Primary 4 – Wednesday 10th February 2021


Image result for good morning cartoon


Good morning Primary 4, hope you are all well today. Here is our daily plan: Daily Plan – Wed 10th Feb 2021

Start your day with Joe Wicks – follow this link –

After this try your writing assessment of your Procedural writing – I have added this as an assignment, so if you can, could you please upload it in the assignments section when you are finished. Remember there is a guide to help you which Mrs Buntin created.



To provide instructions about how to make or do something.


I can set out my instructions in the correct steps.

I can use instructional language – First, Next, Turn etc

I can use correct layout (PM Writing)

I can use genre targets

I can use my core targets

In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files is a writing lesson from myself, finishing off our genre – Procedural Writing. Here is the youtube link also: If you have issues accessing the video, this is an assessment piece this week, so not the same help being given – try to do this on your own as much as possible – I am asking you to write about ‘How to Make Shortbread’ or ‘How to Make a Jeely Piece (Jam Sandwich)’ – you can pick which one to do. Remember to use the different headers to help you complete your task – you need to include:





Remember to write your stories in your jotters or paper. I will have a live check in with you all about 10:15 am to hear some examples of your writing!

Writing – Core Target Sheet

Writing – Core Targets Self Assessment Mat

Writing – Procedure Genre Targets Self Assessment Mat

Writing – Procedure Genre Targets


11:00 – 

Numeracy – Live Lesson – Number Talk

Numeracy – follow up task

L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract 2 digit numbers to 100 using bridging.

S&C- I can subtract numbers to 1000, using problem solving skills.

Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section you will find your textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section. All tasks are in Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files or below. I will check back in with you all later around 12:15pm.

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy SHM4 pg 37 – Wed 10th Feb

TRIANGLES – Numeracy SHM3 pg 32 – Wed 10th Feb



Below are your tasks for the afternoon – Reading , Spelling and Health & Wellbeing. There are also some Snow activities you may wish to try out too! I will check in at 2:15 and 3:00pm


In Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files, is a link to the next chapter of our story, Mr Stink, here is the youtube link also: Once you have listened to this you can try the Reading Comprehension task that is detailed below. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot activity – you can choose which one you want to do. Remember to challenge yourself where you can!! I will check back in with you all around 2:15


L/I To show my understanding of a text.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read as well as my skimming and scanning skills to locate key information to answer the questions about the text.


Task: Read the Comprehension Task on Water Woman and then answer the questions that follow. Remember you can go back to the text as often as you like and some questions may require to give your own answers and your opinion. Try to answer in full sentences where required. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot task to choose from. Add your completed comprehension into your folder, these can just be written on a piece of paper and don’t need to be printed off.  Please remember, all tasks with me are in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ or below.

MILD – Reading Comprehension & Questions- Wed 10th Feb

SPICY – Reading Comprehension & Questions – Wed 10th Feb

HOT – Reading Comprehension & Questions – Wed 10th Feb



Using your spelling words again, add them onto a Graffiti wall – try to make these as colourful as you can. Try using different styles of writing too. There is a sheet to help you in files which includes an example. You can draw on the sheet or you can do this in your jotter/paper. Add these/photo of these into your folder once finished.

Spelling words list

Spelling Graffiti wall


Health & Wellbeing

There is a Cosmic Kids Yoga video link below, please try this and enjoy!!!

Whole School STEM Challenge Competition: Remember there is a poster and a video in our folder in files detailing what you need to know and do if you wish to enter this competition. You can use some of your time this afternoon to work on this if you wish to enter.


Tomorrow it will be Mrs Lockhart back with you. It is a holiday next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so I shall see you all the following week on Teams. Have a lovely weekend and holiday when it comes, make sure you relax and spend quality time with the people you love!




Primary 4 – Tuesday 9th February 2021

Image result for good morning cartoon


Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Here is our plan for the day: Daily Plan- Tues 9th Feb 2021.

I’ll post some Go Noodle activities below to get you started today and waken you up ready for the day ahead. Mrs Dobbie will be with you around 9:15am. Remember Mrs Dobbie is in school this week, so be patient if you are waiting for a reply and also make sure to read all the information you are given for your tasks.




Youtube link to lesson for pupils not on live session:

Reading _


L/I To clarify the meaning of something

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read and use clarifying strategies to work out the meaning of a word I am unsure of.

Task: You can use the Clarifying sheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder (or below) or just write it on a piece of paper/jotter. You can try adding two more words of your own from the text after you have found out the meaning of the words given to you. Please put a copy of these into your folder in the Files Section.

We will catch up at 12:15 to see how we are all getting on and see some of the words you have worked on clarifying.

Reading – Chapter 13

Clarifying Task – Tues 9th Feb



Good afternoon everyone, hope you all enjoyed your lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling, Numeracy & IDL. There is also the option to do some outdoor learning or the STEM competition. I will check in with you all around 2:15.


Using your spelling words from yesterday, complete one or two of the tasks from the spelling task cards in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder ­ in the Files section. Add your completed tasks/photos into your folder in Files.

Spelling words list

Spelling Strategy Flashcards



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract a two digit numbers to 100.

S&C- I can subtract two/three digit numbers to 1000

Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section (or below) you will find your next textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section.

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy SHM4 pg 35 – Tues 9th Feb

TRIANGLES -Numeracy SHM 3 pg 31 – Tues 9th Feb



Please continue with your Scottish Personal Project. I have put the sheet again in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ called Personal Project Pointers, giving the sorts of things you should and might want to include in your personal project – you can be working on this at any time you wish. It would be good to hear your views on the things you are doing your project on too.

Personal Project Pointers


Outdoor Activity – see grid in Class Materials>Class Materials- Mrs Hillan or below.  You can record this information in any way you wish

Outdoor Activities P4-7

Whole School STEM Challenge Competition: Remember there is a poster and a video in our folder in files detailing what you need to know and do if you wish to enter this competition. You can use some of your time this afternoon to work on this if you wish to enter.


Thank you again for all your hard work today. I shall be back with you tomorrow for another day of learning!

Primary 4 – Monday 8th February 2021


Good Morning Everyone Have A Beautiful Monday | Beautiful monday, Good morning everyone, Good morning picture

Good morning everybody and welcome to a new week! Below is our plan for the day:

Daily Plan – Mon 8th Feb 2021

Let’s start our day with the Joe Wicks session –

I have now put another 1 or 2 new books in your Reading Group Booklists: Some books are longer so will take the groups longer to read. These should last you into the holiday week next week too.

There will be a live check in around 9:30 with me on Teams.



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract two digit numbers to 100 with bridging.

S&C- I can subtract numbers two/three digit numbers to 1000.


Task: This week we will finish off subtraction, before moving on to our next Numeracy topic.

In Class Materials- Mrs Hillan in the files section you will find your textbook pages for today. SHM4 group (Squares and Circles), you have page 34 to complete and SHM3 group (Triangles), you have page 30 to complete. Please put your completed sheet or the sums on paper into your folder in the files section once you have finished.

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy SHM4 pg 34 – Mon 8th Feb

TRIANGLES – Numeracy SHM3 pg 30 – Mon 8th Feb

11:00 –

Below is your Reading task to do after watching the next video of me reading the next chapter of Mr Stink. The video is in the Class Materials- Mrs Hillan folder, but here is the youtube link also in case you have problems accessing it:


L/I To create an illustration.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have heard to make a detailed illustration of a key part of my novel.

Task: Complete an illustration like you did last week, but for another part of the story. You can use the Illustrator sheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or just draw it on a piece of paper/jotter. Remember to make this detailed and connected to a part we have read so far and also to say WHY you picked this part to draw. Once you have completed this, please put your illustration into your folder in the Files Section. If you wish you could also do one for one of the other books you have been reading just now, like your group reader.

If you finish this task before lunch time, you can use your Group Reading book or even a book you are reading for enjoyment at home and try this task:

Choose a story or chapter from a book you have read:

Character ranking

List all the characters from a text you have read and rank them according to different criteria. These could include most to least powerful, kindest to meanest or bravest to most scared, for example.

You can just record this on a piece of paper or your jotter then upload into your folder.

We will catch up at 12:15 to see how we are all getting on.

Illustrator Task – Reading – Mon 8th Feb

Character Ranking – Reading task



Good afternoon everyone, hope you all enjoyed your lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling and a task from the Five Sister’s Zoo!

I will check in with you all around 2:15 and have a live meet up at 2:45 for a fun Quiz!


Your new spelling words for the week are in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder – remember to look at your group’s words! Once you have looked over your words and practised these using ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’, write out your words in a Silly Story – try to make this funny and entertaining!! There is a sheet you can record on in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or you can record on paper/jotter. Remember to put in your folder afterwards.

Spelling words list – 8th Feb

Spelling – Silly Story – Mon 8th Feb


Five Sister’s Zoo task

Below are 2 videos and a task set from the Five Sister’s Zoo. This is last week’s tasks as I won’t get this week’s until tomorrow again. You don’t have to do all the tasks, but they are there if you want to.

Links to videos– Tues 2nd Feb – Thurs 4th Feb


The activities are in Class Materials>Class Materials- Mrs Hillan or below:

Tues – Five Sisters Zoo Task 1 – Classification_part_1_1_

Thurs –Five Sisters Zoo Task 2 -Classification (part 2)


Whole School STEM Challenge Competition: You can continue with this when you have time if you wish to enter! Here is the poster to remind you: Stem challenge 2021 Final

2:45 – QUIZ – LIVE on Teams


2:15 – check in – Live at 2:45

Thank you for working hard today, I shall see you all tomorrow. Remember it will be Mrs Dobbie with you for the first part of the morning. I shall be on at 11:00 for a live lesson. Have a lovely evening!


Primary 4 – Wednesday 3rd February 2021

20 Beautiful Images to Wish Happy Wednesday to Friends and Family | Happy Birthday to you Dear

Good morning everyone! Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day yesterday and had a restful evening.  Here is our plan of the day: Daily Plan – Wed 3rd Feb 2021.

Let’s start the day with Joe Wicks – follow this link –

or type in ‘PE with Joe’ and find the lesson for Wed 3rd February.




To provide instructions about how to make or do something.


I can set out my instructions in the correct steps.

I can use instructional language – First, Next, Turn etc

I can use correct layout (PM Writing)

I can use genre targets

I can use my core targets

In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files is a writing lesson from myself, continuing with our new genre – Procedural Writing. Here is the youtube link also:  If you have issues accessing the video, I am asking you to write directions to go somewhere – from your house to school or to the park etc. Remember to use the different headers to help you complete your task – you need to include:





Remember to write your stories in your jotters or paper. I will have a live check in with you all on Teams about 10:15 am to hear some examples of your writing!


11:00 – 

Numeracy – Live Lesson – Number Talk

Numeracy – follow up task

L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract teens numbers to 100 using bridging.

S&C- I can subtract numbers to 1000, using problem solving and addition skills.

Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section you will find your textbook task for today (or below) – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section. I will check back in with you all later around 12:15pm.

TRIANGLES – Numeracy – SHM3 pg 29 – Wed 3rd Feb

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy – SHM4 pg 33 – Wed 3rd Feb



Below are your tasks for the afternoon – Reading , Spelling and Health & Wellbeing. I will check in at 2:15 and 3:00pm


In Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files, is a link to the next chapter of our story, Mr Stink, here is the youtube link also: Once you have listened to this you can try the Reading Comprehension task that is detailed below. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot activity – you can choose which one you want to do. Remember to challenge yourself where you can!! I will check back in with you all around 2:15


L/I To show my understanding of a text.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read as well as my skimming and scanning skills to locate key information to answer the questions about the text.

Task: Read the Comprehension Task on Ratman and then answer the questions that follow. Remember you can go back to the text as often as you like and some questions may require to give your own answers and your opinion. Try to answer in full sentences where required. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot task to choose from. Add your completed comprehension into your folder, these can just be written on a piece of paper and don’t need to be printed off.  Please remember, all tasks with me are in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’

MILD – Reading Comprehension & Questions – Wed 3rd Feb

SPICY – Reading Comprehension & Questions – Wed 3rd Feb

HOT – Reading Comprehension & Questions – Wed 3rd Feb



Using your spelling words again, Choose at least 5 of your spelling words and draw a spelling picture for them, then write your word underneath. There is a sheet to help you in files (and below) which includes an example. You can draw on the sheet or you can do this in your jotter/paper. Add these/photo of these into your folder once finished.

Spelling words list

Spelling Pictures – Wed 3rd Feb


Health & Wellbeing

There is a Cosmic Kids Yoga video link below, please try this and enjoy!!!


Whole School STEM Challenge Competition: Remember there is a poster and a video in our folder in files (and below) detailing what you need to know and do if you wish to enter this competition. You can use some of your time this afternoon to work on this if you wish to enter.

Stem challenge 2021 Final


Tomorrow it will be Mrs Lockhart back with you and I shall see you all next week on Teams. Have a lovely weekend when it comes!




Primary 4 – Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Good morning - St Thomas More Catholic School


Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Below is our plan for the day:

Daily Plan- Tues 2nd Feb 2021

I’ll post some Go Noodle activities below to get you started today and waken you up ready for the day ahead. Mrs Dobbie will be with you around 9:15am.





Youtube link to lesson for pupils not on live session:

Reading _


L/I To clarify the meaning of something

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read and use clarifying strategies to work out the meaning of a word, phrase or sentence I am unsure of.

Task: You can use the Clarifying sheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder (or below) or just write it on a piece of paper/jotter. You can write down more than one word or sentence you would like to investigate – the sheet is only a guide. Please put a copy of these into your folder in the Files Section.

We will catch up at 12:15 to see how we are all getting on and see some of the words you have worked on clarifying.

Reading – Chapter 9 – Tues 2nd Feb

Reading – Chapter 10 – Tues 2nd Feb

Reading Clarifying task – Tues 2nd Feb



Good afternoon everyone, hope you all enjoyed your lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling, Numeracy & IDL. I will check in with you all around 2:15.


Using your spelling words from yesterday, complete one or two of the tasks from the spelling task cards in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder ­ in the Files section or below. This is a new set of cards with more to choose from. Add your completed tasks/photos into your folder in Files.

Spelling words list

Spelling Strategy Flashcards



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract a single digit from a 2 digit number, bridging a multiple of 10.

S&C- I can subtract numbers to 1000 which have small differences between them.

Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section (or below) you will find your next textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section.

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy – SHM 4 Activity Book pg 12 – Tues 2nd Feb

TRIANGLES – Numeracy – SHM3 pg 28 – Tues 2nd Feb



Please continue with your Scottish Personal Project. I have put the sheet from last week in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ called Personal Project Pointers, giving the sorts of things you should and might want to include in your personal project – you can be working on this at any time you wish.

Personal Project Pointers

Whole School STEM Challenge Competition: Remember there is a poster and a video in our folder in files detailing what you need to know and do if you wish to enter this competition. You can use some of your time this afternoon to work on this if you wish to.


Thank you for your hard work today P4, I shall be back with you tomorrow. Enjoy your evening!

Primary 4 – Monday 1st February 2021

Goodbye January And Welcome February Images, Quotes, Pictures | CalendarBuzz

Good morning everybody and welcome to a new month! Here is today’s plan:

Daily Plan- Mon 1st Feb 2021

Let’s start our day with Joe Wicks session –

I have now put another 2 new books in your Reading Group Booklists:

There will be a live check in around 9:30 with me on Teams.



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract numbers to 100 using problem solving skills and subtracting single digits bridging 20.

S&C- I can subtract numbers to 1000 using problem solving skills.


Task: Today we continue with subtraction, but before we begin, can I please remind you all the FINDING THE DIFFERENCE is the SAME as SUBTRACTING.

In Class Materials- Mrs Hillan in the files section you will find your textbook pages for today. SHM4 group (Squares and Circles), you have page 32 to complete and SHM3 group (Triangles), you have pages 26 and 27 to complete as your tasks are a little shorter. Please put your completed sheet or the sums on paper into your folder in the files section once you have finished. Your sheets are also below:

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy – SHM4 pg 32 – Mon 1st Feb

TRIANGLES – Numeracy – SHM3 pgs 26 & 27 – Mon 1st Feb


11:00 –

Below is your Reading task to do after watching the next video of me reading the next chapter of Mr Stink. The video is in the Class Materials- Mrs Hillan folder, but here is the youtube link also in case you have problems accessing it:


L/I To create an illustration.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have heard to make a detailed illustration of a key part of my novel.

Task: Complete an illustration like you did last week, but for another part of the story. You can use the Illustrator sheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or just draw it on a piece of paper/jotter. Remember to make this detailed and connected to a part we have read so far and also to say WHY you picked this part to draw. Once you have completed this, please put your illustration into your folder in the Files Section. The sheet and next chapter copied is also below:

Illustrator Task – Reading – Mon 1st Feb

Reading – Chapter 9 – Mon 1st Feb

If you finish this task before lunch time, you can use your Group Reading book or even a book you are reading for enjoyment at home and try this task:

Choose a story or chapter from a book you have read. Use the Story Cube worksheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or just draw it on a piece of paper, to create a story cube about it. Use drawings, sentences and thought bubbles to show the information on each side, as follows:

1 – Setting (where the story is taking place)

2 – Main characters

3 – Main event (what happens)

4 – Prediction of what could happen next

5 – New words and their meanings

6 – Favourite part

Here is the sheet you will need:

Story Cube Task – Mon 1st Feb 2021


We will catch up at 12:15 on Teams to see how we are all getting on.


Good afternoon everyone, hope you all enjoyed your lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling and a task from the Five Sister’s Zoo. There is also a selection of outdoor activities if you fancy trying one of these too! The grid for this is in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder. I will also send you some information just before our quiz about a whole school Stem challenge competition.

I will check in with you all around 2:15 and have a live meet up at 2:45 for a fun Quiz!


Your new spelling words for the week are in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder – remember to look at your group’s words! Once you have looked over your words and practised these using ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’, write out your words in a Silly Story – try to make this funny and entertaining!! There is a sheet you can record on in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or you can record on paper/jotter. Remember to put in your folder afterwards.

1st Feb – Spelling words list

Mon 1st – Spelling – Silly Story


Five Sister’s Zoo task

Below are 2 videos and a task set from the Five Sister’s Zoo. This is last week’s tasks as I won’t get this week’s until tomorrow again. You don’t have to do all the tasks, but they are there if you want to.

Links to videos – Tues 26th Jan – Thurs 28th Jan


The activities are in Class Materials>Class Materials- Mrs Hillan or below:

Five Sisters Zoo Task 1 – Teeth_Diets_and_Food_Chains_part_1_

Five Sisters Zoo Task 2 – Teeth_Diets_and_Food_Chains_part_2_


Outdoor Activity – see grid in Class Materials>Class Materials- Mrs Hillan or below:

Outdoor Activities P4-7

You can record this information in any way you wish.

Whole School STEM Challenge Competition: Here is a video from Mrs Wallace about the challenge: There is a poster in our folder in files or below detailing what you need to know and do if you wish to enter this competition – take a look!!

Stem challenge 2021

2:45 – QUIZ – LIVE on Teams

Thank you for working hard today. I shall see you all tomorrow!



Primary 4 – Wednesday 27th January 2021

Good Morning everyone!! Below is our plan of the day:

Daily Plan – Wednesday 27th January

Start your day with Joe Wicks – follow this link –

or type in ‘PE with Joe’ and find the lesson for Wed 27th January.



Link to lesson on Youtube:


To provide instructions about how to make or do something.


I can set out my instructions in the correct steps.

I can use instructional language – First, Next, Then, Cut, Chop etc

I can use correct layout (PM Writing)

I can use genre targets

I can use my core targets

In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files is a writing lesson from myself, continuing with our new genre – Procedural Writing. If you have issues accessing the video, I am asking you to write instructions on how to make something to eat. I have chosen to write about ‘How to make vegetable soup’, but you could write about making a different type of soup or another dish like pizza or mince and tatties. Remember to use the different headers to help you complete your task – you need to include:





Remember to write your stories in your jotters or paper. I will have a live check in with you all about 10:15 am to hear some examples of your writing!

Writing – Core Target Sheet

Writing – Core Targets Self Assessment Mat

Writing – Procedure Genre Targets Self Assessment Mat

Writing – Procedure Genre Targets


11:00 –

Numeracy – Live Lesson – Number Talk – on Teams

Numeracy – follow up task

L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract a two digit number from another two digit number.

S&C- I can subtract three digit multiples of 10.

Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section you will find your textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section. After this then try the Spelling and Health and Wellbeing tasks. All tasks are in Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files. I have also put them below. I will check back in with you all later around 12:15pm on Teams.

TRIANGLES – Numeracy – SHM 3 pg 25 – Wed 27th Jan Final

SQUARES & CIRCLES – SHM 4 pg 31 – Wed 27th final



Below are your tasks for the afternoon – Reading , Spelling and Health & Wellbeing. I will check in at 2:15 and again at 3:00 on Teams

RECORDED CHAPTER OF STORY – youtube link to lesson:


In Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files, is a link to the next chapter of our story, Mr Stink or there is the youtube link above this. Once you have listened to this you can try the Reading Comprehension task that is detailed below. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot activity – you can choose which one you want to do. Remember to challenge yourself where you can!! These Comprehensions are connected to the tasks you have been doing with Mrs Dobbie on Martin Luther King. I will check back in with you all around


L/I To show my understanding of a text.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read as well as my skimming and scanning skills to locate key information to answer the questions about the text.

MILD Reading Comprehension and Questions – Wed 27th Jan.jpeg

SPICY Reading Comprehension and Questions – Wed 27th Jan.jpeg

HOT Reading Comprehension and Questions – Wed 27th Jan.jpeg



Using your spelling words again, Choose 5 of your spelling words and write down the dictionary definition for your word.  Try to use an online dictionary to help you or a dictionary you have at home. There is a sheet to help you in files or you can do this in your jotter/paper. Add these/photo of these into your folder once finished.

Spelling – Dictionary Definitions – Wed 27th Jan

Spelling words list


There is a Mindfulness Meditation video link below, please try this and enjoy!!!


Tomorrow it will be Mrs Lockhart back with you and I shall see you all next week on Teams. Have a lovely weekend when it comes!

Primary 4 – Tuesday 26th January 2021


Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Here is our plan for the day:

Daily Plan – Tuesday 26th January

I’ll post some Go Noodle activities below to get you started today and waken you up ready for the day ahead. Mrs Dobbie will be with you around 9:15am.


11:00 – LIVE LESSON on Teams

Youtube link to lesson for pupils not on live session:

Reading _


L/I To create an illustration.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have heard to make a detailed illustration of a key part of my novel.

Task: You can use the Illustrator sheet in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or just draw it on a piece of paper/jotter. Remember to make this detailed and connected to a part we have read so far. Then can you please write down your new prediction of might happen next in the story. You can use the prediction sheet in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder Files section to record (write or type on) your predictions or you can note these down in your own notebooks etc then put a copy of these and your illustration into your folder in the Files Section. The task is also below:

Illustrator Task – Reading – Tues 26th Jan

Tues 26th – Reading Predictions

We will catch up at 12:15 on Teams to see how we are all getting on and hear some of your predictions.



Good afternoon everyone, hope you all had a good lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling, Numeracy & IDL. I will check in with you all around 2:15 on Teams.


Using your spelling words from yesterday, complete one or two of the tasks from the spelling task cards in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder ­ in the Files section. Add your completed tasks/photos into your folder in Files.

Spelling Task Cards 1

Spelling words list



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can subtract a teens number from a 2 digit number.

S&C- I can subtract multiples/near multiples of 10, with bridging.

Task: In the Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section you will find your next textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your complete task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section. These are also below:

SQUARES & CIRCLES – Numeracy – SHM4 pg 30 – Tues 26th Jan final

TRIANGLES – Numeracy – SHM 3 pg 24 – Tues 26th Jan final



Please continue with your Scottish Personal Project. I have put the sheet from last week in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ called Personal Project Pointers, giving the sorts of things you should and might want to include in your personal project – you can be working on this at any time you wish. It is also below:

Personal Project Pointers


A little extra today – here is a link to a Panto:

Something fun to watch with your family at some point! I will also put these details into a document in our folder in Files – A free show to watch

The Singalong Rapunzel can be accessed through the National theatre of Scotland website here

Select £0 (or you can choose to make a contribution) and checkout. You may need to create an account or sign in to your account if you have one already.

You will receive a confirmation email after you have booked with the page link and full details of how to watch the show and access the activity pack.

Please see our How to Watch guide for help to watch Singalong Rapunzel or contact the team directly with any queries on

 Hope you have a great evening and I will be back with you tomorrow!

Primary 4 – Monday 25th January 2021


Good morning everybody and Happy Burns Day!! Today is the day we celebrate the famous Scot’s Poet, Robert Burns.

Let’s start our day with Joe Wicks session –

Below is a plan of the day which details the lessons we will be doing throughout the day and when I shall be checking in on Team. I have now put 2 new books in your Reading Group Booklists:

Daily Plan – Monday 25th Jan

There will be a live check in on Teams around 9:30 with me.



**Recorded lesson here – lesson from last week again as a reminder  – Youtube link:

In Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files, there is the video from last week again, recapping another part of our subtraction process. Once you have watched this, try the Numeracy task below:

L/I To subtract one number from another with a zero involved.

S/C I can use my skills in subtraction to take one number away from another with and without borrowing with a zero involved.

Task: In Class Materials- Mrs Hillan in the files section you will find some subtraction sums, some with and some without borrowing (decomposition/regrouping). There is a ‘Mild’ task and ‘Spicy’ task and a ‘Hot’ task. It is up to you which one you choose, depending on how much you wish to challenge yourself. Remember, you can also do more than one if you wish. Please put your complete sheet or the sums on paper into your folder in the files section.

MILD Subtraction – Mon 25th Jan

SPICY Subtraction – Mon 25th Jan

HOT Subtraction – Mon 25th Jan


11:00 –

Below is your Reading task to do after watching the next video of me reading the next chapter of Mr Stink. The video is in the Class Materials- Mrs Hillan folder, but here is the youtube link also in case you have problems accessing it:-


L/I To extend my vocabulary

S/C I can find and discuss ambitious words in my novel to extend my vocabulary.

Task: Using the Word Wizard sheet as a guide which you will find in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder, find 3 words from the text which are unfamiliar to you – say what you think they might mean, look them up in a dictionary or Google and write down what they actually means, and then use them correctly in a sentence. Do this for each word separately. You can use the Word Wizard sheet in Files section to record on (write or type on) or you can note these down in your own notebooks etc then put a copy into your folder in the Files Section.

Reading – Word Wizard – Mon 25th Jan

Reading – Chapter 6 – Monday 25th January

If you finish this task before lunch time, watch this little video on Robert Burns since it is the day we celebrate his birthday. Afterwards there is a picture you can either copy or print off and colour in files or below.


We will catch up at 12:15 on Teams to see how we are all getting on.




Good afternoon everyone, hope you all enjoyed your lunch! I will post this afternoon’s activities below – Spelling and a task from the Five Sister’s Zoo. There is also a Stem challenge if you fancy trying it too! I will check in with you all around 2:15.


Your new spelling words for the week are in the ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder – remember to look at your group’s words! Once you have looked over your words and practised these using ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’, write out your words in interesting sentences – try to make these exciting and entertaining!! There is a sheet you can record on in ‘Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’ folder or you can record on paper/jotter. Remember to put in your folder afterwards.

Mon 25th – Spelling – Interesting Sentences

Mon 25th – Spelling words list


Five Sister’s Zoo task

Below are 2 videos and a task set from the Five Sister’s Zoo. This is last week’s tasks as I won’t get this week’s until tomorrow. You don’t have to do all the tasks, but they are there if you want to.

Links to previous week: – Tues 19th Jan – THURS 21ST Jan


The activities are in Class Materials>Class Materials- Mrs Hillan or below:



There are also videos from the first couple of weeks which I have posted below if you fancy giving them a watch: – Tues 12th Jan – Thurs 14th Jan


Three Little Pigs Stem task

Can you create a house for one of the 3 little pigs…that won’t fall down?!

Watch for some inspiration.


Build houses out of straw/grass/leaves, sticks and stone, then huff and puff and

blow them down. Use other loose parts to compare- record results in any way

you want but it must show which material the house is made of and how many

puffs it takes to blow over. Which was the best material? You can record this information in any way you wish.


2:15 – check in and again at 3:00 on Teams



Primary 4 – Wednesday 20th January 2021

Good morning everyone | BecomeAnEX | Good morning wishes friends, Good morning greetings, Good morning animation

Good morning everyone! Below is a plan of our day:

Daily Plan – Wednesday 20th January

Start your day with Joe Wicks – follow this link –

or type in ‘PE with Joe’ and find the lesson for Wed 20th January.


Recorded lesson – Link to lesson on Youtube:

L/I To provide instructions about how to make or do something.


I can set out my instructions in the correct steps.

I can use instructional language – First, Next, Then, Cut, Chop etc

I can use correct layout (PM Writing)

I can use genre targets

I can use my core targets

In the Class Materials> Class Materials – Mrs Hillan Folder in files is a writing lesson from myself, continuing with our new genre – Procedural Writing. If you have issues accessing the video, I am asking you to write instructions on how to play your favourite game – this could be a board game or a game like ‘Hide and Seek’. Remember to use the different headers to help you complete your task – you need to include:





Here are the Genre and core targets as well as the genre and core targets self assessment placemats:

Writing – Core Target Sheet

Writing – Procedure Genre Targets

Writing – Core Targets Self Assessment Mat

Writing – Procedure Genre Targets Self Assessment Mat

Remember to write your stories in your jotters or paper. I will have a live check in on Teams with you all about 10:15 am to hear some examples of your writing!

11:00 – check in – typed in chat

RECORDED CHAPTER OF STORY – youtube link to lesson:


In Class Materials> Class Materials– Mrs Hillan Folder in files, is a link to the next chapter of our story, Mr Stink. Once you have listened to this you can try the Reading Comprehension task that is detailed below. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot activity – you can choose which one you want to do. Remember to challenge yourself where you can!! I will check back in with you all around 12:15 on Teams Chat.


L/I To show my understanding of a text.

S/C I can use my knowledge of what I have read as well as my skimming and scanning skills to locate key information to answer the questions about the text.

Task: Read the Comprehension Task on Grizzly Girl and then answer the questions that follow. Remember you can go back to the text as often as you like and some questions may require to give your own answers and your opinion. Try to answer in full sentences where required. There is a Mild, Spicy and Hot task to choose from. Add your completed comprehension into your folder, these can just be written on a piece of paper and don’t need to be printed off.  Please remember, all tasks with me are in ‘Class Materials> Class Materials – Mrs Hillan’

MILD – Reading Comprehension Wed 20th Jan final

MILD – Reading Comp Questions Wed 20th Jan final

SPICY – Reading Comprehension Wed 20th Jan final

SPICY – Reading Comp Questions Wed 20th Jan final

HOT – Reading Comprehension Wed 20th Jan

HOT – Reading Comp Questions Wed 20th Jan final



L/I To subtract one number from another.


T – I can use my skills in subtraction to subtract multiples of 10.

S&C- I can use my skills in subtraction to subtract a single digit, bridging a multiple of 100, 10.

Task: In the Class Materials> Class Materials – Mrs Hillan folder in files section you will find your textbook task for today – Triangles Group (Red SHM3 textbook) and Squares & Circles Group (Green SHM4 textbook) will both be there – pick the task set for your group, you all know which textbook you have been working on in class. Please put your completed task via photo or whatever works best for you into your folder in the files section. After this then try the Spelling and Health and Wellbeing tasks. All tasks are in Class Materials> Class Materials– Mrs Hillan Folder in files. I will check back in with you all later on Teams around 2:15pm.

TRIANGLES Numeracy – SHM 3 (Red) pg 23 – Wed 20th Jan

SQUARES & CIRCLES Numeracy – SHM 4 (Green) Activity Book pg 11 – Wed 20th Jan



Using your spelling words again, can you create a Hidden Picture with your spelling words– draw a picture of anything you wish and hide your spelling words within this. Add these/photo of these into your folder once finished.

Spelling – Hidden Picture Example – Wed 20th Jan

Spelling words list


Health & Wellbeing

There is a Mindfulness Meditation video link below, please try this and enjoy!!!


Tomorrow it will be Mrs Lockhart back with you and I shall see you all next week on Teams. Have a lovely weekend when it comes!






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