Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

It’s been another busy week in Primary 4/3.

This week we got our new family home learning sheets and spelling lists home. We are excited to practise these at home with our loved ones.

This week in Health and Wellbeing we have been learning what it means to be part of a team. Our value focus for this week has been Included, we all know that being part of a team means we feel included. In pairs we came up with words to go alongside the feelings of being ‘Included‘ and ‘Excluded‘.

We were set a tricky challenge of working together as a class team to pass a ball around the circle without using our hands or feet. We really had to work together for this, we had a lot of laughs as we came up with some imaginative ways to pass the ball. Lexie used her head, Charlie used his elbows and Vratko used his ears! We made up word diamonds to choose the most important vocabulary to go with being part of a team and how it makes us feel.

We also started our topic this week, The Victorians.

We are excited to start learning about all of the gruesome things they did in the past! We started off by developing some research questions to shape our learning over the next few weeks.

Here are some of the questions we came up with.

What kind of clothes did they wear?

What did their toilets look like?

Did they have cars?

What did their houses look like?

Who helped sick people?

How did they celebrate holidays like Halloween and Christmas?

What was school like?

What inventions did they come up with?

We can’t wait to get started and share all our discoveries with you.

We hope you have enjoyed a little snap shot of our learning this week.



Shape Week In Primary 4/3

This week we have been focussing a large part of our learning on 2D and 3D shape.

We have enjoyed playing guess the shape game, where we used our knowledge on properties of 2D shape to give clues to our friends to help them guess the name correctly.

We have been outside in the glorious sunshine collecting a range of natural materials to make shape pictures and then build a fact file to display our learning about shape properties.

We were set  STEM challenge to build a 3D shape using only cocktail sticks and gummy sweets. Here are some of our finished models.

Finally, we we learning about the different nets that make up a 3D shape. We chose which shape we would like to make and got to working cutting and sticking to create our final 3D models. This helped us think about the different shapes of faces making up a 2D shape.

We hope you enjoyed reading the highlights of our shape focus week.

Primary 4/3 Learning Highlights

What an unexpectedly sunny week we have had. Luckily we have been able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine for gym this week. We have really enjoyed playing a range of team building games and learning all about what it means to be a team player.

This week we have started to learn about a new genre in Writing. This is called Recount, where we are learning to retell and evaluate past events and experiences. This week we have been writing about ‘Our First Day In Primary 4/3′. We examined an example text and looked at all the different parts that make up a recount text. Mrs Stevenson challenged us to identify and name all the different parts of the text and label and colour code an example. We really enjoyed working with a partner to do this.

After examining the structure of the text we looked at some of the language that we could use in our own writing. We explored past tense verbs and time ordering words.

After devising a plan for our work, the next day we had a go at putting our learning into practise and writing our recount. We did a pretty good job! Check out some of our pieces below.

We are taking our time to think about and devise our class charter. One activity we did this week was to think about our own most important value. We shared with each other what we thought was an important quality to possess. As a class we designed a class flag using all of our key values. It is proudly on display in our classroom and we feel it represents Primary 4/3 very well. One of the most common values that appears on our flag is ‘kindness’.

We hope you enjoyed a little snapshot of our week in Primary 4/3. We hope everyone has a lovely, sunny weekend.

Back to School Update from Primary 4/3


The summer holidays have come to an end and it is time to dust off the school bags and pencil cases and get ready for a new term in a brand new class. How exciting!

Primary 4/3 has had a very busy first week back of term. We are excited to begin our learning journey this year and continue to develop all the skills we are passionate about.

Thankfully a lot of the past Covid restrictions have been lifted and we are beginning to return to some degree of normality. We talked about the continued importance of good hand hygiene and had a competition to design a poster for the classroom. We made a fabulous effort. We agreed that all of our posters should be –

  • Bright and colourful to make them eye catching
  • Provide some information on why hand washing is important which is easy to read
  • Have detailed illustrations
  • Have a catchy slogan

Here are some examples of our wonderful work.

We have begun to read our new class novel ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd.

We made some predictions based on the title, front cover and the blurb. We think this is going to be a really interesting read and are very curious to discover how to grow a dragon! This got us talking about things we would like to be able to grow. We designed our own front cover and changed the title to what we would grow instead!


Finally another highlight of our first week has been creating some colourful art for our classroom. We have decided to make a ‘Wall of Fame’ to display work we are proud of and have started drawing our own self portraits to accompany our chosen pieces of work. The care and attention to detail in all of these portraits has been fabulous.  Check them out!

We hope you have enjoyed a little snapshot of our first week in Primary 4/3.

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week we have had a focus on Money in our maths work. We have been investigating all of the different coins, what they look like, how they feel and of course how we can use them. We have discussed how important it is to be able to recognise coins, their value and to be able to add up amounts.

We have been sorting coins into their values.


We have been playing games on the smartboard to help us practise adding up using different coins to make different amounts.


We have been rubbing coins to make our own ‘Money Trees’.

We have been labelling the coins with their correct value.


This week we have also had the opportunity to meet our new teachers for a sort introductory session. We can’t wait for all the exciting learning that Primary Two will bring!


We hope you enjoyed a snapshot of our week. We are looking forward to our final week in Primary 1!

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It has been a very quick week in Primary 1B. We have had lots of exciting learning experiences this week. Here is a little quick snapshot of our week.

Health and Wellbeing

This week we have been talking about growing up and how we have changed since we were babies. We know that our bodies, minds and appearance have changed lots since we were very little. Here are some of the changes we were discussing.

Leighton – I don’t wear a nappy anymore and all my clothes are different now.

Sophie – I don’t drink milk from a bottle anymore or have a dummy.

Reuben – I eat lots of different types of food now, not just mushy food like porridge.

Cooper – I can do different things with my body, like run and jump or even press ups! My hair has changed colour.

Kellan – I can talk and walk.

Mikah – I know lots more things now than when I was a baby.

Bryan – My body is bigger, my arms and legs are longer.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog.

A little reminder, if you have any old reading books at home could they please be returned to school as soon as possible. Thanks!

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B.

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It’s been a busy week again here in Primary 1B. We have been enjoying the sunshine this week with lots of outdoor learning opportunities. We hope the sun continues to shine for our last few weeks of term.

We have been learning a new sound this week ‘ow’, and have been completing lots of different activities to help us learn how to use this sound to read and spell new words. One of the new skills we learned was how to complete a word search. It was great fun trying to find and read as many ‘ow’ words as possible.

We also have been writing some imaginative stories to go with our dragon pictures. We named our dragons and took him or her on different exciting adventures into magical forests and haunted houses!

Mrs Walker helped us to create a wonderful display outside our classroom to showcase our super work.

Our school value focus for this week has been Challenge! We have used our recognition board to display the children who have been ‘caught’ challenging themselves. A proud moment this week has been during the speed writing of our common words, a task which we do every morning. Some of the children took it upon themselves to not just write the word as we always do but to try to put it into a sentence. I am so proud of them all for always striving to improve!!

We hope you enjoyed a little snapshot of our learning this week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It has been another short but busy week in Primary 1B.

We have taken our learning outside this week on a few occasions even though the weather has not been kind to us. We have been focusing on using the correct symbols in the correct place for addition and subtraction stories. We have been using loose parts to develop our own number stories, telling the story and then recording the calculations. We have been so imaginative and it has been great fun. We have had tanks being attacked, 3 little pigs houses blown down by the wolf, scary rabbits being chased and funny faces all with a story to tell!

When it got a bit wet we took shelter with our work!

We have been working on improving our drawing and listening skills. We have come a long way with both of these skills. One of our favourite little activities as a treat is to complete a guided draw. This week we wanted to draw a dragon. We are planning to name our dragons and write a story about some of his adventures next week. So watch this space…. Here are some of our wonderful drawings. We are all so proud of our work.

We hope you enjoyed this short blog post featuring only some of our learning highlights this week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

This week we have been very excited because our bean stalks have started to grow. There is lots of excitement around who is going to have the tallest beanstalk. We have even been measuring them so see who is in the lead with the tallest one so far!

In literacy this week, we have been exploring the well known fairy tale of ‘The Three little Pigs’. We had a go at writing the main events of the story in sequence. We have been using our own wow words and listening carefully to all the sounds in the words to help us spell them. We are becoming so much more confident at this skill with all the practise we are getting.

We have been working hard this week with the challenge of ‘We always try our best‘- meaning we never give up even if we find something a little tricky – we have been developing our resilience for learning and life! If a member of staff catches us trying our best (in anything we do!) our name gets added to the ‘Recognition Board’ – it has been very motivating for us to keep going and to focus on always doing the best we possibly can. We love counting how many post-it notes we have at the end of the day.

During one of our busy start session this week, we were working on spelling tricky words. The whole table had their names added to the recognition board for their super efforts in reading and spelling tricky words independently.

We have also taken part in a very exciting STEM challenge where we had to design and build a house for one of the three little pigs. We have been learning all about different types of materials and their properties so we used this learning to help us think about what we would like to use in our task.  We worked together as a team to try and create a house strong enough to withstand the huffs and puffs from the big bad wolf! We had lots of fun trying to figure out how to make our houses secure and stable. We definitely learned all about the phrase ‘Trial and Error!’

On Thursday afternoon, there was a strange noise coming from the classroom cupboard. Upon further investigation we discovered that there was a special package for us. The Friendly Dragon had heard about our amazing writing and left us some Castle Books so we could write and tell him about all the wonderful things we have been learning in class.

We very much enjoyed writing to the dragon to tell him what we have been doing.

We hope you enjoyed reading about a little of what we have been learning this week in Primary 1. We will see everyone back in school on Tuesday 25th May – enjoy the long weekend and hopefully some sunshine.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B




Primary 1B Learning Highlights

Welcome to another week in Primary 1B!

We have been busy this week working on our Fairyland project for the the dragon. We have planted our own beanstalks in the hope they will grow big and tall. It has been great learning about all the requirements needed for a plant to grow. We have even added a Botanist‘ to our classroom job chart, whose role is to ensure that we have watered our seedlings and made sure they have enough sunlight to continue growing.


Mrs Walker has also been busy using all of our wonderful mixed media creations to help construct a beanstalk for Jack! We think it looks fantastic……What do you think?

Alongside all of the wonderful creations we have been working on our literacy skills too.  We have written our own versions of Jack and the Beanstalk, we have been sequencing pictures and constructing our very own sentences. Have a look at some of our work, we are very proud of how much progress we all have made.


One of our main topics this week for Maths was investigating information handling and displaying different types of information. On Tuesday some very mysterious magic beans appeared in our class.  There were so many different colours and we had a big chat about our favourite colours and flavours. We decided to sort this information and constructed our own jelly bean bar graphs. It was very tempting to have a little nibble of some of the beans, Arianna was worried that a beanstalk might start growing in her tummy! I hope that doesn’t happen….

We watched the most amazing time lapse video of a bean plant and were fascinated by the size of the roots and how much they spread out into the soil in the search of nutrients. We were then a little disappointed that we would not be able to see the roots of our plants. Mrs Stevenson had the idea to plant more beans in a clear plastic zippy bag with some cotton wool in place of the soil. We have attached them to the windows for sunlight and added water so hopefully they will grow and we can observe clearly what happens.

We also took advantage of some of the (limited) sunshine this week to get outside for a bit of numeracy and movement. We drew our own larger than life number lines and took it in turns to shout out number stories. It was tricky deciding whether to jumps backwards or forwards depending on whether the story was adding or taking away.

In Health and Wellbeing this week we have been talking about relationships and our families. We had great fun playing a game where we had to go around the class and find members of our family, we were each given a card with different animals and the only way to find our family member was to make the noise of that animal. We think that Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Walker definitely had the most fun, seeing we played the game at least three times!

We then spent a bit of time talking about how all families are different and unique. We finished the session by saying why our families are so special to us. Here are some of the wonderful and heart warming reasons that came up in our discussions.

Kaleb – My family are special because they keep me out of danger.

Arianna – My family are special because they keep me safe.

Bryan – My family are special because they look after me.

Kellan – My family are special because they let me play.

We hope you enjoyed reading our blog this week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B


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