Weekly Update From P1A


I hope you have all had a good week. We have been very busy in P1 and the children would like to share some of their learning with you.

Firstly, I just wanted to give you an update on the beans that we are growing in our “greenhouses”. It is really interesting for the children to see what usually happens under the soil.


Writing – Little Red Riding Hood

This week we have been reading Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf’s Story. The Wolf’s story is a different version of Little Red Riding Hood. In this story the wolf explains that it wasn’t his fault, it was Little Red’s fault for bringing Grandma sticky toffees (ask your child to tell you more!) The children absolutely loved the story and had never thought about there being 2 sides to the story.

After much discussion we decided to vote for who we believed was telling the truth. We create a bar chart to display the results-

As you can see, most children believed that the wolf was telling the truth. The children then had to record which version they believed to be the truth and why. Some examples below-

The children then created a puppet show of their favourite version.

The children enjoyed creating their very own baskets for Grandma, using weaving to create a basket effect.

The children have also enjoyed creating imaginary stories using dragon masks from the castle-


Well done to the boys who challenge themselves to complete the subtraction train in record time! Also great job in creating number families to 14!

Health and Wellbeing

For the next few weeks we will be focusing on “Changing Me” . We began by revisiting lifecycles and how we change as we get older. The children had a discussion about what they would like to be when they grow up. We had lots of interesting occupations including, personal trainers, singers, painters etc.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will be back next week with more updates.

Primary 1B Learning Highlights

It has been another short but busy week in Primary 1B.

We have taken our learning outside this week on a few occasions even though the weather has not been kind to us. We have been focusing on using the correct symbols in the correct place for addition and subtraction stories. We have been using loose parts to develop our own number stories, telling the story and then recording the calculations. We have been so imaginative and it has been great fun. We have had tanks being attacked, 3 little pigs houses blown down by the wolf, scary rabbits being chased and funny faces all with a story to tell!

When it got a bit wet we took shelter with our work!

We have been working on improving our drawing and listening skills. We have come a long way with both of these skills. One of our favourite little activities as a treat is to complete a guided draw. This week we wanted to draw a dragon. We are planning to name our dragons and write a story about some of his adventures next week. So watch this space…. Here are some of our wonderful drawings. We are all so proud of our work.

We hope you enjoyed this short blog post featuring only some of our learning highlights this week.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

P5/6 Blog

This week we have done…


On math we have been looking on this online app called trip adviser. On trip adviser we have being booking our teacher a holiday and adding up how much it would be. And then we look up hotels see how much that is then get a flight and work out how much it cost.


On literacy we have been doing Free writing were we can right what ever we want. We have also been getting  spelling words that we can practice and we wrote a story with they words.


In P.E we have been doing football and gymnastics. In football we pick teams and then we play. In gymnastics we get mats out and then do what we want like handstands and cartwheels and more.


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