Our Week in P4

In Number Talks we have been continuing to look at a two digit addition sum and the pupils have been asked to share how they would work it out and if they could find more than one way to answer it. One of the sums given was 64 + 34  and here were some of the ways of working it out:


For literacy this week we have continued working hard on our new spelling words and we have these home again to practise. We practised our spelling words by writing them in fancy lettering. There are some pictures below to look at. Next week our spelling will look a bit different and we will have some other activities to try at home.



In writing this week we have looked at Persuasive Writing and creating a one-sided argument. We used Halloween as our theme. We assessed ourselves using our core target grids and our genre target grids for persuasive writing. We talked through what each target meant then assessed ourselves after we had read over our work. We will look at another persuasive piece next week.



We were introduced to our new topic this week which is The Egyptians. We began by recording what we already know about them and then thought about what we would like to learn about them and how we will do this.

I am excited to learn about Hieroglyphics – Erin R

I am looking forward to learning about the history or Egypt and about their gods – Alyssa

I am excited to learn new things about Egyptians – Summer

I am excited to learn about the history of the Egyptians – Sophie G

I am looking forward to knowing new things about the Egyptians – Daniel

I am excited to learn what Egyptians do – Lewis

I am excited to learn how they got around – Shay

I am excited to learn about how they mummified people – Emily

I’m excited to learn about how they take their brains out of their noses!!! –  Maison


Primary 4 working hard

This week in Numeracy we have been working on addition with missing numbers – for example

12 + __ = 34. This is something that has always come out as being a challenge for pupils, but when we looked at these together the children found them much easier to work out. Hopefully when we are faced with these again we will be able to answer them confidently.

In Number Talks we have been looking at a two digit addition sum and the pupils have been asked to share how they would work it out and if they could find more than one way to answer it. One of the sums given was 24 + 45 = and here were some of the ways of working it out:


For literacy this week we have continued working hard on our new spelling words and we have taken these home again to practise. We have completed some other comprehension questions on our group readers this week, this time looking at reading sentences from the story and deciding if they were true or false. In writing this week we looked back at our All About Me stories and we assessed ourselves using our core target grids and our genre target grids for descriptive writing. We talked through what each target meant then assessed ourselves after we had read over our work. We then used our genre placemats to help us record what went well in our piece of writing and what we could do to make it better.



For our Novel Study this week we created some questions to ask the characters in the book. Then we took turns at taking on the role of one of the characters to answer the questions we had made. We had to use our imagination as well as our knowledge of the text to help us answer.

We used our miming skills in drama to act out a scene from the story and our classmates had to guess which part we were acting out.



I hope all the children and their families have a wonderful October break!!!!

Another busy week in P4

We have continued to work hard in P4! In Numeracy we continue to focus on our addition skills. I am continuing to see many children becoming more confident with this! This is definitely something the children should continue to practise at home, especially if they don’t feel as confident. There are lots of examples online to use. We have also been continuing to work on our mental maths skills and number talks – one of which focused on making 60 in as many different ways as we could think of. This is only a small number of the examples some of the children came up with:

10×6 – Sophie G

5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+20 – Erin P

10+10+10+10+10+10 – Maisy

1000-940 – Shay

10+50 – Ariah

160-100 – Summer

100-40 – Stevi

60-0 – Kayleigh

70-10 – Joe

40+20 – Gracie

60×1 – Ciaran


In Literacy this week we have continued reading in our groups. We have continued to discuss the text as we read and the children have been coming up with some questions of their own as we have read.  We completed some comprehension questions based on our group readers.

I am using expression when I am reading, so it sounds like the people are actually talking – Erin R

It was quite fun as you had to use your book to find the answers – Sophie C

I am using loud voices while I’m reading – Gracie

It was quite easy and fun! – Olivia

It was fun because we had to match up parts in our story for the starts and ends of sentences – Emily


In our spelling we have been focusing on common words that came from an assessment in class. We will take some of these home to work on each week in order to help build up our spelling confidence and knowledge. In Writing we have completed an assessment piece about ourselves and our hopes/aspirations for the coming year. We were able to use our previous All About Me stories to give us some ideas. We had to really focus on our core targets such as correct punctuation, using conjunctions (joining words) and using paragraphs, as well as our Descriptive Genre target which include – using a title, including an introduction, describing myself using adjectives and including an evaluation. You can take a look at some of our examples below:


In PE we have continued to look at Team activities and this week we had to try out different fitness activities given in our groups. These were activities such as star jumps, human ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’, crab crawl, stretches, frog jumps and many more. This is what the children said afterwards:

We were exercising! – Summer

It was challenging because we had to move onto another one then another! – Derry

It felt like we were being really athletic – Sophie C

We were in our table groups and the person who was our team captain had to tell us the next exercise. It was fun! – Maisy

We exercised in our groups – Ryley

It was really exhausting!! – Chloe

I agree!! (with Chloe) – Ciaran


P4’s Learning this week

This week Primary 4 have been busy again. We have been looking at fables with Mr Turner and for part of this we created our own little animals from clay. We will be using these to create our own fables and story scenes. We had to use our creativity and modelling skills for this. These are our creations below before they dried.

In Numeracy this week we have continued with the theme of addition this week by looking at carrying over in our work. Some of us have found this quite challenging, so we should be practising this at home when we can. I have asked the children to look up some addition with carrying questions online or to ask someone at home to create some for them if possible.


In Literacy we have been looking at descriptive writing. We worked together to create a description of Pandas, including a title, an introduction, the main characteristics of pandas and finally an evaluation saying what we think about pandas. We will continue with descriptive writing but using different contexts. Here are a few of our pieces:


We have also continued our novel study and have been creating drawings of all the characters we have met so far. We have had to use our creativity and imagination, as well as what we have read in order to do this. Each group had a character to draw. Here are some of our characters:


A Busy Week in Primary 4

This has been another busy week in P4! In Numeracy we continue to focus on our addition skills, with a particular focus on our layout of chimney sums. The pupils have produced some lovely, neat work that they should be very proud of. I hope we will keep up this standard! We worked out answering some single digit, 2 digit, 3 digit and even 4 digit addition sums. We will extend this by looking at carrying within addition also. I can already see many children becoming more confident with their addition skills! We have also been working on our mental maths skills with some mixed questions – mainly focused around addition and subtraction.


In Literacy this week we have continued reading in our groups. We have had some discussion around the texts and we have tried some comprehension questions based on what we have read. We are using a variety of skills such as finishing the sentences, matching the sentence starter to its ending and then giving our own full answers to a question. We have been focusing on common words (Frys Words) for our spelling just now and will continue this for the next while to build up our spelling confidence and knowledge. In writing we have created an All About Me story to tell everyone about us and the things we like and enjoy doing. Have a look at some below:


In PE we have been doing some Team Races. We decided on the types of races we would like to do which ranged from the bunny hop race, to a walking race to a skipping race and more! The children had lots of fun taking part in these, although I think some of us need practise in going right to the finish line!!! We look forward to trying out some other races next week!




Primary 4 Getting Focused

This week Primary 4 have been busy getting back into the swing of things with our literacy and numeracy.

We have continued revisiting our addition skills in numeracy and have looked at how to use chimney sums. Some of us have used these before, some of us hadn’t. We will look at these over the next week or two.

We have started a new reading book in our groups. It was nice to be able to read together again. We will use these books to have some good discussion.

Primary 4 have continued our novel study this week by looking at all the possessions Joe has. We then had a think about what our priorities would be if we were a billionaire. It was interesting to hear everyone’s thoughts!

Below are some of our finished kites that we started last week detailing what we liked about P3, what we are looking forward to in P4, what we are good at and what we need to improve on/need help with.

We had a lot of fun this week listening to each others’ ‘True, Twisted and Totally Fake’ stories. Some of them were pretty tricky to guess which was which and these led on to some super discussions. The children were so enthusiastic and I think this is something we could definitely try again later in the year!

Welcome Back Primary 4!!!

Primary 4 are settling back in nicely and adapting well to the changes in school life just now. Last week we welcomed everyone back by having a check in to discuss some facts about ourselves and what we were looking forward to in P4. We also shared some stories of our Summer.

This week we have started our class novel which we are going to do a novel study on. We are using David Walliams’ story ‘Billionaire Boy’. So far we have read the first 2 chapters and looked at the main characters and what roles they may play in the story. We used the pictures and our imaginations to help with this. As we read, we may change our minds!!!

We have also used what we have read to draw what we imagine the main character to look like in more detail. In pairs we did a comparison between two of the main characters – Joe and his Dad. This gave us an opportunity to think of good vocabulary to show what was the same and what was different about them.

We have been working on information about ourselves to eventually create an ‘All About Me’ story. We shared information on the things we like and don’t like as well as favourite things and hobbies. Primary 4 began a listening and talking task where we had to think of a story that was true, one that was almost true with a little twist in it and one that was fake – I’m sure we will have fun next week trying to guess which is which for everyone!


Primary 4 have revisited our addition skills this week to get our brains warmed up and back into the swing of things. We have done this using number talks as well as some written tasks. We will build upon this over the next few weeks and revisit subtraction too!


We did a bit of art/health work to create kites to display in our classrooms – these tell others what we liked about P3, what we are looking forward to in P4, anything we are really good at and the things we feel that we need to improve on/need support with.


This week we also had a discussion about what we would like to include in our class charter to make our class the happiest and safest place for us to enjoy and learn in. Each of us drew our own images for each part of our charter, these will be displayed in our class. We hope to complete the rest to go on our wall next week.

Primary 3 – Tuesday 23rd June


Hello everybody! Remember to keep working through your packs of learning. Not long now until the Summer Holidays start!!!



Watch Newsround – note down any key things you have found out today to share with someone at home.

Have a check in with everyone at home – ask how everyone is and how they are feeling today. Share how you are and how you are feeling too.

  1. Make a Summer Top Ten Lists:Consider Top Ten Books I Want to Read, Top Ten Things I Want to Do, and Top Ten Places I Want to Go.
  2. Write Poems: Write end of the year Acrostics poem about Summer or end of term:


Here is Miss Taylor’s Writing Task:




Let’s start with this – Write the numbers 71-100 in words and digits


Play on The Mental Maths Train Game -practise adding and subtracting and if you fancy a challenge, try the multiplication!



Play the game Fruit Fall – answer the data handling questions based on how many pieces of fruit you catch.





Try these:

PE Learning

PE Dice for gross motor activities


Let’s have another look at sleep.

Watch the powerpoint again it is the full powerpoint now. Then complete the worksheet to go with it.

Sleep PowerPoint – Tues 23rd June

Sleep Worksheet – Tuesday 23rd June


Other End of Term Activities

Focus on Random Acts of Kindness: Continue to be kind to others and to find ways to be helpful

Summer Activities Brainstorm: with your family, brainstorm as many fun summer activities as you can. Aim for ideas that are free and accessible – for example, drawing a hopscotch on the pavement or running in the sprinkler, making a water slide etc.

Something to think and talk about:

EndoftheYear questions


Hope you enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday with your family tomorrow. Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday posting some more great activities for you.

Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your week!! Have a wonderful Summer when it comes and I look forward to seeing you all in August!!!

Mrs Hillan

Primary 3 – Monday 22nd June




Good morning everyone! Hope you are well and had an enjoyable weekend. This is our last week before the summer holidays start!

Let’s start off with some fun exercise today:

Remember to keep tuning in to Joe Wicks daily too!!!


For a Number Talk today, let’s think about subtracting (take away) any single digit from a multiple of 10 e.g 80-7=73

See how many you can come up with in 2 mins.

-Play on Daily 10 – play levels 1 or 2 to practise adding and subtracting:


-Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  This game could support this.



Below is maths challenge you can try out!

Maths Challenge page 1

Maths Challenge page 2

Maths Challenge page 3

Maths Challenge page 4

Maths Challenge page 5

Maths Challenge page 6

Maths Challenge page 7

Maths Challenge page 8

Maths Challenge page 9

Maths Challenge page 10



Reading – Continue to read as often as you can! Remember you can access books like the Oxford Reading Tree ones from: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

If you click the Pink icon at the top right that says ‘My Class Login’ and enter Primary 3 Deans as the username and Mrs Hillan as the password then you can access these if you haven’t set up your own account.

Spelling – You have a list of spelling words included in your pack – remember to practise these regularly and use the spelling task cards to help! You can find the cards here if you have misplaced yours – http://www.blessedbeyondadoubt.com/spell-cards-printable/ – any problems accessing these email the school and I will help!

Try these games to help you learn and spell new tricky words:



Below is a Reading Comprehension task for you to try. There are 2 different levels, pick the one that you find suits you best:

Reading Comprehension Passage

Reading Comprehension Questions

Reading Comprehension Passage 2

Reading Comprehension Questions 2



Continue with your Personal Project. Here is what I posted last week to remind you:

As we don’t have long until the end of term, we thought instead of starting a new topic together that you could do a mini project of your own to work on until the Summer holidays. You can pick an animal, a sport, a hobby, a type of car, a singer/group you like – anything like that, to do your own research project on. Start off using the mind map below to record what you know already about your chosen topic, then collect as many facts, information, and pictures as you can. Remember to make your facts interesting and fun! If you can print pictures that would be great, but it would also be amazing to see of your own drawings, models and creations! We can use this to share with each other when we are back to school after the Summer!



Make a Wearable Keepsake: Decorate a T-shirt, or baseball cap, or make friendship bracelets – these could be decorated with something to do with Deans Primary or just with things you like!



Enjoy the rest of your day!!

Mrs Hillan

Primary 3 – Tuesday 16th June



Hello everybody! Remember to keep working through your packs of learning.

Remember, today is……..

Take a look at our Virtual Sports Day activities!!



Watch Newsround – note down any key things you have found out today to share with someone at home.

Have a check in with everyone at home – ask how everyone is and how they are feeling today. Share how you are and how you are feeling too.


Today we are going to continue to have a look at some ALLITERATIONAlliteration is when words start with the same sound: For example, Sammy the slippery snake came sliding. Alliteration is used in both written and spoken English. You can find examples in poetry, advertising and events commentary. It is often used in newspaper headlines to grab the reader’s attention.


Have a look at the sheet below which has loads of ALLITERATION ideas. Use these to create some silly sentences. For example:

‘The elephant ate eggs with the elf whilst he sealed the envelopes.’

T-L-6184-Alliteration-Ideas-Sheet – FOR TUES 16TH JUNE



Writing – Look at some cereal boxes. They make them eye-catching so that you want to pick them. Design a new label for a cereal box. What eye-catching information will you add? Can you use an exclamation mark? I’ve included some examples below:


Create a Class Survival Book – Create a page for a book that can be put together in the new term to tell the next class how things work in Primary 3 – what things do you do and learn? What daily jobs do you have? What are the rewards and sanctions in class?

This is Miss Taylor’s writing task this week:




Let’s start with this – Write the numbers 50-70 in words and digits.

We are going to continue looking at doubling and halving. Try these two tasks. For the first one, it gets progressively harder, so do what you can!

Doubling-and-Halving 1 – FOR TUES 16th June

Doubling & Halving for TUES 16th JUNE


Play on The Mental Maths Train Game -practise adding and subtracting, and if you fancy a challenge, try the multiplication!



Play the game Fruit Fall – answer the data handling questions based on how many pieces of fruit you catch.





Let’s have another look at sleep.

Watch the powerpoint again it has an added bit on now. Then complete the worksheet to go with it.

-first-level-sleep-cycles-powerpoint-english_shorter 2 – FOR TUES 16th JUNE

p.3 sleep worksheet FOR TUES 16th JUNE


 Hope you enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday with your family tomorrow. Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Morrison will be with you on Thursday and Friday posting some more great activities for you.

Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your week!!

Mrs Hillan

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