Title – P6s’ Week


kaiden – Welcome to the BLOG and the best class ever. Here is what P6 have been doing this week.

Sequence of Events

In literacy we have been learning how to write a recount. A recount is a retelling of events in the past so we have decided to write our BLOG in this way. There are four sections : Title, Orientation, Sequence of Events and Personal Comment.

In maths we have had a focus week learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

Debbie – I liked drawing an animal made of shapes. It was a cat made from circles, ovals, rectangles and squares.

Bailey – This week in Basketball I enjoyed the game where someone tries to knock the ball out of the court.

Kyle – I enjoyed playing small games. I liked it.

Jaxson – I enjoyed drawing my shoe. I was proud of it.

Emily – We had a secret compliment challenge. We were given a secret person at random. Then all week we gave them compliments. We had to guess who our secret person was at the end of the week.

Kyle – I feel great when I get compliments.

Emily – I enjoyed designing a graffiti brick.

We were able to design a graffiti brick when we were caught using positive and encouraging language.

Personal Statement

Emily – We had a great week.

Grace – I hope we have a good week next week.


p6/5 blog

At the start of the week we did we did bottle organization ect after that we did writing about Mr Topley’s years in the army he was really good at explaining it and it was really exiting. Then we started tiling for math with 3 dimensional shapes it is really fun to tile we also got to colour them in we were not able to make design in our tiles but we could make patterns with the tiles with the colours. We did a sway for parents about how our class thinks.

We started literacy on the loch ness monster that we were then going to put it in our jotters. Later in the week we also got a chance to change our library books and a couple of people chose Anne Frank books plenty of people chose non fiction the rest chose fiction books. We did 3 dimensional shapes the class did math sheets this carried on till after break.

Weekly Update From P1

We have finished our P1 class charter. We read Elmer stories to help us think about our school values and how we can demonstrate them to each other.


This week we have started learning sounds. The first sound we have focused on is “m”. The children have been learning to recognise it, say it, write/make it and identify if the m sound is at the beginning or end of a word. Well done to everyone one for trying really hard!




The children are continuing to learn all about numbers and this week they have been learning about numbers 2,3 and 4. They have been working hard on number formation, creating groups and explaining different ways to make numbers.


Maths – Shape

For the next 2 weeks the whole school are focusing on shape. In Primary one  we have been exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We began with a shape sort (how many sides, how many corners? etc.) The buddies very kindly helped the Primary ones make shape monsters using 2D shapes. Some very impressive pictures below-


The children have also been making shape patterns in the playground.


I hope you have enjoyed this weeks blog. I will be back next week with an update. Have a lovely weekend.

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