We shared our learning……

On Wednesday we were sharing our learning with our parents. We had a few activities for parents to try out based on our Titanic topic. These were – True or False, create a passenger and create a picture of a cabin.

Here are some of the Titanic passengers our parents created…..


By Charlie and Miss Aikman

Sharing our learning in P5/6

This week we have been busy preparing for our Sharing the Learning event which takes place on Wednesday (7th November)  this week at 2.15.

Pupils worked in groups to prepare for this. The team leaders made sure everyone in their group was on task, some pupils prepared resources and others carried out extra research to double check their facts were correct.

We really hope you can make it!

P5/6 Topic

This week we have been learning about what made The Titanic such a special ship and why it was better than any other ship made before it. We then used these fact to create a poster advert to persuade people to buy a ticket for the ship. We had lots of great discussion about the ‘tricks’ advertisers use to convince us we need to buy something.

In literacy we wrote diary entries as if we were  passengers on board the ship. Our passengers were having lots of fun using the facilities on board – swimming and playing squash!

Reminder – it is our Sharing the Learning afternoon on Wednesday 7th November at 2.15. Please come along so we can share all of the wonderful learning that has been taking place in our class.

P5/6 Hallowe’en Writing

This week we used these pumpkins to help us to write a story. In our story we had to describe these pumpkins using a simile or metaphor.

The pumpkin was as enormous as a beach ball. (Alicia)

The pumpkin was a wrinkly granny (Caiden) (The pumpkins had been in the classroom for a few days so were looking a bit wrinkly!)

The pumpkin was as bony as a skeleton. (Charlie)

In my story the pumpkins were in the pumpkin patch and then they turned into a balls of fire! (Corey)

This week’s blog was written by Corey and Miss Aikman.

P5/6 Titanic Topic

We have began working on our new topic – The Titanic. We discussed the different classes of passengers who were on board the ship and compared their jobs, lifestyles, money and clothing. Miss Aikman allocated us a class (1st, 2nd or 3rd class) and we used the information we had learned to create our own passengers and families. Family Surnames were chosen by each group from a list of real life Titanic passengers.


P5/6 Novel Study

This term we have been enjoying reading our exciting class novel ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ by the Scottish author Ross MacKenzie. We have all written a  wonder in our class Book of Wonders – will any of them come true? (Miss Aikman hopes hers does!)

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