Some of this weeks highlights.
Outdoor Learning
This week the children enjoyed looking at areas of biodiversity in both of our playgrounds. Some children noticed the buds appearing on the plants and discussed the importance of biodiverstiy.
Descriptive Writing
This week the children had to write about their favourite toy. They had to use the descriptive bubble to support their learning. We chose to include – size, colour, texture and what they like to do with it. Some great examples below-
Garden Centre
In class, we have been disucssing the changes, that Spring brings and through this discussion we decided it would be great to have our very own garden centre in the class, where we could grow and nurture seeds and plants. Some pictures of our new garden centre and the children planting beans.
We also began planting bean seeds in their very own green house so that we could watch and record them growing.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with more updates.