



Hope you enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday and Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday.


Mrs Hillan







Primary 3 – Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning Everyone Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook ...

Good morning everyone!

Hope you are all well today and ready to learn.


Try to keep your fitness levels up. Remember to tune into Joe Wicks every day! I thought you might enjoy trying out these today:




Choose a number between 0 – 50. Make a poster showing how many different ways you can represent this number – like what we do in class for number talks!

There are a lot of strategies we can use to help us with our times tables – these are called Multiplicative Counting Strategies. I have attached a poster below which shows some of the different strategies. They have used the sum of ‘4×5’ – create your own poster to help you remember these strategies using a sum of your own, for example – 5×3 or 2×6 – use a sum within the 2,3,4,5 or 10 times tables.



Write sentences using adjectives to describe a room in your house – draw a picture of the room you described.

-Hide and seek: Write a set of instructions on how to find something in your bedroom. Think about the positional language (left, right, forwards, backwards etc) to help find the object.

– Remember to do this week’s writing task set by Miss Taylor – this will be on the Blog.


Read the legend of Saint George and the Dragon and identify St George’s Cross in the Union Jack.

You can use the story attached or Google it yourself. I have also attached a video you can watch with a follow up task:



Create a short drama at home showing the story of St George and the Dragon. If you can’t get someone to join in as George or the Dragon – perhaps use a toy at home or create a model! Perform this for your family and ask them to give you 2 stars and a wish. Feel free to take pictures to share!!


Could you please complete this survey about school meals. It would be hugely appreciated! :

Link is


You will have some nice family activities posted tomorrow for Wellbeing Wednesday and then Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday!


Take care and enjoy the rest of your week!

Mrs Hillan

Primary 3 – Monday 11th May

Happy Monday | Toluna


Good Morning everyone!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend and you’re ready for another week of learning! Remember to check your packs for which activities you can do this week.


Literacy – Listen to the traditional story ‘ Jack and the Beanstalk’.

Find a set of instructions for planting a seed or a bean – try Google or this link –

Read the instructions out aloud and then write them out (perhaps in your own words!).

Can you then follow the instructions and plant a seed? Remember to keep watering it! If you don’t have a seed you could maybe try a clipping from another plant you have in your garden – ask permission first of course!



Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This game could support this –

(Remember to allow adobe flash player if it doesn’t work first time, any issues you can always try to find another game online to help)

  • Look in different rooms in your house and go on a number hunt. How many items can you find that have numbers on them? What is the largest number you can find (maybe something like a barcode?)? What is the smallest number you can find? Note these down.



Find out what the flag of Saint Patrick looks like and look at how the union flag altered when the flag of Saint Patrick was added.  Write this information down in your own words as best you can.

You could then use what you have at home to recreate the Saint Patrick Flag in whichever way you like. If you can, take a photo of what you create!


Enjoy your Monday everyone!

Mrs Hillan

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