This Week in P3


This week, we have been continuing to develop our vocabulary during Word Boost. We have been learning the meaning of 6 words within our text and if they are a noun, verb or adjective. When we hear these words we have to put our finger on our nose.


In writing this week, we continued to develop our note taking skills when watching a video about the Eiffel Tower. We only wrote down key facts and words as we were taking our notes. Then, we used our notes to write an information report on the Eiffel Tower. We had make sure to include our core writing targets and genre writing targets within our text.


Numeracy and Maths


This week, we were developing our critical thinking skills and looking at missing number division equations. We had to rewrite the equation to calculate the missing number.

In maths this week, we were measuring classroom objects in centimetres. We had to use the ruler carefully to get an accurate measurement. Additionally, we were learning to make sensible estimations before measuring objects.



For our animal topic, we were learning about endangered animals. An animal is endangered when the population of that animal is low and there is a possibility of the animal coming extinct. We were researching the possible causes of an animal becoming endangered.

Additionally, we had to work in groups to complete a STEM challenge. We were given wooden pegs and lolly pop sticks and we had to design and build an enclosure for a toy animal.

P65 Week Ending Friday 27th May


Literacy: Spelling as usual.

Maths: one group worked on revision while another group worked on subtraction of money.

In health today the class split into P5s and P6s and we worked from the Jigsaw program.

We also did coding with Mrs B.

To support our learning on China this afternoon we made paper dragons.



The class spent their time with Mrs D working on their French.

For maths the class continued their work on assessment.

For literacy we did spelling as usual.

The live link with Chinese students to continue topic work was excellent, teaching conversations and family members.

As an art activity relating to China we drew dragons in the afternoon.



Literacy: spelling.

Maths: one group looked at equivalent fractions and another group continued their work on subtraction using money.

Art related to China was the addition of cherry blossom to the trees we started the previous week. We also finished off the drawings of dragons and a health activity for Ms T.

The health activity on “when normal changes” today was lead by Mark.


Maths: one group continued their work on addition and decimals, moving on from money to measure. Another group looked at qualifying recent maths activities into the four functions, place value etc.

Literacy: Spelling and an excellent talking and listening activity inspired by SU’s socks! Which lead onto AD’s crocs!


Friendship time




P4 Class 27/05/2022

I enjoyed practicing my division skills.  SLW

I enjoyed researching  and writing  about The Great Wall of China. KH

This week, I really liked fiding facts about the Eiffel Tower and then write a report about it.  AS

I liked learning how to convert kg and g. SA

We learnt about animal adaptation.  We created our own unique creature with features that allow them to survive in the environment they live in.



What Have P6 Been Up To This Week?


We practised recalling division facts quickly and also formal written methods.

Bella – I got my numeracy all correct.


We continued to complete our research about extinct and endangered animals and then wrote an information report about them.

Lily-E – I learnt about a Woolly Rhinoceros.

Joel – I learnt that in 2021 there were between 30-430 wildcats in Scotland.

Anton – In 2022 there are less than 100 wildcats.

Oscar – I learnt an arctic fox purrs like a cat.

Bailey – An arctic fox lives for 3/4 years.


We discussed body image and the differences between our real self and our ideal self. We talked about how if people are constantly trying to be something they are not it can lead to mental illness. We know the importance of accepting our real self.

Joel – I enjoyed creating a self-esteem smoothie. We added ingredients such as ‘being positive.’

Bella – I enjoyed looking at different people’s smoothies.


Bella – I enjoyed football rounders. It was fun.

Jaxson – I enjoyed dodgeball.

Anton – I liked football rounders.

P65 Week Ending Friday 20th May


Language today we continued our work on Shakespeare’s Richard III. Some children took on his role in a hot seat drama activity, and we then all asked him questions. We also got new spelling words.

In maths today we continued work on sequences of number, negative number and related this to temperature.

In P.E. we practised our skills for landing on mats from jumps.

The class also split in two to continue the health work from Jigsaw.

We also spent some time practising our Chinese.


Literacy: Spelling as usual.

Maths: we all worked on money, one group on addition, another on division and the third on related word problems.

In health today the class split into P5s and P6s and we worked from the Jigsaw program.

We also did coding with Mrs B.

To support our learning on China this afternoon we made paper dragons.



The class spent their time with Mrs D working on their area and other gardening.

For maths the class continued their work on temperature.

For literacy we did spelling as usual, and related the maths work to reading comprehension.

After lunch we made the most of the good weather and went out to the TrimTrak. Some of the children from this class took the opportunity to play with the smaller children in their playground.

The live link with Chinese students to continue topic work was excellent, teaching how to write Chinese characters and how to identify the radicals that help make their meanings clearer.

At the end of the day we finished the dragons we had started on Tuesday.



Literacy was a reading comprehension activity on the same Chinese story as the previous week, and how this created designs for willow pattern china. And spelling.

Maths was looking at planning activities and areas of study for the rest of the year.

We did an additional activity looking at the football match of the previous night and the importance of being good sports.

The health activity on “what is normal” today was lead by Mark.

For another health activity today we looked at the jobs of the people coming to the careers afternoon next month.


Maths: times tables and decimals

Literacy: spelling as usual

Went out to playground with infants.


Friendship time




This Week in P3


In reading this week, we were reading a non-fiction passage. We had to use our decoding skills to sound out unfamiliar words. Then, we had to answer questions about the text. We had to look for key words and phrases to find relevant information to help us answer the questions.

In writing, we continued to develop our skills when writing an information report. We read over our feedback and had to up level our writing. This week, we were writing a report about a British landmark.



In numeracy this week, we continued to develop our skills when solving more challenging division equations. During Number Talks, we were discussing different strategies we could use to solve the equations.



For our animal topic this week, we were learning about food chains. We were learning that all food chains start with a producer. Additionally, we were looking at animals that were herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.

P4 Class May 5, 2022

This week we have been learning to calculate money problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication strategies.

We used mental strategies to calculate change up to £10.

We also learnt about different classification of animals  and used our comprehension skills to take notes of facts about different Arctic and Antarctic animals.

We wrote an information report about Edinburgh castle as well.

What have P6 been up to this week?


This week we talked about cyber bullying and discussed strategies to help deal with this.


Dance – This week we continued to practise our Hip Hop dancing skills.

Rounders – We practised throwing and catching skills first then we practised our batting skills. We worked as a team to build up points then we played competitive matches.


In group reading we read our novels and then practised our prediction skills.


We practised using various mental strategies to efficiently divide a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number.

In addition we also practised dividing numbers by 10, 100 or 1000. This meant some of our answers were decimals.

Topic/ Literacy

We researched extinct and endangered living organisms from Scotland.

Katie – I found out otters hold hands when they sleep.

Emily – I enjoyed finding out about the mammoth and woolly rhinoceros even though they were extinct a long time ago.

Outdoor Learning

Katie – We put soil in plant pots and moved the planters.

Alexis – We moved the pallets and we are making them into fake cars for the younger children.


This week we learnt how to write block code which increased/ decreased the speed of an object.


This Week in P3


In writing this week, we continued to develop our skills for information report writing. This week, we were writing a report about a Scottish landmark. After we had written them we had to peer assess our elbow partners writing using the genre targets.

In reading this week, we continued to develop reading with fluency and expression. We use echo reading to develop our expression. An adult reads the text first and we have to echo back and add the expression.



In numeracy this week, we were looking at division. When dividing we need to share equally. We have been learning to use different strategies to help us calculate the answer.


For our animal topic, we have been learning about life cycles. A life cycle is different stages of life for a living thing.  We have been learning about the life cycles of a frog and butterfly.

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