P3 Easter STEM Challenge

Hello again Primary 3!

As we are coming up to Easter we are setting you an Easter STEM Challenge. Below is your challenge. Remember you can try it more than once to see if maybe using different materials would help it to work better – trial and error! You could record information for each trial and then say which version worked best. If you can please take photos and you can send these to the school email: wldeans-ps@westlothian.org.uk


Can you build a harness to transport an egg down a zip wire? This is a great activity for learning about friction. Try changing the type of string used to make the zip wire to investigate.


There are many more challenges you could try by following this link or simply googling ‘Easter STEM Challenges’ : https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/79798224623702686/


Primary 3 – Tuesday 31st March

Good morning everyone!

Hope you all had a good start to your week. Remember you can use the links I posted last week to do Joe Wick’s Daily Workout and to listen to some stories from David Walliams. As well as using your packs, I have given you some other activities below:

Reading -Read a part of your story – make up at least 3 questions that you would like to ask the author of the book to find out more.

You can also follow this link to access your reading books online to consolidate and practise your reading skills:


Literacy -Write a letter to a friend telling them what interesting things you got up to last week.


  • Numeracy – Try subtracting from a decade number:

40 – 2 =

40 – 6 =

60 – 8 =

60 – 4 =

20 – 7 =

20 – 3 =

70 – 1 =

70 – 9 =

30 – 0 =

30 – 5 =

*Now try and make some of your own sums and get someone at home to work them out then make some more for you.


Remember stay safe and be kind to those at home with you!

Mrs Hillan

P3 – Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some quality time with your family.

Here are some more activities that you can work on over the course of this week:


Writing -Think back to the Winter senses poem you created, as well as the Spring poster from last week – create your own SPRING senses poem. See the word mat below to help with ideas. Remember our 5 senses are what we would See, Hear, Touch, Taste and Smell.

IDL -Google the UNION JACK flag – see how the creation of the Union Jack was from different component flags. Union means ‘joined together’. Create your own flag which represents you and your family.


  • Numeracy: Try adding to a decade number:

58 + ? = 60

52 + ? = 60

47 + ? = 50

43 + ? = 50

29 + ? = 30

21 + ? = 30

76 + ? = 80

74 + ? = 80


*Now try and make some of your own sums and get someone at home to work them out then make some more for you.

Reading – Write a book review for a book you have read whilst being at home – you can use the format given in your pack or Google ‘Book Reviews’ for some other ideas.

P3 Task from Mrs Lockhart

Good afternoon everyone!

Hope you are having a lovely day so far. Here is a PowerPoint and a task that Mrs Lockhart has prepared for you all.

Enjoy the rest of your day! I will be back in touch on Monday, I think Mrs Stewart will be posting here on Thursday and Friday when she can!

Mrs Hillan



Primary 3 – Wednesday 25th March 2020

Wednesday 25th March 2020

Good morning everyone! Hope this finds you well.

As well as using your packs, here are some more activities for you today:

-Create a poster detailing all the things that happen in Spring Time – new flowers grow, baby animals are born, trees grow, the days grow longer, the temperature can become warmer etc.

-Practise the numbers to 20 in French – see the link to the song below. Make some cards with the numbers written in French and in English then create your own Snap Game to play with someone at home.

-Read a story, comic or magazine for 15 mins, then record some information on it using your Blooms Superhero Cards to help.

-Practise your 2x Table – write it out and say it aloud – you could even try creating your own 2 x table song like the one below:

If you haven’t already been doing so, you can keep fit daily with Joe Wicks doing his PE workout:

morning challenge.co.uk

Also, when we have our daily milk and story time, why not sit down and enjoy these stories by David Walliams:

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams




Hello Primary 3!!

Good morning everyone!

Hope we are all staying safe and keeping well. At least we have some sunny weather to look out on!

Here are some other activities you may wish to try out:

-Write a diary entry each day to say what you have been doing.

-Create a Time Capsule – include information on you and your family, information about your friends, a newspaper clipping if you can (or print one off), a photo of you and your family, and write down your hopes and wishes for the future. Hide it in your attic or ask an adult where else you could put it for now. If you Google ‘Time Capsule for kids’ it gives you some nice examples.

-Practise the days of the week in French (see the link to the song below). Make some cards with the days in English and then in French. Create your own matching game to play with someone at home.

-Make a clock at home – use this to test yourself and your family on different times.

Make your own clock printable

Have fun and stay safe!

P3’s week

This week in Primary 3 we have been looking at durations of time. Mrs Hillan has given us two times and we have had to work out how long is between them. We have been finding this tricky, but collaborating and communicating in small groups for this has helped to boost our confidence. We will continue to work on this. We have discussed how it is important it is to know the time so that we aren’t late for our work in the future or we don’t miss an appointment. We also discussed that we need to know how long is between two times so that we know how long something lasts, for example when we go to see a movie at the cinema.

We are now becoming more confident in showing our understanding of a text through completing our comprehension activities. We have been able to use these skills to then help us build up an understanding of our new class novel just by looking at the front cover and then by reading the blurb. We were all able to make predictions of what we think is going to happen in the story and we could then change our predictions once we had read the blurb. We have enjoyed working collaboratively to create a piece of drama retelling our predictions!

We all enjoyed celebrating World Book Day last week, and as promised, here are some pictures of us in our pjs with our teddies and books!

A Busy Week for Primary 3

Primary 3 have been working with Mrs Smith on designing and constructing models while cooperating in a group. This is part of our Technology and will eventually link to our next class topic. The children had the challenge to build a tower from the materials provided – marshmallows and spaghetti, which you will see from our photographs. Our challenge worked to an extent, but unfortunately the spaghetti broke easily! Thankfully each group did manage to build something. This week the children will try using wooden sticks and marshmallows to see if that makes a difference.

Primary 3 have been continuing to work on Time in our Numeracy and Maths. We have looked at recording times on clocks as well as saying times one/two hours before and after a given time. We have been finding Time tricky, but if we continue to practise at home as well as in school, this should help us!


For World Book Day this week, we have taken part in a number of activities. The theme for this year is ‘Share a Million Stories’. We have been sharing some of the stories we enjoy most, and have picked out quotes that we like best from these. We have also listened to short parts of a number of stories which we have really enjoyed. The children have created mini book covers, book bubbles on why we share stories, posters to advertise our favourite books and made book marks. We will use some of these to display in our library area in class. Hopefully next week we can share some pictures of us in our pyjamas with our teddies and favourite stories.

This week in Primary 3

P3 are Telling the Time!

This week in Numeracy and Maths we have been focusing on Time. We have been looking at O’Clock, Half Past, Quarter Past and Quarter To. We made our own clocks and have been using these to help us. We enjoyed creating our own designs on the clocks. We have been working hard to learn our times and Mrs Hillan will be asking us our times often throughout the day. Some of us have been matching written times to the clocks and some of us have been recording times in digital and analogue.  As a class we have been using some interactive games to test our knowledge and also help us learn something new. We will continue to consolidate the times we have learned so far, as well as trying new ones next week.


“When the big hand is pointing to the 9 it means quarter to”– Ryley


“When the big hand is at 9 on analogue, on digital you would write 45 for quarter to” – Summer


“When the big hand points to the 3 and the small hand points to the 8, it is quarter past 8″– Olivia


“When the big hand goes from one number to another number that means it’s been 5 minutes” – Erin


“When the big hand gets to the 6 that means half past” – Lewis D


“When the big hand points to the 12, it is o’clock” – Shay



P3 Filming with P3/4

This week we filmed our TV adverts to encourage people to visit Glasgow. We were working with P3/4 in mixed groups. We had to create a script as well as a piece of drama. We had lots of fun and had a few laughs along the way! We gave feedback to each group as we watched and filmed. A lot of similar feedback came up for our next steps, such as projecting our voices more and not having our backs to the audience. There was also a lot of positive feedback such as good acting in our dramas, sharing good information and some of us spoke loudly and clearly.  Unfortunately we can’t upload the videos as the files are too large!


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