Literacy: Spelling as usual.
Maths: one group worked on revision while another group worked on subtraction of money.
In health today the class split into P5s and P6s and we worked from the Jigsaw program.
We also did coding with Mrs B.
To support our learning on China this afternoon we made paper dragons.
The class spent their time with Mrs D working on their French.
For maths the class continued their work on assessment.
For literacy we did spelling as usual.
The live link with Chinese students to continue topic work was excellent, teaching conversations and family members.
As an art activity relating to China we drew dragons in the afternoon.
Literacy: spelling.
Maths: one group looked at equivalent fractions and another group continued their work on subtraction using money.
Art related to China was the addition of cherry blossom to the trees we started the previous week. We also finished off the drawings of dragons and a health activity for Ms T.
The health activity on “when normal changes” today was lead by Mark.
Maths: one group continued their work on addition and decimals, moving on from money to measure. Another group looked at qualifying recent maths activities into the four functions, place value etc.
Literacy: Spelling and an excellent talking and listening activity inspired by SU’s socks! Which lead onto AD’s crocs!
Friendship time