This Week in P3/2


We have been learning to spell our new spelling words accurately. We have also been practising our words daily through rainbow writing, Play-Doh writing and quizzing our friends.

In writing this week, we were developing our skills to create a narrative piece of writing. We had to look at our feedback from last week to develop our writing. This week, we had to write about getting lost. We used our plans to develop the characters, settings and story line.

In reading, we were developing reading with expression. We were echo reading which is when the teacher would read a page with expression and we would echo it back in the same way.


In numeracy this week, we started our new topic about fractions. We have been looking at wholes, halves and quarters. We have been splitting shapes into these factions and also writing fractions.

We also had to colour a shape representing a whole, half or quarter. We then gave the worksheet to a friend and they had to write the fraction of the shape shown. After they had wrote their answers, we had to mark the sheet and give peer feedback.


During our world of work topic, we were learning about interviews. We were learning about how to apply for an interview, what type of questions will be asked and how we should dress.

During art, we were using watercolours to add shading and texture to our landscapes of Edinburgh. We were experimenting with the paints to make different colours using the primary colours, black and white.

P5/6 week


In literacy we did some science/literacy/art/health. Mr Colverson found a passage called Bens burger we had to draw the digestive system we had to draw a human body in art. we also done jigsaw the Primary 6’s had to go into a different room while p5,s were learning different things.



In  maths we done money and division we had to divide money and use calculators to add them up. For ICT/ we’ve been doing teaching money and education city.


In spelling we have been using our spelling words with our spelling sheets and practising our words .




MG-  I enjoyed writing a Science Fiction story this week.  We have been working if adding adjectives, onomatopoeia, similes and conjunctions in our writing to make it a good story.

For PE, we played a new game. It’s like rounders but instead of using bat and ball, we use football to kick it.

In Numeracy and MathsWe learned to create triangular and square numbers.    We also revised on area and perimeter.  We also identified various 3D shapes.

Update from P2

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week!


Charli – “We practised chimney sums for adding and subtracting”

Vrishti – “You always start at the right side and go to the left”


Louie – “We worked with Mrs Stewart to make our own characters after watching a video about a girl that likes bubbles”

Connor – “My character had brown hair, a red hat and a blue suit”

Archie M – “My character was yellow with black ears, a thunder tail and brown stripes on his back”


Jayden – “We used bean bags to help us practise our spelling words”


Euan – “We went out to the field and some of us were racing, some of us were climbing trees and some of us were practising gymnastics”

Charli – “I was trying to do a cartwheel and a handstand”

Oliver – “We were trying to do rolly pollies”

Alfie – “I was doing forward rolls and backwards rolls”

If you have any reading books at home, we would really appreciate it if you could return these as soon as possible. Thank you! 

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